llnlldnylnllnlh null Mr um Mu Ivnn Jury Tllnmwn Ive lhrlr Inn and dullhllHan nnmlnll Ind Mu Frank Jury and Inn Krvln Mr and Mn Nurmnn Giler Jnhn SI haw rrlumnl In Iho rll Illrr mnnlhl hnlllluy In Vnncnuvrr nvlllnh nhlmldl lino htv um mm Al Hm hum hnrlu Gillrn TM Hlml MAMTIMKD nmHhrrnndhlnlo rrmu llnn MI lwltl nl lh Odd Irlnwn MI ulHrr 5L qn Thlmdn nllN Ilium In oclur Arl Prawn Ihl Comervullvo nmdldnle or Slmcne Ceulm MI he In ll lrndnntu In mrtl lhu puhllc HOLIDAY Mr Ind Mu llnwnrd Crnw lord Lra Slnllon WIN celvn lrlrnd and nlnllvu on Ihe nchlnn of their um wald Inl lnnhulnry ll htIr hnmu The pen home wIII ha hrld 1mm In pJIL mu In In pm an Snlurdny AFTERNOON Ill IIIDN HILVER MIN MW law Mr and Mn Willllm Grlhlm lr uhlla ln wlnnipez Mr and Mr John llnycs and Min mm Manlly nl Wln ntlkn llllonnll and Mln Llly Whlllnn ol Orlllln were rectnl llltlll II the home of Mr And Mm Jlm Whillnn ol Phrlpslon nm rnhu Campbell Avcnue lrll lha rlly Monday lnr Vlnnlpcg Mnnlluhn vln TCl Jrl nlrllncr Mn Grn Ibo lh Kurt olhcr Earl McKinley mad as an usher It the hIIrrawEIliou wedding held at Holly United Church ML McKinleyx Mm was lnndverlcnlly milled mm In waddlng nary wgym bihhï¬Stï¬ié JRï¬LSéEflEE PERMANENTS 899 anu lnltndld to com th mm mm III at an all In dlflrlek Woddhxl Ilvunrlu blrlhrlul hrldn pullu 70min pm flu lellon and trurllen all llunl lnmul lo lumen render of Ibis pm Yam help In Inlth lhb nan II In null unpro culed Ilnn phano Th BInII Enminzr It H87 Ind uh lo Ellml Dixon or Audrey Coullon II Wam tn Deputme Given in manin by her in lher the bride was ulllred in lull length 1an of candlelight brocade The Kuwn tenured molded bodice with lily paint lieaves and bellxhaped skid Iweeping la buslle bulk up hunced wilh how mnlchinx mlierial The elbnw length veil oi illusion tulle was held by huddres ilshionzd ol organza mm The lurid curried pray Imak adorned wllh spray all1 nnpicann rose and nephew GQWN qr anocwa 111 bridl he daughter Mr Ind Mrs Jnmu Earl MIcDanIld Blnku Street lhl brldzgmnm II lhe Ion of Dr and Mn Rowley loronlo weddlng llflp tn Bermuda allowed the mall 01 MIA Judith Jun Machnn tn Dr fohn Chandler Rnwley lrln ly AnxllcnnChurch Septul Haskell ol xlndloll Ind mmnl In Autumn tone or gold and bronze Idomed lheanlar and leclern for lhu analnoon cew may nnd communion nervlce solemnle by Archdeacon Read nlslslad by Rav Sherrlngl Mn Robuls ol Orlllln prenlded It the cum and Incomranled the mlolsl Ruined Kllchenar formerly ol Blrrle as he sang 01 21rd Psalm And The Nupllnl Reno nlcllon cin mm zxmï¬im nub mrfu 1m Ani hr The IUDUIT IAMJN lflONI IA Hui Auhimn Nuptiqls In Trinity Anglican ime Ellm Dim EQPLE AND PLACES MM mum PA um er we ding in Holly Uniled Church Mrs Brinn Fieb cher nee Marilyn Graham was guest of honor ravernl enierininrneoln The brides lunl Mr Bert Robertson env lerinlned It miscellaneous shower or her Codrlngtnn Sreei residence Anolher shower hosi was the hridegrooml nunl Mrs Gum Breedon ol Taller hnm Mrr Rey Lougheed wu hnsleu of communliy shower with residenls oi lhe Holly urea as zuesls Misses Carol and Sherri Clmpheil were mhoslw oi bridll Ihnwer The bridegroamo ulster Mn Ted Linan enteruin ad or lhe couple nl her Tomnio residence Ngyl Bfunxwlck Also rates if fluejaw residenz gall Inna Penn Monrlnn EEIjERTAENMENTS dnrflewlurn Item lh honeymoon lb newlywed will up res ldenco In Toronto The reception wn held at the Blrchmere Hotel Orlllll Guam were received by the brldel molher Inlsked by the mnlher of lhe bridegroom For tuvelllnz the bride dan Md hm piece Royal blue lull complemented with while whip to non lurker Toronto at endzd lroomxmn Brien MacDonald of Don M1113 the brides brother Dnvld Rnwlev of Tamale brolhu bride zroum and Dr Willim chx of Wes Hill wet the usher ngpamon The lower lrl won rock 01 white velm enmch with oldtoned valvnl mh Ind mulchlnl hudblnd She carried huh Truman me Ind 105me Carrying throng Ihe Autumn theme Uta mid of ham and brldesmddl wore llmllu lawn of aoIdAIoned velvat and mulch Inz velvet headband may cm ried bouquet ol haplunn mm In WEIan Al lh lrouuuu lea held by Attending lha bride wm her Ilsler Mb Dllm human or Burris umlld how Mm Nobelu Raynolds of Lindst and Mn John Petra Toronto an brldumnldm Mix Judy Delnay ol Bunin ml unlozbridumnld The flown Ir was Miss Hum erflollvgr olMldhuxn GOING AROUND in CIRCLES ITODD Frank Mt Funk and flu Lllnul plrly will Ilrongihon rleurIl grow by lmplomonllnu lonfl mm low to loan proyum lar Inn Improvomonn Funk And Llhunl oovummnl wllI Inmduu an uplmhd Ed uullonll prognm nddlllonnl odumlon lulllllu and In MMIII II Funk Todd II puumobh dynnml and d0dl¢md young mm wllh who ponlllvn unlock Io uunllll in good voprmnmlon lnnk In long mlch Innlllll Townlhlp whm ho apar nm lug wzuulul mm the 1mm mother Mn Graham RR Banla the host es Ind her dnuzhler war II xlsted by the bridelmml aunt Mn Crlzhlan receiving the nests Tu asstmu Included Am an Emmi Mrs Jim Ldghlnu Mn Ray Muzheed Ind Mu Genus Srlgley Pre Ildlnx In Ihe lmuuuu mama were Mrs Dyer Mls Wendy Boardmln um Mlsl Dann Kenney Atléhdiiz the mm were Clpl Jun Grundy or London Mrs LL Erlc Haynes Ridxelown Given In munint by her xnudiniim Sld Bmzden the bride was attired In lhe navy hiue serge uniform or lha Sui vnlion Army She carried Bible Idorned with may of red and while men Ilephlnnlil Ind IlmmerL The bride the daughter Mn Paula Putnun Albert Street The hrldemom In ha son of Charles Stanton New Lowe hlue urnlllnm ldnrned The Sllvaiinn Army Citadel vwilen Doralhy MrenIPuinam VII united in mmiu in Wall Hawaii Slainian LbCoi Frank Mouiion officiated he liter noln cergrpqny5epi 73 The Iololal Mrs Brlndler William Slous Toronln an The Lords Prlyer and Con iecrallon HymnI accompanicd by M13 ganglvl tornnlo Published by Blmcoa Cenm leml Auocmlon September Rites At The Citadel Iskeb rod yellny yd MR AND MRS WALLIS STANTON Red Shim return or his 11th xenon with Illa CBSTV network hi all In Thu Red Skellnn Hour Guuls lulde from Pldon Palerbomuzh Toronln mm lovgn nDcqul Mlclylgln For travelling IM bride don ned Ihellh drag or pink ur Ino iuillnz enhlnced with nlvy hlge ucceslorlu On return mm the weddlni trlp In Nlngln Full Ind Norlll ern Ontarlu the couple wlll re Ilda Dunlap Sim West The reception wu held In lhe younl peoplel Hnll of Ihu Sal vation Army Citdc Receiving the null he brIde molhnr wu INIIM In he mvy Salvn Ilan Army uniform Her cor nxe was pink Sweetheart mu Emu Chm n1 Burrle It ended zmomsmm 1h ush er were Ll Eric Huynu of maulan Ind Dal Bullet Blrrle Thu flower It were haul Ilnl truck while embroider ed nylon and carried basket 01 yellow rose Ind carnaunns The senior Allendunlx wera ll llnd In Snlvmon Army unl Inrm Ind curled bouquets yellow men Ind cnrnlllnns and Min Bum Knixhll ol Pelcrbamuzh Mlsse Dnrlnne Ind Kathryn Smmun oI Tor onto were flower girls 32p nmunns the home raining lhll caunu your Ionl rnlnlnl hu bccn good the neighbor boy will no corrupt hlm Say nalhInz Should anrence aprlru um prlmluva Anglosm In your home lnsl tell hlm you will not lnleralu such lllk Ind then will bu no man ll Dur MW Lawrenu ll Almost 12 year old he hu heard all the vulgar words then 11 hutï¬r he soon wlll Chlldren lenm mm mod llon Ind dont win Llwrencl In plck up Any of lhelr nuly huhlls My huxbnnd am In flew up In ha louxhcsl nelah boxhood on New Yark Eu sit and it didnt hurt him on hlt He hu asked mu In any out of thin Ind to lay nathlnx Im no so sure thlx In the but Ipprolch Whll do you lay WMW rim ball with than little hm umx laments mm not In no lice that Ihey mulhneckl ans enjoyl bequ with than Vburim hwrenco who will 9de 13 mm Dur Ann Landau Thu nelih bora mns Illd la ynn an nwy undlxcipllnad Im pomu and they use bud lux gnage dont mom their mm mu lncumcl mean they usg vulxlr words named only or no It all pemn who IL not condl Hand In all custom ll vlnullly deyJo new Bill will never be Geznnd hcller hernu in not pm nl his lrnlninz So Iva up Il rudyand tom HOME TRAINING Lm 111th meted hm Umu In mw II at Ind didnt ny word llnully nld Bill Inuuedl II milled Do you hav cold 31m UM Why he mu rim wnu an go mg nynoyzm 01d Family Custdi From Early Training In our lnmll when Iomeona menu wu may lay God bless you It II more lhlll Road mlnnm It wlahlnl mmeona well Thls man Am ulna with In thouzhlml and con demo In ml mmy wuyl But when meta ha nave my lhlnu alwm and Men when ha Imus And Ave mu mad pain uk Inz Mm to do the mm or Samefmwlhle forgets Dur Ann lindenx you lhlnk Im helm lllly plum say no And will never brlnl up the whim lllln But lrgnkly eeluhurlt ANN LANDEBS mun COCKTAIL an HWNTWUwuMVIW ohm QuaIN 00 who In PEACHES3I00 IANWITMMMWIOI MACARONI Iiï¬isr GAE WWI QUALITY CHICKEN GIBLETS WPIIIIOHT AND VAC FAG INT CU lOIN PORK CHOPS somehow 0qu lbs Itrenglh Io lell lhem all when lu had In Ind new lee mystll xrowlnl Imnger Ind more confldepl every day Im letting to know myself or the first Mme And to myulanhhmen Im no useless Ind alupld oncn thought Prln my lettu you lhlnk it naked him please keep quiet Iboutmy lmalmenl but wllhln the week ha ha Iold Avery member his family and mlne Mymamer was outraged 5110 said waxbllzhllnl lhc Inmlly Mme My sister nld Ilwnys suspected ma nut When told him was gain to psychmrlsl he became mm He uid there had naver been Anyone cmy In hi my and um was lmallnlnl Ihlnu When told hlm was will to ply or the lhenpy with money hld nved mm the yam when worked he Inflow He hauth wu tel 11 to squander on has STEAKS on ROASTS hld my Int bl think on the whim when attempted to dmuu my unhppinen wllh my husband Ha looked ma dullayad and um So youre unhappy Naw llnt that nhnma Than he wanted Into another room MINING CONFIDENCE Del Aim know now that doorman dont alwnya know my dammm nuy Just to Around unham win mus leean lhll mmethinz wrong with mam APEH Ill CMUMSK FEARS mum mm EARROTS UNIONS MMMRWYSMHMP my DIV ION IATDM le Fruit and vegetables APPLES Porierhouse Sirloin Wing Wuhl nod 1min 61435 Ml MI lIVm munmm haddlhIAVI and mr Ion mono No No In WOUFRMI la bug 233359 heir Sliuullux do lindeeh lhlnk your letter has value Thank ynu or with Mu Ran Aiplelon wlll oun vene tho Rummau Slll to be held the and October Fig1 spcmu Plninx are being made by Ms Ken Hmley and her lochl com rnlllea or Klmmen Kinefla Autumn Dance hls whipSTRUGGLING up Thu Kinetic mead to In lhe Klmmen with two newly adapted needy children one In Hon Kan Ind the other in Italy Theclnlhlnx and cod par cell are um In Addition to the Annual CSCF lponxonhlp Mu lnhn Lang wlll lmd flu allldrenx Commmu nearly new Ia and flute udnnze are planned for Iho Octuber Meeting The Kimiiefliub hu uponan Ed French chiid ioriour year limugh the Canadian Save ihn Children Fund birthday pm eel wu senkihla week in our Idopied French boy Finnuni it contained nylon quilted wimr can various iood article Ind school nu piles reported by hm Blvd Wyies Klueua Club held In um 11 dinner meeting It ham Mrs use on Owen Si Mn Hurry Hadden presided wlth 28 member and three null present convener Mrs Fem Monte askedvmh member to make three plan or the Klnetta Food Booth Commute were orxlnlxed for thy prevention and min ma during lhn Bnrrle Fair Convener Bépgrtsj Club Fair Booth 49 Illll Iln MARGARINE 45 89 P70 JM I0 IAVI It Ma IAVI no All PIKE ON nus AD GUARANIHD IIOUGN VEGETABLE Oll suunrm smmm 1m no IHAND COLOUR £169 The Nauannl convention held the Royal Cannlum Hotel Hammbn wu reviewed by M1 Henderson Lamb Thu Kin lle wera entertained with In and our McMulur Unl vmlly Planetarium leclun wu1nduded in the tour GATTUIO Kennedy wn Kin ela Luncheon speaker Incl Judge the Fashion Shaw Fl ly hoaulllul nulflu were made Ind modelled by the Kineltel Mn Lorna Carter repamd and hug picture In Ihow thoNAL CONVENTION Dislrlcllnn convention of Kluamenud Klnelles was held at Blzwln lnn Humbar Valley hosted with Space Au Theme includlnz countdown dlnpor Ind cuggume hall After report or dining place In Ban1e by Mrs Mal Ema It wan decided to meet at May ors Mole Banquet Room or October Dinner Meetlnl DITRICT CONVENTION 10 um Cocktail Shampoo $235 Huh Treatment and PERMANENTS 123c Sex BEAUTY SALON PA 83594 Mary Stud