Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1963, p. 1

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um um wnllm llnurd lhr wlnh Ind Nu mlr uld llulmt IMlllf 1mm hi ham ncu her llnCl Walnudny OTTAWA 111 Tannvlnl pNrrnl AM In my newan unnunl rule mmmm day Voluntcm Continua Search For Boy National Output Registers Gain MINON mm llrnlrrl anrrl urn In will In Natlnnal Ammth rlrrllun lmlny nl Imldrm Kmnnlyl lvm Inprnnllnl lnvullulml Drur Rummy Hubert Mernnln and 1m Maxwrll Taylor tunllnurd lhrlr lmlr lwuhlnl Scull Vlrl Nam vm Nam MN JUAN lurrla Illm MP Hurricane Edllh Ikrlrl Ixu lwrrn lhe nunm end or Puflln lllm Imd we nrlnhlxvrlnfl Dom lnIrnn Ilrpullllc lnday nuHun 100m wlmll lu cure and Inw lnu lnrrcnllnl mm and Idol tour In tlzhl 1m nlmvo numml In wait Vietnamese Vote Rs FK Rides Tour mNnnN mm or elzhl mm nmlnmml nn nrmnrrd lmrk today and ROI nwny Wlm £00000 1mon in bank nullI The Mill mrurrrd an mad nenr fiwnnley In em Hurricane Skirts Dominican Republic MTMVA cm Thu lhn Commonwullh rducnllun run lmnro will be hcld In OHnwn Aux lo Scpl ml drawing 00 ltIrKnln lmm lo munlrlu Irlmc Mlnlllrr Penunn nnnnuncrd lo dny lnvloul cnnlcrrncu Wm hrld In 0mm Hnulnnd nnd Nrw Drlhl India Armored Truck meushed In Britain wcr aidlasing hl own It Wnlnrloo Norm Anulhcr mental exmllo In trying to am chnnm early chnnm In anlcr Ro hml Mumman All In unbl Ottawa To Host Education Conference Prlme lopic or gumwork ll whu wlll bad he Libcmm John Wlnxcrmeycr Mulcer hll mlmmlon nu pany lcndcr Thumlny ntlu alllng In hll try Inkolhll party In TORONTO CP Specula Ion and uncondrxuuslng are he nrdnr ol the day In lho wukn ma Iwncplnx Progrnsalva Con lcrvnllve vlctary In chnu dnyl Onlnrla ulrcllon Liberals Seek Leader Nixon Most Probable THREE ONTARIO Provin clnl Pnllcc constables Wm huxled mm their motorcycles In mu cycle callixlon the Barrie Fnlr Ground ye torduy at the clam ol he OPP grin Que 99m Yur Nu NEWS BRIEFS For Examlnm Wan Adv ND vhonr PA HAM Tho telephone number to call or 0hr Huxlneu or Editorial Dept L1 PA H557 Our Telephones Tanmlnn nullmnl nulme nilloud II 11 mwul aumlrr lhln yr rnlllnz 1n an mumpm lmmu nl ulnllnllu Mllmnlfll M4 mrcllo ll chnnm Prrmlcr Ro All In unbl born Itunnrd by the mlll Wm mcnlnlly llp pint lhmuah the ml re elmrd tron brnchm ouucr SEEK LEADER The cnblncl mom lodny Io plan or brief rnrly mslan 01 um lcglnlnlure lho prcmlcr hnl Inld ha wlll tnIL no mlnlslera came unscnlhtd lhruuuh Wednesdayl lost but new mlnmcr could be named rrplnce VllIlnm Gwdlcllaw who rclllned mlnmcr wm out portfolio In May Mr Ila bnm muxl nho name Speaker to rcplnco Wllllnrn Murdwch dclcnled In Elm Suulh Holorcycle Rldn In tho lap phulm three the our rider who wen thrown try In rec lhnmselm from Ihu tangle of mnchlncl In the lower phnln Dlslrlcl Slnfl Sergeant Ev All ID yulunlrru rvm any mam Exam mlillnl Ilnw In NI umld do yMl Ill mt uka In fluhand WnII lmwltd Manon plum ml dldnl lou bum My mur wnnl ery nod ll nmrh llnr lady wlm wnl lwvfllnl lur lho um llmu In her Ill mu filled lry lmlmml he nu any haw Il lulu Inrod Alher new marl OutIll llw lulalnluu wm Irving cm In thu dlncllan Walter mil lormer federal llnnurn mlnlnler who hld at londaumn In ma comm In rxmnlvn ohm Hnlm VIcIur Cam mayor Han lnn and lnnlmller Allan Lam poll Tnnmlo Senior Llhrrnl roelrcird and mrnlionml for Ihu leadership mo Inrhukd Arlhur Iluumu limx Norlh Elmer Sophl Eud hury nu thlm run and Vrrmm Singer Toronlo Dawnr vluwr New MENTION rnqurnlly m¢nllontd Icndmhlp candidate wnl my hm leun mrmbcr lnr mm He II unly and WM Hm elected hyrlccllnn but In pmldtnl oi the Onlnrlo le trnl Annelullun and the Ian lnrmrr Lllmal premler II leon Four IEnlkIlurannrnu or ha Cmnervnlhcs Hranlford Grey Norlh Ind Toronto now ano Ior lha LIbernllwere won hy 1m Hum 50 vain and miuhl ha andld hy rccaunu or when lhc rcnulll or lho units we are nnnounch on anlnu unvu lhe Comma llm 7n mull lemll 21 and lhe New Dnmormllc Plrty men Farquh wlc elara lender lho party and the ninr memhrr ha Iczlllnlure wan mcnlloncd poulbla Hopgap Inndnr um puny convnnllun can be cnllui prob aban tho wrlnu candidate or lho Icndmhlp when Mr Wlnlcrmuycr wnl chasm In 195a and rumlncnt ngfirflll culgigo Iho om ml lllckn bends over Con stab II Furllcy Oakvlllu who auHercd nature 01 Du left ankle WI Slut Sal Ink Jerry Caughlln pm ldcnl the nnrrln Agricullup HERES ofi would he ml In lnr Cunth II flnnnrlnl lnuml In Aldohuman lam pmlllm Han or ml In no In Iln qulle mllIuII Iml llw lnlmd lo Imllle any plan Ihln mum mlon plan Mlu MMmh had luncheon mulling vrpavlm II NI Iona Fun Club nu filmm nI mmrm nl lholr wllryhnldm Aml dumllnn OTTAWA ClDMllh Min lrr Judy LAMA MM 111m My laumllnn Inullrnncr mu lnnl rompnnlu mnllnlllll mm 39 pm Insurance Companies Mount Offensive Against Pension unlrrly he Cnnndlnn bnu mdnll lndur lry uvuld be Icullled Dumpinl Um rum tnmmodlnu not only would dInruM lha mnrkd In II UH hul wreck lhn prim muc lum and mamInn manu mm world om OTTAWA Cl The at Ilunnl Jlllm nro evident hm Um Unllcd Slnlu Iluwly mom Hour In llw arm de llncd by lmldrnl Kennedy In Jnnunry 100241 ml at van the mnmmolh unclpilu ol lulc wnlcnqll Cnnndn nil In huge one VLfll yr ll ume 0111400 The pmmlcr Ind the leader Illa Progmllvo Gamervnllvo puny have mndu lha hyer Imrlc development ha northern Pam Ind Ihn nulhom Calumbln rlvm main sun In their campaign VANCOUVER CF Pra mler Donne Am Davie FuI on him lnrncd mmm Colum Mfll Sept so election cumman Mo lcud ovtr lho SocIIl 0min governments lwo river power polity Bennett Fulton Have Feud Over Power Policies Disposal Date Brings Jitters al Society Camera Bu Ier DGWHIVIGW the NCO In chum the quad third rum tight Top photo Can adlnn PmI lower phom Enr rlo KxumlnerJ Barrio pnilrlo Cinadl FrldpySopv 27 IP63 penlam hullh un film con Iml or flu ohm qua lnlknd la mu up an Inn Im hm In punred In hunt II um mm ll 11 not movublu Mum lhc In In under my an Lhm Mlu Lanh Inld line made male or pnllelvullnt ln Ihn men Ontario elecllqn on hall at lho CIndl lmllaru nn luluulrd lllL In doing ml or lh nod 12 ClMdAla ll nude lhr mnlorlly nl Camul Mu lhnl lhry llmuld bu dtnled 11 mu In Ha It mlnlmum can 11ml nothplla unllmd ll I7 locallom man Um Uniltd 5mm begun la Ianr durln Ind Illn lha Korrnu er In new hu mum value of About 300900000 000 warm nickel he us and ovorwu plul 03000000 In alumlnum 11000000 In Mr yer 025300000 In lend Ind 001 800000 won line Toul IONWOMO are mlnml mm modillualanu with norm olh mlhnl mnkn up nboul lam Wm of IM Amorknn flock Wu Gmmnyl arolm mlnllter Joint than Brllnln and tho Unllcd Slnlel In pup Imory lnlh lodny nmld rowing Keeling among Wulnm diplomat but no wide urea men will mm mm ha lorlh tnmlnu encounter wllh nunlnn Aqdul girornykon The Daily Teleurl munlly WW ha lbrles mm The report lKremlin Immu nklon er parties leads two proLabor newlpnpen la ull or or media Macmlllanl resignation on ground Du he and his colleazuel lulled to deal Izmiuntely with tho Prolumo 19 Foreign Ministers Meet Today But Outlook Is Pessimistic LONDON cmm wnvc of mile Ihat washed over he gav ernmenl whcn the Duluth re pan um up and wu tuc ceededjodny hackwuh cl speflnllon About him Mlnlr mnmnl permmlpow Ion Manny II Mid to In port the View that any trusteeshp of Cn nndlun mlrlklme unhm Ihould he damlmlcd by the AFHJIO whlla Jodoln want to Main 3L0 influence over Iuch open om The lormerly warm personal madam between the yunru flJflzln with yearold Demands For Resignation Rise Ks ch AdmitsBeing Deceived Mum mu mm mum inled Mennu Io Mum Ifll Inaho will ha 70 in Feb Inlannenu close to the scene uy Manny president the Is 500000member AFLCID has privately rldlcuied mm Ja dolnl view on the Gun Lake labor dispute end In recent weeks hn even reluud to dil cuu the flue with the pruldent of the 1100000member Cann dlgg Lahqr Cup dvnncn of hll mulan UNITED NATIONS AP Main and George Many are lucked In Miler hethdthe menu leud um threatens to erupt into warfare he lween Can In and United Sign labor Mention UNIONS MAY SPLIT wsiimmn cmclam OPPCyclists jInjured At Fair Jodoin Meany At Loggerheads ll Pull hullmm lm nurlo nhlrid Uoltulnll norm pm Um umenl In um or the comatone of In ltchnltll win of IM Mm Contrl Oollqlm caynenlom luaud hullbow torma murmur mar luv sully damn of IM Bur fll DMrlfl MMMUII Allo mm 6911 lid 10 LIN Mama and I1qu me Thur dny and wm lnld to balm lhal while lame Incondnry to com may be poulblo loan movement will be 1an on 1mm hluom wllh us Share Summary Dean mat and Lord Home Br uin Gtrhard Schroeder Wm Germany wan reported urea lqu to Sniurdnyo Homonurk explomllon wllh Gmmyko pm vided propom or German rm unillcnllou are not hurt been umaainun nbout Macmiliunl ludmhip nmonz leclionl ol the puny or lornc lime even before the scandals and emotions the lummer but uncertainly About sumac inn tended to keen Criticism within bounds 11mm in as yet no hclr apparent lclonal in light And ucctplable It My lhere are many Con nerynllyu In Parllnmenl Ind nul who bellew the best mvlce Macmlllnn could do to thparlyyoulq be to mlgn mnry and use the siren passlblllty new prime mlnlmr emerzlnl between now my Chflllmal Inlormantl any whatevcr took plum In uwsa dlmsnlon am not help to elImInnte the deep sus Man In the Canndlan lud era In that powtrful US labor lame an at work to destroy move toward nationalism and Independence Imm US domIn atlan In the CnnndIan Inbor movement Menny bluntly lot It be known lhmulh third party that he was unnvnllablo to discuss the Grant Lnku limo prlvnlely wllh Jodnln 1111 may have bean mm why no pmzms wnl reported when Jodoln con ened with ceflaln unnamed AFL CIO official hem Ins ngpcsdny Meany appear have VlnlshEd Informnu uy They point to the reported treatment ac corded ha Cnnndlun lmde un Ion lender In men cum to reapen prlvm nuolinuans with Megny LAY CORNERSTONE AT CENTRAL COLLEGIATE The OPP rldm hurl lakcn lhclr cycle lhmuzh Icries of complicated mnnnucvm or huu 15 mlnukel rrovlaully Ono ol lhm wu on 1rd lhmdinz lhu nccdlo where lwn rldm clrdo about each other at How mews whlla from opponfle end of the truth lwo nlhm mmn riding mmunh he npcrlum lhu clglm yravlde The nlliiudo 0175s nnloakeu wnl Um lhll just couldnt hnvu happened HAPPEN Surgennl Major Shep pnrd lold Ihe audlenco law moment earllrr that Ms ride was demanstrnllun of skill and ahlllly And not dnrcdtvll Kym nl ride It look Ibou hall mInuto or anyone to reallzo what had hnppcnw Wllhln seconds sound at reporter and photo rnpheu we on the Lrnck along wllh OPP omcm army men and the St John Ambulance Corps when the dust cleared xix motorcycles were drawn across my rncelrlck The um mmen ol the or mnuon had completed In man oeuver In the final llne vhl blmy was obscured by dust TILE FINAL CHARGE me man In lhe rldo called MI llnll chlrge The crowds In lhe zrnndslnnd were but baut randy la Ipplnud with MndsTnlsed when thu cmh wu heard Tho formation culled lha we dge and complela the Ihonl con sisted two teams of riders eight on each IIge hamlllng down the duly track mend between 35 Ind miles an hour The motorcycle were to pass between each other with 5111 walllnl and Ham flushing 11101996qu upnludnd each Constabl Wlnlm sullered compound lraclure to Ms lelt ankle and Constable Pursley uuxlnlned fractured lell ankle Constable Smllh recelved nevus bruises to the rlh on Ms len Ilde but wlll rlda Izaln today Frovlncinl Constables George Wlnlera Barrie Punley Oukvllle and Smith Niag ara Fully were lhmwn ram their cyclu and pinned under them In the 1m Iormaflan of he wmlnula rldlnx demonstra Hon By TED BEAUDOIN Iourmotnrcyclu accident mamd the opuninz At tha Bur rio Fnii Flli yesterday aim nooni aendinl three men to Ray n1 Victoria Hospital and em pararlly dampening spirits al the newlyiormcd Ontario Pm vincinl Police precision moinr cycle squad OflicersThrown From Cycles During 40 mph Demonstration Nov Man Than Pu Copy416 Plfill Cloudy with sunny Intervals and lewlhowers today Low to nlm 50 High lomunow 63 lull auxnmnrylum to page two mm Cam Ind mm mhlled pro nonlcd Illm lnml to IM chumn the Mud Tho mm Mm bodiwn an MMJLMIUIIO who Exam Ila Inld the measure will ln cludo Hm Ilnm rcqulrnd lo rnllo ha uxlrn momma neodcd The prlmc mlnlxlcr Inld Ipcculnllon on the tax In st or purmgo have llnolhu Pamnon has Inld wlll ct early Allan llon l1 lnglslnllon menu lhe tanmom old age pcnslon by no The plan ls pnynblo to all Cnnndl ago 70 Second pcnzlon plan whlch became prima ls sun In the Ontario election cam paign Ind Knee 5mm 0mm tlnn mm an insurance com pany lobby Crlllc of me pay nxAyauKo conlrlbulory pbnslon Men claim he government In rushing Into wllhoul enough thysht Th mlnnrlly Liberal guvem mam has pledged sell to am ahpnduon bolh Issues Local Weather Fl proposed federal lmslccshlp over five marltlmo unions as move in turb labor violence on tho Grout Lnkm Prospects or an alkcmnllvc measure by ha la bo moyemcql are mm Two moi Hue In Henri al lenllon an landed with pole mg paIltlpa flrowaflu MTAWA CF Parliament resumes Monday picking up when it lei ail 50 day earlier to take lummer holiday husk program WM Dlslrlc Inspector Juhn Clark Barrie laid the ride was also Intended to he mod for prom dlsplaya for recruitment The 18 men have been Iraln in rigorously slncu Sept Camp Borden Inld Sgt Molar Sheppard These hand nicked ofllcm were pan of the men who look motorcycle ridlng cour re lax prlnx or Corny Borden wwwma mumu 11qu Lee Canadian Pro vosl Corps School Commandant Mayor Lu Cooke 01 Barrie Del Cole senior director ha Home Agricultural Society and olllar ormy officials Onlnrln Provincial Palice Com mlssloner Eric Silk had came mm Toronto to aka ma salute With him In ha reserv ed section of lho mm were Slnfl Inspector Bird OPP Hengguallerg Togonln LLCol hanuuam and looked forward larlho next House Returns Monday

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