Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 7

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WW Naw Yolk mm mm Ikfllfl mill mum Ihllmlrlfluln An rlu SK 111 Mllwnuktv 61m lrnclm lllllndolfliln Clnclnmll Result and New York Karma Clly Clcwlnnd llllnncsoln Boston In Ilanch Only Ramos ldlcdultd ProbIlla lllchtrl Today New Yotk Douwn 190 at lllnncsoln Pawn lM Chlcaxo Norbert lll0 Wnahlnan Oslcen MI nulumon Unbel mm Dolmll numlnl UL Nl Cleveland Krnllck mm In 105 Angela Newman Boston Vllson mo nl Knn llll Clty WIckmhlm lom 0mm sumy Cch at lm Afldll Boston nl Knnsnl Clly New ank at Mlnmwll Ilnlllmoru dell Chlcan Wmhlnulon Clovelnnd Kansas Olly Lo Anxnlu Wishinqu Mum potmll New York ylmesoia Dodger have In games ra nmlnlnz Cardinals Hlnclud int limegame series batman the two club at St Louis mn lng next Monday Tonight Dodgers will he ai Philndcl Mn or twininhl double ender ngains Phillie while Milwaukee Braves invade Louis Dodgm will be slixhi dig advanuge with Sandy Kouinx forced to work agnlnsl Phiiiie with only two days ml to he can lit in tho piiching miailon wllhoui having to work during next weekl Juwlsh holiday 4ng mum 11 um ASSOCIATED puss Amerlun us Kbiiax will pllch Um end game with Bub Miller The lecnndpince SL Loni Cardinal won heir sixih con ucuuva Kama Ind 15 in the 1m 15 by blending the pitching Ernie Brosiio and the IiuK gin oi Bill Whlla and Stan Mum or an viciory over mime Cups But he wielded one at Pitu burgh Thursday night belting mnd dam homer and run Icurlng dnglo In pmduce all the run In victory over PI ralea that mnlnlalned Dodlm threelama grip on NI qgal Leaguelgad By MIKE RATHEI MINIled Pm hem Vrller John Rasabom nicknamed Gabby by his La Anzales Dodnr leammntu because he Ipeakl softly rarely came big stlpk MOTOM um um um REPAIR NOW PAY lATER DANGERFIELD Roseboro Paces LA To Victory Cards Win Hdured Above In the mar My tho MAP Flyon who last week won the Camp Bop den Fastball Dengue chump ionshlp Flym elimlm lied ROS Lhm games lllh luv Mnunlvnl BUDGET PLAN Nfloul lua ESEBALL SCORES CAMP BORDEN PASTBALL LEAGUE CHFMPE IM 57 qu WLMHHWHWWMHM WWMNWHWWMMN firs lrohlhlu Illcherl Todny Anselm Miller and Koulu 2H hilndclphln Bowen IN Ind MI lwlmahl Mllwnukee Spuhn mm St Louls Simmons ll7 onion Notldnrt It New York Hook 1H or Pow all 11 NI cMnMfl Nuxhlll um Plum Km 15 or 249 51m 57 III BLAKE wilth Amide mamas Sun Francisco Naw York 93 Ema91mm hum While lwmnm homer dmvo In lhlninm with hnseslnudcd walk and also cal Mind single Hush rnvmd single hls um two times up against Larry Jnckxon 1415 Ind mud lho games Hrs run Dick Gmn showing no alxns the chest Injury that sidelined Plrnu meanwhile could manage only our hit of Johnny Podres 1310v lhrouzh men lnnlul When they starlet to connect In lhn olghlh non Perrlnoski brouth hls 139 earned run avenge Into Um game and preserved tha victory In his fallen Ippenrnnct gynmm Mfinmfis Roscboro so year old lell handed awlnzlaz calchar Is Mb an only 245 will nlna homer In 48 runs batted In But In supflled the early an Plralel Ilammlnu hla grand slam of Bob hlend 16 15 la Illa Hm lnnlnx allow lqm singles by Jlm allllam and Wally Moon and walk to Ron Falrly Moon lhen walked In the Ihlrd and avenmall scored unfilloseboma hulai Only names ldudulcd 1mm snluniny Han Al New York la Anlclcs In Philadelphia 81m India at mum Cincinnati It 0qu lulwuuken Lou InonNLETA £25 curv mm yul not II In of our lulul BARRIE BOWLING Ill Dunk IL PA 047 OWEST mess insrnsr smmn In thn nnly other game Thursday San Francisco ants Juan Mnflchal ourhi New York Met 60 and Phila delphia defeated Houston cult taking the mound In the opener against Phlllles Denis Bennefl Ind Chris Short 611 will or Philadelphia Cardinals will um Curt Sim mons 1H lgnlnst Bravu Warren Spahn 21H to one In the bestOHM final NW MP Captain WM mule Roy Weamerbee Mitchell Pew Schollew my Himmel man Al McLeod Roberts Allmwn or Evenlu lulu nmu Avlllablo left 60 Bowling LADIES MENS and MIQED All lEAGUES NOW FORMING NEW spiKEk BAR Meadow Skipper wnl clackcd In 150 45 compuld wllh tha world mm 15 or Ihree yum pm on onehnll mlla nvnl not by Bull Hanover Ind Mung Hlnover In fink 01 mo ma Brown Jul Eula Mag 69 all Woodxlnck moved Mu duw Skipper In from In the Hull qumer mIIe and than mm on lurlou chasing linlah by the lav and Ovatrick driven by John Pullman nl Dllton GI Tho winner paid 70 10 and $280 Ovumlck Ild 0100 And mo Ind Timuy Bnuly rcpgrnqd um lhu 11nth It wu hom dud 10 other Hnllhed fillMbch Timaly newly VA Yonkm Raccwny ur night walchcd of tho mum pae In hmnry ball it out in Ihu one mile mum aecond rich cu human me 11 um ml near world recuxd forlor man or ulmyeIrol YONKERS NY ANMM dow Skipper the col who wu expand to but Ovaltrick such than was poulbla In In 1168131 Can Futurity dld Just lhlt But whether he can do min next week In the Hull Drown Jug at Dellwalo Ohio mini hp mu who hit hll tin major league homer also gal hume run xuppon Irom Felipe Alon Ind Ed Bulls Mulchl brought hll record 2H wllh the vlclory and struck nu Hell Ely Clllp 1311 DollI dawn on llve th whlla Roy Slam and Tony Taylor 111 homers Phlers Bruno bmu his record to IM wllh an ghthlmr but he mlsud an ponunuy to pro Vida the Ca Ina mu with fourth consecutive ahutoul Don Me by EU Burton and Ken Hubbn In Ihe seventh Inning mapped alran so mules inning by St Louis pltdaera than John Boccabella and Jlm Schflu homered lnthl ninth Ion709M Fast Mile At Yonkers him or our dayl cantilbulod single double and mrlflco fly lolha saga wuma Komwrl duhmun of 1m bull mm Front row to rim Barran 0mm Morris Minr mmnrsh Mo Rum mu Header son and Nick Gllhuly PflchlnlJuan Muldlal Sm Fmde emu allawed only mmmslruckoul 133550 me homer In so mm over Nuw York Mots By THE ASSOCIATED P3358 HuntJam Rmbom ANSI Dodfiers dmvo In If WM Ma le mama National mfiz 1m TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA mu Alououer fled or the stern load with Hnmllton 1191 Call 13W am am Il dwelling FAkimos Esklm am looking or qmfletback to lead them mm the Wildameba glove diam mm th hm Aw um Ivuu numw ogtllnod week mm mm WW Roux Rldm Ilm movn west Ia meet Winnipeg Blue Bomben third womm Kim bl SHMCHewan Rouxh fldcrlmoulnl Calgary sum Merl 31 mem mass Manual Alouatla um be 31min or nm In In HII Eatery PoonaHP Mm Saturday when they meet Ed monton Elklmoa In one of two xCauldltn Man Lem Intel zunu AME EXAMINER mum AléShoOIing For EFC Lead In Gamelfigainst Edmonton BUY I964 MEMBERSHIP NOW PLAY THE REST OF 1965 SEASON FREE Ulwh Ivy mm Mllujvlul at am BALL STARE RICHBROOK Golf Club GOLFERS So wavaccldcsilo IEICCQJUIK om good bold and try It or most of our dlf mnt bmnds Wu hon our uarhh bottle Mlmclivc popular may ad ormvelling inshortadcllghtfullyfuncllonnl all The whisky ns annyl wllh Wlml In older him olller whlaklcs on the board In vlrlually every prlcu clan Thus if mellow lgclnwood lnlmall you One dVlwhllc we were contemplating number of our lml whlskica In dlffmnt bomcl uch wllhbrllllanll Indlvldlmllsllclabolswawcrcslruck by nlnur Ily of he whole thlng We are not really aclllny boulca or labelsuat good Wlsctl Cnnldinnwidsky Ridm ouch Frank Clair fund with the problem am will Mo Dawnwhom he de scribes mat onulul lwiidied his defensive will Billy Joe Booth liar de ienaive and lust luson will rm tum to Hut position imm mid and John Kenerson will be in and John 135520 viffbEET gated In tackle um smu werean lenders Monday In expected to play tuning film during their toughest wee end oi the undula CONTINUES JUOGLING Coach Bud Gram the Blue Bombers will continue the in gun at hohu been permm mm oi the season 1mm quarterback Hui Led yard with damaged thouldu Md oifemive mini George Druxmnn with bmken bone in lomrm are definitely on the injured 11$ End 311 Whislcr with cracked rib Ind Emle Pitts who silo Inland nhouidu ln tume doubtiui glaring Mme Iehoduled needlymtem SEPTEMBER ll 10031 WISERI DIITILLIIY llMllTID BILLIVILLI ONTARIO DCLAMATION About Whisky Bottles Labels Frankie Omani the New Yuri Yuk third hue conch bean wnriuq thou pin mipu linen um um giant or couch in mi tIrnI ol helped calabrlle 11pm nanl clinching put with trgiii chgmpnjno millionl chum mo Ylnlu clIn Ionizhl an they could It will be his 22nd pennant wlnnur Including men as nlnyeAr nnd In an conch No not the Main movln Frankie never nude on Aniho dun only In the mower And he wear unmhlunlbla pin 3151p But Ihlll no nu rm bun drying lame lh almllnl palrm Ilnca ma Not lhll he lnper No Ilr WI fun that it could he somethlnl In amnion non onzIsN Allodllad Pm In Wrul middleaged gentleman ol lulln extraction ullId Funkle by murmlu Jun mflhl hive bl 01 he bubbly to am Yankees Could Clinch Pennant Tonight an mum Yunil took Inolhu Ion wtsens Croaem playMunch in nu Ind 1W waved home You Burn malnu leth conch with the Ylnkl In run In tho mend lnnInx Thundly Berri neared on dual by Hum my ulu II own In Minnowll mm In the In LINKguns mm Either Ilth hander Jim Boulon who would bl lbwung or Ml 10th Est or let Downing upecto to no or an flinch we uumnu In two munlnf any commNan or Yankea vclorlel Ind M1111 mtl mm mull two lo cut or anh llrldu award the yumu heh lourth In Howls In 15 yum and um vanil Ih Icle ovpr Kanlal wcr nunlal Clly Alhlellu why Mlnnemla Mnl edged cm land Indlanl In In Inning Ind Lox Angelo Angel blanked Bolton Red Sex Uh only other Amerlcln Loam umu The Yankee vim which cams bahlnd Stan wn lml winced uni may nugtaerulo lum CANADA uuu II In mil down in um um WOODBINE Woodbiner exciting Autumn Meet ing runs through to October 18 Nlne eat thoroughbred me daily anally throng Saturday FREE PARKING POST TIME PM TOMORROW $10000 GREENWOOD STAKES an Anxelel xalhulnu of only 1550 the small In Anul Mllury wan on hand la watch Dan Lees nuthit Ihul on Red Sex double by Alblo Pennan wn the In hit It Annll lwonm Iavln In Mllulelou managed to retain mllhemnucnl We when Bab AI llmn III huesloaded nul nce fly with none ouHMho but lam of the 10m braking tin with Cluvolund Eu Jimmy unll III hln 32nd humer or Nlnl breaking mkla Indian led It In the nlnlh on blelflwbuk homer by Mu Alvin and Fred Whit Held Williams who has won eight allowed ht hm Ind wlked fix but letlu 1m 18 man on but Norm sleburn drove in both Kama city runs with Ilhzle In tho filth Jnhn Blanchard Mn homar In the numb and Hem and Tony Kuhak llngled In lht other New Wark null In lhl um and leth

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