Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1963, p. 7

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about tablespoons cream or undiluiell evaporated mllk to make an lclng ol unreadan consistency lllr In mall and vnnllln Next day punch down domih turn out on ilghllg lnured heard or cnnvu am knend unlil nmonl Divide douzh inlo our equal poriions ahnpe each por tion Into smooth hail Combine raisins one cup chopped pecans dales brawn sugnr cinnnmon Ind lirnwberry jam Beat egg while until all but not dry Roll out one ball dough inlo thin recinnglo 8x14 inches spread with unrier oi the beaten egg whites and quarter oi the Hill Inixiurei neginnin at limb edge roll up jellyroil inshlon lincl seem to ml Ind lurn ends under ltepent wllh re maininz ball oi dou nnd iillinx Arrange the rolls nenm dc down we npnrl on rcnstd cnokle nheeln Lel rise in in warm place lree anl drnll until inu bled in bulk About hour lake In hot even 400 de until iopn nrn lirm when lnpped 10 in to 15 nulex Cool Iliuhlly on cake mks then front while nllll nliuhlly wnrm wilh tho inlinwing lluller 7mm Frnniing and sprinkle with chopped pecans Serve nliced warm or cold nunan cum mosnno tablespoon lniiier or mnranrino ll cups nncenllled icing nupnr lnbiespnnns inlmuti milk main or undiluted evnpornled milk Inch nail lz nhlenponn vanilla Cream hulier or margarine until mil rndunii blend in icing sugar Iliernnlely with nuliic eni mil bout lnbieupoong cream or undiluied evaporated eggs 5e arated cup gel on Sultanalype seedless raisins cup coarselyvchopped pecans cup coarselychop ed pitted dates cup Ilghtlypacke brown sugar teaspoon round cinnamon cup straw erry Jam additional chopped pecan for garnish Scald milk cool to lukewarm Meantime measure lukewarm water into medium sized bowl stir in the one teasgoon granulated sugar rinkle with yeast Let stan 10 minutes then stir we Meantime slit the allpurpose iieur the three tahlcsgoons granulated sugar and salt together into lar owl Cut in shortening ilnely Heat egg Kolka we stir in lukewarm milk and east mixture lake well in dry ingredients add lquida and mix ther ourfirly adding little more flour it necessary to ma soil dough Grease top Cover bowl closely and refrigerate overnight Meantime also cover egg whites tifihtly and re rlgerate Daiore using next day let item come to room temperature MANY WINNER ml by Munly hunlm all 1130 unlm um qu In 61 The Womens Eommluealol the Foodjlvlslan of the BunIa the lymp of Mrs The rich Danlsh pastry type at dough gives our flaky tender coffee cakes while the nutsprlnklod Butter Crown Frosting provldes the crownlng glory FROSTED PECAN FRUIT COFFEE CAKES Yield coffee cakes cup mllk cup lukewarm water teaspoon granulated sugar envelope fastrlslng actlvo dry yeast 314 cups about preslfted allpurpose flour tablespoons granulated sugar teaspoon salt cup chllled shortenlng eggs separated The other advantage is in the preparation time The dough is mixed one day and stored 1n the refrlg eralor overnight read for the final treatment and baklng the allowing ay Its one way baking may be dllvtded between two days so that theres still time to re ax One of the beauties this reel is the quaniily ii gives yielding our delectable co fee cakes each of which may be sliced into dozen pieces These four heavily fruiicd coffee cakes have excellent keepin fluaiilles when stored in an airtight container An youre lucky enough to own freezer they take well to freezing too Heres edge for the homemaker who like to keep cooking an baking at minimum Stephnnles Jan numbers In pan In hourlong Illumin ner nvu xenarnlly knocking prflbdu manners and mor 13 Her targets wont be Indi dualx lluwever lusl types 29 year old bonnie opened at he cslabllshmml Sohos satirical nightclub billed as Slevlo UstoweL Her mur rlage lo the Earl of Lislowel 56 was dissolved six week DONDON CP Stephanie lhe crooning Countess 01 owefl Ibmnla knew her plain Slavic Wise returned In the stage Monday night during Gran On be Back 1m nnmemanll fur the 11 Women ol the county mould ba reminded um lhll ll ha Int year ll ankles In lha Womenl dlvlslon must be In plm on SepL 25 baween and pm laid the chur mm Maxulrh laid the pub Pimeellnl my lg mm Cnmmlltea member unending were Mu Fred Mulhollnnd Mu Lorne Hundy Mrs Max Graig Mn John Glrner Mn In Orm Mravn Wmlca Mm xi Own and Mn Guam Crooning Countess In Satirical Club Muuln Chnlrmnn Mlnulnz on Monday lunch on party pncedefi the muting Pogd Committee Completes Plans For Barrie Fair KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON Velvet sultable or lhlx all and wlnler At lelt rumy cum and sleevelm Mouse ln 0n VELVET MAKES COMEBACK um hick In our II nnd wrixhl mumn and Hi pnundx and mm leu Slmulnrd mmurrmen Inr lu run Run 55 lo In 17 uMamlnll ullmlrm llrlh am hlpu ll mu Far Hm Ilemlrr body In hln meuurrmrnl or II Induu lnr lull hip lhI mm II 40 Mrhu Pounds bolwun Ilzel In mdy la wear cloth lhu nInndud numbtr poundl be lwm nlm domndl on nlmc lure Thu range no la la pound dcprndInl on Iho ll allegory IIgun an no pound bclwun ulm In lhn ImnIInlm ulaxory II In the mullum xlm In In Imus aim 17mm rn Avcrnxrl Frnm lho Itllerl II ethenl In 1h really In Ihm In 21 And In ny 23 pound Imm fir nlu lnlhc next mu tr wall hnl flipped moorlnu cerlaln dmuc may hnva to ha and lull erIa lhmugh lfgl wnlllbnnd Than ll no Averla Ilzuu 0n lhe height more however lha mam Io lha avenue ll Inll and wumnn ol lhl height ll plcnxlnlly plump II no In 135 pounds dtpnndlnu an her llruclure In um wclzhl ranno our mtde gun wgnr lea By IDA JEAN KAIN Womcn an vllally lnlcmlrd In nlallxllcl whnn thny Apply in lemlnhm gum 50 Ian hnw lhe Iddlllon 10 roundl or 20 can chanza mm mm urimcnls Enlrla In this lecllon In to he in wrlllnz and In Society nflice not later lhnn Sept 13 1963 Maillng address Box 211 Benin nr 41 Dunlop St East In lo lunch to each Ind cvcry entry will be rmvided ll lha Secretaryl OI ice Main Bulldlnz Each exhlhllor mus be member at the Barrie rlcnllurnl Soclely Membership 1150 provided no admlllnnu to the Round and cnr pass or Memheru cm nut in yem fly by And In All we need now an Interes ed women to help make the Womens secllan the air the show window Simon Coun ty report Mn Gll Lloyd committee member of Ike CHILI and Needlework Department Emma Woman of Simon Caunly who plan to exhlbll ha BunIo Fair am reminded Ihnl lho Wnnena Work commlltce has tamed and Improved Ihe 1961 prize 11 by addlnl more prlu KEEP IN THE TRIM County Women Should Exhibit In Barrie Fair Ono him Haw clam with ksler mllar go under rayon much At right Ben Barracku open Jacket Standard Size Measurements Dont Allow Big Weight Gain MAIN If WMMIIII In mluclnu II II enarmaully helpful lo nlm lnwnrd your next Imulltr In and in lhll have lull Fortun nlc lhm no more pound bclwccn Ilm romlnz dawn the min hm wm lulu up wmn um hen mund mm force our model nln In In wllIynllly SM now wtlxhu 160 la hu hm body mmurcmm Bull 59 wllnl Ibdomlnll cxlenxlnn MN Ivmn llender to Ind lull plul Body mmurcmenll Ior Ilza 16 Bus lo mi Wllll ma Abdominal extension In 56 Iveruo hlpl Ilendcr hlpl full hip 41 Gnduallnx mm In In In Ilqml marl hln mm on plnce at all our at ll In lnrud llrxnr Cull and needlework cumv mlllce member Include Mn Lloyd Mrs DawwnMrI Don Glflen Mrs Foyxlnn Mn Hickllnz Mrs Dmry Mn Chunnen am 35 The will by WIllml Slam Bur in or mm stitch Quill with ills winner receiving voucher Special by Coats Thread live the lira prize winner vouch nr Special by Sinler Sewinl oiiera no rewinl imam Spev cini by Gamell Frill Hobby Shop Harris is voucher Trudy Leather Compnny lllo ni im $5 voucher The Burris Art Club will huuse one section oi Illa Wo menl division Ihi year And Hwy are uliing Utkeid an one oi he painlinx which will be xhlbiled In the same class lhm In new secllon lor Older Womens Work Prim ullmd ln lhls sequin includes The speclal by WA SI Pelurl Angllcln Church Mlneslnu Ix far dru ed Doll underllprlges For olduly and tony1w Ill pnllcnu Excellent mum or prlull or merlvlll IM and cold or In rooml RealKer Nuru In nunndnnu Ngw puss spacial crafts and needlework lnr Womens Insmulu and Wo mans Church Groups In sim coe Counly Then mick Io bu mad at group project sun at rayon velvet wllh brocade gllet and mat STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Ron PHONE lhe walst lhln Any any me In no Um model Up the Icale pounds Ind IM now In war ll ymrl the mullet for new chmml unite hm you cln Ifloni In pin up hue Tap unllly nrbatlle up vinyl cov uvd nhllu An concmlu my la dun up your kllchcn Mud me 5Piece Chrome Suite runmruns infiirfihucfiinx HWY 27 MILES NORTH or va um For bellm llvlnll byyulxlllr furniture Sen UN Imoul nnmnmch up nmcrun Fmon PARKER VIC TORIAVILLE LAFONTAINE Ind omen Bu the cam pleu nthon In All lhe dimrenl uylu Ind nva money ll then law prim Friend me Modern BMEMORE GOLD MEDAL EDGEWOOD kid panda ol Imam nuke cheaterth sum lhntyoil will no In our hm dwwrooml Dress up ynur llv In room now and get In on bl uvlnn CHESTERFIELD SUITES Imous Name Muss NORTH or HWY 4007 SECOND BIG WEEK BEDROOM SUITES MATTRESS Get In on big big savings on Scally Sorta BndlGunrd Gold Mcdll mattresses It 11 time you alarlcd not Ing good nlgmn Ilcc and no butler way to do It than to ml youml on one at thvso tunous mattresses 51ch 30 40 And Cit Sea the sturdlly constructed GE wringer washer Porcol nln lub rubber rollers auto mnllc release mounted on casters or easy moving no sure to get in on this special buy Wringer Washer 119133 Priced At 15900 PRICED FROM Tyada

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