Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1964, p. 11

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BAY CITY MOTORS 1956 1958 1958 1959 1960 19$ 196 1962 1963 1963 two 51mm YEflMfld Suffolk utdlenl bneder In in 51m ehlr an Kemmmc rm or gm mun men ABERDEEN ANGUS ant with Cums smnnorn CUVH Ir xlmlu kvm mm Ind ll Holden all due In Dec ma Jumlry human umalnnan wank Marbl door and mum 11 20 cubic mm In on mndmou Telephum mot luzqumz sduma Pmilox Paula and swan llnnu Mum 1m urmmom 1mm fircntnlpun nuifléym hmsmun MM Imam mm Innnlhs 01d Apply lichen Ur ock human or mmhmu ARI VY BAY CITY MOTORS 45 Bradford Sf Phone mm mm mm Ind spruc rum Inur flux 12 5mm mh Cnnuulon mm mm nmhwngfll cnu Pom med 31 lonl mu rm an 1mm Vmeytow DEAD 5106K Illghest prices aid nr dud or crippled cute and horses 5mm anlmab removed Iree For fast service PHONE BARRIE fill7751 Colleen or ask or ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours day days week RR Foxmead Ontarln Licence No mac Nick Montague Prvp Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland Davld Brawn Benny BURTON AVE mm CASH TRADE TERMS mmlome suddle norm gagWu or an mm Tamm IABlm FOR SALE Hue flames in gaa Iu1 wl cu TWO GASRID Spit HI 93eéu°357$a° rc nu ma on men Ilnk Ag Normu lflflflfl rBrlllovI umhlnl And pmun DJllln Slnm WIILV Tl all men NICKsbEAij STQCK FARMERS MARKET 45 ARTICLES son SAii TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS TREES ANDSHRUBS uvaswck FOR SAIE CHARLES CHURCH ARTICLES WANTED FARM MACHINERY Does PE Monarch Convertible while beauty with turquoise inicrior automatic transmission custom radio brand new convertibio iop ii you an inicrcslcd in low cost value dont miss this Chevrolal door sedan lime green Iutomaflc unnamlsslon custom radio one owner car In beaullful condition If you dread the winter with the car your drive come in and test drive any one of these super values Only $25 down Fogid door model in heautlIul Mona green matching Interior custom Meteor door sedan beautiful royal him and while with matching Interior lulomnllc transmissfon custom ndlo Smooth looking smooth runnlng Ford door moss green with mnlchlng Interior Economy Alx motor This Just one of many mllnblu 2nd car buys Morris Oxford sullen ngon 20000 mllu oneowner cnr name on mull You juucnnt but lhln vnluo packed model for pncllcnlrum WINTERIZED GUARANTEED RECONDITIONEIE QUALITY CARS 30DAY MAJOR MECHANICAL WARRANTY TERMS TO SUIT MODEST BUDGET Ford Falrlmn door cdan Automatic transmission great mochanlcl opportunlly Renault Gordln door Man in Immmlhlo candlllon vulva Job Ind rcpnlnl Jun completed wondurlul ncond car Corvalr Menu nlcbk black wllh red inlerlor hlgh performlnce angina 45pm manual lnmmlnlon mlom ndlo white wall Hm Falcon Deluxe Sllllon Wagon door cullom pluh bulion rndlo Many ml trouble 1ch drlvlng Drive With Confidence Buy With ConfidenceuAt uu Clmmm fur uh enven uble Jammie flood manna IIk ovu puma Telan 11609 mnwfihxnéfifiafi m1 men Menu mz cinvnoxjnmuxin 00¢ mnfiflou mm cm um m6 115ch 7133 m1 Him maxim 1m rumour cl Im3m um or pm Good motor arm Tclrphonn 719mg unewwnmm 11479 mam m1 Ffinmum Temzhon 1M1le am 1m romc mum 1m two door hlxdlnp mae mrphom nonan mm and mqwregugm oofiiu wwm 19 VOLKIWAGIN Doll Hr Illa 1n lood common PH 50 fight mun uh Tumm my mm or do Mam cyllndtr pnvm Im an MonaMon manage mz vauuwmm main mum lamtor Pm me goodqu mm gm In vnmswww mm um been mm mum any on mm HuhL aw mu Irmu mu Glfllcl 72mm or 7mm ms mm to IIVlimnmil7 me 1139 um cub Mum win non hymn mow mun vuln bumpen mm or mum Telephon mIm dean nu OLD m3 Sedln 9n Figunlcanfllu mum Inn for preterm drlvlrl lmun my drlm mun ol xu at cmumnnncu taver It Emuy and Cm Lllppenol 5L Hum 36y lb but less Olrylhilvna todm NETNRD as en er tatlon Wagon AKE usfiw xvi mam SL 1Uf RNMBLER CARS WANTED TO BUY Moronzcunsfionfsats 50 more can to select valuo buy from FRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72M BYRONGRAHAM Morons xxx 13mm cmme mm mim Sun nan 0N1 RENTAL UNIT 1211 19M 10 lm HM Line momme check ed om 11mm warranty um um nude or scou lln lernu No pummu until th111 1961 OrnTrvel Tulle Na 11 Bunny Nm man rm Mu Open Sunrduy um SIur Ivemnu Mona Wtdnudly mg $1310 may Kaipl brim hum mum wnqu brodim YorkTnIM min Mun of nu an BAv ma DNI on mm mm and rum mom um on 1nd or Scou pun emu no mam unullFeluIluy loan on mm mum suumy um sunny wadmdy um irldly evmlnn Telegram Nun mwHmrm Hfller pulled on mat should hum1m ma mm mu DATA PROCESSING BOOKKEEPING FIR Desires additlnnal sales or Barrie rand axea Lifetime career with 1mm in High In wme Renewal Syslml Boole keeplng andaccounting experi ence helplul but not necessary Commission Sales vlrtuafly es Halls you in Long Term business for ymlrsell Apply Bookkeeping Managunent Suit 5L Tmnto or AGENCY ormum la unruly umen llnuxehndd mman Com mutton ts mmtea bum pl and mum my Mum ml um my ma 8L uumu MommL GOINGSOUTH WHY mu ABOUTACCOMMODATION fWEMAKE VERY EASY To TAKE mwmi YOU 99 VPPMSHGMALYLBEDHGEDFfl TRAVEL TRAIIr ERSrandfifoVeto yo rsé omicallwou can have now PAYMENTeuy lermx wfllundyou unwary RUSSELLCHUECK MOBILE HOMES 17u pumou Ava HWY ngs 1mm an 11 9LOST 2C FOUND SALES HELP AGENTS Pliona 3551911 IO HELP WANTED UEGMY REQUIRED Applx in person to Frank Carter SalesMnnagcr RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS LTD SALESMAN In Street Phone 7287931 nfvou an mm and an um 33 1191 013m in Bun1c ALIDMAN Wmhdl hill or pl Ilml In lfll our llmolll lint ol cummm AdnHMuBmln uu Burlean unlul Ml am up In bom ml commlmm 1m afieguden hmF um fangn73qu7 s33 BOARD Requires Teacheis For January 1965 SALARY SCHEDULE Minimum $3200 Maximum $7100 AMWANCES or teaching ex perience up $1000 Cumula live Sick Leave Plan In oiled PSI amiable mm mun age experience quaullelqm and name 1n nucx AND muvm wlnlld lo nul Wu mu hIpnm 7mm um 11m or mama mum llplomtuon sglzsfHELfi AGENTS IOJHEILPWANIED BARRIE EXAMINER Application Féfms availahle at CIRCULATION DEPT 15 BAYFIELD ST TEACHERS WANTED McKAI SUPERIMENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS 15 BAYFIELD SFREET BARREL ONTARIO MALE FEMALE CITY OF BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL Mohlfé Hergs BOYS GIRLS CARRIER ROUTE MALE HELE $795J $795 $775 $995 $975 $89720 $595 $795 M875 M975 01 111 van npld owl allonr gunman mumy Di mu Emmy Banmm Nfim pm Indium khdmhl nl mumde mum RCAF grompggngp mfa dieing 29am nuinfikmwldgd Cur to canvas when mqlnd civilian mum wahm unmd win win New One it 101m Ind the othef II pm mm unions Getlied rem tho may Ind ha lnniiiu nvaillkle will bomldoi KL sdtlimw mm mm mauvmieygjnd in uranium Gain Generfl Ea 2y nimtor cl wr mum DMaMn will helix Mohm ou Nov Ah YGenml Euleyl ll Mermaid meeting ndmuytpeoplawhadednJa Magma muted with luu lntzmnuonalomnlzannPosld offered do not mm wlkh Queens new Ind can lud 091m mpcmible Ing Them Ifiaéhodflmm mm which euion unfor gm 3m deglnw llmd nod and mum to Box Bum Including fecent clvn cumming mdunlu slums of obtaining experienn in hlzhwu design axpmuwny plIImInx Ind Inter chunzu geometric Wanted fur loaning pruram with premium mnan fiml and hall or hour worked In exam of 1mm MONDAY FRIDAY Ind for ALL hours on EATUEDAYS TOP 1mm UP 10 $277 PER noun FOB mm IENCED MEN BLUE CROSS PSI AND GROUP INSURANCE FULLY PAID BY COMPANY Paid Statutory Handy Apglicanu must hive thelr own tookwbe able to Hand lueprlnts do their own setups And work to close tolerances FABRICATED METAL STAMPINGS LIMITED OSHAWA Call colleéxAyea Coda 416 Oshawa 7256523 mmons on PRODUUIION CONTROL CLERK SHEET METAL WORKERS 11 yet have In Ildlls In these classified on plum contact Personnel Manager nn VILBISCANADA Wald ITEM nmm comm Enable emun Moldy xvi ml at Vader cuminmed llbvlca Um mural find or 110 Mm ho IM to rm me flown um mm Tw mm on paid and liherll Mun benom pramum II pmvlded IXcm only In wHUnx or In nr by filed In Mr mu Mir DMIInImI Yiddi tmuny 11mm lmhmuy Drive Tomm 0n 1lurk 10un III or All mum r2 er pm mm finvnauufif unit Iéi pman mm mm nu ma IM mlny mfg1 iifinu Am uln 10f HELprANIEnfr firfimqun mm In nut TIovho 70mm mu find mm Wm nun111 LA VIMIII Eda ACTIVE MARIO 41m mm runmin mm grassyms I17 EMPLOYMINT WANTED HIGHWAY DESIGN ENGINEERS DIE MAKERS TOOL MAKERS JIG AND FIXTURE MAKERS HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS PLANERMILL OPERATORS 322950 2on fizp £3 Jy£mz DRAFTSMEN ALSO JUNIOR ENGINEERS Binlirbnlarla Phone or Write Mr JWalk Hudson 15661 All appncnllnns team in confidence Eofrbflawn and Tdronto Offices Apply DELEUWCATHER AND co OF CANADA LTD 55 Egllnton Ave Toronto 12 Efiérxgnced in M171 Imu In Tu mum No GWWHFW ITWTHCII pm mam An In lemllm And mm position Emma warilnc Millen and mm WM Moly In mm or wrila lo muonth CANADIAN MINERAL MIC BMDMD ll Wu requlm 0121le who has In Amman or um And who am to Mgk fungi EMPLOYMENT WANTED All Midn 18 was rm Chi MAM III hm mu Mm mum Mvhlg Mg 11 nuke hilly printed and cnpnblu mu Mend1or wllkm with dmilenglnx and dvu IHIM duflu In Main dunnment Mum mm bmflll UNIVLTISM MOLE ra DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARY Avon CALM Maintain TELEPHONE Ilvlfll WWW FEMALE HELP EILINGUAL CLERK TYPIST Walker olfihrmbk la mum all an GddsWwm Mums amyflfldq past at mil flli Bible mtbo Ammd imulosE mam Sumeth KM pupmph max13315 gamma my tholflao Menuhin Ifluwh the 1103 ng God mam am an us tbllfGod spirit 1nd they fill worthlp mmth wms Him 51M Ind lnflLl cmm aptly Apnoeivu lhll he cannot we therefore fwuddbo Mable or thWdM am mmmsrzxmmln 5mm manna mmwmfimmfi mmmumum mmflmmflmm mm mow mm mm mm mm mma mmmmmwmm man in an am mum WJMM gum um mm flmmmhmmmmmmuwmmwwmmmm mm mm mmmmflmmmmmmmmmmm mm mm mammwmmmmmmmmmmm mme mammmm cm wuumm Wu mwmsfl vmfi mm mmmmsm mw Em arm amt mvm Mm mm mmmmmm hm mm tmummwwmwwmmmw mmmmwwhmmw mm mm ElPORTSHOADESTROY communicate to man that God has will or man It shows man how collva among other men Den woman mm who have no line at Jesus Ickmwlen the Young womln required llminedlaiely or cuhlerdefk as wuronmn 31415 mm 11w mph gs Ixrmm nlrl or Illlun Woman to my mm we mam AM Mumml In can win Am Mum Turmom poinmull writing only to THE BARRlE EXAMINER CAR IIOITIIIII mind priving 3f mam 500 NM Inf Hum mm Buflflfll mm wnu nun mumm an A1 Ml pcrwnl hath chum MM the Elk MARY HPEIHENSON late the Ban1e in the coun ly mm Widow who dltfl on tha Fourth day at Scrltm bet HM mulmi Io flll prod norm mu lhc under lllmd wildlms lnr Um Exw ulon hy 1M filltcnlh day 04 lmmbcr 1W nim whlrh we um um M1 the dulrlbu DATED Mrk 0mm hulM an Novembcr STEWART BSTEN MflURK AND mus Dumr mule Onl Sallcllon or flu ltxccularl NOTICE TO GREDITORS AND omens is GIANOI MONITuM cm Mm chnnll Alan dnlnlovm Am hm film In mhllnI clly mov to aim lhn name to fivrhlopm Cabin canlnm Mm lhl Itmll mrlhern ulm AIM muchnu uy Am hml II Mllor mm or WIIMIL llLEGAI HELP WANTED mm No cHAnoI ran mu rVAltEYWLTAXI CARRIER MISS YOU mm In Id mlnd by plan um 7282433 All WM You In THIRI N0 CHAIM FOR HIS SERVICI PARTTIME CASHIERCLERK Ivmunnu cm mo flack gayi613 Si Barrie Ont ATTENTION MR HILL Hours 100 pm 500 pm PM dnyl per week Typing Ibfllty required wéax mm min livm my man by It the mien eta Mfégmtollvabyuvaug minke ad that hi filble remitGoth villi or gym in yeniawéien Mimi guide to euowshlp with God Id Ind mallsh have woven mmxplh their leachings and lays gdvocaudfldngs contrary than God in the name to olnflnuizn All we 1mg warlld but one M9 mum of reflginh with ndslakm Idea that they are pluskuGod those things which Hy may mm ha elm1y stated are mien to Him madam it impos delefior mam cohww Godl my 01 salvauon span mm the Emle Thorplan salvaflon recorded In file Bible L1 50 con Lradictory an all omel ways of fivauog taught ngxmg may without mnean beyond 1m manodgul RI Future Another Im Iquexealure about the BibleJa it reveals Gods will 01 ha Mum 133m 15 nuclmecu Md mum my world 31a cm live director to men Wand 1h grave except he Blble For ltkonlquodxeveahflim Mall in flu Word of God that mm finds that than L1 we alter death that there Ls judgment aim dealhflha therein 580 peace 0131mm mmhrtheuvadmdw analdoomforflmhd In revealing Himself On mu flnwzhm ordGodls seen glaringmg he an of mmm Tm mm king nrward to fire Pram lmn Week here an mum of Impressing xu lmporuncs upon the community Nowhed lib to large 1113 um ell the local firemen received VII Inchimm fin It flu tin Will he rmivcd by the under slmed unul Mrsday Nov 19 ID or line pumhm one Am land and ram building Mny by my IM locnlod on Lot 10 Village Edgar Terms 10 cash wilh under bnlnnu mum an dnyl le1 lender not nac sunny For mum partth cali 9155 STRACHAN mm no chlell nouu I2 TENDERS For lull and Alll mu mu Truck mnlnll Daily Car mull Shun Ind ml Term tum ol Cm Ind Tflllh Iyour chain Inclullw comptllllvn HIM CALI mu MANDLEY See Avll Car and Truck Rental DUNLOP l1 Nur llmyun FEMALE HELP 7266525 TENDERS 11

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