pakesmanior rillmia Itlng In YefmoyEItnl 01 Bail Spokesman VOpposes Seaway Fall whoa hnlf hushelsb Curl Peacock slnyner Mrs Orr Mansfield barley rowed half bushelCarl Peacock Stay nu Mn Orr Mansï¬eld nata vfhlteL hall busggi flnfl Peacock Slayner Marahnll Campbell Slmud and Mrs Orr Mansfield peasCarl Pea cock red elevenH Lund Cookslown Carl Peacock Stay ner Shea ol wheat Carl Peacock Slnyner sheaf of onlsMarnhall Campbell Strand Carl Paacuck Stnyner bale nllalla ha ï¬rst cunMarshall Campbcl Stroud bale of mixed hay ï¬rst nunn Fisher Thornkun Schniy lhamlon Lnnd Cunksluwn hale of Allah hay lxecund cullR Fisher Thum lon Campbell Strand Sega Thornlgn on yMrs Car rulheu IVY pummel IntoMar llyn 61555 Cookslown Sch aly Thomlou Swede turnip purple lnplCBI1 Peacock Slayncr Marilyn Glass Cooks lown Swede Tume bronze Car Peacock Slayner Cnnadlan International Joln Cammlnlon mesday that would he dlsaslrnul or rall tanlea Teallmnny ln oppaalllon the gmpnscd waterway was allcred Faster Spellorrl asslstant lo the vlceprcsldenl lot opera llnns of he Baslan and Mane llallroad lle shelled he pra km Icandalous want Spollord appeared not only as spokesman or railroad op erallnx ln Vermnn but alaa or lha New Ilnvca nnd Banner and Arnoalook rallroada Ills lutlmony paralleled alr lccllonl voiced hrlnra the cam mlsalon Mmday II malan In Albany NY GRAIN AND SEEDS Ilvcr hlu born trumphnlod mm ha body nl dud pmcn In that plliml nrloualy II from damage In hll qwn llvcr The nnnouncrmml of mo rare nparnlian wnl mndc Tueday by Dr Llnyd Humans dlrcclnr of Pmr Hen Brigham Hm llnl pinnm In developing lrrhn uu or lrnmplnnll cl human Id new This opcrnflnn Monday mm won the llnl llvcr IrnnIA lnnl npernllon he Dwell alpllnl Dr Mumlll dld nM ldcnmy Um pntlcnl ducrlhcd only main and uh cvnlunllon HI mctm nl he npernllon could nu ho mndo Immediately Al nld ha ha nlhd llnme Mlnln MInlAlrr Jullnn Gmnllold Ilan 1m mm Irhm lhe numnnr lhnnnl 71m hu pour la allrr Illo decl m1 II Mid I1 alum nitI 0an llrld to win Ino umrn mun my charm arulml hlm wlulrh lhn miniu lmught be mllhl be AM In mlulnmlalr An lmmlmllnn Ldrpnlmmi nlllclnl Imllrl 11w no mum at Ihv ptohlblllon uni MLISHUIW Southern Illin dull IltulNIlA 5th MIL can Inclnncn Journnllu do rlnml nrnhlblled Immllnnt Ivy he Ilhndulnn chml luv unmrnl Iflld Tutday hr MI been xlvm IUVNI mm to luv h1 raunlry Jack ITfnl 31 corruvon drul or In vamlnn vulvfl Iml nlhrr lurrlfn publlcnllnnl Inhl In an lnluv rw llul he WM ullrvly xwuulell Ivy Hm Inlml gnmnmmll xlrclnlvn Illa 5rth Mtlcnn Irm Almlnllnu um IIIan mm Human Liver Transplanted Best majorctm In the Essa Township School Fair parade hlesday were mm let VIcv tori Gadsden and Eliza beth Gadsden both pupils SE Cocknown Damn Leave Africa Ioumalist Told ammcmn v¢ AmA BOSTON AP human COOKSTOWN FAIR RESULTS BEST Malomzms AT ESSA mm Schnly Thornton wnn flu prize Ior Ihn beat display vegetables with he Cookmwn UCW 2nd Ind Carl Peacock Stnyner 3rd BACON CARCASS COMPETITION Tabla carrot Intermediate Carl Peacock Slayncr Lund Cookslown table carrots lung Carl Peacock Snyner Mn Carrulhen Ivy weal com my variety Carl Peacock Slayner Marilyn Glau Caoblawn Bï¬EqQLlelIOEMHLEB Eugene Smith Utopia stood In In the bacon carcm com pemkmY Imonx lhe ten enlrlu other competllon llllcd In or der plucan In lhe conlcal were 5mm Tanenham A1 bert Anderson Orlllln Lorna Shellxwell Coolulawn Jamel Sheri Bradlnrd Ben 5m Brudlnrd Parker Puncock Stroud Allen Hrawn Barrie John Brown Mtnlord Ind Ron ald Cook Strand Sllage cam Fisher Thorn ton Robinson Cookmwn squash Hubbard Marilyn Glass Caakskown Carl Peacock Stay nu aqunsh any other kind Marllyn Glass Conkslown New lon Robinson UCW twn ph pumpkins Carl Pepcock Stay Three held cabbage Sch sly Thornton Newton Robin sun UCW aIx tomatoes Ran Cook Strnud Mn Graham Cookalawn two cilrons Carl Peacock Slnyner Newton no lnson UCW le white anionl Mn Graham Conkllawn ab yellow unions Carl Peacock ISlayner Mrs Carmherl vy Quart basket potato onions Mra Graham Coukunwn Carl Peacock Stlyner table beets GlowB Schaly Thom Ion Carl Peacock staynar table been long Schaly Thornton Marilyn Glass Cooks lawn Mnoney 10 at right Ihared second place honor with Deb hle Menary ham mm Baxter Debbie was com eungln recitation and uh 1c Eeaklnz contest eluew on lulrgrmmd when the SHHNTY BAY Igdawwmmm um um Wm LAST TIMES Tbiioï¬r Mull Enlevlllnmtnl Own Ell ll DIAI Damm TORONTO 51 sum FHSNI pi um Mind 17 Th llmlnm ldumm Amclnllon of Cumh BARBIE BUSINESS COLLEGE Hwy 11 ll mum REGISTRATION THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26 pm Clmu wlll In Ink on Monday Ind Thumhyl Ior lnIInIIvo III monIIn town Inglnnlng Monday Sopl IO Shunhmd TypvaIlng Bookkuplng All nublom InvghI by prolmlonll bvnlmu pooplo lumlnallanl wIII In hold unIIlulu DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT NEW DAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTER ANY MONDAY IIAII NIGHT SCHOOL 24 mm Tha AimIan leadcr spoke Tuesday night at meeting marking Alrch Day ALGIERS ReuiemAhmed Ben Bella in his first public speech since his election Sunday as president of Allerla pledged to assist with arm Iiiricnn liberation movemunll ElmIn PA 83391 Tho Oflglml Drlvaln BARRIE Soth Wlm 1h Cholu of flu PIcIuru Lmlo Road In Oh my Imwun Hwyn 400 and 11 Admlnlan 75c Chlldnn 13 yrs or undtr FREE Ben Bella Pledges To llid Liberalion picture was taken Thu maj oreue compeutlon was lulu ted by the fair board thin year and Is Apnnlored by McCann Utopia Cantu judge wan Cecil Veslnver Angus Examiner Photo WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE TRov DONAHUE AND WARREN BEATTY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT AL56 SHOWING SPlENDOR IN THE GRASS HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM Comlng Snurday Slphmhr ADULT ENTERTAINMENT VSUSANVSLAVDE Big Show Now the blood Is free and you are member ol the Ho pnnl Plan the udmlnulratlan cost In cowed There are still insistent ni moms reaching the cars oi Red Cross oiiiciais tint patients at the hospital siiii hsvs to pay or blood This is eniirsiy unlrus Madmen ihalrman the Blood Donor Committee 19 lued tho allowlnu release When the Ontario Hospital Plan came into being on Jan 195 the Ontario Government realized um rec blood would have be pm 01 program More hndhad ma ideal layup qnflng the ll weed to lake on all ask Formerly the cos one trans luslon was $20 plus $5 admlnlet rntlan charge or the plnl receiv ed had to be replaced by two plnll recrulled from lrlends or relative plus the $5 SHARE comamoxy Sam people an doubt iook in or In axons to not donate wlll qulbhla nnd say welL the Barrie Branch cnllecu 1200 nlnn year and know or not lhat we dldnt use that many at our hos ital Ian year The answer to th mun Mn Madmen clinic manner mid The need tor tree Mood lull aim at the Roy al vlcwrla Hospital Ind before It avnllane It must be col lected and dammed In the Blood Bank In Toronto The Blood Donor Committee 01 um BmleBronch ol the Can ndlan Red Crou Society yam hold kl third cllnlc the year next Monday at Trinity Parbh Hall from 130 to pm and mm lo 330 pm THIRD 01 YEAR Doflét PIs Set For MonddY IATUIDAY SUNDAY SHOWS AT MO 44 000 FREE LIST WIPINDID THIS INOAOIMINT ll would be loo upenllve In no to avety Imall place where they have lmpllal and conduct clinic for perhaps only 450 donor or whala year So tho lnrzer centraLmuat take the load lorlhe Imull onél Our am based on cerluln per cenlaze 01 our Mal populnllan Another thing to remember In that many people from Barrle In Toronto for orallom and also many new ha lel with an RHNcntlva factar have to be rushed lolllo Sick Chlldrena mpr or complete translu Ofll No one who work for Ike clfnlc from Barrie is paid There are about 27 volunteer needed or each cllnIc these Include man to unload the men horn Toronto clerical workera nurl es women nerve food and be lldea hose who work on the day of lhe Clinic we have 10 my men who form lekphone com mittee and call approximately remémbar um these lervlces oyeraled an IhIreul blnod Iystem The Rendezvous lounge KINSMEN HELP KIN mm mm IHEAIRE ONE EVENING SHOW STARTING AT 300 pm ThursSept 198 pm Barrlnl Lari And Mos Luxurloul Fully Llunud Loung W3 1m BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL ODD FELLOWS HALL 10 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES mus wmauuemX TREMENIIIIIJSI JACKPOT $20000 Thursday Night II Kinsmen Bingo NighI Ill 0n Ioum Eleven vald mnnel come from Tomnln are are two drivers twolab techniclanl two registered nurlu and ï¬ve nuw aldel They bring lha beds blankeLl pillows bottles andall gt new What ll they to the Bar rie Branch at the Red Cross We era flawed meant per don or and thin the way our moneyls lpent Renlal or the hall cod or donorl dinner or nurm 1mm Toronto udverllxlng both radio and press Ilgn paint In pnd an advertising you see on television Ll national and the can is paid by the mnney we an expected to send to National Headquarters from out Branch WHO CAN GIVE BLOODY 600 people each time to make dc gm appolggmmu New than who can Iva Mood Everyana between the nu of 15 and 65 There us few exceptions If you havu had jaundice malarla tuberculosis wllhln three yam recent Presents Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH If II blg HAMMOND ORGAN mum mi MIL In cmumm KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY ADMMON mm HELP KIDDIES Mann mm mummy mm 1m In candnlaxi lure lalglng ab ictxy shots have recently had pneumonia an operation or new baby within Ilina months or it your haemoglobin is below 35 mm are ruled out Jaundlce malaria Ind hepailli perman ently cancel nul your Elvin blood the other are called lem pornry medical and alter the BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES miniTimmmn Tho same volume heated by nnolhcr method could coal ovor $1100 per month 3de Matchless electric water healing Is proven to be over 00 efficient other methods may unly be much 85 efficient Independent surveys prove that more water can be heated at luwcr cost with flat rate electrlc water heating than any other way YOU CAN USE OVER WhyPay More Electricin Is Safe lean Homeless More Efficient too ELECTRICALLY AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PER MONTH TO HEAT IT BEST FOE LESS HOT WATER OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY FOR FULl DEIAILS CALL WHEN YOUCAN HAVETHE COMMISSION You Need all the cbndluon has been cleared up it In usuallyvnla tucqme hack Once you have given pint blood you are sent an ldentllu lcnllon Card to curry ln yam wallet Thls give our type and any peculiarities 11 your blood that doctor may need In know ln hurry In can of accldenl at other emergqncy iCQLORZVISTASOOPE 200 HI GALLONS