DLHIE EMIRIE EXAMINER DAY nnmnnm By RICK FRASER Exlmlnlr Sport Edlfar This is the offseason in writing Not that theres not enough going on bu on the local scene ac tivities are at minimum Its good time torecall few old yarns that never seem to lose interest funny happenings 1n sport One story which comes to mind concerniformer Canadian lightweight champion Dick Kid Howard Halifax few years ago Howard arrived at weighin or title fight He tipped the scales one pound over the l35pound limit HOWARD ALONG WITH the boxing commission went to hotel room where The Kid tilled thehath tub with steaming hot water wrappsed himself ina terrycloth robe and couple of temp and jumped in He was there over an hour After stepping on the scales for the third time he finally hit the 135 pound mark Soaking with sweat and water Howard lookedvat the matchmaker and commissioner and said Ill bet Ill be the cleanest fighter ever to get into ring By the way he won the fight In our baseball League 90 percent of the players were imported from thg Sogthen pmted Stnates If af egame warmuprbrne day the catcher wasnt exuding lmsglf phrpwixgg the bell flown to second 193 The Dal usually took bounce before It hit secohd The socond baseman becoming lrdtategi hollered Cmon Leroy throw that ball down here The catcher bit embarrassed replied Man if youall dont like the way throw that ball yall come on in here and get it HOCKEY PLAYER was setting the Nova Soclia league on fire with his goalscoring feats His name by the way is Alain Caron who had quite season in the American Hockey League last season We had boy on our team that no matter what anyone said or did he had one better It became game with the other players to tell of experiences then listen to this guy come up with story that would put any other to shame One night before the game the players were dis cussing Carons great scoring This player spoke up and said remember one year scored 80 goals One of the players looked up smiled and asked How was that girls league that year It you have had the experience of taking your young allow to hockey game for the ï¬rst time youve probably run into something like this First time my oldest boy saw hockey game he was absolutely fascinated with the goaltender WHEN WE CAME INTO the game the play was all in one end and the goaltender must have pulled off 10 saves My boy kept askin me what they were doing and what that fellow was do ng kicking the puck out explained as best could that the object of the game was to put the puck into the net Finally the hemmedin team got out of their own end and applied hit at ressure or their own The young fellow was still starn at the goaltender below im now standing there wit not player near him 1k turned around and asked Whats the matter Why wont they play with this fellow now Did they et mad at him because he wouldnt let the puck go ntn the net If my memory serves me correctly believe the boyisdflrst Introduction to the game was limited to one per Bthol Layton Destroyers Next Opponent He asked me if leflhander ls called snuthpaw do you call righthander ainonhpawl ILI lime or 1111 Dulrnyer lo be unmasked Lord Alhnl ymn the glnnl Englishman In In In nxvre mtnl He promim la do hm that Harrie Amu Mandi night The pmlminnnl wmlllnu um will also Includo Ivm olhor hm lmuls lml mkimm nnd Punnu qul quilt muh with Graham nnll 0x Amlrrmn Tnuy Parlsl and Lemma Par tnll will lonm nguln In do bal uc wxlh Dr Jerry Graham and flu SchmldL omnan cm pli Fm mm of mlmlln ngnlml Illlly fled Lymu Barrie Centrals In Football Win llnrrin Frnlrnl mrlrd up 10 virlury mrr Slnynrr Jun Imn yulmlny In Illa npcnlnl grunt 1w lirnlulnn Hay SH mlllllly Srhlml Asulrlullun F00 hull lAIIRIH Jim Ilurlr on Amqu or arm ZMUI ml lnInIuIIIwnl SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODV MOP Specialmng In mm Vin rum HI M4 IA In And how do you answer this one dalmng In BODV WORK SPORT AT GLANCE The Stony OLA Clean Fighter DiSGRS One day we looked at our various brands of Wisers Whisky each in different type of bolllc It suddenly struck us as litllc bit Vabsurd that we should spend so much lime efforl and money on different bélllcs why not get lhc best home we could find and use It for all our brands It made so much sense that we decided lo do it We chose this Bmle hockvy lnnl wondering nnly week or so ago they would have their favorite mm 09 wakh hi season now hava choice at twn mm and lea nu to allow In 12 VHOCkeY LOOps Follawlng mecllngs held last nlxh the Emle Arena lha Banlo Intermediate hockey team In be known as Sewn UP Ulla season 0ch Ike Gearv an Bay lnlennedlale Hockey League they would no delinlle mm and Barrie zutry will also compete lull Junlor Hockey helm CORNWALL CPD Van couver Carlings utter backing down on threat didnt back down an the floor Thursday night and won lhe Canadian se nior lacrosse championship The latter came bl lur prile But new league wnl The western champlnns had laid they wouldnt take the flour unless two referee win handled the last game Tuesday night were changed The same referee were there but Vancouver played anyway nnd easily subdued SL Cathar lnes Athletics 125 winning lhe hastoIneven Mann Cup series Alter mesdnys gnma won by St Catharines 96 Vancouver coach Alex McKay and pres dcnt Blll Emson said the ram reelng was unsallslnclory and only Ontario rules were being enforced ame referees Bill Whitey Frick St Calhnrmcs and Gard Hammond 01 Port Credit had to cull only our mIA nnr penullles Thursng night and he wes1em nHiclah lem pered their criilclsm The rclercc were calling the game the same they dld all year In the East said Mac qy We just werent used to Vancouver which had last he Ins two games alter winnlhg 193 115 and 121 was used In by Thursday They had anly one minor penaly mad built up pcrlud leads or and 95 Four Vancouver players John Ccrvl Fred Usselmnn Wayne Pecknold and BI Bar bourench scored two gums and Inur othersGarry Stevens Gard Glmplc Bub Marsh and Bob Bubcock xcorcd one nplecc For the AlhIchs fnrward Pct Barge who New here from St Catharines or each game in Hue series sound pulr of goal and Brian Skeeter ancr lill Caslnlor and dt cncnmun Bruce Wnnless netted nne ench Vancouver Takes Lacrosse Crown MacKny paid lribule la lhe custom chumps the underdog who were supposed lo lose the rig in our lamcs Thcy gave 715 nixcal argu Have you seen this hang tag on wisens whisky bottles If ynu INNtun wluisliu hm In some 5m Mum Winrrs Dr Um 10 mu Wlsrrl 101 0HWxsrrn MRyz yam 0M Wimt 51min Elm ynm 0M formed and Barrie slang with Callinxwwd Mealord Penman and Ornlla wlll compete Al Shewnhuk formu caach of the Intelmedian club will coach the 1min The Intermedlnte meellnu 53 ï¬ve lemma deï¬nitely may to go In the league this season Camngwood Oï¬llln Eradlord Banla and Uxbrldu are prepar ed to Ige squads Midland still not certain Uxhrldge new entry while Mealord dropped nut this season Midland will intonn the league Mylar Intentionxwllhln 15 Jim Johnson of Me Mldléï¬a team snld he wanted to enter mum he sald They play Rood laugh lacrosse and are much slrangerthan we ex pected The vlclory gave Vancouver Its second Mann Cup In three years and MacKay said tha team did It by running We want back In our own slyle of lacrosse largo Ih rough stuff and usmi our legs he said happily In the dressing DOUGLAS CONCRETE Anne LOWEST PRICES FASTEST SERVICE THORNLEA Cqsh Cgrgy BUILDING MATERIALS 249 STEEL ST BLAKE max9721 altraclivc yet ï¬mdional bolllcii5 easy In llnndlcéasy lo use and easy to pack in bag or briefcase Now we can devote our lime lo lhé lhings that have inlcrcslcd us mosl since857agingand blending llm fincst Canadian whiskics DeliVered Complete Drin whisky Hulls 0M and DISGRS Complain Ringsof Slzu PRODUCTS LTD Quart Bnrrle Senior competition this sea son and was willing to come into the league with such club He said he would be agreeable to letting iengua team score points or yictorie nver his club but outside oi this it would be stï¬ctiy exhibition games He was voted down bylhe nlher team representative who nah they would glva him an ad dlllnnal lwo Imports II he wished to enter an lnlermedlule team However Mr Johnwn said it wunld be impossible for him to Ice live home players ra qujgaj by Inggrrpeglqke es snld he would look Into the all uallon further And notify lbs leggne snon agupqssib Four teams wlll be inlhe playulln with the its place 114 ishm playlng third place and second and ourlh place playing all Both semi ï¬nals and II als will he het oi uven series lhe league Bdoplcd azzuma schedula 11 Midland decides Io caller but If only flvr lImx cqmpele game wlll be play There wlll be no nvcmme played In league games 11 the score is lied the end reg ulutlon llme the clubs split the points This was decided on mullnn by Ban coach Paul Nigger VBuamo with new sponsor will have green and while uni form his season and the club Precast Concrele PA 69642 decided to sei 830 pm starting time inr their home games They will have Friday nlghm inr hair home games with Nesday as second choice Barrlc club president BHI Ben nett and coach Paul Megcr weru he spokesmen or the local un The Junior Lcalue will upema an game schedule and will open the week Nov ember la Arena manager Wu Allsupp was appolnled convener or this district Newmarkol captured he Bap rle Ladies Snflbafl League cham pionship last night Newnar ke when Ihey overcame deï¬cit Io bent Hillcrcsl Mon archs 15s Newmurkel look In besMMive ï¬lm series three game to one Newmarket Win Ladies Ball Crown Billing jumped Into 94 lead In lhe opening innings but tell apart In he Held and New market slarmcd back to lake the win RUTOMATIC DEIIVERIES Sarah Fallon was the wln SIMCDE PETROLEUM PA 82563 LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Sco LTD 75 ANNE ST Farm Home Industry Complete Stock CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS BUILDING MATERIALS WEll 00K AFTER FINANCING T00 AND EVERYTHING IN Doublé Winner T011 Barrie Card Pemblow Bfll wu the only double heat winner on yester days racing card ma Barri Fair Grounds Owned by Ray Quinlan at Mldland and driven by Bert Quinlan Pemblaw mu look the six and onehalf tuxlong um race in 108 and came back In the third race to win in 219 Runner up In ham races was Miss Cindy Gunn another Quln Ian ham this time driven by RA Qulï¬lnn Second race was won by Irv wln Hal owned by John Irwin ul Rascmonl and driven by all Carroll nt Banla Marion Mohawks owned and drlven hy Cameron Brow oi Midland lnlshed Iourth to Ir wln Hal In the second race but came home winner in the In and posled the best time of tha day In doing so 112 um pitcher while Judy Keri negy took lheAloss umormw afternoon at Queens Park Hillelest will host Thomas In the second game at their bestnflhm provincial In tegmcqiute mm Barrie Iooklhe opéning game 136 and hope to wrap up the 110 tomorrow TO HELP YOU HEADOFF TROUBLE no IUII flu UImon Ounllly lmlI um your Bulldor um Borlrnm Bm Produgll DANGERFIELD MOTORS Service Center WATERPROOF PLYWOOD FREE Brake Inspection and Free Adiustment FREE Cooling System Check Test AntiFreeze FREE Exhaust System Check Important Items When Heading into COLDER Weather Offer Good Forflmfleflme Act Now Phone PA 82487 aa 38 429 BLAKE ST man 60254 BEBTRAM BROTHERS PANELLING SHEET 14x4x8 Knofly Pine 70 Irwin Hal llnlshed In nenup xpoL Brown cums up with wlnner In Mlss Reaper secondplace tlnlsh In thn race Mlss Reaper caplur the slxth ram In mc Mlss Dallas Hal wr wlnner of the lhlrd race BUY 1964 MEMBERSHIP NOW PLAY THEREST 0F I963 SEASON FREE mm In mm Mllu wm of Elmo RICHBROOK Golf Cfub GOLFERS SHEI on lush so SHEET SHEET 85 Collier St imam 19 MAE