AssemblY Problems Since then the tmlka Idea ha faded cnmpleleiy with Em and West both backing Secretary Genenl Thanh 112 Congo has been Inmcd And more Important Lu mm or changed lnkcmatlonnl ell The death lbs quiet Swed hh dlplomat came at Inn when the UN was laced with hreat nf lullscale war In The Conga hudqunrlou Iha Russian were pressing or Hummmkjaids replace mcnt lecretaryxenunl by ï¬qgemu Irolka cinaun mum1mm The nummn opening of he Unlled Nation Genml Assem bly Ix customarily Um In International stocktaking or examlng 1h up and downs 01 world relation Kn Iha past year The npenlnl of Ihs lath ses llon Duesday had an extra signlflcnnce camlng two years to tho day mu Dag Hammer sldolda aimalt crushed In Nnrï¬hem Rhodexla forest H4 Dunlap SO SALE ENDS SAT SEPT 21 flurdy Ilul cahlncl nulnmallc tempora tura cnnlml and cIrculallng In that blow hlaltd nlr It floor level BumIn humldlnzr pan Ila Breeze vnporlzlnu burner pol Slabaloy noel burner ring for long troublem opcmlian 15500 ILTJI em to mm lluh qu mm EAfou Pr Mod wm néfliuo EATON Prlc ALMAIEX PAINT SAVE 40 In 50 Ovdlnully 260 Spain Oh for 285 nzu=um mvmnir mmEzo 2=OZF xzoiz CHOICE OF FINISHES INVERIOR AND EXTERIOR Almllox SuperSum Almllox WoIIharTuled LAYEX Bun Pln Exloylor Homo Pllnl Automatic Control TECO Deluxe SPACE HEATERS EATON Spnclll Prln 0rdany 375 gal Gill For ORDER NOW SHOP IN PERSON Write or Phone EATONS PA 85983 Proven For Performance Compact In Style I75 But despite lbs rise In he 1n urnmonal hlrnmelu Iome 5mm cluudl were left Includ Inu lbs CHILI In South Vie Nam and the threat new nnllnolonlul violence in Alrica And In the background was the UN chronic inability to nine tho money needed to do II Thu word rehyed to reVorl an afterward wan all ind aen amlcnhle and andhumored Slevensan 118 lnlonnim laid felt almnuly flu coldwar Iemlc would be avoldcd duf the gssembly tension malt new hope has coma In ihe dlurmlment Held with he I57min parunl nucleartest an llzn oi the new nimnlphen came Mexday beim the su aion opening Adlai Siavensan with couple oi lop aldes visited tho Sovlat mission on New ankl Park Avan Ind mud or more thin Inhnur discussing UN Iiiain with Fon eign Minister Andrei Gmmyko 10215 Similar In the model shown at loll but wllhoul clrculnllng lam harmoxlau and from controls Optlonnl cxlm 13500 BTU Hull mnll EATON Prlco uch 00 0000 111 Huh In mom EATON Prlca llth 8465 62000 111 Hull mml EATON Prlco oath 98 Oll Moduli Lou Automatic Controls Ordlmrlly M0 Spulnl Oh lor 305 Ordlnlrlly all EATON Spoclal Prlco arm will hold H19 or year during which me the ï¬nancial problem could cam 40 head This problem has been par iicuiar interest the Canadian mission or lame time In the iuture it will ha oi even more cancnrn lince Mlllnn Bragg tamer Canadian labor mini ter ha been mmud in head he assembly budgein com mllm BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Beauulul Sample Frce Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA was BARR Uphnlmflm In our Bun nm Ngllnlmt Elih BRADFORD Fl lurk JELLY POWDEIIS TEA BAGS LYON SHIRRIFFS CAKE MIXES SPHGHETTINI ROBIN HOOD DELUXE ï¬iviï¬b JUICE STEW CATTELLI SIRLOIN TBONE WING PORTERHOUSE STEAKS PER SMIP SWIFTS MEAT BALL IRISH OR BEEF JAYS FANCY BACONsaa 69¢ PEAS SOUP HYATTS HABITANT HEARTS CAMPBELLS TOMATO LEAN PEAMEALED BACK SAUSAGE FRESH YOUNG BEEF DRESSED 6R PLAIN FRESH MADE FARM STYLE BUEHLEBS 16 DUNlOP ST ONTARIO FRESH SPRING LAMB 1565 lOIN CHOPS lAMB ina BASKET 69 89° ea 390 29c PKO OF 50 LEAN FRESH HAM Pkw 48 or ox Mm 15 ct Olm lb pknl 10 ox Hm 2B ox Hm CENTRE CUTS lb IGRAPES ICABBAGE FANCY RED CANADA NO NUTS BOLTS CIGARETTES Peanut Butter ALL POPULAR BRANDS TUFFYS TILBEST EMILY thnm If GRAD ROASTS BONELESS RUMP 0R ROUND STEAK BEEF IVER HINDI OUARTERS FRESH SLIGED YOUNG APPLES cur Imam1 10 um cunnai OZ PKG 22 19c COOKING ONIONS 10 450 16 OZ JAR Clrhn of 100 BARRIE 35c CANADA NO 79c 09