Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1963, p. 1

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Charm Mrlehylam nml Mmmunhm wuo Hullth In nrhnnm hm mun Ill ruuerHnl 1h rWnl In Hie Sum mnvlndll olrcllun Iuwrml Hulk and wollml oul llwlr Illmml hrlulo nlmul loo Nunnu Jnmmnl In lmll Hlnl mmlmlnldy MM Almul lmiuulu innmvullu Thomwn Iwml llw lJbrrnll lor lhelr randucl In Hm rlullnn minimum In dale And Inlvl lllnl lmvlnclnl bud John Winnr rmnr vu lrllnl lld In Quu Im an mnnuu by conconlullnl on II In olccllon hm Thnmmn watnl much Half lo lhn New Dzmumllc Four documcnl said In be ln Leonard Dcmllles handwriting Nwerc lnlrcduccd his trial an charge murder here yes terday by Ihe crown to demon slralc allcgcd cmcditauon WHONIO CPI laIiHrnl Ilnwmh explmlrd dn nluhl II Inlulcnl meellnl In York South vmvlnclnl mllnn whirl Imd lwfun nu qulrlly thurrh lu ml nlmm rmlnl In mum Wlll ndmlllcd hy both do lencc cnunul Jnhn Honlihan and men pmmulnr Timmy Ion thnl lhu ncruml hm bauuhl pint rnrtnn but an nu ny had lhouuh hll courts acllun mcr Ihc cumi wrnlo lhal no mnsl do what was hesl Im hll olghtqur nld AD WhnL the lulum wlll bring God only lnnm wrote llpllrfllu hnndwnutn nnle found In lho llnl complained that hls auncrlnr olIiccn wun ln collmlm wllh Sal Wilson ln per acfulllnx hlmu 99 YUM No file In lho mug ran or null tha accusni wn mid lo have wrlllcn an nnvrr ma man hclnre hul now ml In end In ll once and ul lhn nccuscd mans apartment on Bradtord my Had Wham may cnnccrn Hub Wilsm has mad Corporal Xs wilu prcnalo Ind Mr Yn daughter mum and kicked hlx wnv mu our chlldrm nuL Mr wnrks 11th Cnmp Borden and my Mm NEVER VICIOUS The one rust out he mm day of tho Crowns can Igninsl Iho azycanold Lance scrgnnnl flu is charged the shotgun killing Sal Her bert Wilson In Ihn Ser gennls Mass he Royal Can adian School at Infantry an Inn ovcning alllny 11 Shouts Upset Political Meet cllnr acceplrd by defend counsel Demllle male that human he charg ed wilh kllllnx has Jusl slarlrd pulling my problem back Into Incus an must do xnmlhinl about must put an end In 72 once and tar nlL We at dnclnrs allendlng the Ontarin Medical Assncin Non commune District In Barrie wm Iakcn on nur MURDER TRIAL Demille Weeps As Letter Read ForExammu Want Ad Telu phona PA HAIL The telephone number to call for the Buxlneu or Editorial Dept laPA W7 Du Telephones DOCTORS WIVES TOUR than plplnf Poll mm runl Io ran In my have muml lnln blah grnr In nhulllv 1hr m1 nl mm laid to domhlem Il upwlll mulls nululIrr Ion mh In pm 6L Lawnnu I1 THE CANADIAN IIHIM An Itannlllk Ahol In lhr nnn wllh Innllrrm curd hm Ilultvl or Cnnldn lullnwlul nnnnunrrmrul the 1300000 000 rlul In It lrnlrle whul In HusIn SM cllull ul lhr 72AW000 hmhrl willowml Il rryly Im lunlml Ioclanm In On lnrlo In mid bnnu rnn mm In ulluad untllencu many lhrm NM Iummlltr The Ihnlzun line rlam porllm of flu abdomen hnd ruptured loop lnlcaunl whlch prolmdcd mum he huh noted The vnln which mm mm In In lhu hurl had been unionltd by mulllpl Economy Rises Prom Wheat Sale Helm nlucnce 51 Wilson Ln enumrnninx hlm la come dnclmu whereby he mluht make money lho cuscd noled lhnl Vllsan dxd Inmclhlnn In lilo mo wgthwfilh than mln lnmlllu Emma Ernadmu nl nu docu mcnu lha accuseds Inca flushed dncply mg Lqu Wily me rcmlndnr Mun plans In be read when he not dcpxw sod lha nccuscd noled that he hoped to let up dry cleanlnu er hp mg tho umy1 Evidence has been hnnrd dlcnuu lhnl separation unrec mcnl between the accused and III wlIe was slgncd won Illcr his return lo Camp Burden on Oct 1962 Eran ynu read huvu never loygd you never wfll For seVeraI yn anlcrtalncd lha lhoughl the our marriage ls going In end aomn day The llme or that has come no sh wruta In German have no huml nnolher min wnnt nolhlnx to do wh men Ill wanl In he an my own Thall all want SEPARATION em es wife was introduced by the men Ind read by defence cann icl It wu mulled In lhe no mind an Sept munm when he was ovcmas Egypt day the killing Four bolllu In the canon were tmply lhn neflfigy Igey Vngrwj of Kempcnmt Bay lhh mm nIng Here Hve IN than letting ready to beam cnfl ser From lelt are Mrs El lzaheu Annilaxe Eramplon 0111f Earrie Wmuullun rallnl lhll mun nmu LVIde ha hm hmnl lhnl Mm Drmlllt nu banned Imm Ihe vrvmlm In delnln ul Alyllthrnl on 0d IBM hh Hill Ilrmlllu lodged amplllul Ml 5n Wllunn lml mluhlnnl Mn Wllaan nml Mu lmmllg In Ina Semunlu Mm the TS Ink lychuu In uh N9 flEIOllSE In rriponno lo qurxllon mm In Crown he wllncu rtnlled lhnl Dtmlllt did nol uhlbll mom mponded lo nu Ku Iluns lhnl hu Icrmlnm lha mi on Ipnrtmtnl plncn MI lurnh um In Ilarnla Ind mnnu or hln mnl clnlhu lo ha rcmovcd mm the llnL nolcd Concern for lhu welim and cm hi Inn orlzlnnlcd with lho locum hlmull hl told hi can Tho nmmd could no upml lhouuhl Ienlnnm Il lhnulh ho uth knuw what mould be dons Io clear up hll domes rcsponslhfllllu the pn drg lullflcd Ha abmvtd lhnl Dcmllle lock td llko man who had hnd 9th removed from hll Ihould HI rwn dutd he noted Ha was man who learned have nltnlnnd cumplrle ro 1mm Dr Colpm luld dclmce coun sel that such theory did not Include number mail lacer allnns found on ma right ear the dead man Capt Allan Hanan Ill army padre AI Cnmp Borden luld ha court that ha accused 13wa agalcdln lho Iocul poslflnn when Vlalled Mm In 1111 tell tho day aller 51L Wllgpnl death Theirshnlgun bultulx brnkcn In several plum 1an ha bent ham lt aneJnch gnpmz intention on the right rim oi Wiisunl chin was in line with luveni 1cm chc an Sgt Wilsona neck he mid In reply to Mr lhompsun he admitted that such marks were insistent with the butt oi the shotgun exhibited Is the murder weapon being brought down hesidu Wilson in Ind brsnking ori the floor ind The sound shot which enlar ed he rlzhl bullock area mm luredlhe pelvic hmna Although Illa wnund wn serluus ll ll um likely the alone would limit nustd dealh he told delcncc counscl SESOND SHOT shots innHols which had in nlclcd lha ml wound Mrs Sawyer Whitby Mrs Rudy Whitby Mrs Bulls Whitby and Mrs Le vim Delanay Barrie Exam lner Photn BAY lrlma lnlular human Cum worked on lha llnnl dull nl um Iprrrh will vlollm lhI lrnml Amm My Thuuduy vlnl tnmmllm hml an um 01 mm llmn no Mum man pecml lo upnruvu nll mnlro mllnl qumlnnl lnr dflllll duv lng UNITLD NATIONS Jl Enmuulnd Dry Um mnnd ul npllmhm lrnmlrd mum lnl union Tundny lhr lllh Unllnl Nullum enml Amm lvly lumrd lmlny In In nnrnxll crammed wilh lml tumo In rlmllnn the llulkllml mnlllrl In Suum Vlol Nam Mllcun urlnl plumb am In mlmlulnn Cummuplq China In the UN Drmvd In while mnulnlnl mlm he crouched before In lnr henrlnl hurnlnu Mums and mm Hurhlhn hum nu ma Ihlved nlgu mnurnlng look datum and Wm In no alun min or lmnllon Norm that In rollul Mom In wrllo um ltllur Pml uyen Than Thnl ICC mnry lcnml of the world Buddhlsl ornnlmllon alnxhcd his chesl hcloru crowd nl dem onslmarl jaurnnlhu and nhxr Iflltnphtra In will of lha Unlch anlom EducHon Sn clll and Cullurnl Organhatlon UNI3509 pulldlng hm PARIS neulm nuddA his lender wrnln lcllcr to Unlcd Nullnm SecretaryGM ernl Than In hls own blnnd Tuesday lo pmul uninsl IIIHA nuddhisl mcnum In South let Nam Jud Pnrxons dcnled lhn mn linn lo wipe out lhc Inn He announced that he no wlll Hand Ind lhnl moreover lhey wlll be lncrused rum the cur rent 3200 day to 3500 day llownvcr lhe judge laid he will no prcu or lmmcdlnlu The Judge hoard arguments on motion to remit lines on Local na ma Gnln Elevnlor Work Union Mcmhm ol the small unit have reluscd lo load rain on tho Shnw Ird Shaw Cnnadlnn Ital er 31111141 My 110 015 dlsfi he eon rum in dlo dlspula between the ln dcpendmk SIU of Canada and lha Canadian Marlllmo Unlon CLCl has been Idle Ind empty In Chlcaxo or almost llva monlhs dyn blast knocked hnle In her slde Sch In In unsolved bomblnz PM To Appeal To UN For Tension Reduction Writes Letter With Own Blood CHICAGO AP federal judge has called he Scalaren lnlemallnnnl Union vlnlcnl nrganlmlan and urged gov Ienynent Igcncy to go we Judge James Imsum spoke out In USVDxlrlct court hlcsday In lha can the How Cnggqlnyrulqlll Vasquez called ihu Calllomln Highwny Palm and Khan wcnl bag In dq what he could Ease men Him In my Arms he nldl Beale Just flew all avcr the place said Tony Vlsquez 25 He was working In Inclrhy let lnca Held and saw he convened truck ripped Ink pieces Bodle were shown or hall mile along both skin lha rack alter the crnsh It farm road crossan near lhe mwn Chuaar alum miles south of Salinas SALINAS Cali AP lpcading might Iraln shattered makeshift bus jammed wilh Mexican lieid wurkurs Nexday killing 27 and injuring 35 in the worst vehicle accident in Cali Iarnil history Sevenlun of tho Injured were In critical condition Go After SIU US Judge Urges Barrll Onhrlo Canada Wadlmdny Sophmbur i963 Una body wn hooked under 27 Dié As Train Rams Into Bus Indonesians Riot Fire UKv Embassy nuon mud In plain mm mm Cunndlnn mun llan In UN Whtlhwlnl mll alang lm bun mnaml nul lcumm will deal willy wllh UN whitnu Inrludlnl mum Imp cullnnn and lhclr ll Mnclnl In ulttndm flu nprn In lha Immth Tum nllrr txprrltnclnl lllllt di llcull llndlnl Cnnldnl plan an nor mum manp mpnll hm chlnnd Alncl lemnn mutated I11 ll HIqu In In lnlnrmnnln nld lunnn nnl uprrlul mnlu Iny dru mnllc utnlomenl hul lhnl wlll mk Ill annual ur mu Ilurkenln final Wnl lemlom In III ul lho nurlur lul mm thl II college hrcd Pom Colluo brand nuryur ml min mm annr ynulh And he nld rm ldauih up nn cum wm upended on cundlllon llmy lawn lllrmlnglmm Thny Wm John Dwycr 20 Mnnlml Ind Dnvld Stanley ll Toronto ll slonor lullllmu lawyer lor lho puny nld Stanley could not loan because 01 olhcr mun commllmenls Thcu Incu prtllmlnnry hcnrlnu an chmn nl Imull wllh lnlrnl lo mum on chIrln Irowln out rock In Blrminn rt Tucsday lwo Clnndlnns whn work far pm lexrcnllon mup were unlcmd In In dnyl 1n MI and and £100 Mich or nclllm to rial duran uch demonslrnllanl led by he Na llo umghujuly Appeals worn Issued In IEV crnl clllc to make Sunday day 01 mournInK Ior lha laur Ncnro chlldrcu kIIch In thl DIr mlnghum hlfrch dyngmlllnz BIRMINGHAM All CFAP Negroes prepared lo hury three mom young vlcllm of main vlnlrnce hm ladny whlll lym pnlhy dcmnnstrlllon were planned In olher pm ol the Unllcd Slnlu IDWL wnlompt an conllrfixcd on Ila count at rfluslnu put min nbnard paymenl Lawyer or he lucal Elanncd to mks an uppul lo shot cnurk Thu Judge commented hut lha president at the local Jack Connor had purucd Mmsell canlrmpl at court by recum mcndlng that the member per form their jobs But the MM at pddq dmu noth Franclsm Gonzales Esplnnsa SI of Sallnas the driver mld he stopped Inc crossan and looked In his rlghL Highway Pm lral Capt Francis Slmmon sald Esplmxa declared he dld not hear or see he Iraln Imlll lhe rant when were on the track wnrkm at mu mm were returning mm celery field ta he Earl Meyers Company labor camp near Salinas 100 miles suulh of San Franclsco Ccmadians Led Race Violence Ncnly Iwa died by the racks other died 15 nm hulunm rushed them to lhree Salinas hqspluls Théy rode on our board bcnche nmnlng lengthwiso on lho flat bed ruck lhe unglne nld Coroner Chris tnpher Hlll Jr alter vlsltlnz lhe mm Sines hall and cutting knlvc were Ill around EvieryWHexE you could hear anpred manning HERES ONE Ha Iwh nmd ll lun chm In momm Du lluw mmmld Illa UN Immu who mm Md flmrdln lrnln rlvll nrvnnu In underdmlom raunllm Horfimuu Mldcllc 123158 the award of II Nnbnl Im or hlm lrmon II Imlnl ml nld homo um Unlud anlunl whm In inlllmd Ic llnn In me which mulled In lrxcnrx ulher delrnnfilmu hm anm llnn nl UN nu ma more nu Inrnl nlluu an hm lndlul mud la IIIHHI In mprvv lho qunllly Ind muhll My III UN Imlllllrlfll OTTAWA CPIThu Imm men In mlnl lhud wllh len Iulnllnn lo Ilrumllnl Cnnmlnl nHwnyI and In overhqu he rmnl Iyulem under whlch mm mu Mlublhhcd mllbla mum nyl Thu tuner or can lhu ulrl klllcd Sunday uyenrold to Hammond Robertson wnl held nmday wllh hun drndl nl perum anme while paylnx Illenl lribule helm wns hurled In lhl red clny be nnnlh udnr lrcu Dwy In lanlty balh old Judu Enrl Lunzner lhey mm In Dlrmmham rmnlly and hnvo been ncllvdy waged In acllvlllu cl lhe National Sum Rluhl lnrly Thu puny II prnaeurnnllon group lhnl mu ndvncnlufi hay cnulnl lnlcnrnled Ichaola Ind tugmlng WIVng Ichooll lhrowlnz Incident re ccnlly dcscxrczaled Grlymanl Elcmcnury School And an an immune belam ledanl mud nry Sinner luld Stanley has been Inbpacnucd by lho grand jury whlch Is In spcclll union to lnvcallgnla nclvllu to block ultra mun nrderL To Overhaul Freight Bates The mmmcnt nppam In lha handoutr1 diary an mmlab mcnlmnn lhnl oncn torilnlns terse contribquns from ha nnwspppors Irubllshm Cana dianharn Lar Buvcrhrook This would be splendid Hp palnlmcnl lay lha news paper Mr Drew man or the hlnhcn dlxllncllon LONDON CPDThe Evcnln Standard welcome numsllom that George Drew Cunnuul high commissioner In London who Urlng become the next Canldiln GovernarGen oral Suggest Drew Be Next GovGeneral ANDREW GILCIIRISI have British Ambnasndor to Indonesia And It were xale Ind unharmed British urclgn omce upakcimn Md newsman in London Inday In donesian had set fire to tha Brillsh embusy In Jakarta the Indonulnn capiluL AP Vlruphnln Um min Jun Bur mm In mm look prmm the mvltjn In mm TM lnlnnll cxncclcd lo nmnln In hcspllnl or II lull lwo mnnlhl ABERDEEN SD AP Mn Andiaw Fbchar mt hnlrad mnlher qulnluplell looan lorwnrd lodny ln clum lnu homalrnm holpllnl hu llny Hvednyold Inlnnu Ilendlly xnlncd jn llrtflllh boy born two month rrcmlturdy In Saturday canlnutd 56 and hrnllhy wllh he nullonk goud Hm nllflvo would Iurvlre br Jnrndnubm lhe Ilmlly physirlnn whn dellvmd lho Mild here was no rcpan my con cerlcd ellort to put out In Embnuy re and It appeared likely lho bulldlnn muld burn In lho Kmund number chll drcn Brlllsh diplammpln cludlnx Gllchrlsll two young slcra wm llalcd or avncun inn lram Jnkarln lonlm Aboard xchcdulod mm the Tha demonstratan Ilsa flrn la Jlknrtll Brlllsh Cricket Club OCIII centre or Briton IlvllnTE In lhu Indonesian cnpiln Jluu Tho allack second In lhreu days came as tha Indonesian government ordered ltlt wan unions to hand back control Brillsh column which the un lnns sel Quintuplets Gain Strength Mother Leaves Hospital Soon The crowd completely out canlral Ionlcd the mummy ln lcrlor movlnx 1mm floor to 1er And hurllng lumlture And only cqqlprqen out wlndowl The demonstrator terrorized Ihe stall or lwn hours Reports laid 1mg 12 mem ber n1 Iha embassy In hnd been Injured by lyan mm or club CP lrnm APRuflm JAKARTA mdonesl lndtr ncslan demonstrators protesting cruallan nntlCommunlxt Ma laysia lmlad and llra to he Brlllsh Embassy and nllacked homes 01 embassy personnel lo day 111a threevalorey embassy was let burnedon shell lndanealan troan were re ported mnvlnz tonlxht to quell the rlollnz Illa most savage ln lhrceda outburst of mob vlblnnce dmtzd ngalnst the new lcderntlon created Monday wlth Brltaln backlnl lrom our lormer Brltlsh colanles Stones And Clul fnjuré 12 Embassy Staff Memheys JUDGBD um um No Moro Than Par Copy21 Plgu Vlrlabla clnudlnes with let Ihawm Low tonight so lligh tomorrow 77 For nomplm lummnry urn to page two hbhlh Mum 4W Local Weather lold Huim umlairl lhnl would nth no lulu he dnHvery mom Inn come down here lhn 10yearold mumcr told reporlm nnd phnlngrnph cu Tuudny nlnhl Mr llrxl Em converrncu men the hm In wm born Thu Inlnnls Are hclng handlcd ax Hllln as nuiblc in rdcr la comma llclr Ilrmulh Thay Ira htlnr mi about lmpnnn ul illclnl mlIk lormuln my wnlu Ivcry lwo hnurl ruzlnlupkll nld he might mink cm lodny Labor Fnrco 61 Emplnycd 87 6742 6531 Unnmpluym 29 no The mnnlhly ranor based on Iunny 15000 houxclwldl Icmu Canada duran Iho wetk ended Aux Since It lam pllna survey all RUN are Ilallsllcal csllmalu and Ira not glven ll precise omll Unemployment Reported Down OTIAWA cm The hub to school movement lun ngm helped reduce lha ranks of Canada uncmplaycd to 270 000 in midAugust drop new mm July and 10000 from he yenrearller lolnl the led cral lubnr deparlmenl Ind ho Eureau flaHllIcl repflrled Io Thu mldAulus Jobless aqunl represent 33 per can the labor lorca compared with per cent In Augusk 1962 and can In August ml In July he unemployment ma mg percenL The JOBblame in hrlel with clllmalu In lhousands in nu rd Mu mulu ll ccnce Minlxler Gen Abdul Ham Nasutlnn called on his country In enhance physlcnl nlmncss la pm Indonesia policy contranu Mofl agglnsl Malaysia The indoncslan mnh that It lnckcd lhe British Embassy day was iar bigger and mm bent on destruction than in crowd oi H000 that basicgtd British and Malaysian emban lie on Maiayxial independenu dal Monday iha itinva In to the am bassadorx car and rlppud up Iho Brlllsh Hag In Kunln Lumpur capital bl Malayaln the government an nounced was punlnl the coun lry In stnto prepared Hess because of Indanenlan and PhlliPpinekhqstlllly Aumallan nlrllnu Qanus 509m nddml th Aux JulyWI mum

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