Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 2

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Cerllln cell in the Simcaa County Jail are enilrcy in adequate Grand Jury repar lcd yesterday The only lolict iacliiiin avail lbie in certain blacks in which three prisoner Iodxad and locked ior ihe nighi is pl with no provision fur washing ailcrwards nolcd ihu five men and two women urns LE MAC DONALD kindergarten leach er King Edward Public Schuul turnlshu doll hour or Clndy MacDonIld nu They submlllcd report an heir vlles lo thrze lnsmuuam whlch nrc suppnrlod by puhllc funds in the couny MOST INFORMAHVE Mn Jusllce nlchardswn rrcslding over lhu lull mm In the Court hnusn Barrie laid the report was one the mall Informative and cnxpprchexslve TCertain Jlail Cells Are Inadequate Jury nve received llYIEO have been on Ih Btnchr Ynu are lo be greally cum plimenlcd on lhl work you have none Prlnr in the vlslls In the lull the Emmy Home or flu Aged Beam and Georgian Mannr lmcinnguishcnc the Grand Jury rclumcd Iruu hills axalnsl three man churned undtr he crimlnal ca They lound lhal the Cu use nualnsl Melville xins lor capllval murdcr ml Raymond Dcmille or flu municr and Anlunio will or attempted murdnr Iulliclml lo dtmand lrl will or attempted murdnr wn nullidmt lo dtmand 1m In open court Morn indie Ind pom lury The Grand Jury mu In pr vale on Mondny and Tuesday In hear lha pmsncuuonl me prnstnlcd by Crawn Mlorncy Thompson and Asslslnnl Crnwn Mlamty Jnhn Murphy um INADEQWATE Na Cnunly yam old4 the Grand Jury nld unol In mo or nunul 30 persons Il WM prohnhly ndcqunlc But at an muny Ill 89 pcrsuns ma lho buildlnz drlinllcly Inllqunlnd Ingl lnqdcquanf The Jury tcommrndtd lhll lhr county rrcnmldrr the whole jnll Iynlcm and dlmLu lh ud visnlnlily hulldlng com hlncd Jul at sevch cauntlu Mr Juntlm fllchnrdsnn noted that Inch mommmdnllon hnd already received nudy hy lhe Mlumcy GencrnL Tho mum at Malian lttl nnd Dullmn had but ronsldcrngi ha nolnL 1113 mm ury rzLnrumcnd ed lhnl Iullher um hp nude tmploylnu pillonm on lull Amm Amum Allaml llul Alumlnlum I1 Au cm Aumue In 01 um mm llllllln rm ldn Imp Carl nnu hum unm Anna Hum Allah Immi In cm mm cm nfl In pug um tum Mulnlvlll Um mm LR nu Man In mu 1th Mum rm mnnL nkl lnu nu muml run In Ann Mumllll up 1V IIIII In mm an munnm llflll nun mun lndumllh up II UM llAI in um TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cnmpllrd by Fly ll Dunlap 15 Ulnll KING rumppuma scams KIubfincAfiTEfifPuhiiLS to vim AND LEARN Iceman nu UYI Crownl Hod Lenn or EDP 1io Pic kr wn 1m In nh Jul an lmv Tnmm yum Mu raw Ill Ihvmmn when um mum Nuvflll MI mm mun Murmur rm III II Ahll Nulll KUIIY mm In my lam Illln Am 4mm MINIM rciallon In her teacher Pa trlcla Calder and Brands McKnlxhl also In these first cw weeks 5111001 these children are learning 01 Hrs lime to Adjust to bclnz arms and pulling them lo work onlandclcaring and conscrvm Ilon project Mom and varied rcmallnnal Iaclllllcs should be prnvldcd Yaung prlsuncrs nnd ilral clien dm should be tourcgnlcd irom llahllual criminals and persons nwnillng trial on capital mur dcr charges Cleanlleess personnel and and were deemed lo be high order PIMISES HOME aspect he County Home for lh Med in Bcclon were yrnlscd We feel that this par llcular home In In excellent coll dlllon lth Phynlcafly and pay cholonlcally lhl jury nhscrvnd For lho lhlrd lima In lhc as yum llama Prm le lound ll nmuary to move In priman plant new In mlon The nnrrlc Trru wan vur chmd ram Mr Tnylnr In Inn by IM lulu mm that llmc Mn Incnkd ll l7 HIyHcld 5L nnd In nddllinn rommcrclnl prinllnl Imnll luMnld ncwwupcr wnl Ibo pul lhfll WW Barrie Press Changes Site Its Commercial BusineSs Homvtr gnodx mm mm during ma wnr yrnrl nnd Id $5 Man hunlty um an III n2 01 Murder wmuy KIHIIHNK ltl Urnrlc VI mu ml1m Kluhcuer wnl only mlly Thundly nl Ann mm nun AF Illlll in ll4 um Am munIced II III lmprlww InnL Mu llmlwu MM nun ICIIHM Mull film in Kuluuhnnlnl an Whllr Inn Mwmm 11 lImmlnI Ilmn Ihlle umdlnl In lmnl nnnrnpllnl mum nl hll vile dunnlnwn hum July jury mil hm hnnu OTTAWA CPDTM IM mmluy rrm lhlln pllll mrlul lvllmll 11mme In In nllrlru anllnll In Imlur Ml mnnl Enluved pwlu Iltllll um rmmtd Io Norman II MIG Aml Ind Arthur Mc Kennl In mlmlml nl he luv Ilnro m1 NM Kmmm ml mlnulubclou lnlnlln Taylor mum drpmy mlnmn lln Ill mdm nl Inm IN llu In LINTON amul Nnr In Moon up Mtln rm pun ll an IR nu mu llmvwnl mu mm Cm Tulrn Um my mw mm 1mm rm Illa AI mm qu II Ilnm nu IMHM lulu Wllluy wmuy lg sumpullent relations load clcnnllness meull 1er and paw er lacillllurwm tamed hcjlghgn qualllyfl The Grand Jury wlshcs to commend not only the manage ment at lhm lnslllullnm but alsn lha Commute of County Cnuncll under whnn Jurlsdlcllon he ndmlnlalrallnn hm home ll prlme rctpmsibil one large mun people Golfing along wlUI such num hnrl peopla In lumelhlnl chlldrcn mun aqcualom them elveu to heme they can pro ceed Into the hlgher Krldfll Mr lulllcc Rlchlrdson uld Ihat Iho report was ol lucll tlandatd that every member of County Councll the local mum hcrl of he Prnvlnclnl Lexlsln lure lhe Allornny General Ind lhe aupcrlnlendrnu ol lhc ln llllullans vlsllcd Ihould rmlva copy Vlrlllfll nund lhnl lhcy could ull amylth on their Ihclvu wllhnut Ina nmnlly ndver lsInK nurlnu thn mm period Hm mud or In excluslvc conv moran prinllnx plnnl In the flame um hncumo nppmnl and so The flarrle Pm devnlcd NI tnllro cnpntlly tn lhnl Quip In mo lhu inn movtd 20 Own mm more lull nhlc qunllm hm available An Hurrle new in the 101 um mm The nurrlu Im mw wilh And In llm It was nunln lnrml In vncnla In lnrgcr pre mlm hill In lhn wmmrr H159 Ill lnlnn dme lnwma ho lunlnm ln hh um nwlrlce Mu Unlnn mlunl ha um um Jr Mm became Ill mun urr rnnllnunl lhe cxpnnnlon at Hw hmlnm wllh lhn vglrrhuc nlntw and momm upmrnL In April nl lhln lm rurpurnlrd the rnmpuny under lho name llmlc lml Ilmiled Iml mm control In htr um mun Mnlou who mm maiden And her nunhr lam II th Wllllnml who lmcunu vlupmlvlml and Itl mm Thu plnnl ll lyelnl mum In one at Hm nwu nwlrrn pum Im In lhl rlly new hm Ilnn um III In lllork Kl 111ml lhry VAII hlvl MN lul nor mu llllrd wll Inmltm rqulpmrnl lnr lho ex clmlw wmludlun nl tnmmrr till mlnllnu 1M mm whkh Itnpprd mmnu Fur llm lul Um II lnlllrr hl in IL Illl Ir ltnlllnl unln llnl lhlnl MnnAy 1M mm mmnu Fur Hm lnllhr hlv in tnlllnl unln llnl mnnunl MI KmlllZNKfl ltl horn ml1m Kluhcuer wn laund mlly Thundly nl IN nnncnpllnl mum nl hl vile Ind mmer II III lmwlww InwL WILLIAMS LEARNING 1y ane ucll to mlcned mkn mm hinl new or man klndcrxlr Inn puplll Hm Mu Muv Donald helpl luurycnmld Ruth Jnmcn to numb puma Thln kind at project Spaclnl new lh mm In Iervlu In Flm Baptlnl Church on Clawerton meet lhls Sunday will be the Rev Dr Pryu and quartet of Indian mm the Oluweken Bwpllst Church on the Slx NA lom Indlm mum near Brnnllord Prlnr to the mnrnln sulrvlce Dr Prm Ind hll mend will nlnz and speak lo the chlldren the Sunday School durlnx lhelr Rally Dly urvlcm Dr Pryaa hu mvcd pas tor of the Ohchltln Baptist Church lot mom lhan you Paste Brings Pout Indians To Barrie Church III 1959 whcn he rtllrcd mm the Acllvo pularlle ha recelvv td his Doctor Dlvlnlly 1mm McMmu Unlvcnfly In Ham on Dr Pryn also holds In MA ram McMasXer Ind Humor Muslc degree 1mm flu Unl vcnliy of Sukalrhewln Sine hl retirement Dr Pryxe has been kgpl Wynbe Sine hl retirement Dr Pryxe has been kept Wyvbe lul Inlcrlm mpply av many thumbs and relumlnz lha mcrve one yur um lo help the Ohswekcn Baptist Church whilen was whhnut mlnlslcr Dr Pryae wI bring chall enging message on tho work many Indlln brelhren synnpllxx Very con nlr cov lhu ravlnca lhll mornlnl modal with In extenllve am athlgh pressure unlred mrlhufl lec Supnlnr Tempertum dropped well be law In lrmlnx mark In North rm Ontr10 wllh Whllo film and Armstrnnx reported only dtgrm It Am In mural Icc llonl ncnr lrufln temper tum wm commun Indicnllon uhk Ira lhl lha Iron rink wlll nu be ml or mulhern Onllrlo hut exlur IIVI lrmt ll llkely lo lulu Il loci lhn Geornlln Day unbur on nnd nnrlhern parllnnl 01 Luke Onurloirrxlong kn Erle Nlalnrn in Huron Wlndwr Inndnn Imlllan Mnny sunny and nonllnulnl my cool lodny Snturdy mnny and lllllo wnrmrr Wlndl bc cnmIn 11th III gvtnlpl II llnllburlon Ilnly nunny Ind cnnllmllnl vary cool today SM urdny Iunny and llllla wurmer Wlndl becnmlnx lllhl lonlnhl vmu nlvtr Al gomn null 61 erla Tlmn nnmi Mnlnly mnny Ind na nulls Io told lndly Sulurdy nunny Ind warmer with Inmu lnl clnudlmu by Ivcnlnl Wlndl KM Lulu mm mm In any Wind mrlhenlltrxy 10 lo 25 km drmnlnl In Ilnhl lhil rvrnlnu nml hccnmlnl Inulhrrly 15 lo 20 nmnlxht Mllnly rlcnr rum Trmpnlturu lnalhl In hlnrdn Vlndmr BI Them union Kluhmrr Mnun lmu Vn1hlm ll Hnmlllnn BL Tnlhulnnm Tomnlo L1 Irluhnrnulh Tuulnn III Kllllind Ill Mman 53 Karl 11 Hudhury 11 nvlhm II film in Kuumhnnlm an Whllr Inn Mamm 11 lImmlnI WEATHER Mulu Hymn Mm exerclm ha nuanln upl cny kindergarten Itudcnu the nme Hm ro vhm In enyzynble pnlmu Fun Ind rurenuon mun ha pm of kindariarlcn cur rlculum er recenlly Appointed mu ordmllorl ha Elmcoe Burris Emorlency Mmum 0r anlmtlon Jack In In of club spedI evenan chum tut night 1h EMO Heldqulrterl In the County Building 17 new ordlnllorl will be uughl the responslblllllel In the event an emergency Ill union I11 levels at gavelIv mentlcdeul pravlnclnj coun my and munlplpll Area Coordinqtorsv Start EMO Classes ln nddlllon the men wlll cl Instruction In nuclear weapon and 1er cllecu lncludlnl pro todlvu mcaxum Ind lm mvll Allen to used In elem unlm them lnslnlcllorl ln rad lAtlan manltorlnx davlm wlll be In lmpomnl pan ol um Inla ng INVOLVE PLANNING major pm Ihelr work will luvolvu lln plnnnlnl Ind at unluuon nl lhelr wwn mu 1T1ll wlll be pan of the Inn mallet tbs le weak mum To phpara lhe new mr diunum for lhclr dullcl of etch Inx people In heir Iran to pm In ha IMO alum th rrcmn mum wn be Immed nlcly allowed by moth nix wnck mum In Todmlquu The now ml wordinnloru wcra appoth Illar wu do sided lhll slmcoeBanin loo law In area be Ind under one wnlrlllted lum only In Addlthn Slmcoc County ll use only man Nun In north or Wultm Onlnrlo in road and laclllllu unob lalnnhle In more mflhem coun llcs ll mentor highly lrn ponnnt airlenlcllly Ind var ranll hluhly devzlopod crun lznllon For hm runmu county wu Iubdlvlded mm mm cen tred on mlhr populnuan tenlm Mllnlon Barrie Colllnl wood4 Ildlnnd and Ornlll mu ell location my un provldo all hm urvlm Inch pollu re wnler Ind nglnminl department Th iour mm chosen to ill he Job nl In no nrdlmlor In mldenu hudqulh m1 Inmlved Jor lllmplon wlll llk aver Allitan nnd oumunding um Ed 11mm lldd will ordinal or Drillllz Wv Nickle or Call lnzwood Ind Huh DcJanl or Mldllnd Thtmen wlll bold vmdlma plid pmlllonl wllh lhl Emtro uncy Mulum Orlmmllou Imimdlnl lcdurinl Plllmllll Ind orunldnl ll wall II or ordlnnllnl mummy plum or II unIm Ind municlpll do pnrumnln at In lacl mum mm mm lhIlr Im auhonnmuu mbordlnllu wunl mun nmlr man In twin an EMU am will in dlredly undu Blmcoo lurrll munlr Mr Mnnlucl ofllre and VIII Um nu hlu um corurdlnnor Mm ol nu lmlnullon or flu mm mm Ilmrd In mm wlll be mleled h¥ nay Mhlnm Conn an mm MIIIUII by Mn Finnnu 5m Press Gallery Honors Men wonmNu wml 10 hand In nnalhu Important part kindergarten work Left In rim Dln Frlmll Wayn Church Ind Gerry Schcp con Ilruc house on annnch Sptélal lecturer will be brought hi or canalnmurn Inunmlun In rndlatlon mon ltarinl devices or example will men by the axle Radlnllm Oltlcer ol Ihu Provinca On uria whit Lh Provlnclal FinId TORONTO CPLThe plrl doxlul behlvlur Cnnldinm lawnrdl lublldlury tlrml or elzn compnnlcs II ncrplcxlnu la arelzn lnveflon nun non pruldcnl lnlcmnllnnnl mum Co Canada Ltd uld Thundly Mdnulnl he nnnll awnrdl Iunrhean or be unlnm Newl Ipm Annclullon nlCanadn Ir Brannon mnlro Chap Icau Duh Illd lhm an on hind ISARJEAM PA 8r2461 TllESE FOUR Iru wont lnllorl BurrleSlmtae Em ergency Mmum Drumm Inu begun thn rim at two Says Canadians Are Perplexing sumo GOOD FOR THE LINE RUM Cu nbmmnllunmal mom mum yum Mummlnl IM v4 ll mm mmm mm Ilmmrmell lvnm cm In iunou hm NIAnNo on blocks Th the kind Inle coopcrnllnn that In lear ned In klnderlarlen clnlm By tho llma Ihmchlldrcn are ready or Grade one next year they wlll have lcnffl ofllccr or Burrlc tone will lecture nn Provinclal Gavcm mgnl rcgppnslbmly Last nights clan Wm on the Inbject federal respomlblllty and was zlven by Ely Atkinson Ind Mn Sleele munlclpal nnd Iproylnc crnmcnll urn duln evorythln wilhln lhtll power lo Induce lor clan compunlu lo up Cnnn dlnn sublldlnrlu whlle an Um olhcr hnnd lhl lcdml overn mcnt hm mado ll den don noI shun thll emmm lo cre Iu rmploymcnl lhrouxh lhn rowlh ol Iubddinry lndumy TM cllmulo ol conlullnn ll htlnslng About Iublln things In Cnnndll repulnilon Ilfl bl munlry In whlch lo build ixweek courm 1m nlnhl ll he HMO 0mm ln Ih county building ml la mm Are Ml jar Hampton Alllllnn Am Ind Rom Bu and Salldlon In mhounu lhn Illotllllon Robm Culr Mom with Iholr In Ch punk Law Mr Huhb II dun Dllhoullo Unlvmh and Osgood all hr Admlnhn Coum AXI Hohb II mmlod wlth Iwo zhlldron Ilmn 1V um and slum monflu Mr Ind Mn 67 Dundonlld Slml Boyl dlreclora mcellnzol 13n rle Agricultural Socltly wlll bl held ucxl Thursday at he Curl In Club certnln hula thm hnvlnl reference In llvhg In mud em clly mvlromenl This wcck the lemnl Are on My And such practical Ioplc will In taught throughout this year Examlner Phulosl The meellng which sched ulbd to 1an pm ¢x peeked to deal with tanker and gnaljlgng or the omicominx ToDisCuss Barrie Fair mm Fnlr wlll have prnround Ind lnrc ruchan mum on he devalop mm Canada unlm mm cullghlcncd nllllude prevnll In halt and unlmlc pollcy lo ward wbnidlaylu HAD GOOD IM KATMANDU lAPlA mm at rxpedlllnn bulked 10000 hullcrflln and 15000 mom lncludln 7o rare Ipcclu dur lnn lwomonlh our 01 tallern Nrpnl Ed nroomlleld OrHHI BIncklock Colllnzwood and hunted Herb DcJong Mld Iand Exnmer Thom

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