Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1963, p. 12

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Thursday October 3rd Bred sows open gllts and wags For catalogues con ac KEITH McRUER AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct pm for ROY GOODFELLOW South lot 21 concession InnlinI miles east and mila south Strand Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements Terms Cash spnouw Box 370 Alilsidh finfirlo 13 AUCTION SALES Departmnnt of Highway AUCTION SALE 01 BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL 0R DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE N0 TWZS storey room brick house and attached garage frame res aurant rame motel and frame shed sllualcd on Part lot 16 Concesslnn 12 Township of West Gwilllmhury County Simme being on ma east ride of High way No 11 about miles noth Bradlord Sale tn be held on the property TE Cash or cer cheque cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario plus 1310000 Performance Bond to guarantee that work will he complehed in accordance with Dil0 mguluiinns NOTICE permit is required move in building along across or over Provincial Highway andor in Municipal Road or Street Persons who may be interested in purchasing these buildings for the purpose of moving them intact or in sea tions In nneiher location must obtain information regarding permiin from th néied below PRIOR TO 1m SALE moo ML LOCAL mm gun DAY gamma uh For Yurlher inlormndnn please contact The Aucllonmr Anderson Plnwman Colwill mi 406 Codrlngmn Slmel Bnrrlc Ontario Telephone PArkway mm Conlral Region Righterway Division Department ol lllghwnys Downsview Ontarlo Telephune 2483445 ZONE YORKSHIRE BREEDERS CONSIGNMENT SALE AUCTION SALE Saturdayvflctobcr 12 12 Noon Sharp FOR ALVIN CAIRNS Mr 12 Concesslon 0m Township miles can at Dnl slon Store Vx mile south on mllu cm Highway SJ and VA mlln narlhr SALE head rculdcrcd and grndn Hereford ulna pip high 91M Inrm machinery My Llrnw umln and 50ml housvhold LHrtla Term cash No reserve In lhl lnrm ls wold COUGHLIN AND THORNTON Department of lllfilwayx Dlslrlcl Office Dowmvlew Ontario Telephone 2mm DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Wm October 16 1230 pm Sharp F01 PAT RAMSW Al mulh ha Int 20 Concu nlnn ll Tcnlmsrlh Tawmhlp m1 gmm nIluIwayna an 20 title mad on mile ursl llifihwny H7 Tum at he 1th nrnoomlon Trtummh SALE Hrrrlnrd culllo plat poullly hlnh rim Mm mnrh lurry My mum nrnlm Imd mmu Imusnhukl rlfctls Tmm cmh No mom than lnnn mId mm lvuuulmhl nxmliure Tmm mull Nn mm lhn nlnlo mml luv MIMI AUCYION SALE SATURDAY OUT 26 LIII HAIH Fnr lILImN IOTMUF IM nnrrunn Emnl xlaln Twuulvlm Inllu Imllll Mil Wynn mm In mm mm hlwm hay Hurt lulu nnrl nmw Imuwhold Nil 1mm rmh No 1mm be mm mm JHIHIY lflUGllIJN AUCTION SALE swanm Vrt lnr llu innto molntn FHANK nmnim In THORNTON vnMc BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS AUCTION SALE am my bola pumlrnllm JEIUW all JHHIIV TOUGIHJN Audlnmrr will be held at PHONE PA 10 Wm Bedlon Auciloioéi Aucllonmm HY COUGIILIN Aurllnmrr Audlnnm MOSCOW Renters Com rnunm Chinese ironlier guards have opened iire persons fleeing into Eusia the Soviet cenlul Asian newspaper Kaza khstanskaya Pravda reported in Sn issue reaching here ihurr ayi fills was the first known So nia mum of firing on the from ers In report datcflned Soviet Chlnese Irontler Illa newspa pers special pomspandent Malnkevlch wmte In the Sept 24 Issue that during last year alnne on this part of the Iron uer dozen of families fled mm thfiqvlet innn Red Chinese Frontiei Guards Shoot At Fleeing Families He termed them represenw fives Maocalled national ml names QUEBEC CF Rena Lo vesque Quebec natural ro mrces mlnlster Thursday de scribed as dishonest and Mo flu the exploitauan letter he mm to member an In dependence movement called LaPhalange aph mm the letter declaring that emancipation of the MathCanadian people to be the only goal that count In the long run was cited by the movements self styled spokesman Dec Tremblny at pr9ss cgnfexghce qunesdayI Mr lrem ay sa be vesque shnuld have the cabinet and join the struggh or Inde pgndcnge lr vesque said the para graph Is standard responslx he decided recently In use Ieply to numerous letters 1mm supporters at Quebec independ He had no inlenuon quit tlng the cabinet SENT TO MATTE TORONTO CF Gnvcnurs oi the Tumnlo Stock Exchange um In the same poslflan Board Chairman George Gardi ner named with the exchange In In 400000 action lhe 0n nrio Supmne Court was lold Thursday later questlon dated last May was addressed Ia Rene Mano whom Mr Trom blay described as leader La Phalange acknowledged receipt of piece of stone Governors Stock Exchange Charged In Conspiracy Case Quebec Girl Satisiactory Bite Surgery ROCHESTER Mlnn AN Maya Clinlc dodara performed delicate auhhaur heart cm Inn Thursday on Sylvie QM rinn lhrcgqfenrom Hull Quq Elf spokesman said Syl vie who hns had heart defect Ilncc Mnh was In satisfactory mndlllon utter ha surgery close watch will he kept an the younxslar while she In copy morn Willlston counsel or plninfifl Villnd PosIuns laid that whm the EOVEmora SyMu qulcrcd mm trim posillon the ma vomll la the hem and had vcmrlculnr upml ddcfl which dnclorn hoped mmct In the cumn wernliop Vllrhov glrll lalhcr and Cunn glun nunu nccampanlcd her ere Her lnlher who hm hm nlhcr dilldmn rocclvcd ermlr Ilon 1mm Hull pollen lo for lundl lo be Able to send his ulrl hem In dalmz In km hll lIlRIhIHI Uncmploymcnl In lurnnco Ilrncfiu nm nub mponrml lo lulu nlvmnl uml um rnlml Ila has Ilnm Iccn nflcred an lunmnman Not Separatist Levesque States llnll um dlmwrr Imw My ll In mlv ymlr lelrhm pluhlrm nhlnrll nnII rmmlnlnm nxplllmn llmrlnfl Irr nmllnn mu umk win vlnnnMI nll awnlahlc Our lumlnllnn hum but in nl lnlr Mimi nml cxlvnplrla nnmnlm Vlly nut rlIII um All Irxlnyl AS LITTLE AS in Am n16umfiuiumrmo 400 Meanwhile Uierniumaya Ga zeta organ of the Russian Writ en Union Thursday give what were believed to be the int de tails published here oi ille in Chinese Communist com tianai labor camp in sinkiang vaince The latest stories appeared In Moscow day altar Communlsl Chlnw made 1L most hiuer per sunnl attack to date on Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev mowword attack uhllshed Ln the Chinese Unions accused Khrushchev of consortia with Yugoslav Presl dcnt Tito lnckey or the United States lmpeflallsta and wallowing In the mlre with Tito Year found on the plaln of Abnaham near the spot where monu ment on GenerralVWolIeyaa lpp Refine letter helm sum 111 paragraph quoted by Mr Tnemblay and described by Mr Levesque as standard re sponse independence letters reads Even If people do not agree on all points and no matter to what movement we belanx the only goal that counts ln the long run ls the emancipation an all levels of Frendlcanndlm as people valded that all those who truly believe in It work without spnrlng themselves loo much and without four for the achlevemenl of this emancipa ti we shall not mlssnmn Mr Levesque said Thursday he Isnt separnufl and does not know when sepnrnusm will lead but am sure thing that French£anadlam who repre sum at least 85 per cent DI Que becs population ought to con trol least 30 per cent 01 the economy vulcd Io take an action which would cause breach Mr Posluns employment contract that was an an cans lrucy nvrlmmrM tn wh ch in The agreement tn whlch he relcmd was the udlon In March 1961 the nxchangeu governors terminating their con scnt that ML Pnsluns be d1 rector otlioer or shuroholdcr or Paly and company Mr Pnsluns was subsequently removed as director and d1 charged by the company His regisuallon as salesman was also cancelled by lhe Onlnria Sccurilics Commlsslon ml the ex change an beng sued by Mr Posluns allegedly because they caused him In be ousted 1mm the stock broknmgo llcld wllh resultant loss cmploymenl and lncome and Injury lo hla xcpulnllon VATICAN CITY ANPope Pnul VI uclcd Thursday lo sin xrcnlcr voice lo minority vlewa and dlssnnung nplnlnn ha ecumcnlcul council mum lnx Sunday new ody rule wnl ju Iucd nu pnlnlrs lrom around the world llrcnmcd Into Homo for the Ilnrl of flu caunclll ace and Italian just then dnyl 53 Minorities Get Larger Voice my 01 um 70 min an du lxncd lo xpcod lhn work or mg 2500 council than and Ilrnnmlino ndmlnhlmlun nl council nllnlu Olhm nrn Ipecfllcnlly nlmrd Ill Kunrnnlcclnu lmcr volco In limo pmlnlrl vanu In tho mlnnrlly In urncrnl nullonn an In lho mmlnuu the council 11 rummlnlons by vandnl emit uvsssue sajd he and Mum Per Month Transanda Sill Cabinet Members Meet 0n Wheat WASHINGTON APD Na cabinet members met with two House committees Thursday on the subject of selling us when to the Soviet Unlon The result wu lnmndulve Agriculture SEuMarx vomua Freeman called ha meeflng useful and helpful Bu Rep Contemporary SofaSleepers Combines the sitting comfort chesterfleid by day with the sleeping comfort of bed at night because the sofa opens to fullsize double bed with Sexta springfilled mattress The back is springfiiled the seat cushions are foamed plastic and the handsome covering is nylonsurfaced frieze in your choice of Chocolate Beige Raisin Turn quoise Gold or Avocado Green Both pieces have springfilled backs and seats Sofa opens to 2person bed Heavy cottonandrayon boucle cuvcrs in your choice of Charcopl Brown Burnt Orange Marine Blue or Gold Hardwood arms are In Cherrywood finish Hlddon Hall Acrilun Hurdtwist Elrrllrnl Vnnrnuvrr Irnml lmm lur hrnvylmlllr Mm Mrlnn Hun lmnlurnllnl Mr wllh llw lulury Imk mlIg IHHIIIMK lrmklnz ml and llnln mnllll MIII mllllnv 1er Hnnryfinhl mumTwat Illvollrown MAImm Tur runlw Mmhnmm FrrnrlIVnn ln nnmnmwn lhrllnlfl Illa rilcrumnm 110mm Nvl nl rnlnuu nvnllnhlo In all wldlhs ACT NOW Kroehler ColonialStyle Sofa and Chair Haddon Hall Broadloom EATdN blinER OFFICE ALLISTON HE lAST DAY TOMORROW SAVE Ldror Cogknown Slruud Ivy Elmvn Mlnulng Cum Bordon ZENITH ISOOO No Tnl Chlrgu 0r Thu Nurui BARRIE PA 60291 on luxurious 12 or 15 wldo PHONE Shop on EATONS BUDGET PM with N0 DOWN PAYMENI mental Albert Qule Rep Mum said was hlg has ale that produced no usclul 1n formauong Freeman was Jalned by Com merce Secretary Luther Hodges who wauld have to Issue the ex port llcence or any Soviet wheat 15 They spoke behind closed doors to members at tho House agriculture and Inrelgn 3min committees Alter he meeting here waxre HE 541 Nil ll EATON Halt anll yum EATON TumCanada Snle each L79 Built By Semi neg ms 51 Inch UL 2150 Salt uch Only 1000 Monthly MonI Moulded Sorlu COMPANION Elihflch v30 Du llmlmlm canmucunn mumhunt wuhlblt vinyl rnnr ramlml mmflu raluv lcllnn xnch Wu mm nynn mm lmlnn Mm In Guy how an mun On or Ivor 108749 N0 DOWN PAYMENT Buy Now Wllh conflltflng View dozen congressmen urea me out Most 531d Ihey were no mud wiser than when they want In Representative Harold Cooley Dem NC chalnnan the House agriculture mmmlltce laid Freeman and Hedges didntmake any promise and dldnt ask any recommendation from us Qule Vsald ha tended In Am cash deal with dis Sovleu ll TWOASUITER Sale Prices Sofas each 1596 2196 With spring mattress Rel 3195 SPECIAL SPECIAL Saran Vch Rel 1015 With alt mumes Rel 2195 SPECIAL SUNCOT EATONS Outdoor Shop Specials SUNCOT SUMMER FURNITURE Clearing at Half Price CHAISE LOUNGES Tnln Cue TOTE MG ml ll Only 22 Magnum Rifle reg 3995 Only 22 Rifle reg 2695 Only 22 Rifle reg 1595 ionly 12 Gauge pump action Shotguns reg 9450 7550 only 16 Gauge Ithica pump agion Shotgun reg 9550 7995 only Mossberg 410 Shotgun reg 4275 2995 R91 15 nth GUN CLEARANCE 1276 1436 1916 Wamonn Mouldod Sorln umz 31mm EXAMINER mm simmer 1m Escape Crash Near Abitibi OIIAWA CHEleven per sons escaped Injury last Sunday when Ilngleenglne airman lunk In Lake Arline near Abl med Pnllmln nu ms nu uch uch 1745 1395 549 BONUS OFFER BOX 0F CANUCK SHELLS WITH EVERY GUN PURCHASE 956 rum mm Vlnyl mum 2mm rlonlnl mu ouy 111 Ivory 5mm Vnh Rel 1299 SPECIAL PATIO TABLE AND FOUR CHAIRS Rel 4925 lellcd qulnllllel Ihop url Furniture Dept Second Floor ROCKERS SPECIAL Lib 0n the rampart depart ment uld Thursdayu preliminary report Bald the plane dwned by and Ml ron SL Augusdn Que lost It gnglne on akwfl and hit the wnler heavily tank alter pllat Mphonsa El and his 10 passenger escaped No other delall were known MIlmm lInluu ll 26 PULLMAN net 1m Rule urh 1350 IULLMAN nnl Illuslmlod nu ms 5m nrh IS 21 WEEKEND flu 1st Sale mh 24 Punk nu in am rnrh SOFTSIDED LUGGAGE ENDS SAT SEPT 28 3295 2195 1295 2495 649 1036 1196 1356

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