Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 5

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TITE BARRIEEXAMINEII FRIDAY EEPTEMBEIIJJ lll truism NOTES Volunteers Ready By RATE Ted Daillrnore of Sandy Cove who operates marina at the loot oi the tlth lint heard crics coming irons tha dark waters oi Lake Simcoe about pm Wednesday night its called police Co oral Crone borrowed portaNIe lights irem the tire department and with lilr inl ilmore went out toyinveatlgalo lialiway to the island lights Ieked drilling boat They ound Abcrt Prastcbby alone in small boat on which the IIIIDIOI pinlhad sheared lesvlng to dr ft Prostebby had hired tire boat and had gone iishlng earlier in the atternaon lie dldvnet know how the sheer pin had been broken The rescued man who was from Toronto did not so much as thank the two men who had brought him In ap arently considering this was FIST an4 other at the police dut es The Daillmores are among the volunteer boat owners who are on call In caso oi emerg encies and they save the town ship isomrbsvin to have patrol boat avalable at all times We feel sure gratelul ratepayers would consider that these men should be well compensated for answering these calls There is no rea son they should expend their own time and lid withlout ublic pa log cos ghould all be very glad we have available tlse 25 or more volunteer boat owners along our shores who are willing to head out no matter what the weather is like when someone is In danger all our shores The calls are expected to be relayed throu the police board and anti the new stmud exchsnge is operating those on the Barrie exchange may have their calls relayed lrom the Barrie police awltch board ELECTIONTALIT township election will be held this year We hear that there may be couple oi as pirants for the position of deputy reeve Without doubt there will be some new men on the slate ii there is an elec tion Whether there will be new names or just repeats from previous tryharda we the not yet learned with Cookstown Fair on It II likely that many little gettogcthers will be seen there For years past In election year the fair has been place where rate payers and prospective mem bers got things started Nominstions this year will be VFor Rescue Work held In Churchill thoiast week of November with the election IIany as Councillor Torrens said to be held on the first Saturday in December New assessments will be In themall within the month Perhaps this may give stims ulus to voters to shuttle things up PRAISE roster letter received by Police Chiei Brown irom Paul Stocks IIkeshoru resident this week rcadsas iollows would like to take this oppor tunity oi conuncndlng you on the efficiency and courtesy oi your olilccrs Last Friday night had occasion to call your department regarding an attempted hreatrln and In an exceptionally short time one oi your oiiloers arrived must admit cannot remember having met more pleasant or courteous oiilcer oi the law In all my lite or one who knew his lob better felt com mitted to write you to let you aw of my feelings and to personally thank you and the otiicer In question never did get his name for your interest Ind courtesy This letter shows that all who are assisted by our police Ire not ungrateiul During July and August calls to our police which re quire personal investigation number more than to day and considerably more on weekends There may have been times when there was some delay in answerln as only two cars are av able and at the most three men on call at one time We know oi one Instance We stood watching the lnbslstor being used on drowned woman at Tent City beach and hearingthe radio hone In the police car call or help with the same equipment for man at Ilig Bay Point who had suffered heart seizure These beaches are over 10 miles apart and it was felt the drowning victim should have every chance Ii her life might saved Another constable answered the Big llav Point call The man was taken to hospital for treatment and he revived The Inhalstor has been used great deal this year Ind In more tlsan one else has result ed In lifesaving One case was at Cedar llarbor where two ladies helped police admfn lster first aid with the machine until the men stricken arrived at hospital WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF TO LAUNCH CUTTER OTTAWA CPITho Spume first of three wooden Ioioot coast guard search and rescue cutters for Great Lelres service will he launched at Grew Limo itcd shipyard Penctangulshene Oat Saturday VACCINE AVAILABLE MONTREAL CPIA measles vaccine under development to the United States tor the last four years now Is available In Canada It was announced to day Film Company Ltd was licensed last month by ths Fed eral Food and Drug Directorats to distribute the killed mtarlss vaccine to Canada IIEAT INTENSE VANCOUVER iCPI cat was so intense during an hour lang three Ilsrm wateriront lire Thursday that firemen had to pull two $5001 pumping trucks to solely The blaze lov eilcd hallempty planer mlll Ind ssveral small adjacent buildings at Athena Lumber Company In the lndustriallsed Fsc Crrclt area No estimate oi damage was Immediately availabls CABINET REIGN SANTIAGO Chile tAiiirrs Idcnt Jorge Alessandrla coali tion cabinet resigned Thursday night in protest alnsl congres lalonnl approval reform bill Isought by striking public health service workers Tha strikers had aln ed mass demonstra tion osrier CIIANilI ILANA NEW YORK iAIIA tote phoned Ilsassilialiun pgslnat King lilohammcrl Zebtr anri Queen Ilamaira of Aishan yillllI caused rhnngs In irsval plans Thursd The threat scauasd tr to remots trlrparturs sroa Inaccaasibls to Ihs public ILANE CIIAKIIIIR NIIW VOIIK tAIIA slnale ienglns Us Navy jet plans rrnshrd Into subway train ard In the Conoy island sec Inn of ilrooklyn Thursday night Jail the nail rtatrlopesi trou ble and Its pilnt trailed out The pllul suifrml minor injuries Ill WOW TIIADI VAIISAW tCIIlculelIlThe Innsn urwa Allilt Itsi snnl Thursday that iollslr lratis delegation will leave shortly to erslxscottlsh Labor ItiP James Illli lelt by air for Canada Thursday where he will tour On tario It the invitation oi the ln lamntionel Union of hllne hiill end Smelter Workera 11nd Ile said he wasnt sure oi the pro gram yet NAB FUGITIVE WASHINGTON AP The FIJI announced Thursday night the capture In Cleveland Ohio of Leroy Ambrosia Frasier Johnny Cray ii one at It mostwanted fugitives Ils escaped after being sentenced to reiormetory in January toss ior possession of heroin and for uliing police oiiIcer lives is It Guthrie FLASHi runtturt trade negotiations with iunalin The announcement inl towed one here Wednesday by Names Roberts Canadian deputy minister of trade sod Ommmsrre that Canada and Po and haul nsmtl formally to no gotlnte wheat in TOUR ONTARIO ARR lTNEhIAMnlR on Our Ilat lt Anna purchase treat IIIIJSTWICK Scotland tllrui Tax foundation TofGivoEquality Premier Says wranson on tori On tsrioe tax inundation plan ior education will produce equality oi oppertunity or every young person In the province Premier Roberts said Thursday night The premier spent mostoi In electtnn campaign address plhlnIng the live ear plan an naunced earlier th year to take eiiect In 1964 It hinges on go ernment grants to Iron out vari ations In local ability to take care oi education Mr itobarta spoke to about 250 persons atIn Italian com munt hall in support of Mrs Cameron Montrasc former schoolteacher and one at the most formidable voiegotters in Windsor history who has topped the poll in to at the 17 years she has been member of Wind sors city council She is trying to unseat Lib eral llcmrd Newman in Wind sorWalkerville Mrs Montrose Is one at three Conservative women candidates for the Sept 15 general elections Premier It told the group that his government will not tolerate any system at edu cation where there is anything but ehuality for all of our young people no matter who or where they may be cxanrman warnens rnoun rs arm cannarnus morass IN LONDON Dava Taylor 50 left and Rod Lockhart so carry pro tect pickets in London yester day ailcr travcllingspme 34 500 miles from Toronto They were two oi res men fired by the Amalgamatcd Electric Corp oi Toronto when It shut down Its plant Taylor and lockhart flew to England to picket against the closure at the iirms parent company the General Electric Oomp any oi Great Britain They stand in root of the main officer In this photo tAPWIre photo Says TrustCompcrnies Lobby To Kill Pension CORNWALL CPIPrivate Ire surancc companies and trust companies are fighting ior the Progressive Conservatives dur Ing the Ontario election cam paign so that the Canada Pen elon Plan will be sabotaged Lib eral Leader John Wintcrmeyer charged Thursday rdght And he told an audience oi about 300 at rally in church hall here the arguments on widch these companies base their opposition to the plan are invalid The speech was one at Mr Wintcnneycrs harder hitting ones in his campaign on the subject of pension which he has called the most vital issue in the Sept 25 election The Liberal leader also said that Coward chairman oi the Ontario Pensions Commie slots Is vicepresident of con stilling time on pensions ior pri vate insurance companies and private industries EUPIOIITEMANLEY hir Wlntarrneyer spoke In sup rt of Peter Manley 5a ace ing reelection in stormont constituency after he spent wet day travelling through the easternmost parts of Ontorlo leaving behind him trail at lcltout and slightly grumbling supporters Mr Wintermeyer said Imir Ince and trust companies are engaged In one at the heaviest lobbies this province has ever seen in order to sabotage the Canada Pension Plan The pu so oi this lobby Is to induce pewle oi Ontario to vote Conservative in this elation Iiir Wintcnneyer said main argument oi the lobby was that the Canada Pension Plan would draw oti savings needed for In vestmrat and develowicnt oi Canada lint the insurarm com antes and trusts which wen slowed to invest up to lb per cent of NOW SHOWING rirst Bhow dtarta at pm Last Complete shew At pm Continuous eat From pm TONIGHT AND SATURDAYN CINEMASCOPE COLOR HITSI first Dslvssis anowlns Last Ithawlag Is CillNfltA CNN PITKNIA itiliiiiiiii liiK ilillii Ni liNIIIONI lliilNN IVIIMINLTNL Iiii UNSOFNAVARONt it some on linemann realmstbs ANDCINEMASCOPE ins SILENT WORLD lb All All Mar III Al RNIUMR rtltilll on 71 MI their funds in new development and expansion were Investing only five per cent Of that live or cent over three per cent Invested in shares oi American companies and only per cent in Cans dian companies he said newspaper advertisement on behali oi the Conservatives which promised pensions for all was lie The Ontario plan ployed the farmers the protes eionals or seasonal workers Mr Winiermeyer said Court Convicts Killer Of LONDON Ont tCP Lloyd McFadden 28yearold tanner London taxi driver was con victed Thursday of manslaugh tcr In the April slaying oi Wil liam Ifenry Doxtator year old Oneida reserve Indian An Ontario Supreme Court jury which deliberated for two hours acquitted McFaddra oi the charge oi capital murder hlr Justice Dohnclly who to his Minute charge to the jury said he didnt believe the evidence was suificient to convict McFadden oi capital murder remanded him to Sept 20 for sentencing hir Justice Donnelly said he SATURDAY GUNSMOKE IN Indian iully 8M with the verdict the only verdict at which you could have arrived In his closing address to the jury defence lawyer Charles Mackenzie argued that Mchd den acted in justiiiable solids fence when he strudr and killed Doxtetor Itleisaddcn testliicd Wednes day that wblle he was driving Doxtntor to the reserve the yeerold lather oi so began It tacking him like wild Int mal McFadden said he ro called striking Doxtator on the head three times with bun mcrlilre tool MATRON IN asrsunanu ADMISSION at SPECIAL itlATINEE AT NOON Doors Open at It FEATURE TUCSON sLue IAMDIIS iiAIEIIS Iilliilili nature at 120 and MI soINNL WOODWARD cr Aim lREVORiYNilY Siliylll the Men Who let tierla ADULT ultaiassstst COLOR CARTOONS Bugs Bunny Daily Duclr Goals and all the lass IUIIH llIltIll Biliiilt inihunaraaummotii sarunoav AT 220 ms err sss on ALLISTON fStaiiIThe prob lem of overcrowding on school buses is back with the Alliston HighSchool Board again this iali There is chance that the board will have to get an extra bus to ease the pressure However decision on this hasbacn deterred tor month until the transportation com mitteehas had time to slddy all aspects of such move Five routes are hit by over aowdlng the board was told Management Chairman Boynton Beelon asked lor re routing oi the bus travelling along the air line near Ilecton since somestudcnts now have to catch it at 780 am Now that the bridge has been re paired both Mr Boyntan and ansportution chairman Iii Patton Tossoronllo thought this particular route could be improved Other board members com mented on the thrcctoaseat practice as Impructicai tor slit denIa oi high school age Bus scaling capacities as advertised by the mnnulacturers are un realistic except for kindergar tensized passengers in the boards opinion Iiiona Township trustee It Invin wanted overhead racks installed In the school buses so students would have somewhere else except the floor to put their books We have this overcrowding problem every inll said Trus tee Wilson Toltcnham Leave It couple of months and school dropouts will solve it he said The same number oi buses are running this year as last secretary Ernie Cumberland said Another problem this one an unioreseen circumstance In the words at the architect tor the schools new wingG Adamsaninvolved sandclog ged sump pump which the board will have to have fixed Test holes drilled through the boiler room floor ior sand sam ples showed the sand in the Planning Needed To Provide Jobs For Unemployed Youths SARNIA tCPI Unemploy ment among Ontarios young people was described here Thursday night as growan and desperate problem that could only be solved by econo mic planning NDP Leader Donald MacDon Ild told LambtonWest elec tion rally to this southwestern Ontario city that gavemment formed by his party will take aperdel measures to provide more job opportunities tor the does not cover the seliem V0 IIIII it is Intolerable that thous ands oi young peopleout of school and eager to work Ihould have to stand idle on the streets because our unplanned economy cannot absorb them Mr MacDonald Bald Aside from raising the gen eral level of economic activity through eifective planning New Denimnth Party govern meot will take special measures to give job opportunities to youns people He said an NDP adndnlstra tion would recognize the loci that skills being taught today would become obsolete within generation arsd that children in school now may In so to so years be doing Iobs we havent even thought of In outlirdng what he called starter for youth the NDP chlel said its about time we had government which can move with the times govem ment which can think big and can think young in society wh ch is increas ingly based on oung people they have right to expect gov ernment with youthiul ideas and recognition oi the real prob lems which lace us today on High school Buses pump was not the some slnd as that packed under the floor Instead it must have came tram outside the inundation Tests also showed the earth un sicg the concrete iiaor Is silil lirme packed with no evidence at washouts and therefore no danger oi cavclns correspond ence to the board Insistcd Board member Foster llic Quigge Alliston was concerned about the way the boilersare aeiiiing Id estimate theyve settled it already ll they go down any more the pipes might crack ii that happens wholl pay the bill ll Sawyers hlulmur Town ship board dlairman suggested the board would be stuck with all maintenance bills once the last holdback payment was turned In Mr Sawyers blamed the contractors lor the cracks which have appeared In the boiler room floor Since the archltccu had deA creed the board must pay for fixing the some and the sump pumps the board agreed to do so even though some members felt the contractor Konvey Construction Co was at fault andI should have shared in the cos To avoid having to repeat this repair work the sump is to be checked more alten In the lut ureaud cleaned out before the sand has chance to loul up the pumps The architects let ter Insistcd the llow oi under ground water and the pressure It would generate is impossible to predict therelere the con tractor could not be held respen sible for the damage It caused PA 8439i Hills Road In the Admission 75c HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE The Original Drivein With the Choice oi the BARRIE South Pictures City between Hwys 400 and II Children IT yrs or under FREE lAST TIMES TONIGHT are EXCITING HIT snows PAIIIIISH TECHNICOLOR lions WARNER BROS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BOX OFFICE OPENS SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Visit Our htoden Concession Booth NIGHT SCHOOL REGISTRATION THURSDAY Classes will be hsidon Manda months course beginning Monday Sept 30 Shorthand Typowrlilng Bookkaeplng All subjects taught by professional buslnaas psopla Examinations will he held for carilllcslss DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT CI NEW DAY STUDENTS MAY REGISTER BIIIIIIIE BUSINES ANY MONDAY 66 TORONTO ST BARRIE Member School In The Business Educators SEPTEMBER 26 pm ys and Thursdays for In Intensive als COLLEiiE PHONE PA 847 Association oi Canada onno wsnruiinv FIIIIM ii ILM Till CLOSING Heres What You Get EGO ROLL BREADED PORK WITH PINEAPPLE BARBC PORK SPARERIBS BRAISED CHICKEN WINGS OYSTER SAUCE DICED CHICKEN ALMOND WITH VEGETABLES BARBECUED PORK FRIED RICE ALL THIS FOR ONLY dl DUNLOP ST 90 Per Person FULLY LICENSED IY THl ICiI0 Mrarisar gar Ild sa trim on PA wot

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