um wanna nxmmzn wannamvnr WOULD RAISE FARES TORONTO CPIA rm linanclal consultants In non prascnmd Tuesday In 1h Mum execuï¬v committee rec ommenrled major Toronto tram portallun fare Increase begin ning next year The ï¬rm lllo recommended construction the 371000000 axlenslun the eastwest subway Into Elnbiwke and Scarborough INQUIRY 10 RPSOPEN QUEBEC CHThe Admir Ilty Court Inquiry Inn the July 20 linking the lrltnnlca in which 13 leamen dled will open In Montreal OcL 17 SELL STORIES WASHINGTON AP The ml of the personal stories the 13 United State astronaut or the next Iour yearn Ior Iatal mm of $1040000 was mounted mesday night Separ alu announcement wen made In Chlcaxu by Field Enterprises Educallnnnl Corp Ind in New York by Life Magmlne GO 10 CONGO MONTREAL CPichentem French lpeaklnx Canadian teacher lefl nlesdny or The Congo where they will each or the next year They Ire upon Jared by the Canadian Unlvcr Prairie in nirendy grinning prospect oi bumper wheat crop this year had added cum iar joy new day In lha announcement at BANFF Alla CPIA public lnvesllznllon OHuwaI pm pond pcnslun phm wn ro quclled unanlmously 1mm by bulinessmcn ukan part In the llrsl day nl nationl ton ercnce on Canadlan economic IUTVIVBL Th waslnnl closed to lha mm but pm Ilalemeul Inld lhu conlcrcncc Illcndcd by mm the counlryl execu llvcs IKrNd lllal lull Implch llom ol ha pmxlon plan have yet to bc made lmown he Cnnndiln public nnd lhnl mom In rmnlIDn requlrcd Some dc emu Iuggcsled lhnl hlgher can of pmdurdnn Ind Ilowcr me cnpllal lommllan could mull lnzm lmplcmcnllnx lhn plan In ll pmenl arm Because the lmparlance and umnry the pthm ll was an lhnl Mnl pnrllnmonl Ary mmmlllco could be In ex prdmaul vny nl carrying om lho Influlry Hus Ilnltmcnl Inld Commute dclcgn ltd lo momlnh lar promulin export Inn And nvlew ol In ngrlcullurp lIlly mm dr rum each pnlil 000 la llltm lhl our lay hmlnm tonlmnco on CI nmllnn lcammlc Aurvlvnl span Iond julnlly by um Unlvml llrl Mberh nrllllh Colum Mn Mnnflolu Ind HulkIrin lfl 11 1000 In ndmllllnro 1m llnnncrd II menu ol munmlc 7mm CPLerr hurl mum Tuvan about he lluhl cl mm In can run pm the world Ibo llrll Inh Cummanwullh ixServer tam docldnd lo flun mom Ingal lulu hg duo gelllm mm by Mr Comm dore mm um lnrynnml ol the lam lmod In In wnhlnm damn In um Tm 1mm Immu lid om MarM Commonlul 90mm yM Inlonl Il Inqu nulliqu 1h Businessmen Ask Pension Inquiry fixServices Leagué Pledges To Aid Impoverished Veteréns WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF FARMERS IUBILBNT my Service Overseas and flu United Natlons Economic Sa cial and Cuunral Orzanllation They are all Quebec univenlly grndumes DOUGLAS FIRM MONTREAL CHT DoII glas leader of tha New Demlr crallc Party rammed from Eumpun trip Tuesday nlghl allll determined Ia ask the gov ernment lo lable In llle Com mons the agreement allnwlnl Canada lo acqulre nuclear WEE ponsl He sald hls monthkn rlay In Sweden West Germany and Holland dld no change hll poslllnn that Canada was un wlu Io acqulre the nuclear wen ponl and um lhl move dld not conlrlbule world penal OPEN HOME BRiGiiiON Engilnd incul ers Cundinn ovemmen representatives and Britilh housing ministry oiiiciuil oili claiiy apenad hesdny an RIP conditioned centin Cnmdinn show hams de ligand In Appeal lo the wouldbe home owner wilh In Average in come The house pmlm which ha been Approved hy the British Ind Candim overn menu was built here in SI working mm by an nverngo working force out mun resurch flu unlvmluu II mull which nu conlalned In nix valumu helnl med tthonlerence em mlnc laplu luck unemplvyment llvlnx mm the rat Canldnl eco namlc mwth and the luflumcl lha UnJled Slate Ind other cmmlrlel luv on lhll counlryl nconnmlc wvmlgnly gigantic when to Rus xla Here Peter Humel who Irma ml was Resin and hurled to ha armpit in when 1mm hIl serene CP Wirepholo MONTREAL CP Pinn nm he m7 Monlrcll worldl lnlr are using compu 1m In lltlp llnd aul how ml lhry can build th lllr Chlcl pinnnnr CLIuth nohll 11ml nld In In Inlervlm con nlmdlon mlbl be wornd oul by flu Id 601 umber llo nld pnllmlnary llndlnu lndluled lhnl III the work VIIItd dam II nnrmn pm mlth bl ImpMn ol runX11101 helm my or mo bui lhll AI ml the Inn repHI from our llndy from our nlndy Wu Ira lonklnl or economlu cllmo lnfll mar hln pllnnm wm Wolkllll on um qumpllan lhay cnuld nun hulldlnl nn nr near June 30 mt dudllm lnr nil Ilvery Alla hy lhl tlly nl Munlrcnl Thu Earl Mounlbullm ol flurmn Irma uldmi In no Mm la pllltul ml of mm mm mm ho numbed Ill up II In 0000 nun hdulnl mm DelaIn mm In It mnlrln Immedlnlrly planed mm nun halt um Imounl ml mmn am ude uu rt mm VIM db nuynl an Inlan Mmul 0000000 uIrvlcemtn llvo hull and mm um mm uh mm aim Mod nl Alumna Slmllnr hank nhlp In In mm Mrlun mnlrlu Fair Planners Use Computers TORONTO CWTM right of wlle to we hethushnnd If hedamage propmy which she Wm unparaler was upheld Wiié Sires For Damage Suedessiully The new luynvodlook Achlevod wllh lumpor wool llnnnnI mfpod wllh cotton Jamey tun nock shlrl Jonwy lack while or in MM SALIA Jumper Charcoal brown mu guy in aim 10 lo 10 WALKERS 50 DUNLOP 3T IAST GObd Tastein Fashion 2s Not Expensive and we provéjzt glaring Ncsdny by M1l Just James McLenhnn me Dnllrlo Court Appell Mr Justice McLuman whs asked to Interpret mllan at tho Married Womenl Properly Aclln an appeal by Ruth Lux nn Ulrich Toronto whnse cnuualalned sru damage when was struck Jun 15 1960 by car driven by hu husband Ber nard aullldev heir homo So much ashlon tor luck in ny Ilco Tnllomd Ihlrt ot drlp ry collon teamed wuh wool tlnnnol lumpor Blouao Whilr ml one km in rim 105018 Jumper Blntk m1 Ital in um 10lo 10 nonnmmm lullv Ill mm mm llll mm II II Nm lllll earlier dlrmlrud Mn Ulrichl clnlm uyln the wlla barred In xuch user ram hm her husband MrJullca McLennan mid revloul Ontario court decision aid only Hm wlle may no Iue her huabgnd jor in lo her person But ha laid IHï¬i remedy In the Ulrich cm won refused lha wilgwouldha un Judge EuriyWnlnber had Cum moor14mm lookl Tunlo ncck lotion top worn wlth Ilukly tallorod mm ï¬lm Spkod um pnllly pun vut 19W llkzfv on amp Black whit in rim sMt 493 Vat Illua m1 mum yold of annbmv 911 11 lo 18 Slims Black or 1mm Slims mad or 0mm in tin 10 lo 18 898 nbla to protect or keep her up uuw prw mun lrom ellher wilful or Mullen loll by her mum usnruu sown yh Ullilponlc wnvu Jun beinnd manl hurl ram have been ma manure the on llvlrnrhosn back Ind and guide omedoel 0M oTour montdwpulnr momulll for be nylon Ind canon ult llnod mm In at onmm knlued com and pllu Ilnod Ipllt hood bu punk have doubln knee 86ml Io 0X lodon nary or brown SIMCOE CHRobert Fan pear 15 TImmlns was mn uncad Monday to yin month In jail on chum robbery wlth violmce to which he plydedjullly ln Seï¬fence Simcoe Man Pluto Ewan nlNorth Chm allltuklmosnowsunMarm Orton Ilo top has heavy zip or an rayon qulltad in wool nlavllnlnq Nylon and mum Ikl unll oatumdoublo kn an nonIllp xlppov Io IX Izrigltymt 1598 Ma Ma llnp wu annulled Ind rowed useduring mu In vnlown holclmm here Sen DREW TOURIST An esllmnled 10000 lourlxla vlullcd the Omnrln land Ind Mull wtldlIlé dhplay It the Elliot Lake 05 museum 111 July at 19