The death of our Negro girls In bomb blast in Birmingham Alabama over the weekend is shockln example of the lengths to which min violenca can go when hllnd hatred takes over rea son The prcpetrators of this dastardly crime proved their stupidlty by planting the bomb In Baptlst Church where whites and negroes were gathered for humble worship Thelrobjectlve was to develop car In the hearts of lnte gratlonists but they failed dismally The bombing will serve to stiffen rc solve those looking equal rights for the 20 million nogroes ol the United Slalcs The movement led by respon siblo negro lenders has gone too far Ind gained 00 much momentum to be stop ped by violence at this nature The fact that ypung lives had to be sacrificed 15 tragedy The bombers were like lhlcvcs in the night They 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance Sept 11 tilts Town excels in wealth of iinesi flowers and range despite ion dry wea titer Toronto Jud ecommente at annual horticultural soc etg show licavy damage to county ridge over Nottawa saga itiver at Edenvaie when traction en gine went through wood tloor Barrio school board complained of extra heavy ex ease providing temporary rooms for en leglate white addition being construct ed on Blake St Centenary at that steam railway locomotive Ed torial ad ncated more holiday opportunities tor farmers and their ves What has Irecnme the tramps who used to intest the highway and byway and lockup at this air land Thirty year ago tlrsl are Fills turned on Ottawa and first electr car exhibitor at Toronto Ex hibition hietiiodiat Young Peoples Societies in convention at Toronto decid ed in peiitiutt lion Robert Borden liliiilc minister against manuiacturo and mportalion oi cifnretles into Canada Aim iilmiCd all once plan tor Dominion prohibitan otl icoiglic luvcrepe mu mm um um mv vol ml mum mum on um Inn In hmln um mu m1 MINL thflll Vlnmuvu ummmhlrhra num Ana11m Mum umu Irrull flmlnl mm In VH viruhlhlllon III lrhu In ANN nu mu mumc In unml hm Mon hlon Bond mm still lnrgu can 1mm Slmcoc Coun mnvy lo Wulcrn Cnnldi Good ro urm 1n Inylng ccmcnl road on 3nd 0rd SI Slmpnon Pcncock hu ï¬nished new rulvrrl on Elizabeth Sl No Ion or nec rmry or aulon lo delour lhwug Vour Alabama Bombing Shocking Example Of Racial Violence IPIIII Wills Publlshar Autumn4 menu mu mu run omu umnmm oum um lav mm at mm In rm mm Ind lllluluy Ilolmn mm Imunll mu Mun Iuluut on ll mullmm ll IIIIIIAI IV lllLI Au IIAII llLIun Alvml Illnlul hunnu cm The Barrie Examiner Ea Exam Published by Cahadlan NewspapersLImItcd 16 Bnyfleldï¬treet Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE an Slllzhg General Manila WEDNESDAY SEPT hPlllï¬ stole and destroyed but left nothing but revuision 1n the Imam of decent men and women Canadians living in land where in tegration is not major problem are not unmindful of the difficulties faced by both blacks and whites in southern Un ited States The white population fears the impact to full freedom new or the negrn This fear is the main reason behind the fight oi the southern whites temaintain the status qno But the negro will notbe denied He may not get equality today or tomorrow and he may have to wait many years be are integration is fully acne ted Laws alone will not win him his case He must depend on development of more goodwill and acceptance by the white population But win he ll at least some oi his objectives if he continues to work quietly firme and faithfully to wards that end mans gulley and Barrle Common to reach Fermlale Road Brlgnde was out to Luell flre ln llllss Elizabeth Strlt chs stn 10 on Worsley SL Queens Park wlll be slte for new federal armoury Steed llmlt for autos set by Town Couuel at 15 miles per hourt Man ager of the Vlndermere House In Mun koka unnuuneed lhnt ln future the tango would be prohlhlled from lance hall It ls apparent that Wards One and Slx do not want waterfront park ln centre 01 town Welfare of Ill obscured by sec tlonal jealousles Fifteen mllllon feel of lumber lost at lllldlantl when Chew Bros yard went up ln flames Darrlc nu swered call by sending to volunteer fire men Surveyors work between lllld hursl and Rnrrlc thla forerunner of CPR llue lulo town Inspector llng art nude thorough Ins cation of butcher nhup and found every hln flrst class lluynl Vlelorln llospllal fll ed Many pendectomy operalluns have been per formed In 11 two weeks Sulvntlon Ann nppenlml for ehlldrenn second hum clothes for local film rellured lhrough mlafortune Iopoor rcumatnc llun llowcrol ol Chlcnxo uma lmck lor vlrl lo old homo own rucnllod drlvlng rlnue conch lrom Alllndnlo lo Bnrrlo bolero rallroad cxlemled around 1861 1an when mm buy wu up over menl GTll Ilallon Ind lronl Ilreul vu folller Allnndnlc YMCA Illrled hllllnrd handicap lournlmcnl Dr Ind Mrn Pallan have lmcd mldencl ol lllr Julllco Lennox In Innlnlll bnllc Hank ol Nova Scalll mnnmr hollduylnx on Allrnllc Connl ANCIENT GREECE Ilrnnlfnrd Exponllor chlnd the mumboJumho Mar jnrgon lhal cloudx the MnncowPekl rumpun nro mllonll Imblllonl Ind riv Ilnm um ya back contunu Chlm mn under the Communlm doe nol orgol hll llnd grub aver Im unturlu It Chlnnl axpema have Ivan lluuil con lrol lerrllnry an the Uni lhnl In IIM men an urge Eurnpenmlluuin Hm In mm In kccp lhum ll enmlly for mu Violence cannot be vlclorlous OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Dur Dr Mnlnerx My hus hlnd and his Mend lnve been heavy ca urucuon worker lat yem In hnve developed an occupnllonal ellment common In llboren The hnvo Med In vnh get help mm doclonmho lay ll tamed from want and tear on the 01m 11 the arms And handl Ind change In occnpn tlonllrlha only wlnllnn Many than men an chum oc cuplupm JQSEPH MOLNEIL MJJ nleir mm and hands ache Ia badly nlzhl In they cunl aloe They on and thrill um Iey wear themxelvel out We hm lound on my re liev flu misery not cure it wrap Ill electric helllnl pad lround Illa lower arm Ind all on an old nylon stocking wllh the he cut to hnld It in vim 111k hu slapped he Illnlgh misery In some or the worn cases Thulr arms donl hnlher hem much dunin the day MRS EL lhank you Ynur leucr rep resenla arm of home Irma aicnlt which Is Iimple and pm ca doclors we know the heat for such simple problem can hrhlz remnrknble mulls Per haps we loo often Just suggest apply heal Ind dont make It mphauc enough and pn flenls mimke our moaning nnd think Just melhod evgding lhgprablem But Mat is many lime Ihe hut pussihle lrutment bnlh yramotcs circulation Ind re Inc the muscles LONDON An 11year old schoolboy ls cnjoylnz hoppy holiday by Ihe sea on he Isle of Wlxhl lalnhy unaware that he has become Ih heir to lnbuloul tortune He Is Colln John McCuhhln son of Caplnln and Mn John hlcCuthn who lives on am Hungarian In Berkxhlre When he reaches the use of 25 he wlll Inherit the bulk of the 80000 forum which hasbeen bequeathed la hlm by second cousin whom he calls Aunllz Aunlie 15 Miss France Jeanie Helcnon Pinckncy or BradfordOnAvnn Willshire the lime at her mu Ihe wu maxislrnlc Mlcr various be nucsll Ahe ha he mldul of her eslnle lo Colin who II pupll ll SL Neals Bonrdln School In Ermlny Ilampnhlre In her will hllsl Pinckney In led lhal It was her wish that alln should occupy and enjoy her utnlc and mulnnln it In It former condlllun Em he has born enjoying Isle Wight hnlldny Colin has not been lnlormed 01 um exlcnl of he orlune whlch wIIl be his when he rendm In In or 25 He Ircqumlly vislltd Aunllcl house with Ms Mher Ir Hm wlnlcr Inr ahooiln an the ulnlc The net vnlun cl Ihc cslnle ll 81000 nnd lhl duly pnld on ll will 190300 prom Cupan McCuben ll lplndlllK most hls llmz on Inflinri min on the banks he rum Ivar belong ln unolhur world TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Iln vmrld th Hllle com lml Ind llull hurt lmlh II lh numl nclthr lo Ihm nuclcnl people lhu Frnsrr who muhe lhrlr Immr In lllll IIlnze Icrnu lrnm Hun Alr wrl no chI rnsl lvl Vim mmrr Once KM wnn lnlrly mum nun The pwplo upon Um Eullo lndlm dlulnrl un denl llnruuo of IM mu mm mm lldwd Ind ï¬rmed Ind lhl villig nor pared Ovrr hc um he vllluu an lhl CHI lmh worlcd Ind ulnyrd mu vlmwnad In 0mm mom Ind lurk 17 VIII II errn ml lnd nuhy mix Maura mlln md ludn um and tho tmk hul mu mm In lhmuh In KAIL who remain uy led IhDr roblaml ll lhm won mad nun nun would my Ind arm REPORT FROM ILK Tody then lmllltm MILD mum IlV 06 an mnd ir lnml nl km church um mm In ufllle Iygcd bx Hug villain KAI Im bun walllnl or In Ivnd lnrmw ygl Iiivlum In clorlvkllyl ullhnulh lhm In pm Ilnc mm and mph or man Patient Band Indians Waits For The Road That Never Comes ATZ nc an13m VHeat Beligi For Joint Pains By MclNTYRE 00D Boy Is Not Aware 0f Big Inheritance mm mm mm llllod when My Fan mun llul Ilur Nrr CM only Imn There In just one word wnmlnz Be careful about luv In In hudng nad unlnsl me nu night awn when turned to low Sklna vary In exlurc and It In possible for heating pad 1n Um no burn Iome mule An nilemniiva or than with tender Ikim wunid to apply pnrtiailyiiiled horwaier imi in lhe Inn in he inzenious Ishion you ducrihe This may Riva the nme relief but ha water would coal oil gradually 1nd avoid the possible risk oi injuran the skin while ha gm is nice Den Dr Mount My grand daughter In Iwn months old and hi flaxted mucking her 11p ear this will tend to delurm the Ihnpe hex youthMRS Der Dr Molnar lily teen age children consider ordinary drinkinz water out style They rmw are averaning 24 in 32 nunccs ni pop day Because we are weight conscious we have been buying uniy the low calorie type Thu presume sweetened with sugar substi qu there any harm In toen ngers drinking such heverngcl What in the limitation Ii any CONCERNED PARENT No wouldnt worry The lil one Ire ml of odd tricks Ind ulullly discard them promptly No par or health reasons except that In not good to vamper the mint so that everylhlnx has to ho flavored or sweetened Thalcan be part of the habit of over enung For that reason ld slop buying much pop lhu lnle MIsI Pinckneyn estate lacking allcr le property He xplnined the liluullnn In lhil way The Inheritance or my son 13 Iamlly arrangement Io lry to keep the Pinckney estates ulna We do no win to live We boy Inlse Impression of how rich he mud so we have purposely kept him In lznonmce about Mm camlng Into richu Idler because we Ice might xpoll Hi 11 Al school ll Coiin lhould die hcior he reaches his 25th birthday lo claim the iodunm the money will Ihen go In His Elizubcih McCubbin also of Hunger lnrd Berks who is cousin oi the inie AiipsPinciincy Probaig of lhe will has been lrnnlcd lo Mn McCubbln the young hclr mother and nnalhcrcou lin Miss Nara Silvrr Imtan juqalk 1m Pinckncy mo ivil Ford Farm Soth Wrazali iilishire In her cousin iinrcwnrd Roger Gresham Cooke lh piciure her lrealJrnndmoiher and grant huni by William Crlniord in in hail her home we minim lures Illd certain cited and 5000 lo her cousin Norn Silvzr 000 lo molhcr cun Iin in Silvtr and Mr cioih iur and lace and her Jewelry mi Mherwlu hequcnlhcd la touxln nnlnlie Cookc 10 COUSIN AmIAUTn VnUNtl mm mm mm mm hm and I1 In In III Uflhv mu Guuch Kn Amnlu And the rcniiluefléllhe we 1m to young Colin Jahn momma Elllllmrl my the prnlrlrml mum road lhrmmh dilllrull lml not lnlurmmrflnhlc mmplrlrd mud Wnulll svw Inlr an Illmuu muln wwn Ilw Trnnu tnnadn Illnlmly llumlzh Hm mm Why Inlmhtd nml ll wuuhl nlw lun ml morl poole uml man Inln rammunlllu on lh mu Ilunrr ol Ihe vhrr the rim hlkl Inla ane Kelly ol nmhy Mmiou cell brnm mm In In buulliul llllle villuo chuxch In nrdrr lo VII lhn lurllh Fullm Kelly drhrs In on lhv Mm Ilde ol lho rvrr nnd mnkl MI hum unlll Immune hlm Ind hrlnal hunk mm Mn Junphlne Juc llm nlnne wllh lua harm and dag uhlrh nhu clnhm under unndl Inylhlnx Inld In Slnllo or Enllluh moth or lo nhl loll mm boy on lhv rnllwny lurk oulnldo her burnt Tum Jack Mu Drnnll Ind Imr Im Ind HuIr Inm Ilm Iln llrlhcr on In lho lmh 0n D01 Muunlnln Her II Inld In llmlly uhlu lelllm but my huvml been mu lnr mun mm 10 um Ilm plea 1m Mm ol UH her lrlrr lr Ind Joli Jo Ind lhc ml TIIIMM pulwl llllle lumd who hm nlud lllvllrm lot road In mm mm COULD BUILD ROM lton Iia ASHBURNHAM Man AP Heres mnn whn has flagged down caboose and dining car In his own crusade to pre serve place at the oncedy nnplc rnllynad Everett Murry 72 who be gan his railroading career more lium 50 years ago has bought the 1890 Iii oi lire Nnukcnx railrde station He mile an aid Ension and Maine Railroad dining car to the land that was once busy with the daily imiiic Filth burg and Wnrcesier commu ters Than he and his wile Rose converted the car Into home Murray also has acquired cullectlan of old lamps out moded nll qqumml 10 yeamld prints or Japanese rall way and collection nld caboose lanterns Next In llne ls lhe railroad bulls prize possession an old taboose which he will operate as museum Murrayl in lab railroad In was In as canducwr on the Norfolk mud Bristol Rail way He laler moved to Inc Boston Eluvaled Railway as mulormnn urray says he and his wife wont charge ndmluion to his caboose museum bu ho hop tnr donations In help duhBy ax pnnsel 56 Hull we ever he II Lord Whemore comfort on In olher Illh hue wankl Thu nlgnl 11 ll he pmwecl bclng Inca lo lace with God lurcver Is no source comlon we nccd la get Acqualnled with Him minim blues Railroader 72 Buys Caboose BIBLE THOUGHT United Nativns Secretary Generli D81 unmar njoid wu killed in piano crash near Ndoln Northern Rhodegia two yam ago to dayin uniwhile on mission seeking mnseflra between UN and Kaunlan force 11 The Congo Ha was In hnva boniemd with Katanxan Presideni Moise Tlhomba in Ndoia Hun mmkioidnlmoxt univenv Iiiy respected in hiyhilh oiilct wan descendant of long line at Swedish Itatesmen and soldiers Hix ms the tint Itate funeral Iiionied conunongr tn Swedenaince 1900 SALLYS SALLIES nn too um to 1511 mi Insformer SHme min 21 John Dielenbaker was In 1m New York Times began publication Wm 0mm REPORT COLLIER 5T HISTORY IulIllshrd by Slmme Tentre ngrwlva Comorvnllvc Auoclnllnn ART EVANS YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDAIE FOR SIMCOE CENIRE LIGHT RIFRISNMINTS WILL Bl IIRVED it the ODD FELLOWS HALL You An Coydlnlly Invlnd To Mm THURSDAY SEPT l9th Flom 200 pm to pm OTTAWA Thirteen Quebec MJ hnve broken ley from the national Social Credit party In form Rnfllemam dz Cedmma under the lender Ihlp Real Caoueue SupefllclnlLv thlL looks like In lnevlllble climax month disagreement between na tlonal Lender Bob Thompson mm Quebec llrcbrand Real Cdouem Bnt ll lhlsllhu whole Ilqer It will be recalled lhnl an Easterllllondny lust aeveh days EImér the lederal general elem Hall sennllonal document was dallvered to Govemrï¬en anal Vanier Thin was declnh allom signed by nix Soclnl Credit MiPl lrom riding In Quebec provinceI that they were ready in give our sup port leeral government directed by Mr Pennon At lhal llmc lllr Pemun led ha Llhural opposition the govem men that dnlc was Con aervallve xnvemmcnt led by John Dlelenbaker The six MP lhux mad helical regime they lhcreby declaration of support to hy pokheucul regime hey therch announced Ihclr revolt irom the discipflne at their party caucus in the House Commons and their inicniiun la Ignore their duly eiecled puny icaddr Mr Thompson plcdgc were CHEM Fermn Beaucel RA Buutln Dur chester Raymond Langlals Meganlic Gilbert Randean Sheflordl Lucien Plaurde Quebec West and Robert Beflule fQuclqquut THE SAME NAMES Was coincidence that ex mly ihose lame six MP iormed ihe nucleus oi lhe gruup which broke away last wcclq What was ihe motive behind the Easier Monday declaration in Ihe Gavemarflmcral Wu an idenilcai motive behind Kill nal breakaway iive month later These quesllons wlllnu doubt be probed lully by the nalloual Social Credltv party whlch hn expelled the rebels Such an ln quest will be an extension of Ihe maralhan lnqulslllon con ducted at an emergency pull elecllon caucus and pursued ln dclutlguhly by Dr Guy Mar coux Saclul Credit MP lur Que ly unuch mmouon An cxrellen way to Inlay mod load In an nlomul mnnnur nusonnhle ml We also cuter lo rhildrcn In prlca mule rum ac to 8110 ï¬sliSAbOï¬tMotiye ForSohréd Break ART EVANS MEET THE CANDIDATE RECEPTION SHANTY BAY ROAD AT BLAKE ST PHONE PA 69534 HOME COOKED MEALS EVERY DAY Lunzhaunl Evunlng Dlnnlrs Illa CATERING or ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS Evcry Sundly BAYVIEW TERRACE Bunlnenmen Luncheons Business Meetings Special Occasions SMORGASBORD The Immediate meet lhnl caucus wax that The Six revu dluted their wrillen and lined pledge to Iuppon mlnorlky Llhergl zayempenï¬h heehpninugrcï¬c whgl wni Under me headlfln Heard Deal smug the Chronic 1elunph in Quebec Clly pub llshed swry by The Cunndlnn Press Mrnnlompson and Dr Guy Mnrcnux have both crlllclled the six or xendlnn melr slaw men In Ih Gavernnrï¬enerfl wlpwuL oonsnlllnu puny lud 5th xald they heard re port Ihal Ubenl mm were alleran handsome remnnum llan to any Soclll Credit who would support lhe Pearson government Th was denied by Raul Canueue and by uvml Liberal lpnkumenrfl HIWAWI VOTEM WISHES Those Qnehecola who elected Snclal Credlt candldales over Liberal candidates In those xix Quebec rlrllngs were justlllcd ln feeling lhnt lhelr plalnly ex pressed cholce was belng neg allved by the declaration Thu Sixl It was proper that The Six should retract as they dld by lelezrnphlng to the Governor Gcneral lo nullly hlm of their change or henrl reopened by the overt apllt Ir whlnh The Slx plus some thelr wileagues have broken away from Mr Thompson and Dr Guy Mn chl Caouelle lead Um new olrlclly provincial rump will Ihey vole wllh Thompson and he acrndllcd Soclnl Crcdit group 01 wlll they once again In the word or lhelr Ensler declnrnlon ol ler our support In Mr Pearson that his Liberal lovernmenl ls assured of malorlly In Parllamcnl It might be that the report handsome remuneration were true at tha lime and have been renewed Iince so Camu ette and hi follower hava umply found another and more durable means xklnnlnz lhc cut whlch they ware huntan livu months ago TRAIN MINERS South Mrlcan mlneihm sink er and other lechnlcal expurls are unlnlng Phlllppincs worker In lhch naw mlnln lndnslry pm BARRII