Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1963, p. 14

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THE AMOCMTED IIIKM Iltlll Hind me lmdxm Vildml mArhll lo Ihnlnul Ilml lmll In mulnl to Anulu muml TM lnlenlrd ynr nhl crnlru lmnt had nod IanInf Mm mm mm whrn he mm Inn and mm or no wlnu nnly mlnll Im Hum lhI Imuu lcnrlnl rhnmplun Well see what happen this year Im Nallonal League whll Ill mum mun In lml nun Inr Nlll Hull and hArllynndrd ahnl In Ibo nun lar uauln Cnnutllm for Hrflvuu no In Cunadlml ANVTHING CAN HAPPEN In serles Back In 1854 Cleveland lndlana were 105 favorite over New York Glants and the Giants took the world serles In our stralght games Reason remember thls so clearly was because went to New York that year to see the stretch drlve tn the Nntlonal League Dodgers Glants Ind lllllwnukee wer battling it out and the Glsnts beat the Dodgers to clinch the pennant couldnt bellevo lt when saw the odds lavorlng Cleve land elust couldnt bellevu that there was team that muc superior to the Glanls do knnw why hul krl hrllrr llmn Im Mrr lrll ll lhll mu lb um he Monlunl lmm uplnln Inld In Fmrumrlnhlnll In lorvlw whorls Munlml Cunn dlrm An In lrnlnlnu So now it looks like the Dodgers against the Yanks and believe this will make fine world series The Yankees will be heavy favorites by virtue of their ex ceptional showing in the American League this year without the boy most at the time They have anlastic depth but the Dodgers wont roll over and play dead tor them BELIVERU LOOKING SHARP HT HABS TRAINING CAMP MONTREAL 1ll ll Jenn Hrllvrnu Alrclchrd lo lull IIxlrtlIhm Inrhl and nude mark lhnl Ihnuld mmrm lhrnuahmll lha Nlllnnnl Hockey Lennuo Ihln unxnn Last night when Sandy Kouiax blanked Cardinals hillsiaitagged the first hit off Kouiax in the aeventh inning Last nights victory took the pressure Dodgers at least for while They now on threegnmo lead and even it they last tonight eyii be ahead by two games with nine left to ay all at home while ihe Card will have only seven games remaining HE CERTAINLY HAS contributed his share in the current series with Los Angelo Dodgers The teams opened threegame series Monday with Dodgers holding onegame lead Dodgers won the opener 81 and it was Musiaia homer that accounted tor the Cards one run lee the true champion he ls Stan Muslal ls leav lng baseball ln the proverbial blaze of glory No one can say remember hlm when he was great He la still one of the best and when he hangs up the lplkea alter this season it will be at the end of an other fabulous season some qur LIKE CHAMP The hockey piclure is bright nUhe resent and thats good news It would be long nter season without hockey and believe if the fans here are given good team the executlve wont have too many fin lncinl problems seven or eight hundred tans supported losing club last season theres every reason to believe that two or three hundred more would turn out to see club capable of holding its own with any other in the league RAY HEAP AND WILBUR WALTON were put in chargeol this department and they have their goal set at 500 tickets This would give the club $1000 and would he great way to kick of the season Bennett said thls morning that there will he pre season saia of reserve seat tickets The inn now is to sell reserved seats for $200 The ho tier of this ticket will have this seat for the whole season includ ing playoffs uu um mm mm auneull uul lney dont plan repeat performance this season Matter of fact they were the first to re uest that four clubs be permitted in the layoffs is would mean the mm and sixth place fnlshers would be out at the end of the regular schedule PRELIMINARY league meeting was held re cently and judging from that it looks like Barrle Colllngwood Orillla Bradford Midland and Uxbrldge Meafnrd had an entry last season but it is not believed they will have club thls year Uxhrldge Is new en ry Those were the words oi Bill Bennett president of the Barrie Hockey Club this morning toiiowinf nfiting with the ways and means committee est This ways and means committee is pregame to get out and work and this is going to he lg iiit said Bennett its oing to take tremendous load off the executivess ouiders and believe we have fine group of men feady to Work for team this season By RICK FRASER Exumlnur Spam Edllar Things 1001 very encouragan at this p6lnl would have to say that Barrie will dellnllely lee team ln the Georgian Bay Intermedlate Hockey Lea fluel BALI STARS um mam zflnmfi manly Barrie finlsh in th 15195 season buithey SPORT AT GLANCE Hockey Picturé Ldoks Brighten om mnndpluu Tutulinill In Knulu lllh mutant mall In major kqu hlllury or kilnMm mqu Jammy IlHlorL PMMHMIA rmmu lull no humor and In mule In vldm om ml Mm lulu hurl In In um Mlor mm day of lulnlnl ramp mlmmngu MIva hu Irflrrd Tull flu but nulpul In data my lhl relulm In mid nl lrmlln Hm uyoulu ll hm muI unyuun will MI rally 91 accuracy Hrllvrnu unrntl only In anal In and of flu Int lwn mm Jun lhlnlu lhII may In hln md lumn In 10 run In tho NHL nlwny Men How ulnmr but IhlA year III dlllmnl Im In balm mums and Im uhflnl humu um mmln ouln Hum other yum Tim lha yrnr Gcnlmon Hnl lho man or an mm and he your Cmmdlenl Inn lholr Iveyen hold an Ihl Elmlay Cup lcnmmnlu 0mm Grollrlnn with he mom slolrn nuApnrlrln m1 llmnre PitchingHuman Ntw Wilt 200 Ill mkrwll ltlen Chicago lfll DuquI Ynllnemlkl nnr Ian nlpln anllu Mlnno Inln Id lernkl RM 515 Mm 310 Purlon ILA Ml 90159 512 flolllnl Minn 520 77 510 Knllnt DH 540 56166 307 Mnlwne nu 557 2116 fluanMllmn Minncmln 91 um nlllra lnSmm Dol lon nu nui Harm HuntH Iumn Mll wnukce 42 Slain nunWlm 10 An eIrs 30 Pllthlnx Purnnoskl 05 Angel IH 833 fillkrnuloKonlu on Any 2131295 II Id Groat St 59 32 Clemente Pills 557 70 IHOnJZJ Davis LA 525 65 I70 122 Coptda 543 173 110 Plnson Cin 520 95 IN MI RunkH Aaron Milwauker Ill Rum mm lnH Aaron Milwaukee 126 lllllPinsbn Clnclnnlll naubInGrnnl se LoulA 12 Trlplu Plum Cincinnall By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VVAT Barrie Spom lelM mu um Anna Drivan were captured by Norma Cohan and Joanne Jackson Grace Ongh also wnn he ringers or lilvcr divislon prlze ShhIcy Clmpbell lbpped he bronze dlvhlon and Audna Webb was ho wlnner or 11an hole players ulling prize were plcked up by Ruth Currie or 13 holes and Yxonnq Lclxhlnn or nine halos prize was awarded to ma gull coming clam lo the pin an IM par three No kale and his wu way by Mlllla Yale Ede Corby had low grass on the first nlne and Belly Muel had low net 0n the second nine Shirley Campbell wok low gross honor and Eileen Gandhead low net Home umnmm nu hu uni um Am WIMI mm mu who mm cm law gross In ninehole play wasv registered by Andrus Webb Ind runner up were Muriel Scan Jean Snelmvc and Verdi Wallwin Ladies the Harris GolLand Country Club hzld their Inn day yesterday and Grace Ough walked all with low gross harm or Iha lshole campetl Han Runner up was Mar Hickllnga Law Eel score was carded izy Lorna Bell and Maryanne Smith took cogd by melt pglzp HUNT ARAMA happy Sandy Kaung his ablg smile or manager Walt Alston Mm lan nimhts 40 victory ovar Louis Cardin Field Day Held By LadY Golférs BALI LEADERS OCT THE Amulnn WI Cohdng SANDY KOUFAX BACKS UP7 VICTORY N0 Nationl pygmy Rulosuxm noun lernmnkl Datum Shlrley Campbell was award ed prize or the males re ducllan In handicap Dorothy Steiensan andShIrluy MacDonald won prim on hid dcn hnles The captains prize went to Lorna Hell and Betty Cllne 1on me ViCe captains prim ah It wax victory Na 24 or Koulnx who also estab lished ahulout mark or lull handeru by chalking up his sl LquIa home Lo Arr Helen Cincinnati away CIncInnalH Chlcazo Lo Aug 93 59 £12 St Louis 91 63 591 Log mom Pillsburgh adclphin law at home ew York Phi ny St Louis By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pennant Racé fit Glance nth ol the séason The vic tory gave Dodgers Khme znme lead over Cardinals AP Wirepharn hm cmI IIQ BRADFORD 51 PA 85965 my gem got underway with Lakeview having only the minimum nine players dressed The flame saw some solid hit ting by both clubs floppy Held in by both teams and lame nation at third base when pints umpire Tom Kane looked like hiichhiker the way he was thumbing players out or tha game Lakovicw grabbed 34 lead in Ill U1 inning an three hill un mm and two nsumm errors Mann An lndlcauan what to ex pect came belore Illa Kama even to underway In pr gama warmup lwo Lukevlew pllyen Gullm Wilson and Ron Rennard collided chaslnl fly ball Bath ware taken In the hospital and was reported In nlghl that flennard suffered concussion and Wllsan wlll ha warned on loday lshelleved has mound jaw fConxumm Gal look In 21 land In mdr bestaheven Inter mediate Softball League final mm with mgvlew Dairy last night It Queenl Park when they bombéd the Dnlrymen In name sprinkled with just about Avery Commas 271 Lead In series DANGERFIELD MOTORS 54451 REPAIR NOW PAY LATER wflh our convenient BUDGET PLAN 40 52 Gun Cam $525 Scolch Duck Call $995 HIVMIICkI $325 Bunk Model 58 SHOTGUN Gum Rimlnglo Modl 12 snorcufi 3006 30 REMINGION largo Slack Hunting Equlpmom Ind Acunoylu In Burl l2 GI Wlnzhnmr SHOTGUN Model Model um Prch BUY NOW BE READY FOR THE SEASON OPENING Coneumeie hed two runner on when Jacobson uncorked wild pitch The mnnen advanc ed and there we mixupnt third Consumm charged inlet imnee and when they arzued with Kane the ump that sent Kenny out at the game Mc Bride continued the argument and he was ejected Ii coupleon oiher Consumm plum came close to watching the remainder at the game tram the Hands Consumzrs kept the nllyrrwolvl in In the IIth when they push ed news man man an Consumm Elma back In Illa mm to In duke mesnn or llve runs on two hill two walla and goupje of Lnkavlew er ran ma In Ihh Inning um Con aumen conch chk Kemey and Gerry McBride caachlnz II Inst hue qr the Gas boys not the heavens hyKnne BUILDING mmmis 249 STEEL 51 BLAKE IM972 1695 9995 lflWESl PRICES IIIORNLEA Cash Cgrgy 4i 133 305 WINCHESTER ONLY 10 DOWN WADEINS ACCEPTED SHOTGUN 189 15W Modal 760 Prlu Modll Ill Pric $435 $173 Rllln Prlu Moan 59 Modrl ll PM 12 fin lelngfon CLEANING KITS Modrl 81 Prlu 3006 103 REMINGTON FASTEST SERVICE 12 Ga Wlnchnhr snorcuN MAINS TAKES TEST NEW YORK AP Roger Marl will undergo eerie all at hospital or an ailing back New York Yankee spokesman laid Tueeday Dr Sidney Gaynor Yankees club physician found nothing more than buck strain when he ex amined the Iiugging outiieider ruesday but suggested iurlher hi lhe last two Innlnxfi Can aumm sent 21 batters la the plate Lakemw outhit Conwmenf 1241 in flux game Gard MIde went the dislnnca for the vic Iary AI Mullau replaced Jaculr son In the 1th but before Illa Inning will over Jacobson back on the mound and Mom my hack first jam Lakevlew go their last lwh In mm the xeventhp Ifkgvlgw outhit pummel9 SHOTGUN 3030 WINCHESTER 12 llhlcl SHOTGUN 15250 13895 18450 189 12795 999s Shot Gun mm am

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