Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 3

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IL Mr Evans said We need 50000 new Job every your in Ontario llld new revenue Io mnlnlain and expand our pub lic services We lend Ill Cnn ads in lhe quality and quantity oi our wheel and highways and alhnr services To obtain lhui revenue we must illmulule uur econnmy in prnvide Jobs and revenue He said In 1962 the Hobart Government embarked on lrade crusade which has broulhi impressive dividends The tiled has been In increase rule 01 the lining we produce in mi prov ince Gnvemmenlspansored sell in mission have gone abroad in acquaint prospective buyers with the immense induslriai campiex which exist in 0n larior H8 nld llanufnclumrs operative Igcnclc have hm armed lo represent group The Department at Eton lcs Ind Develnpmcnt under thb Icadershlp nt Hon Robert Map autuy has demonstrated tn Im presslvu tushlun that the only lenulne and longterm answer to the problems that beset us ts slmpb greater ocnnomtc lrowth NEED JOBS The present Progressive Cow urvntlvn member par mcnl term In Itrongut npptw Man the Pmty hm hid 1n the Home at Common Itnm Con ttdcratlon with lho cxcepdon 1075161le MndlllJlP tor Dullcrlnslmeoe nld last nlxht Smallnx In upped at Arthur Evans PC cnndldnlo lor Slmcou Centre In Strand Community all Mr Mndlll Inld I110 gnu men and women have on pnrtlclpmlnl In way lhnt would not have luvn mulblu had we been the lovemmcnl ll my expcrlcnu lhnl oppaflunlly can com lo my man ar woman In Mlih men mum that which pm vlded lbw apposition vlded Ioravpporsbtlon Mn II mld In been vurimu Iv 0L ndl Ind 11 uvtr wnl d1 lou on In dllllluslvn hul knllopln m4 uann Ive never won my lhlnz lo aurwm lhe Just low mu Dn m1 nmemlnr Ihe plum Um slxly Day thlan Do you remember 1th had the not mlon lo In problnmn plan um nmumm nlrudy wnwlv hy Waller Gonlrm Ind new Iny ma In putty Vrll Um plnn hnu timed out In mnhlmnm or Um anly he program elmlm 5ny dun mm In Ilml Inr wlnd hu lilla lurn dune rflmhrly lur lhu mm nmy Nam hu no much bun Irma In lnIIId dmmn Hm Rummy Mr Mulllfl Inld Ilo lllllrllld Ihn Nodal l7m1il nml Nnw Drmnrmllc pmlu um ml llw Ivnnmlvu lkwurnm he puny ll lmlny the two llnu In llw lluusa Cmmmnfl nnl my Mhrr Imly Ho ulul Hm findI thl Ilr 1lede lMo Dun lndlmu and New Immune lnvly My rrlllrlml luun In Hm mm nmnml and mm dldnl wk The major rcspnnslhlllly of any gnvnrnmcnt Is the welfare of tho clllzcns wihln lu Juris dlcllou Arthur Evans mercSA alve Conscrvallve candidate or Slmcoc Centre told rally or about 60 people In Slroud Com mgyily Hall lasnlghr Mr Evans said To the ex tent thnt this lies within the provincial laid the Italian Government is meeting the chal lenge at our times with bold im akinallve step designed to MXTV DMII AT LAST NIGHTS Progres Ilve Conservative mly In Stroud Communiw Hall are MADILL CHARGES Evans Assures People PCs Keep Promises Liberal Reign Is Nightmare Reviewlnz the manufaclurlnl Industry 1n Onlnrlo Mr Evms sald 49 new manufacturing ar rangcmcnls belw ee Ontario rm and outside Interests wm completed In 1961 wllh the re sult of more than mlUlnn In new bmness Ho mid Last year law us branch plum owned in On iario rcsuilin in sale 591 acre in ior $2 million crecllon oi buildings vuluad $15 miilian nnd insiallatinn oi mm than 10 million in new equipment The sale that came mm lhnse new plant mailed more than $65 million This mean lab for our cllixcns Heady incumA the purchase oi homes he spending of money In all arms rein business Mr Modill said can dlnn lmnxe todly bus blm ody nose and Wu black eye In every pm of wrld WELL NOW KICK They lha lecrnLI pmmln ed Ilmlll muflclno for tho ommy erl lhn mull lb hum rcnnomlc mtdlclm hll bccn lhll lhe patient who wnl well now Ilck All in mailer 01 low weeks Ho mld Then on oath Iolnllon about the Penmn Gav tmmcnll llxu howuvcr When my Ire lmposcd they only will they any unkind ll hu btm wily cxpcdmcnl Mr Mndlll hunched hrlrlly the innbn Ila n1 Ilrluuflu ptmlnnl mnnclpnl hum an Icnlnr rfllzcnl Ila William Mur an arm rmlil ml nuber llon mum or Mn lun Iunler luhhhlu Com pay TIIIMU Noborl Anlllm mum mzlnlm Ih mm vlo drpulmcnl vl rduuuun purse vlsils word or mouth and ndvullsemunll On Iarlo kcnpm Ibrcast of the 20m century concept that we the worlds mamls 0an In those who have the mm the energy and the knnwhaw to cap lure the he Laid NEW PLANTS Reviewing he Ontario Econ omlc Cuuucll Mr Evan xald In the shun um has been uncllunlnm he councill work Mr Mndill nah II lnlcm In to watch he pm whlch wu no Ilmmx In lumen 01 tho ovcmmtnl1ho um Ihlnl the lovnmmm dld wu In bvlnl nwuum whcmby per com In In tinned on prinllnz murhlnm nnd ulna howl wrnl up In HIM connection Ilo crlllclml In lnuigot Iml ukcd What mm Hm Mum KllrhurrVic Merly 55 HI Nd Kilrhwr lmluslrlnl rnmnluluner Ind lnmwr mun rdllnr hr KIlrhrnrrWnlnr Ion Ilrronl small and mediumshed manu Inclurcrs In foreign markcla and loan zuaranlco Igoncy has been set up in slrcnglhcn um power Onlarlmbased 1n dqgtrlcallp cqyppcle 58 mIssIom pm duced $25 mlIllon In new export ntdm In st month lama companle Increnslng sales by much as 40 IQGILCEIIL Mr hvnns sald at as re ull of the trade crusade mam husincs has hccn generated lhnn wns dreamed of when the umpalln starlpd lVlnnlpuMrl Juli Dnld Im 52 wllr H10 xrnml mm mm ul Chunnrl TrXalelun leflul npmlar IJAYTV In Wlnnlpu from Mt Ellwood Mndlll MP or DurrerlnSlmeoc Jack Gap Mr publlclly chalrmnn or Arthur Evans PC candida II CANADIAN mm DEATHS Mr Evans In ry pledge made tn lhe cillznns by Um no ham Guvernmcnl was curried lnla died by laxislnllnn rec ord never before equalled In On larlnl hlslary The prom1m Wu cnrrlcd on qulrfly effldeva with no oralorlcnl remarks no lbrassy aman lo pnnlsnn cel Ha said The Roharls Admin lslralinn goes to lhu pmple cu dent that Ila lmprnsslvellc compllshmonls on all Ironll will command lhemselvu In cm zcnry um vnluea Inltgrlly and lb nbllfly In at things done 1m uh leI In It Soulh Mr Sml 20 and lhu upccl td nlltrlnu Ihould ha 1000 hud Thll based on he 1qu 1M lnu 01 um data which ll 1500 hand Then the nul wak Thcmlnn Sula will lnkn pIIN Scpl 23 And he dlmdou WI floup upccl la hndlc 1100 hand And mulhly high 11m nrlxlnnl mm min lhl horlh II on MInIlnulln llllnd ullcd he lllllu Currenl Tradlllonnlly ll II In Mr ml at lva um um ym ll loch 1qu leul 3000 hud 11w hm avnr 1000 hem llIL pd nn lhlx dale plcdlo myiell lo thl pm mm and la work or lhe but Inlmals or he pcaplo nl lhls rut rldlnz Simeon Centre HUNTSVILLE Fomcnl lar lha ma Northern Ontarlo Cull Snlu Indlculu Ill expected ltrinl 5000 hold Thll arr cut bud on Ihe Ila nel ually llaltd and those Mill bdrm mm III lo head nlllcu ol lhu llve lulu Dunlo Ilium on llelnxa wlll ho vublhhcd mm In September but band an prov laul your menu My Ihouldnt be loo nr 011 lb all male dale The nmnln Wu III in In narlh am both ln early lrkr And my hnvu Mu ll lnl dawn 1M hand on mum to flu mountm heml wlm ll lnulu Ilka llllny lllvor DI llld wllh Ilmkynnll ll sum has already shuwn encouraging suns He said part oi the flo hart Governments approach to La role in cconnmic dnvcioy meni 10 mnomic rcgiou haw been desixnnind and in Mac the province the municlpflillu and public spirited citizen co npcraia in special eiioru 01V inx local pmhicml The govern mom make grants oi up to 315000 year In mulch sums raised by local sourcccr Mr Evans said every heel of lha provincial economy mm lake fishing In the ourist ln duslry ha been stimulated by he RahalIs Government through one or more at the agencies it has established He said This government he lluvu um pledge must be hunomi otherwise it zullly of breaking Iailh wllh ail the people not only lhosa who cut lhelr vote or lhu Pmlrmlve Consurvnlivn Party book It the record ha Rnbarls ndmInh trnllnn In the sasslon at 196183 And see wha It means to have luvemmcnl th belleves In the old fushlnned virus at keep Inl ll word wk EA mg our mm STIMULATED Northern Ontario Cattle Sales Expect To Offer 8000 Head lor Slmm Cantu BIHWBI lace president Innlsfll PC Assoclallon and Arthur Ev Ill Examiner Photon ITOCKSl PA 82412 BARRIE rmm WK ELIE In LEGAL MlMlIllITMIIII Iluflnl Cllll loll luinul IANLHVAJMM Io fluid In run rm mm In UNLOI RESEARCH ADVICE Nllfllfl THOMION AND COMPANY llMIIID ENTRANCE MEMORIAL UAR vBQNDlMUIUAL FUND unm EXAMINERI mm slim2mm 1m llfllnul Dillllflll de CHM Wu Vnncouvcr where wllh 100d cheapcr lhu tonsumcr prlco Index dcclincd Io 1311 on Aug from 112 munlh ear llar 111 index bmd on ma prim equalling loo Inn Ire counting on 1000 had pm III or was Dlln thin nvcnl In DC The wndup nIe llku pl Ncw Lhkenrd Oct 10 TN nlo II expeclgfi hi ha 900 mlrk can In In In dry mu luv Hunted lhu upon an mule rondlllon Evm lhn drlul udlonl luv mw hld plenty rain wllh communal pl urn Jmpfiuvemcnl OTTAWA Cmlelnz ml me In July In nine at 10 xlonxl emu Icmu Canada lhe gqu ol muslch ported Higher and prlcu were he mnln cause with all nne cilia Iflecled by Increase In this luc lor of hayschuld peqdlnz Audience at lbw venu wlll be the name In yur with Dunun Brown sheddcn qunI ll Thunlon Ind Llllle Cumnl Vrrn Shrphefdwn nl Naw Lbkurd will tell ll Soulh nlvtr mlny Um IN New LLskurd On lMIl RIM bull Io would 1n nod mdlllon Inn Ind mould Ilnln lop oflmm lnr buym Thu Ilm hm producm In Imth to develop can llnuout Inc In Ilockcr Ind mm lypc mm To do mu lhey hnvo Id up In ludivldunl In And lhru luv unllod olr olloru under nnI mordlnmru mm mluu lo hem dcvolay lM pm mm In In lulled poulhlo ml Tho M4 mull In my Iroducrr mun umlnl on Lhelr own muhflnl mm ulllnl dlml In flu bum al norm nod mm ulllv The gory was concerned wnh dislrlbuuon ol counterfeit bllu rm were reported hgvu been dlscovmd by Ion bank lnlhe pm IawdnyL BanI ddlchménl of Ontario valndll Pollen are Investlu In car accident thal hlppcn ed by therailway crossing on lehmy 21 about 015 pm yey lardly Fallen repoch the Steve Kreuer RR Bunla was driv lnz and passenger Mcrvyn Anhur McKenxle oI Khornhlll we when to hospital with un detelfmlned Injuries Thinwill lie ibe my reiular metllnz of an new school year Genuine Cenadlmhllln my denomlnnunn ere dry end creek llnguiomhllle have III eryureeeyteellnu lime Ink mum uld lodny Ilory in The Barrie Exem lner Wednesdly bed liven the bpposlto Impresllon he aid The bogus bills were reported to be at the crackling type No other detail In Immmi hlely avallnble Barrie City Poilca Ira Invest uallnu breaking llld entering and car then whlch mud yesterday Beer Tin Service reported braking and entering In whlch me Intruder wu frightened all by In employee nbout 030 pm Blrrlo puma Callzxille Board will met In flu bond mom Mogdp Iggh e123 flack OPP COML Don Robin is in veulznllnx Cnnndlnn Tlra Corporation re ported nr slolen It mo pm ynsluday and city police uh unwed II II 15 pm on fln street CollegiateBoaxd Meets Monday Living Costs Rose In Iuly Catlflccidént Nearirracks Injures One Police Recover Stolen Car GogdBills DOCrackle mm Mnnnfleld Rubber and Local 535 Unhtd Rubber Workcrl nlgncd lwwyenr urccmcnl rcccnlly estbushing Wile ru les Ind workan candlllons nfler In meetings In an almosphcrc harmonious rellions Im lon source revealed SmrUnK Seyl In Increase nur um par hour wu pnld lo huurly ltd cmplayccs lurlher Incrcnac ilx cenl ntr hour wlll bu pnld rum Juy The enzlnccrlnl denriman Alon wllh lhroo nlhcr hourly rnlcd Jobs rccelvcd le cent In crcnsa SM From Scpl place cm Eloym were paid cent In our In nddlllon lo lhalr expec lcd cumlnxl and lurlher ln mm cenl will be run ml lhcm July 10M The Ilrtemenl zrnnled lull unlan Ihon lmprnvtmtnl In ob lnknlnk Icnlorily IKMI Ind mlnlmum my For week Iur vnullmu In nddllnn AV ernuo hourly urnlnxl wlll nld lo wotken lnkcn nfl lhn you whllu mm mu work in he pulmmzd Ind pnymtnl Im been llbernllxod lor llmc 1pm The lurumcnt lranlcd In con wan Increase over lhu ncxl lwn years with retro Icllve lncrcase ol llve mm per hour to be pnld from In July In Aug 31 Mn Justice Nchardsnn arrang ed ortha Jury accused and counsel to nmrve Macs har ber shop on Pcnctanl lrcnt whm Mrs Demllln was em flayed as What when the ncldenl Mid lo have taken place Defence camel John Hoolflnu of Toronto crossulmined Char les Mchven owner of the Ihop or nnhonr and qumer yesterduy mornlnu Al Um conclusion of tho evl dance the Jury Isked lhu than and me corridor down which Mu Demllle escaped The mused said lohave been escortlnl mule cuslamcr lo door ll tho opposite and An Ill male Supreme Court Jury mindy vlslud lhe Enr rie barbershop when 82year old lam sergen charged with capltpl murder allow hnvu Hm lwn shalan blast II peparlled wile Tho Crown conlendl flint Mo nnrd Raymond Demlllu wunl dllu cclly from the shop to Iha Ser aantl Mm of mu Royal Can adlan School ollnlaulry Camp Burden Thurs ha la 1112qu so have sought out and killed Sal Herbert Wilson 33 on the avenln ol my 21 AHENDING the contract Ilznlnl ol me Mcll 536 Unit ed Rubber Worker And Mans Held Rubber Company were lronl mw 1mm loll Willlam Punnelt Held nprucnlnflvc Mansfield UniOn Sign Agreement MWdér Charge Takes To arber Shbp I1 mu Ihflls In the comma and mare Jab prolccllon for Employee was umnlcd Tho pension pm and severance ward will alvcn lnr time 5ch in Ihu plant by any cm payca gain an the llfl the union or Ila nHllinlcs FURTHER TALKS Furlhcr no an no sch dulcd in upon nflcr Nov on lhu tuhjccl pension And sev erance awards and the welfare plan and mpplcmmlary unem ploymcnl 5mm plan will In open or lmtndmcnl Ifler April 1064 and March mu rilpccllvely In lhu first lid depmmcnl Ind lagmcullnga wlgh manugcmgn The second blast la alleged lo havo penetrated plywood door In lho corridor Mr MchVNI was holding ll clnscd wllhhla lap to enable Mn Domllla to run lorholp lo next door pharmacy he court waa told Thompson Crown Ab tornLy or Slmme Coulll said yesterday that tho lncldont 1n lho barber shop la balnz lnlmducrd bolan lho court to show lhal the accuseds alleged killlnz ol Sgl Wllson waa poll planned and deliberate Lance Sgt Dcmlllo Is no charged vllh any Henna In con nuclipn with events in Iho har bu shop fincluslnn bolt visit Mr Mchven was no recallcd to tha Iland ngscmés Amen During ms exumlnauun Mr McNIven estimated lhat ha first blast red by the accused passed within two rm when Mr Dcmlllu was standing The pellet lmhedded themselves In 1th wall fig shop Nine witneskéi were called by the Crown In 1h Icmnd day the trial The pmsecullon nought lhuorrldqryhen Illa amp was made NINE WITNESSES the union Jansen vicepresident 01 Mansfield Canada le Ind Jack Ken well pruldenl Locll MAL Standing ram loll are Nulllelun personnel manager Tho Flnon In CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING 29 Dunlop 50 EM leo 019 Ordlrl PA 60263 or 64 CITY CIHL nlsilfi Flm in Fuhlons Clappenon Street Pl NEW FROM KITTENI SWEMERS THAI YOU CAN MACHINEWAS in reconstfizcl events In which Dcmlllctsglped Irogn the 2P Nelollnllnz for the unlun ware Jnck Kcnwcll presldcnl Emu Gm Vicepresident Donald Sunlnrd treasurer and Daunlu Neely nexollntlnu mmmlllca member Wlllllm Punnell Held rcpmscnlallve represented ho lnlcrnnllanal Unlnn Company nclotlllnrs was Jansen vlcovprcsldunl MIM Held Rubber and Nettlev Ion penannel ml 121 PLAN STEEL PLANT India wll bulld ulcowncd xlnel plant In out02mm India wllhoul Amcrlcan Ild Steel and envy Industries Minlxlcr Subrnmnnlam lnld Parliament Wednesday Berlin Thenkslnn Janllurcu II 118 Pnnclun SL said she had seen mm come down he ml just helm pm and enter the dam ol the barber mp She was nu nblu In Ident Ily the maan com 111a man held rlllu and golnled it IMo lha shop SM card Mn Demllxa cry Plusu dont kl me aha testified MrI Theakstun sald she en tend neighboring doctors afl lco and tried lo all he pollce was so rlghlcned couldnt dial mm She mulled um she ran 1n lho next door drug slurs Ind asked the proprietor John Harper Io call the pollen As was doing so sh gave hlm the llccnco number mall or elzn ssorls car In which lhu Ic drove pygy she sqld Mr Harper told the court that 15 second altar he saw hand close the door or the car tho palIcefrulser pullth uq Calm George McLeod Iestlllcd that he had passed the on In qumllon he approach ed the burner shop It 558 In Ihe afternoon He chased the but lost ernvellcd the tummy Douglas Nec ly bargain committee member local Brucn GIPD vlcupresident ha Incul Ind Dnnald SanIoM lrcuurtr 01 ha local Phillips Phillips um indllih nélnéQayoéio nmlmlv mnlrh lnv Km notlnrcliy murky nnfkhl Donny no swunml 011 mmth mm Ml DRESSMAKER PULLOVER or lhu young toohlnlrcule WI MlvaaIaMnlMumonaMmx lupmilno Bolnny wool noml And 01 My luvlkrnock collar addu lo chum Mulhprool lhlinifllolhd All Full Ihndm Cllrol nermudl Con my mm Ind mm $39 SUMSIhuv an Iuplmy Hand 04 pm wool wound gaming 10 lupin Now you can pm hoso lovely mm wool Iwcalm hwuoh you own wnahull Pm wool lashonrlahl swollen nasytocuvulcll ARE MACHINEWASHAELE Hf SWEATERS BY WOOL THESE BOTANY lADIES WEAR Blood llmllar to that at 52 Wilsan whlch dlflcrl mm um of the accused wns idem In lhrea place an thu Iholuun fudnd hexlda the body he lull nALLl 195 231311 Nellher the hole relnlned dun powder huml he naked Shells lent to him by lhl 0n llrln valnclll Pollen mllch ed than lound It Iha lcena ol the bod and in lhu harhmhop harrlmlllcd Howevtr the ovidencn wu not lulllclcnl In concluda flu Ihey could only have been fired rum lhe weapon hunt on lhl mas the killing In mph med 11in Irlll cnnlinued lhll mm In west on Fenctnn street he can flnucd Consl Ronald Plckurd told the court that he had recovered twp expanded and one Ilve rhnlzun shell from the corridor Ind door way As he turned In go back In the harder ufflcc he car 3de all down Cambnl rod holed Allhuugh he had me lhe cuscd on only that nation witness nldlhnt Demlllel de meanuur uppaarcd normal bath before Ind aller lhn shooting Sit Dcrnlle hid Ilood fin bar in Iha iaunxn unlll the Pro vnql Cornsnrrived on thu Icenl he noted long pinarmlon of 51112115 bloodsputtered clothlnz halonl Inn to the accused and blood stalnod clothing worn by the de ceased at 1h time of his dmh was muted on he coutll xe cords Elgln grown biological Inulynt with tho Attorney Gen erala Lahorutary In Toronto sald that human blood spot of the lame yo Sgt thsonl were present on shots taken from the accused He had been unahta Io classlfy trace blood on the accusedl trousm hum hulllsllc expert wlh lhl lame department uh lhll Ihnt gun hnles lound lhu dccur edl clothan Indicated um hl had been shot In lhe lower chest temp Ind 39 right lyultocjt huvII blood IlnIntd huh ant Inc dlnmem wu evI den In the uouscn The hall In In rczlnn ma Ibdomen melsnm one and hull to No Incnu nIdr Vaclnv Krcml member at Um Candun Carp Cammlsslnnnlra uln lluncd the North Barfler Camp Burden lesllflcd ha hl had mm person drlvln car similar to that awncd by the named In pqu qver In the skin lhc mid and nwnlt lho Prgvosl linrpau Théfldrlvcr of lhe car hld rlflu lying beside the shin lellagn nlddlar mid Aaxapron wluon sun 51 William Kennay Iold um cnurl that the accused Ippmched him ha Wu lit Ilnz in the lounge at the ROS 01 and lnqqulmd the wharr About of 51 Wilson HI dlr acted hlmln the bar flewml ho nld Approximnlcly llvl mlnulu llllgr he heard two mm III PA M255

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