Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 9

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33 The result is the Monitron tiny electronic device thu ar rest and tamer power use that reach your TV set So com prehensive is the protection offered by the Monitron that now Philips gives you Cnnldns first 2year picture tube gun nntee In addition to longer pic ture tube life Monitrou TV by rhilipr means greater viewing pleasure By keeping volt3e output constlut Monitron eliminate Picture Squeeze the shrinking picture that results when voltlge drops Combined with Philips other exclusive futures it gives you studier picture Ind greeter dependability Dlmnginz power my in hauseholdcumnt like place more often than most people Inspect It hu long been the major reason behind premlture picture tube burnout When these power urge occur they can also dam3e all of the ex pensive highvoluge parts of younelevislonsel Philips engineers tickled this problem In their semh for solution they turned to study of lightning arreston used on overhead power lines These protective devices they dis covered successfully control the hundreds of thousands of volts unleashed by lightning balls that strike hydro clbles Surely they relsonud the principle could be sdnptod to television firs ghncc the initials QSG mly not mun much In 1he Iverage lelevllion shopper Thcy mean grcn dcal how ever to the man who knows his Philips Duler Monitrénthc unique unal tive Electronic brain that gins its name to the 1964 PhilipsTV linedocs far more lhlll thlt 1t allow Philip to give you Canadls first 2yur pictule tube guaranln Philips franchised dealers offer QSG 050 are lnitilll hut mm for Qunlily Service Gunnice The 1000 Philips Funchlxed Denim have nude these Initial their motto To umlheir fnn chise your Philip Dealer met lhu toughcxl ofalnndudl in Ibo clavilion indumy Mm mamberl ol the Philip 1000 luvs been Phillpl Dealer or may yam They wen chalen for their counuy in wily abilin Ind willingncu pmvldo you willl respomilllo followbeould Icrvlcc Why you the Philip Iymbol you can he turn of Qunlily Strvioe Ind the Indus lryl mon complela Gunrlnlca The up nhpm hu done Int or Hume or xlght Im mlhMMllnlnrnlwnluu luhnnlulknl Idvnnctl II mull or Mch march hep vowing up III mu Ihe plnce Monitron 500 and guided missiles have something in common Um um mml impmllnl nt um Idmmn lm bcgn In lhl um of pvinud drum wllnnl mum mum Im the with pnnlrd unto mill phi chmimlin hm 1mm wlm Manitron 500 TV has 12yeairpicturé tdbelfégUaIanfé Canadas first One of the most unusual cal um 01 Philips 1964 Monitmn 500 TV is tiny electronic eye positiond at the top of the con trol plncl lt muéurcs the light in your room and automatically Idjusls the picture contrast to the right lcvcl thnever tho room light changcl the Aultr mullcContmtdeviccautomnt Here an mlny Idvnnluu In lhiv form nf whiny 01 Handy ll lam Ipacc ur on lhlng ll Ilm um Wlllhl fiance the control page to he right is one my to Ippm ciale the rcmurkable Chch Philip introduces for 1964 with its Monilron 500 TV line Ilul med to much mm one connection to mother Al the lop of ma panel devicc found only on the Moni lron 5001 In elccuonic yo drsigncdlo mmurethelighlin your room There measure mznls Ire reluycd lo Philips Aulomnic Contml Conlml which then Iulomllicllly ad jum lhc picture comm on your rcmn for perfect viewing Bclow he lighted drum in dicalcr anolhcr puxhhullon future Marked Ipccch music thII buuon allowr you to choose Ibo oplimum round frequency nnge for musical Ind Ipccch prngummu Mml Ompmllm hnwever Ihe dame ufdcpcmlllilily lhnl an be upeclrd min plinlrd circnil Since Mkrl or luhltd mluile Illnm neupemheun uy lhu lull only component Thulhild button Immlholop and Mun It Illow you lo cut ho Iound in 1nd out without dillurbin he piculrc For inmncc if your phone ring during progrlm you prm lha hulgon Ind mum is silenced When the call over you mm it min Ind tho Iound tutored mumly Annoyinxcnmmminllcln Ilsa bocrrzcuvcly dell wilh HOW iha Mule buuon the Aulomnllc Conlusl Conlwl Thin enlbln yuu Io Iwilch at he elecllonlc eye ll Illa lop of Ihcconuclpmellnd ule Philip nunull cnnlml conlml Under the offon pum hunomIrtlhavnlumnmlmnc council The volume mnlml pm wide mm of powtr your flnltliipl whilc the con Iinunuxly lile Inna conlvol allow you In mecher Ihe HIM Ahldu ol mum New Pushbutton control panel different from any other Vertical and Horizontal Central Eliminated EleCtronic eye in your living room ically changcs the conlnst to suit it If manual control is pre ferred howeveryousimplyclick off the Aulumnlic Contrast Ind use the normal contrast conlml To see this striking fu ture in opcnlion plan bum ing match or your hind in from of lheelcclronicwye Ind wnlch the contrast clungc llmmcohhlldeptndnbflily pvlnltd civcnil wivinl 11 been ndnplnl for um In evuy Iulipl MnnimmIVAuptcillpnxm dculupcd by lhilipI Ivvinn Ml um my dcpemjn ibillly you leleviunn Iel Him the many on of zimlil Inllnm Ihilipl Illm Ihe llm Iu build ll be mm mm up Prlnlcd wian don llclure lulghlnm Ind muml mnlml ul uggd by In IgulARnnb from your Phlllpl Monilmn 500 TV The cinnml ultclnr Ind fine Inningmnnnl mm bolle the punt 1Five automatic features of the future are likely to change your viewing habits forever With the introduction of Philips 1964 Monilron 500 1TV the phrase automatic TV takes on new mean ling Gone are vertical and horizontal controls gone is thc need for manual contrast adjustment gone is the lnecessity for finetuning after every channel switch Constantly Sleady Plctuva 0n ordinary TV manually opcraledvenicaland horizonlal canlrnls are neccsxary They kcep lhe picture from rolling over or slipping sideways Philips New Vlalmallc Pluure Lock does 11 job auto cally VisimaticPicturcLockoflerr the Viewer rocksteady bic ture No nutter how strong the interference the picture in your Munitron 500 TV set will not roll or tear With Philips Moni rron 500 TV in your home theres no irritating knob twid dling to get Ind keep good picture Electronic Eye Contrast Another important feature of Philip Monitron 500 TV for 1964 is Autnmltle Contnst This unique device automati ellly measum the light in your room automatically keeps the cuntrast of your TV picture at dctinble level As your mom grow dark the lcclmnic eye on the control panel mature the light Ievd Ind adjust the contnst oIynur TV picture Tum on the light Ind the magic cyc goes into opmliun Again For graphic dcmonstntian of this featurc timpr hnid burning mulch 03 your hind in front ol the elec tronic eye Ind watch the con tnst change Black In Black Opllmllc Brighlnm is In Philip Monilmn 300 TV de livcrl performnncu unmllched by my lclcvhlon MI in ill pvicc lm Tho Monilrnn 100 lm In nlI new chluil dnlwed right but In Clnldl Ind Philip In de Iignzd move ltlcvhinn sclu llmn my olhu company in Canldu 1M new chlulx lathe mulluf IO yuu rmmh Inmch lhll hwugM Imelunmn nllltr IhinnI complclrly ncw cir uil dulgn Iml cumpuncnll dc Ilgned Ipcclllcnlly for lhc Monlllon 300 II ordzr1lnk look at he IIcu one of Ike mm Impnlllnl Induywmivcmmpnnrulxhlht pklun Inhc1h Munllmn 300 lube mm Phillp ududvc yur Inlunlu lll ynur imm Ime Hm you will be and willl upcmhc up to SIOU pllcemtnl hllh If your piculc lulm IIII plenumEly AmathImmnlnlcmnwneul lq IMlipn will mun hid Tnhe 11mm umum In unwlminl linll And only OHIIIPS mm 111 is the Philip cmblcm Respecled Ill am the wotld it repmcnl In impamnl component found in may product lhlt but the Philip nnmThulcomponcnll1 quality qunlily lhn is the mull ofnsellch Ind lasting quilin lhlt mulls in Iruly lllpflb dependhie pzrfunnnncc Finccn hundrcd Cani dinns Inn 22 me manurnclming plant in Leasidc Onl In devoted to building Philip Imoul qunlily products forunldilns Monitron 300 for traditional quality popular price AUTOMATIG TV BEGOM ES REALITY Philips announces five features of the fufiture Usually you miss the scene below you get chance ml just your set Now Oplimnlic Brightness senses the change and automatically Idjusts the black level so that he picture detail is clear even in she daxk est nigh scenes You dont miss alhing Set FineTuning Once Finetuning your Ielevision set has long been is nuisance On most sets it is necessary to re setIhefinesluningwheneveryou switch channels This isnt Ihc with PhilipsMuniIrun 500 TV Philips frontmounted fine tuning central Memumtlc ntnlng allows you to finetune every channel when ynur set is fim installed Ind then get per fect pictureswithouunylurlher adjustment No More Shrlnklng Picture Picture shrink or rtrelch want when household current flue tuates common oécunence lnevcry PhilipshlonitronTV this fluctuation is regulated by tiny incredibly sensitive instru menl Called Monilron in name was given to the entire 1964 Philips line this device work like thermostat to give you picture Ilia Ilways exactly right other exclusive Philips auto matic feature Everyone who has watched late night movie has seen the picture disappear when the screen goes dark People now Inving lmubln with fringe um reccplion will Mlcomc lflalhll ulun of lhilim Monilmn 300 TVlhc long Diulnca Cmodo Tuner The Tunrr pulll welk Ii nllnlulwonldulherwiwlnlml In 3in you Impwvtd xmptlon umnlllclwhm youlcloulcd ll nlw mlucu mining Ini mow lo minlmum Two mum of the mlny Idl lhmal fulumoncvcd hylhillm Munilmu 300 ml VImml cfliciml makm Ind In Ilr umled Inuit The Ipcllm wifll Ticonnl Slecl Munch nuled Illlflllllmfl Ihe would 171 Mr uccplhmnl high qualin while Ihe new chum II nlrwukd or lunxcr cnmlwmcnl life Wml you uh Hm up fact Iboul lhilipl Munilmn 101ka for lhcnmlm pu lmmnncc unmalched by my ulcvisiun ul In In Mice clung Ivndllimul qunhly at popular pme picture In will no Id In Icmillvily wilh lha ynu You Ihm Inn 11thth In do hm wllch on your Munilmn WW Irlm chmmLm but Ind udoy fiddlcIm vlcw 0nlhcdlyynumcannilmn IV ul l9 Imllllrd yun Ilmply Ium II an Inn In uch chmntl Ind meune iI llnderonlinlry ivrunuunm all chnntll will Iy pclftully Inncd Philip tnlimcn hm llhn Ihc fiddle nul ol lunln with lhtir tcnIuhMo Mrmomltlc lunnmmnicnllyIrmchon he lwnl orllue II Mcmo malicrunzr knob on lh I964 Monilvon min Illowl you to finMImc nth channel nnc lhrn for It CBSTNEARTISAN 23Causalwilhllslzfultlbinet in contempémy duim Finer cut Mines High fiddin sound through Philips exclusive um Sonic Finlunlng lhu llmewuling Icmpcrlminx bullnm nf gel llnnoumltvhlon pclumJuu right uch llmo you change cl eh lhlng nflhn Ml The 1964 Monilmn 500 TV by Philip puls an and to one TV Irnit um oltcn leavts TV view ers in duk good exnmple is provided by old movies being Hun on TV The mcplion pevfecuy Icuphbln until the lotion uwilchu 10 night Iccne Suddenly evcrything on the urccnbxomeudukgreyhlur By the firm you Ihe viewer hive Idjuxml for this Iudden ohmic the teen ll ovtr und youvo literally been 111 in the dulg About wlul look pllcc Thix hu bun climinnled by Philip through Ihc inclusion or III Oplimllic Brighlneu Ci cuit which nclullly mm the things In the piclun Ind in mnllyldjusuforllYouun be puleofulchingllloflhe Iclion n0 mluer how dark lhc pic xuro becomu throws new light on night scenes No more finetuning fiddle Optimatic Brightness takes the time to build the best mt lnrllmunIrmlcdlnlvue hllh Hdellly mndncllnn IMllpl mniunn 500 dclimn CHM Iloml mum pufmmnce Im pluhll Ilul of muny mulled nmo high fidelity ull In Inlmutmy lull uublhh Ihl rchuency mun ll 15 cycle low and Ind15000 cyclu ll llu huh end 1h BARRIEJXMIINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBZYVVISI Mll 0n commitnee upcdnlly ulmiu II III Aulnmnlic Pic lurn Luck uhlch lull In cm In vulkal lollaver and dc IplnAnnlhrlI Ilu uhhuuon Mule wilch pumiumg cmpnmy cullingo ollhe mum willmul Illa xflhennmc uxmily of lunln up Igain Ifltr clrphono allot ulhcr lnlcmlptlon Vluullylo1hc new lhlllpu mrlvm lmprmlu The Imuu Ill nouhly dur Ind nlluul and lb nlmplu conlvoh Ara 1I lhl hm wllhln my mch lmlud of lulu ll tho but on Crhp high and wild low In Imoothly bltndcd Into homo cncoul mum Spmh sibilnnu nhnrplnd live but mlhoul ho Immin whisllu which can be l0 limom Io hc mu Through Pllfiipl Novo Sonic spcakm piano rully mund like piano no hi incl undcrwnlcr Full nrchcmnl chords are distinct and juxcyLnslcad uldiuolv in inlu blurry mllt Musical nllmcllnn ranging from 0pm nnd symphonies lojnu Ind singalong hm always been prominently len lured in lhc TV prognm achcdulcsl Usually however the sound or Iudio impact or HIESC pmenmiom hu com rflltd weakly wilh lhc visual as far In lhe domulio viewer ixlcncl is conccrncd Al lIifi lllow which luv nllendcd in Tommo New York Ind Landon audio enllluximls have rc Mn¥$ly upmscd wnlempl for 1h Image cnlibxc alsound on Whnlgaodix II forcxnmple lo filllhcxcmn wilhinllmnlc clowupl of gnimilll lingm or prim donnu omih or Ih synchronized Elbows of min qunvlcl illhc SOUND accompanying hue image is only lhln dislarlcd mockcry ollhcml McCoy llmmly lbczul lnllng In my mm hum hundome Bridlb wood model ukmd from the new lhlll p1 klublun llnc fly wlde ImmIn ll dtllvm finest sound hm ml hmd mu TV Philip Monimm 500 mic of hi hfidelity Mevision mgivm dcscrm an honest mommtn alien for Ihe bcncfit or topic who slrongly ch do that lhc thing to be ARI on television In ollcn just as impoxunl thc things to be SEEN Clydr Gilmaur Lv mavlt critic and man column1hr MarleanxManzlnundM Tmnta Tthranl min mum broadmltr HI weklyanthaulrtmrdpmnamGllnwwl Albunu has been popular ftulura on CBC rum77k radio inr I956 llllynmnnl rallmm ofuoardw LI and czIlw 1mm and malt fluidId In Canada Monitron TV has laboratory IIIH sound by Clyde Gilmour ken Cabinets In Swadixh Wllnul Ind homy Hanks 12 Woofer Ind xpecul Tweeter Philip Ipulm mndc la IcHnl leflullom in Philip wand nnowntd Iwuuiul Inb ouloiu hm min pm clslnnllvlype cunll Heel Ilntll Ind lhc him in twin up mm nna lo lundlo lhl high Iml In other to bind the lawn mum Ipccuum

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