Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1963, p. 6

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on ntnus muln him In dull ern II lhnl lhplr hmu hill In ha Inlrhwl rmlanfly anacme HM and dnnll hul mm mnny ol dlmhlallnl ml 511ml thnéiiler nml pommnl hnhlll ME In rutMlAl pm hairy 1mm Immlmm yl Th cm lnllnu pm MIDI mi Irhonl dIIIImn III dlmmrd wrll myl tnlomlnml lml pluylnl wilh chlldlrn ALWAYI MM pucllrnlly hII Mlu lml wnl uplll II he vhllnwphy lmlllnd Icun Iminn lmhyllllinu roum Irl up lwn yon Ago by he luau wlh lho hip or lhr Ontnvin nnberculmlx Aunclnucn and tho sl John Ambullncu Aux chllun Mnu Hun L500 bullymm or urn have nlrrmly lnltn flu mum whlrh mull bu num Iored by Ioul Nmmuully lrnup Ind whlch mun lb lelcrn mum dnclnra nnLI ohrr local ex nu Th 1mman II mum rm phnxltlng the MAIN nml InMy mm Hm Job lmlmlu nvltw numlnl Food iuhlo Nrwnnl rlrnnllnru nml linl AI prnmXum lhe niorninl service Rev John Franck reclur Star buruuzh Parish will be he mes upenkor Follnwing he nervlu bullet luncheon will be named providing an par unity of ellnwlhlp or end Ind Iormcr membm ol the church mm lozelhen eveninl aervlre Rev Willllm Wamlu now Med 0an Towmhlp will ha the gum weather ny PATRICIA WEAK TORONTO CP Rubyill lln um mnuar la he ukrn llgmly myl Judy Mums dltrc lnr ol hnme Infey Inr lha On tlyllcagua Innisfilbom clergyman will he lhe guest speakers 0w Har ul Thinth Llacrylcu Sl Plul Innlxm 1th lie observed Ihll Sundly at Mn and 730 pm THINGS TO MEND aside 2m to be mmdzd Mlybn buttons Ill missing or here In ham or seams to be rlppcd Ind sleeves la be let dawn It makes so much nnn to rip hem and told helm Natives Of Innisfil Speak At St Pauls Helm you set to work on the Ink sinlug he lamHya sum mer clolhes why nu see how you can case me ask Plan what must Into the washing machine what has lo be dry cleaned and what has mend or next year See how many storage bags Ind boxes will be needed Ar rlnge your xchcdule so um woo len coils lacket and weaker can be aired outside on the line whlla nlhzr iamenl bzlng washed Course For BabySitters Lauded By Safety Director play II the Radon Fl Fur lpunsored by the Beclon WI dmw mm exhibits lhqn ever thll year Nlnn WI branches Planning Solves Storage Problems WOMENS INSTITUTE dll luu tum CAM CENYRAI TAXI flood rrlnllomhin belween nir cnl nml bubynlurr Ilfprmh nn lhc WIN plnnll well Ilflrr IManu thou ulve Ipcclllc lmlrucnnn on huuu reuulr Inn and lha thlldl mullnr Th0 lilur Ihuuld know whm lhu pmnl an be mdml and Ahould In ulcnhnnu numhm lur lho nlicr In departmrnl Ily ltlnr on hind Aumiupm mm or llu mm mlulrcd lo him Ihlr Ind Ilnnll rhlhlrnn In pullcululy nunplan lo Ill cnnlllloul lulu lnrllld In munuh uld mm lenlnllvo the Onlnrla Nwr culom Amtlnllon Mi éondiilunl of emplnymwl Ihould be nmed on In tlml lhehgnh lg nrcenlrd Olher llp flu ed the pri vnry hum which ynu employcd donl mend lhl whole unnan an the elcphnne dnnl lnvlle lrlemh or com puny unlm you have permls Ilun mid lch ulm lhrauxh Ill Illinuom an emtmnglc undentnndlni hclwccn plum and lluer N0 STARC Remember also lh be helping medy people In your mmmunlly ll you bundla up up pml that ls Itlll ulelul and give to sum rellabla charli nblc oraunlznllnn See that very negn is washedbelore dgnatlnz El day Ihen ask ynunell It It wont make nlny duster or cleaning cloIh 01d pieces ML vet Ior Instance mike wonder ully ml dual clams And knit underwent just whal you will hand lm pnllshln silver or do lnx dozm other houuhnld lnsks Rip an or olhtr 1a leneu that mlth scratch lhe mine whalever You are cleanlnz Ind Inlnh all ha Idle wllh your pinklnuulhurq Do me to pm hen doth In loynur washer loo lnr you can In clunlnz Job with GUN cloth sup unfinarching me be cnuse Illverflsh and lame olhar Inmu Just dole on lurchod RII THEM OFF And be man about what you store Many homemaker ex hausz lhemselm xlnrinz Every lhlng even those garments Ihn pobody In the yamly Way to file grainicive fixes Mb way Do It nuw save yoursefl qu Ind Ivalunpla oraga Ipaq Those ready or Illerallun should get good sudsy brush lng aong the about seams and fold before they are put in lhe wnsher lnunderinx so Um no Irimy line are let on lhe garment to make next nasnn work man dlfllcnlt placed exhibits In the section In Ionground with Beam dls plny shown here are new my Mn Wright and inn Ind president Mrs Cecil wmums was Ium lrlm You My run Clmpm AI count nu Cwoummmr um on rllt flann Illmm In min Ind II In my Dull IL la Tn Inlermllonll Unnn Aznlml hxhcrculonll will run Ine lhu mum tnr ma In III mtmhcr cuunhln Crylnn In rrndy ullnl ll uld Mlu Klnl Iran Iponlorlnl he nurse nol la publiclu lhl mm In gradual uh Inld Aml nll ludualu are hd la mark only or film mllhlmrl or nlnllm nrvrr In mlnxm uld Mlu Kinu Olher provincu and cnunlrlu hue cxprmed nleml in the couru whlrh been ill Iozued by lhl lerury Ion mu In anhinuon uld Min Kin she has had cnvmpundcnrl wllh group way II New Mexico and Lu melts and Inn wrck harmd um YWCA and YMCA In Mom le Sunk will mouse 01 cuumx or boy Ind alrll Onmrlol cnu wn pm ruled by Imllnr tourlu omn Iml rnvlnuwldu lulu llrlllsll umMA nml Mlmll Never mind In Ironing he causa whalover you puck away It mm In requlre lmning main um summer Just be sun that Ill clothe nu clean and prop rrly protected from maths dirt and dual Plaiflc Irmenl hlfll and box es mukn wonderful llnrnzc can lnlncrl Each branch display Includ ed abaul 20 articles Varlely was Iho keynole far all of ham That than no law llmllalionl to the lhlnga an expen can makewilh needle was borne out by the many knllled crochet led andsewn anlclc an displayl WI members could ml any at their nuclei my Wlnlcd to explained Mn Wright lecrclnry the Beaten WI Bo aldu needlework handmade rug Ind palminns mad mm Ihowinz lupylu Itg heIr caviar EEETON Slain An annual project by the Soulh Simcoe Wo mens institute nonAcompelil ve exhibition of handicrni at he Beeion Fail Fair boasted more displays then ever here Wednesday official report The WI display femuran wide variuly of mlcles hand made by numbers extended cms he nllre far and ha kg thyyear Nine dilleun branches had exhibits The were Glllnrd Eveml Hand Head ltcAVe Gwill Fisherl Onmm Lelmy The Rldle Tullenhnm and Baden For 1m children the must spiraling of III warn ha stumd In mnls Some molhen had In move 1m to keep the younger from irabhln them up mer Beeton Fair WI Displays Better In 63 OFFICE Reynolds sealed far right both at Radon Exam lner pholo IUIINKM MACIIINII III It um IFJ UI roll n4 Immi Mdlul erhlno um mumm om lulymrnl Rrulyl Ill lllllnlny man nmnu mum SIMCOE Ay er Mr by dnlnl the Mn you Ifrnld lo dn out um um unlll you but It llcked Ink your mm will ltl you II III home next Fl 1leth pynur mind yourn in In ma Aml xoml luck lNTlIflllUlTlONfl Drnr Ann Lnndm WIlh II he urloul motInn Ilml cm your dnk ml lulny Ilmul laklnu our llmo lull th nannyco II mndn ml In any Um 100a No yrm an wu lnvlled lo mend nlm ll my lrlendn house and never Ind warn experience In my who We no lo homuitk wu lurribla There wm lwa ulhur hnyl hero and they mmrd lo Mn mall mu lelt Imblrmud so hid my Ionollnm but dldnl Ileep unwink renllu have to get avnr lhcso Incllnxu mmcllmc our not no nn Ilka nreven Can you hrlp ma wllh my problem KENNY Dur Kenny Your Imm II hnll won hmma youmoanln lhnt you do pmblem um you luv urnulm duln ollo somethlng nhoul It Dear um Landm boy year old and read nur column evocy day hlvn ur Md la Irnm IL Tho lcucr about ha My who not lonesomo at camp and call ed up hhmnther lo tome and Mm wx Intercsllni It IOIHI ded like Inmelhlnz um tould happtn la me ll probnbly wnnl hippen to me became lm scur ed in no la amp and my mother fly dont bus to dont wnnl lo Eve body loves to eat partlcu my on vacation on he American plan with someone em dnlnz the cooking 11 only natural to loss calorie canklon to the breezes and live up In his bullla of tho bulge umlng everylhlng nght now Is the lime to snub your lp¢ peglle up sign Hm what happens 0n va cation you upped your smutstat the term the late Dr Norman Jnlliiie gave to the appetite regulating mechanism Just two weeks oi ovemiing can elevate the sppestat Ind upset the am tursi habit paliem that regu inies your fond intake The good news Recently udde pounds corn oil fairly easily it wont be too dliilcult to hreak the habit of eating in satiety pravldm you she nc tinn beiore the nip in the sir ups your appcstat still further Its internthahuyou think Ordlnnrlly Monday dlet day and by Thuudny you slip all he did and as usual Reverse ths mullne and plan nllmmlng weektnd TAKE SMALLER PIECES Im puma znmnfnmn nmmzn 21 mi you gained Ive pounds or alas 10 take them of without further pmrasdnauan why the need or hastel Because Ive pound can soon get you ll and kid you not 10 pound on grpw 1qu How do ynu About cuvinl appetite down slimming Iiui By taking Imniler portions Be gourmet dielcr IIVOI GaodbyevTo Summer Poundqgé Witthew Daily DierSeries ANN LANDERS KEEP IN THE TRIM mm Now Did you um nln Ilvn pound onynur canon Time In take them on Is now Recently added pound come on tnlrly enIlLy lnnred th can mount In 10 aven to lhzn the trouble helm Thu man unmnhlned In ht lulu hulnnlnl lodny nhnw hnw lo cul dawn nn nnfllnnn and nllll en ourmt nod Pnundn wlllnll Ml numlnx roll tn urlel 101 ll next men dnyl Ind lnrn how to comban ennr clnn wllh dlei how In con wllh puny retrenhmnnll Ind how In mnth mum at nulrnlvn hut not amn lnl ullnlg Ivuy Sumhy pm An smilml May In Inky Md lood In In Inlunml murmur ll nunnnhl ml Wu IIIo um In thrhm In wk mm hum In 10 Banish Your Fears By Facing Them JEAN mun SNANTV BAY ROAD AT BLAKE 5T PHONE PA 60534 HOME COOKED MEALS EVERY DAY Lunzhunl BAYVIEW TERRACE Buslnoumonl lunchoonl Bullnm Mullngl Spulal Occallonl ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS SMORGASBORD mo CATERING In Evunlno Dlnn hualnm modl my hum hand 10 hll mnlhrr In wuk The woman wu In her so hm hm horn In load hullh Ind wu qulll Icuvu unlll lho wuk Ihu 1th Wu dld not Imaw llm wnmln wall bul In wn Ihuukl Illnd lhi lunarl bunun urn cure ll lhlx Whm lho clad cull ln on you Ilrnply lay Plum dont lnltrru like In llnlsh whit lm Iylnl You wlll problbl he lumen and um clad wll tnnllnue talk but dont rellnqullh lhn llonr Rum he word em phnllully unlll slop Ill lng ll You Illck lo lhll mullnm you wll bmk her at tho hlbll N0 INVITAHON Dur Ann Lnndm My hulbnnd And luvln dlumr mrnl lll loo lm to do Any lhlnx leoul llu men acturr mu Iml would Agrmlm ll you would nlllo or ncxl ml Then were llmu when lhauzht lurely Ihl wnmnn mull be mm hurlnl Ind unaware Hut lumeana Illa wu IUIIHM know butler nuw Plan nu me how In deal will lhll 4le ey Hlldn Dm Hivcy Prapla who Im on lhls ohlccllnnnblc thIt on on when do not mllu ha eilecl It hu somcllmu Ind myscll hunk lnu nut in mh over have dear Mend who hu hahl nllnlerrupllnl prop when lhl wlnhu to weak Sha hnl done thin mo hm without number 01 cuum RI had mam non but 11 even more than Ihlt Its iron Incumldmllun and lolnl dimurd lnr lha op lnlun Ind Italian of album load or flavor but cut down on nmy Decide to en mare alawly The process of chewlnl In llnll help Io up me It puma since chuwm part of the mrmnl mutilation hunger Tryemlna more Ilawly Jam 1101er uni1 ha 19ka 91 190d lee youriell break For this entire wcekcnd flop bolnl alwoflmd enter Whan you eat wthvn lurk In one hind Ind piece or brand in he other you take calorie on tha double See you cm keep your left luluI anyaur lap all during he men Toinorrowx How to deal with ahupened Appetite TOMORROW MENU lllbllChnnln1 Fallenn DialDelicious menu Cdorlu to Chilled ml juice oz Sol cookod egg Toast mm film Margarine or tumor Vij Black coltce on Cale In In Clio an lalt gm WM 300 calorie breakfast Uu equal parts hot skim milk Ind ho mike Terr ibpll Hot ea Mlernonn PickUpCnlnriu I5 Glnu nl aklm mllk or mu milk on glass or formula nlnnur Cnlorlu no Brolkd or blktd mm at ml with tons OR bruiled lean llrloln alek Ire min and enlaylnl hr are aka end Inrklnl wmw thin pmctlca you cant ll thmuuh your calorie like flly thmnnh hayfleld Fax nun almost alwnyl lends lo overeatingUna lmPhfllll on Luncheon Cllorlu Tomntn juice with lemon wedge on Hot tomato julu with herbs Simmer Iomalo Juice with hall bay leaf celery Iced pinch max50mm main Celery and radishu Bmllad wen lace landwich Amerlun cheese Ilka 01 on lhln Illoe bread AnnualFall Bazaar Slated For Nov my husbandn association with her nun My husband rclused to to lhe tunernl becauaz necording lo hlm was no lnvked Dear stayed You are rluhl Na Invllallon are luued fur un erul exclpt In special Instances when he Iunernl private one The Evenan Womens Auxll my of SI Andruw Pmby term Church hald In first madan at lhu ml Mason in Ihu arm Fobluck Iupper Foflawlnx delclaus and up 12d meal lucky draw wu held Ind wlnnm had has dub lulu honor clurini and Wuh 45 Rull all was answered by members guest Mn Student Jane Barton model led nacooner polo coal left the Young Adult Fuh lon Council staged at OKeclo Centre while Penny Bnln gym cash Garry BONUS columns AL Guaranteed to Bloan Thousands of plump healthy DARWIN TULIP BULBS long Itommcd riot of color Im oncd horn Holland government Impamé now IS THE TIME TO PLANT RAINBOWMiXTlJRE No Size Dujcch Darwin TEEN FASHION HITS nun Mn Dewu Ind MacArthur were wulcomed Ihe 5mg uy pxuimu anhall of St Catharinei ma wall undA mt lo be held Nov rilht look lo the Mum In ponyprimed plush jacket with matchinu black alims Poodle doth LI lavarile Ibrlc of ma ynunx and Cranber red unwed by bright In cal Durinz short bulneu mm STAEVENSONZS BUNLOP 51 are ll bl blue hair Morita All colon For alderland convalu en anenu Excellent lacllllxcs or private or lemlvprivalo HM and cold waler room Reamer Num ln Iucndmcu PA 630I STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Rog PHONE 124

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