Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 6

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51131 mm twink mun nanmm 1m Standards at gludloII adorned the BM Mary Roman Catholic Church far the mm In weddlng Miss Shlrley Mmam Kelly and Kenneth Edward Crown Rev Rosselll oilicla led at the ceremony on Sept hr bride the daughter Mr and Mrs Frank Kelly at Barrie nru bridegroom is re son Mrs John Wesley Crowe cl Barrie and the late Mr BUUFFANT GOWN the Ilalo on tho Inn her In ther She chose lrndltlonnl gown ol sllk llluslon loxhloned wlth llucd bodlce Iconped neckllno trlmmcd with Ippll qucs or Icqulns and seed walls and boullam ukln halo moped headdress hold the shoul der length veil nylon lulle The bride carrled bouquet of xed mes and whllo mums AnENpAurg nw Qurrn and the lme Edinburgh are nnxlmn lllnl mm In ymuld IIIKllNIA nlurnllnn Ihuuld in normal nllhquuh Ah win In llm llnl dnulhlar 01 rrlgnln Ilrllllh monvch In 14 ml Imnllnl Ithml 1y sislcr the brldc wn mald of honor The bridwonma lsler Mlss Shlr Icy Crown nnd Mlss Lynne Fax were bridasmulds Miss Dianne Parklns cousin me hrldo was flower girl Larry Perklnl also lhe bridua cousin was ring bcmr ll IDA JEAN KMN For 1h llmd lhln girl wclxhlnlnlnl 0th an up hlll Ilrunlc ll Inkca perslll cnce Knnwlnz what In expect tun kcbp you ham belnz dll cogrnged glfl wllh on have In bulld up your nppol lu gradually 111m even lhouxh you nrc onl lnz moro land lhu Icnlu mny nul Inglslcr any appreciable lulu lyrlhrc When you bzgln lo mm In In the lhsucs lhu body rcILnsH norms lb water mm the ISM Thu dil plnced water out wuxhs mare than me at whlch hm been nddrd You mlnhl even appear lo be losing around on Iho unlu Dont lusn hurl Ono dny youll min luddcn St Marys Church Scene Of Rites Inn you ml you wunl ll In louicnl lo mum lhnl you tul rnwgh Inn wllh no real Iter Inr food ll 14 uml lo umuxh ulurlu Poor pom can mull lrnm comhnlllnn Indnn inully enllnu hub Ill Irregulnmy nl mull can Illpallon And chronlc lnllluo It LONDON fllruhnl Qucrn Ellxnhelh Thumlny Adm ml her dnuuhlcr lnnmn lump he Irnrrd the nltnln puhlklly In All at Mr ml lerm lmmdtr nl llcnulrn School In ImlHlun Hnulnml Hum 30 KEEP IN THE TRIM The bride was escorted dawn Privacy For Anne 15 Queens Request Fatigue Is Common Factor For Failure To Gain Weight IAIN PLAIA VENUS COIFFURE MR AND MRS KENNETH cnown non may at MANAIIH 60 Munmm mum ALL REGULAR PERMS 20 OFF SEPTEMBER TO OCTOBER Tungm PERM SPECIAL The ntlendanu were unwnad alike In unwise ueorxetta over tailela Iaslcnad on princess lines Their henddrene were wedding ring IthES with lur qualse velllng Plnk roscbuds and whit mum fashioned their bouquets Blll Coulion was monumln Run Gunner and Murray Fur ugher of Mldhnrst wm ha ushers The recemlan was heid In St John Vlannay Hall The brides mother received wearing shth own powder blue georzella over wand mum Whllo network and camp of pink mu command her en sembla mining the bridenooml mo um won two into lreen Junker ennmbk Hr can wu yelan roses For mulling the bride wore three place out brawn nult with green accessories On mum lrom he honey moon lo Norlhem Ontario the couple will rang In Bunla FEED 0N BEAVER beaver not only remcum vnluable pelt lo Ontariol In dlln lrlppm but also meant ahou 20 pounds 01 muIL may be you need more Iran or vnumln an or name other membu or the Bllmlly It you eel dnuzd out ml lhll ovur with your doctor Ive you evur Mad bowler nulrlcnu In tho mm load supplemunl Jun than an lormuln dlcl mlxlurcs nvallnblfl lhc drug dam lor over wcluhu them are cancenlrnlcd Md Iupplcmcnll lo hflp under weluhu ndd worlu For uln lnl purpom the mixture made from whnIo mllk powch Ind plemmled with promln mlnm and vllnmlnl to heal vllul nunlent And Illp up Ip pcml FATIGUE FACTOR Chronlc ovarJMlxuc II cum mnn mlor buck of nllurc lnln In mean with un dtrwelahl Ildrsn Ind Idulu Ill muluru or ulnln lallu unlll lulu ml purl were lddld It wu aund mt bdou lhu noun mul evo nlnl mul wen nmnrhbly al hclln of mm um II no mumle nr underweighl In dlvldunll uul when you apprunl me ha mod or Idded mlY you may nblu Ind uyl In In III inlo your llvlng pnllern want In npul lhc nu pm mlpllnn xlvm by In undth Illllllllrlfl doctor wnnry youn moman wllh now hahlu Thu lvclor rccommtnlnd mmln nlt ml nerlod ou ol Mth hour Nu urdnml Illuo muer lo lle down Ind In Mr work nday cam tar mu min um out of hour Ill d1 1mm nwy wen think um mplu no llmo Nod lull Illfnlhlfllndlfll 11w nyl tun work like charm lml helm you Hm le rm Tomnmw llnw Tn nu WIlh Tflulnn Irhm by llvm 00 PA Mill fomplolo Out at town null Iuendinu me Morrow llon weddlnl ln Holly United Church included Mn Ronald Amhlbald Sum mmide Prince Edward Inlandx Mr and MIL Wlllred Hulben WEDDING GUESTS 1110 me winnlnl tnlrIu In the ull uqllm the 0m Worl Fair were Inbmllled by members of Dalston United Church Wamen It lunflowcr pattern in while and yellow background ml or wan thn llrst prize In ths appliqued qullt elm or tho women The ampa second en try basket qullt worked In pale blue and white won thu top award In the placed qullt class Nnm mum lo mu lenml wetI Illa In city and dlmlcl Weddlnl ur nlvmulel blrlhdul hrldn parllu onllll olIu pm flu lnallm An all Item Inuml 30 women mden or thin ullc Your help In Inpplylnq this am will In mil IIIDN clued Plena phono IIII Burl Enmlnet PA um and III oi Efleon Dixon or AudreyCnqun ll lhI Wam ul Deplflmelk Judging by the numbar of en Me in the hooked run lecLlon women In the county must have taken keen Interest In the rug hooking clause which were sponsored by the Area Wamnna Ingllllg Inx tl12 white Dalston UCW Receive Awards For Quilt Entries chlld knllled ha and mm sel kn In whlla nnd plnk won 1152 for Mrs Cecil Cameron Mrs Velma Bradleys entry In Ihe babyl crocheted oulm wn Judged the hell entry The en sembla Included hat booties and awemr Ind was worked In pale ahnde 01 pink In loose npcn palem rfiau womehl nchon blanket dmlhe maln car of the 0m LOVE BASEBALL Cuban hava been avid hm hlll 1m nlnce Unllcd sum troop Introduced the lame duh lug flu SpanishAAmcrlcnn Wu MK SAFETY ITEM TORONTO CWTh um llvc II Onlnrlo Yuumlry Cmmcll nl lhu Unlltd sudwork of Amorlu CLO drmnmltd nmrldny um Labor Mlnlmr nawnlm Im Irmenl now My Mullllunl mmudlnuly Th0 council which rmnll mm Iounury wnvicrl to plum In OntIla nld In lrmrnlx 11m Ilme hm rum nr Mn llcwnlm to live up In Ml pram In and mm HII dudmm Eu uvrr lhm vllnl ruulnllunl lhne tumum labor mnlh Im erlnm Lambert 19 Ill pllyl lho clllhluh Muck Mull lhc worn wlm her while Mk II own whan xho VII mar rled In Oldlmm England Thm vru lull nl mud kn by lhu rnln an Ihu church pllh uh explnlnod In lwllthld Mall ho lull mlnulo nu hrldolrwm II TIEom AND P1AE Film Develo In IMIIII BIG For II er ll IA lllll Phono Bllmr bkxon 01 Audra Ooulton Commurclnl or Industrial Pholol lmport Iorlrnlll THE BRIDE WORE BOOTS Norma Ind Roll Mr And Mrl Fred Normlnllon Mr Ind Mr Fnnklnxhlm Mr Ind Mr Roger Rem Mlu Once Thule Ill Toronto Mn llllm Moma Parry Sound Mr mun WllllnME Bell Brampton Mlu Vamn fiance min Moum Emil Mr Ind Mu Tom Williamson of Dawn vlew Mr and Mrs Lelzhmn Sleuor Mln Belly sleuor ol Weston Mr and Mnlsteva Cordallml London Mr and Mn chk Morrow ol Newmukeu Mr and Mn John Morrow pl Olanlord Slnllan Mr and Mn Ruben Culn and lamlly Mr and Mn Jack Morraw and Inn Blll Ill 01 AuralALMH er zuerlle Cunnlnlhlmgul Alllllon and Mr and Mn Jack ney nolda al Cookllawnl BHOWED AT ONE FORTWWM Ont CF Mqre thul 200 pununll 1w mnhweatexy pntq r1 Iqu dlnn Nauanaféxhliiuon in um lhll yen honeymndn Cape Cod Ind Emam Unllrd Stale follnwcd the wedding Valerie Anna E1110 and Mmyn Normnn Mqrrpwhln Holly mm backgmun Ie nu and white zladlnll adorned the church or allcrnuun cere mony parlor ed by Rav Lem nurd Wm Mn Halen Cook 01 Barrie pmlded nl ha organ Ind accomplnlcd the snlnlsl Mln Unda Morrow IL Thornton xlxler the bride mom The brlda the duulhter of Mr Ind Mn Willlnn Eula RR Thornton Th bridegroom In Iho son Mr And Mrs Charla Edward Marrow RR Thornton mmmow gown Given in mnrrlnze by her dler the bride chose full length gown orlnnn aver mum Thu tilled hodlca the fires wu drained with ruir rlnunecirilne outlined with Gul piiro lace and petal oini Ileavu The controlled bul skirt wag Afternoon Rites In Holly United Jnhn Rayon lnwycr who II runnlnl or PIanmcnl Lnborlu undldnlu nl lhn ncxl elncuon AP Wlnphnm WIBEINS NBS Fur elderly Ind com ml vallcnu Excallonl nclllllu for print or IomIprlul Hal Ind told wnlcr In room Rumm ed Num In Illmdlnu Comvm Ai QUALITY nnimnmr IIOI PICI mu IIIIILM lnnmn OColn mun luaunu Inn IIIII mu who mm pull lm III sum NURSING HOME mm ONT Nllmupu PHO in Dim DI Ill mm mu The best man Mlchlel mum of lelnu Onmln The brldol brother Manly E11101 01 1Thornlnn and Sinclnlr 11 1111119 wet lhl ulh Idurmd with mntchlnl Inca 1nd tell to chapel lulu Hur lu geriip hnuilnnt veil of Illusion tulle wu caught to pillan headdress The bride cmiodll bouquet oi coral mu Ind willie siephanoiis with mean1m of AnENPWTs Thu brldu liner Min Mll dred Elllntl of Smborongh was maid honor Donn Mc Quay cl Ennis Later of the bride M15 Marine Murrow ol 10mm ha brldurooml ulnar and mm Myrna Ball Elmvlio were bridumlldl Thu hrldegrooml niece Lauri Ma Klnlcy Ban1e lower ml The ring hum Allan El 1103 bmlher 11w aeninr andnil were gowncd alike in shelih dress coral organza over mien with matching oversklrh nlnir heuri dressu were mlichlnl pili boxes ndamed with orglnn iiawm Thuli houqueil were curgl wsu and yiiiia cumui 01 while mum will plnllnn con msz and mulchlnl omnn headdran Her minin ure bouquet wax can mu 1mg whne pamnllonl Mr Ind Mm Emun Mud do Battle hm Inmunced the enmament or their dingh tar Alon Align la Ben min reception Thurman Hull lollawed the cenmonyv Thu brldol mother recelved alllred In No pim Slckel ensemblu mulching hat and In ICC mm llcr comm wn pink camnuonl and while Iwnlhurl we mm The hrldemoma mother Imad wminx mu beige linen with mnlchlnu 11cm Ac morlu in multhlnl to carnxo n1 yellow cum on emmbla 37 For ned Ihulh dmn cl plnk llnen with mulching ml Ind black nccamrlu Har conI wu plnk Iwcclhun mm Ind whllo tltjhnnqul yuan 0n mm mm waddlnl rlp the newlywodl will wide It 129 Sunnldnlu nold Al communlly urvlcc In lho lnlarm ol balm hurlnx will tondurl Fm Ilaring Md Mrvlcl Cllnln lo hlD um lhn hurlnl pmhlnml v1 awry nno In um am on th allow mum erlhuton lloltl Mam Int ll Iln mm MIDLAND 19min lldol Tum Hm I1 II run MULLIA Chimpllll Ilolll ma MN ll pm IIUNTIVIMJZ Empln llIId Thuu lcpI II nu Inn dun and plm ed mm am Thu Spectra will be Ihqun for lm um Ilm In ynur vlclnllyv W0 um 1m 10 mm In on my on 1m lbw an IM plum BEE IT TRY IT Tllm II bfilliuim PLAN SEPTEMBER WEDDING Acoustlcon Hearing Aid Clinic COMPANY OF TORONTO fllchmmfi Inn II Mann Acoustlcon Tmh Obi wsonoiMri TO STUDY ABROAD Smldma Bowmanvillo WWW will P13 The murlauwfll mm place gm2a lb crglaugn Rummed Church Harm Photu by Fivero CLOSE HOT SPRINGS BUXNN England CPI Thl Dianna bath in his Dc bylhln lawn once one or On ludlnl um 11 he comm have closed down apokuman Ingdpelop Ionzgr inter Mm Munro Hulhel dlulhler Mr Ind Mm Haa bm Huxhu GH lord lelvu Canada on Sept to lludYIl Hon Kan Um lvmlly winner the Com monwnllh Schnlnnhlp Mm Hugh wlll Iludy at Hon Kong Unlvenlly or two yearn mumIn in phllmophy She mdnnlu landlord Huh School ml the Unlverk any of Wellom Onlulo Sh hn been workhu In ounwl with an Dapnmenl of Ex lurnnl Affairs or the list ycar Photograph By Blll Barrett II DUNLOP The Below Illustrated Sunbeam Fry Pun Curried An Incorrect Price In Wednesdays Examiner It Should Have Reutl CORRECTION Den Ann tandem am boy yam old wllh tomble prbblem My moiher nice Emu but she not good rber She an my hnr and my little brMherl too and she donn lousy oh It Fpr week alter haircut am summed lo leave the house All the any In the Muhbofhood ask me when am going to me mm chair have told my dad how about lhll bm he lay huh cull by barber cos of money und we cum aflord Ha also say my hair KIWI like weed and Id hm 10 evgryfiher week II wluuon to my problem Or do havu to mm with It unu Am old Inth to turn me money 10 halrcuu on my wnr mum nu ANN AILANDERS Den 81 Ask your dad hawflllakoyoulnnbalber collage price in cheaper then hucauu students do he my The prloe ol haircut no Joke lhesu days am they have not gone up any more than may outer mnumditlel and servlces It just seem that way to us old logic who number when shave and haircut was twobits HOUSE GUESTS mu Ann Lindon Our daughter who it 11 invited college mnnute wimn will call Helm in spend two Week with us Its too late to do any thinx abvut this but am Writing to nettle few questions or next time Our daughier mt um since Eden ha grown up In mat yinqllh Ind mummy pavlpl swerymjlla wanl on héij hind Ind 00 Ihe thould have been mm In do Any housework whileshe wu West In our ham our uwu daughm cued Helenuu dresses and pl ed up utter Mr annoyed me when Helms would sub on the phnnu by the hour while mu daughter made both Ih Mr beds and served her guest comepm lumny to xlvo hot strum Io ban on ma phone hr mother be long scuaxlon emu Ibo Wu perled Mates and um am wmnz to ammo her for catering la the girl Wu would like your opinion MMM nefiani hot Binco your dwzhur chm lully plnymi Mndmaldm her lrland however nu ma son or you in critlclu her mln wu midly bdweon them It Dur MN The guest sound werqu mlw m9 KKC We Just put Halenn on the 11m and 01 News 241 Kitchen Haifcuts GiveHimCldseShave IAIRII HARDWARE you had been 121 with um um work Id have 01ch vastly dif lerml advice KEEPING BUSY bur Ann Linden Ma you or me of your 11a 11 can help me am In woman past 40 never married and have km mysell busy and con tent wilh muldtudo Inter em Abwl three em up close male ralulve or whom Ive n1 Iyg bid mayday ol al WI bid rent doll on 1nd requd bung g4 keep company with lrl no Kean his Junior 1mm two ave been carryln on tn lrn moral relationhip and every one In lawn known IL What wank to kmw II thin What In the correct way or me lo think about an relationship Hw do peep deal with In my alfalr which MIMI db honor on the whole lanth noed an menLinn Dar Libra You say youve he mull busy with mull ludo ol lnlcrvsu Petham you have not kept youmll busy Its alvnm lad when people whom we min and reaped but mum in dlvldua doe 11119 Mussel to bacon unlined boom oth er do ml 11 up to hll mm dmh 0m the mm at Mama In to live Ind In live butch 6n RICH IN 01L Albertas Athabalel In lands conlnlnlnz 000 mm ml and 175 mm psumgted lg hold 300 hhuon PERMANENTS 399 934qu Mimi At IM flu BUDGET SALON PHONI PA Maple Menu OPENHWENINM MASSAGE BY AFPOINTMENT PA 871 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlvm PA mm

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