was so loin urwnu Publisher been no Published byCanadiIn Newspapers Hunted to Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario Brian slItght General alsom FIIIDAY SEPTEMBER II 1m PIgId Sumrner Job Prospedis For Students Of Universities There is disquietingl news for students who help to finance eir university edu cation by working during the Summer federal re on indicates that changes in industry an business are reducing the number of seasonal jobs available to students if current trends continue many universlt officials fear that the situation may ecome critical both for the students and the country as whole Summer work looms large in the plans of most students because vacation earn ings may be factor in whether the can return to School the report saysAc ually the report could have been word ed much stronger Hundreds of students could not be to continue with their education wit out the dollars earned at summer work The education division of DBS reports that for 196102 there were 8000 more students looking for work than there were summer jobs available With the enrolment in colleges and universities ex pected to rise from 141006 to 183000 during nation is likely to become worse Business and industry do what they can for the university students Many firms in tact create jobs to take care of some students and assure them of work But as the DBS re ort shows there is point beyond whch business and in dustry cant go Obviousl then it is up to the govammsnt to flu some means perhaps free universit education event uallyto assure con nuing rise in the number of unlversltytralned men and women Canada cannot afford retrograde steps in higher education This country is er behind Great Britain the Unite Sta es and several otherIWestern nations in pro viding aids to the colie man university educat on is an invest ment in better living for the student An increasing number of graduates to also important to Canada in this wonder ful age of science Be Careful With Pensions It seems desirable that the government should move slowly in introducing its roposed Canada pension lan The con rlbutory pcnslon would fect all Cans dians and will need close study by work ers employers and provincial govern men The Canada ension would an ment the old age gens on now paid to at Can adians over years of age The present ension is financed through income tax be new lan would be contributory and selfsusta nlng That there is need for searching ex amination of the plan and its effects is indicated by critical comments that have been made since the proposal was an nounced One such comment comes from the Montreal Gazblte The federal proposal for Its pension scheme Is not normal the Gazette dc clares It would have no such fund The federal scheme would be only transfer payments The money would bd paid In and would at once be paid out again How such system could be accurate 1y calculated has raised many eyebrows Such lan would be In conflict with the ens on plans roposcd or considered by provinces cse plans would pro cccd alongJ the orthodox lines of taking the contri utlons paid in by the people and investing the money It would be the interest from the pension investment funds that would ul Imately be aid out as pensions And in the mean me the money in the funds as investment would be at work for economic expansion The threat to the provinces of the fed eral pension plan is that It would draw so much money away from payrolls for its transfer ension payments as to crowd prov ncial or givate pension funds It would become effect an anti investment plan The federal plan is questionable not only in what it would do to the cos for it is also in conflict with fed eral governments own policies The fed eral government is committedand is committed by urgent realitiesto re mote the great availability of Cana lan investment money for the financing of Canadian needs and thereby lessen the dependence of Canada upon investment money from abroad This federal pension lan would seem to have about it some of he economic tin rcality that marked muchof the budget There are undoubtedly constitutional problems in the proposed federal pen sion plan But even there were none ian that would boost taxation and di nish investment at this time cannot do otherwise than drape cloud over Can adas economic prospects DOWN MEMORY LANE 85 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Sept 1028 Town Council worried because Board of Works alread $3000 ovcrspent budget of $10000 orcman Ed Shutcr ordcrcd cut down Spccd lug faulty brakes and sligpcry pave mcnt blamed by Traffic fflccr Bill Thompson for numerous motor accl dcnts on Highway 11 over holiday week end Town ac ulrcd 32 lots at west end of Barrio skirt ng boys and Franccs streets for garbage nclncralor Col lcglalo again ovcrcrowdcd with 500 elu dcnls Council hoard sharp clash be tween Mayor Duncan liIcCualg and Ald crmanlat Moran ovcr building four brick pillars on sidewalk in front of Clarkson Ilotcl Cllizcns dcmand something be done about serious rash of house and church robbcrica in recent weeks Catcher Archlo Thom son rc cclvcd badly brokcn linger in nschall nmo bclwccn Midland and Dorrie cals won both games of doublchcndcr with John Dobson taking over froln Thompson behind the plate Veterans llolly Dyer and Arcblo Durton lus youthful Colty Tribblo pilcltcd for lar rle Fiftccn car drivers stopped at Crown Hill just in time to lift overturn cd car off Chicago woman who was be lug suffocnlcd and saved her llfo Grant claims made for new dust layer as ll nld calcium chloride tricd on Iinr rlo ll rccla DnrrlcAllnndnlc Dairy truck ovcrtnrncd on Ilayllold St nmt Illillttl 200 11min of milk Drivor ltoy Ighticy am two passengers unburt On 25th anniversary of timid Music llonse Inmcn Iccnnn expressed rc grct at dcclln In popularity of piano The Barrie Examiner Alllhrwlud mm elm mail you one to run sum and IlItnt nnsru nIIIn statutnl ta II Mmtllltll musII tntt It nannl mason Iovmmu us tutlust ntmwltu routnu mum commune pull or nntn at uni law mm Will my Ir oi mil to Onlutn too use It omnuu trot raunth an moutn unim lintIto m4 ovum nunmg nu on mt Intslln um mr out at Unlvfllity 1mm cut em qut Mmlfefli its menu Irma Vancouver Mme of IN cmaiu nun NunIgor item Aamlltlbw InIdiut Im and Audit aimv tn CIanIn Im In prultlltlliutt OI IPIIII ll Ihll rm mount to run lots III Ilu IN taut IO our MI and rcdictcd markcd shortage of plan ists it next generation He reported that the phonograph was more than hold ing its own in the new radio crate Oversu ply of public school teachers several tundrcd not laced in Ontario end of August eorge Kightlcy knockcd bicycle by car on Bradford St Was rushed unconscious to Dr htrnbulls office but now rccovcring at home Barrio Flower Show at Town Hall with 300cntrics Prcsldcnt If Manvood welcomed visitors Iroph ics won by Dr Spenccly of Cookstown Dick Ilomcwood of flees Estate and II gar Kendall of Shanty Bay The Misses rock Cup won Irwin McMahon of Ilawkcstono arrio volunteer fire brigade complained to Town Council about poor rcmuncratlon bliss Clnx ion has returned from trip to lho Black Hills oi North Dakota and resumed lnno clusst At New Drcnmlnnd cite Daniels in The FiflyFifty Girl At Cnpliol Reginald Denny in hat and Furious Collier St Ilcgular Baptist Church hold farewell meeting to mls sionarlcs leaving for Liberia Some Dnrrlo Kiwnnlans wont to Collingwood for lunchcon nt Globe llotcl purpose to form club In that town Thitly were Dr IV Lewis It chr Sim sort Mlko leln nton Frank Livingston lun tcr KDIIIICt Ir Ilolly llycr Ed Hardy Albert llryaon Ilownnl Fell Ilnrry Coleman Turner Rev ItlIck Inrk liodgcra Irnnk Ilmnmond MacImllan lilac Morrison and Andrew Carson OTHER EDITORS VIEWS TOO MANY QUESTIONS Port Arthur NewsChronicle There has been talk of forming an all party commiltco to consider ways of strcamlining IIrllamnntn bualncsa If it In over formed the members might do well to consider ways of controlling the question period There are tlmca whcn the asking of questions goes to ridiculous lengths and bccomcl more technique in bar to Will than search for information Icd oral employees spend thousands of hours providing the answers and It costs the awayors plenty committee on parliamentary proce dure ml ht consider aomo system of rat ioning number of questions each mam or may Ink during section rovlnc the next three years the slt orrilwa across PUNCH MD Blinded Veteran Is Seeking Seat PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAAgainst the at ground of the appallinanade uaey of so many men in public Ls may Ottawa Ire wakdr proud ps one ar Iway campaign in the Ontario election This Is the candidacy of Ed ward Dunlop seeking to win the flinellv Toronto riding of Forest This close Interest of Ottaw Iru does not lie In distant Ibr mate but to Edward Dunlop well liked here and admired as ImonwbohIsmucbtoeon tribute in public life The tall handsome Ed II re gIrded by possessive Ottawa Is local boy who has goats out Into the world and made good He was born and raised In the nearby Ottawa Valley town of Pembroke But college called him to Toronto thou the war pulled him to North Africa and Britain At the end of the war dtangcd Ederd Dmlop was back In Ottawa for three years appropriately working as dlreo tor of the Casualty Rehabilita tion Division In the department of veterans affairs More re cenin he has participated In many public hearings here as shrewd Ind fairmlndcd mem ber of the Board at Broadcast Governors woncn wan meno When say that changed Edward Dunlop was Ipproprl strly active in helping wounded veterans to become rehabili tated refcr to the moat Im portant quality In his chIrnc for which for bcticr or for wersI made him what he is Iotnlly blitvdod Many heroes placed their life on the line In the war Some were honored some died un Iung some mct chth without courting it hIIlor Dunlap oi the Queens Own nine of Can Idn chose to bniah with death in cold blood ho cheated death of its morktd vldlm but paid severe price himself in doing I0 Picture the scene It tough Commando lrIining camp It lonst Invcrnry In Scotland squad of CnnIdinn boys were lsnrnlng to throw grcmdcl This wasnt MmlIot day with wit bIIlI this win or keeps hurling live grenades Ono trnlncs pulled out the In fltcnit was on the un ucky lllh exactly 10 you one Fridayho butlcrIlngrnd the live grenade It all botwccn his fort and he accord to struck inunobilo while the four Iccund fuse Incxorniily ale iu way towards the chiolivu which would hill hm to plow lbc inIirucior had noord nl rowsr service in the militia II no the son of father who had been Inocielut with the 42nd llcglmcnt of the Canadian Mllilln tor ytttI lle urns dnscrilml to ma lly ll mllcngue who witncuui this event so tiiI nmtrcglownul type of oliitur IIIVI IVtf kmwn Ills character ntIde him Iu tntnstchIl trap to pick up the running clinic of tkIllt lie lurmfthn soldiers head down Intn Inlctyi no lrch to hurl tho gnnndo Iwny out of range llut It bunt when It also only foot but of his throwing hand The IhrIpncI blasted into lIiI IMO Ind Irrn IkalhI whiting vice tlm was unharmed lint that hitslion nunlnIndo lungs wII nttns Mil Johannesburg vlg farmsr hII developed ulsnl IhIt pm rlotu matinee gas from animal manure the last scene yrde the young instructor Major Dunlop could ever see HONORS FOR SERVICE llfaJor Dmalop was wanted the George Medal one of the highest decorations for acts of gallantry Out hospital Ed served his country again this time behind government dmk In Ottawa helping other wounded veterans tread themadbackssbshad QUEENS PARK wot GoodBrealtlad Improves want browse um Dearvnr Metnerx am girl of is five feet four and weigh filialLL done to full and useful life Here Ignln Ills quailch of leadership won recognition in the form of civilian award that Canada returned to pcacctbne pursuits and Edward Dunlap plunged into busyllfa pi scrvlce to the physically handicapped in Toronto and Icmss Canada You name the reality or mmmittes he serves 00 Now he seeks to enter the political field in the steps of his father the late lion Dun lap longtime MA from Pem broke and cabinet mlnlier In the Ontario government With his ability oompasslon and sense of duty lucky would be the condiments who elect him to represent their Interests in any legislItivs assembly For of Edward Dunlop it could never be said that he typifies appalling inadequacy Find Government On The Defensive By DON OIIEAIIN TORONTOA distinct differ ence in this campaign Is that the government has bccat on the dcfemivc It is long time since this has happened inIn Ontario elcdion First George Drew and then bulls Frost went to the country on their records Any govern merit of course is tuned to do this but while on their records they would actually be on the offensive Illr Frost would tIke let them top that attitude and ring out his list of achievements as tlmgh ho ware storming the battlcmcntl In this clcctlon the opposition got the government oft inanco with the pension question At the time of writing it dill has II that way Certainly In the first stage of the campulgn the only ivcly pan of Premier Ilobasu speeches was in his attacking Liberal Lcudcr Winttrmcycr for Iltnciting him The campaign has Ilso been unusual in that personalities hItu figured In it Nomecoiling bu been not Ibly absent from OntIrto olcc tlons In moist ycnu This Ilse was key charac teristic of Mr Frosts canu pruning The farmer premier believed firmly In ignoring the opposi tion if possible Why build It up tempt mount In his first campaigns he got through without referring to the opposition It all Latteriy Ilter there was question of scattdnllf he had to pay some attention to it but still he only did the necessary In this campaign both the gov ornmcnt and the NDI have both trying to make mnior issue out of capacity or Incapacity of John Wintermcycr And Mr Wlnlcrmcycr oi was has Illcgtd that tho pro mlcr is servant of the private insurance mpnnlca IIIIZDICAIIE NEXTI Watch now to Ice If the main light in the camlegn may turn to medical care Ilir ItobIrtI has given Ollflwl costumes of oration on the nalon plan III pltdga was or from positive bit it may the been utough to take the heat off for the nut ot the cam pnlsn It the medicare battle Ia cn gsgcd it Ilse publihly will con trs on prhIie Inntruncc WI set two well balanced meals dIybut little break fast usuallygct sick when eat breakfast would like to gIln about 20 unds look like scIrecrow shorts and swim suits Im willing to exercise or do any Do anything Well for one cat good breakfast For two have some patience solvent that you get up so minutes carller to You Irant rushed Ind have glass of juice an egg rice of toast Ind glass of mi And see how your figure looks next year Or maybe when youIrean old lady of is or so Take things more slowly and more calme in the momlng and you will not feel sick after hrcskfIat DcIr Dr Molnar recently read how person with kidney trouble ls helped by machine that cleanses the blood but understand this is expensive Couldnt such patient be booked up so to speak with tubes to healthy person so the Iatters kidneys could Ia sums the extra loadt suppose they have already thought of this and there is some reason why It cant be doncChtlf Yes its been thought of but why risk having the healthy persons kidneys break down tent The blood of the two so pie must be compatible to make sure of this is difficult Ind costly task AaI matter of fact such interchanges of circulation the been performed aucceIsIuIIY as substitute for In grtificiII heart during In operation on that organ It more efficient artificial kid ney machine nowrhn been de signed Dear Dr Molnar Recent bought new corset Ever li cs have had In Itch III over my aogiacb Could It be Ibinglclf Shin lea would be more than In It More Ilker you an smaltive to something in the corsetrubber fabric dye or string Occasionally tiny micro orgIniams in the fabric will cause skin irritation couple of good washings my rid the garment of whatsver bother lng you Some people have to wash new shirts underwear eic before wearing for thIt IIISOII Dcar Dr lttolner Im i9 and have not started my period Is something wrong with me Even my sister who is it has surfedNM Theres great dcaloi vari ation through the middle teens but by to you should be start ing Check with your doctor III in turn might think It win for you to see In endocrinologist gland specialist since men Ilntatlnn Is function of limit dular secretions sspoar room out Seek Better Wages For Bus Drivers By Mamruns soon LONDON There ll growing feeling in the public mind that the employees of Ivonan Ttlttlv port the men and women who work as drivers and conductors of the Iondon buses have ba com IIw unto themselves and lite public be damned Lon don bua users have been long Iccustomcd to inIdoquIte and irregular services on many routes and the excuse always given by the Loudest hsnsport Board Is Out there is dr tic shortage of crews to opcrIt bI buses The London Trans ort Boar has tried to add to is working force by employing lIrgs num4 bers of West Indians and these colored folk We become quite common II has conductors Ind are well accepted by the public They are It general rule very courteous well manntud Ind helpful to paIacrI further move made by Lon don Transport to rccruit workerI was the sending of special mission to MIDI in In effort to tccmit large numbers of Mnltcsc to come to Iirlluln to help men the staffhungry buses BAN IIY UNIONS The present bur crews how nvsr have dccidcd to impose ban on the recruitment of my more orcrscaa lIbor to work ll crcwa an the buses unless their own conditions no mct lhl london ikantport finIrd spe cial busmcna chchlo confer ence hnI voted by 70 to to Icuillc thc rccrui lng drive in IlloltI until such time ll ngcs Ind working conditions on the ï¬ndon bus service Ire improv Ihc Intention of the resolu tion In to atop my more recruit lugoutside of Great IirltIln II In anlwcr to the Icull shor tags It will stop urthcr cntry of Walt Indian but work crI nircndy estimated to tolIl more than 1000 mostly conduc tors The present Ilaii shortage of but employees il placed It Is hout 5000 ty the London TrIm port Board th huarncn in statement Inaifted that there was not my rec at prejudice In the highly controversial step which cuts across the unions traditional re Iuctance to become tangledln when of immingtIan An un official spokesmIn for the dole Ialca conference said These people Ire being brought in from depressed sreIs ll cheap labor That atItcmcnt however will hardly hold water Is all con ductors and drivers have to bo coms union members Ind III of them rchrdicsa of color ths to be pIid exactly the semi wage scales NO FOOTBALL SPECIAL The London busmens dele lllss also decided on Inothcr IrbitrIry step Ihcy announ cod IhIt no tpcclsi buses to soc cer football mItcbea will be run from garages whcre slIii litur tIch the led to sun In tho normIl routine services The Itaif shortage it causing dilllcul ties at number of garages but the only result of this rea triction on special football bus ca will be to cause complete trIlllc chaos and lnconvcnlcnco tens of thousands of the public who Iltcnd the football mItchcs ThcsI special bus Icrvlccs have become rcgulnr fcnlurrs oi the lrInsportatlon to Totlrnham Itlghbury Chcllca Iulhnm Wcat IIIm Charlton Crystal Palace and the Quccn furk itangcra lround cl Shcghcrds Bush can visuIIlrs our of trnfllc tleup and waiting for buses when crowds of up to 60000 pour out of the motor football grounds at the close of match BIBLE THOUGHT We um willing to ban Im pIrtra unto you not tbs gospel of God onl but also our wn IeulI Mel ye were its un alonlInI til It the chchrr onra his Ilia Into his pupils its content of instruction will not he lost WERE MOVING BARBIE PRESS lIMITED Barries Mostviodern And Complete Commercial Printing Service WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO All THEIR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS THAT AS OF SEPTEMBER Ile THEY Will BE IOCATED IN New And Modern Premises 124 BROCK ST BARRIE ONT OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER Will 85 PA 61402 aflLIkhdlpn mum um