Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 16

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ANSWER Thr wnll ulntlrr ll prulmhly milled Illvrclly In lhu chimney hrlrk hlllmul Any In Iulnllnl Ipflrl lewrrn Inn drnullon nr moinlum Inn mvu nnna nlvtn ncvrr mo mom lhnn ulna paumh what In rnrh 1mg crmrnl PM do lnllcd lmlnltllnnn nu mnklnu Milk and Ilmllnr cnncrclu pro jrcln Around Hm hnum whllr lo lha lorllnml Crmml Aunclnllnn IJ Grand Am Chltnzo ID WALLPAPER 0N CHIMNEY QUESTION wnllpnpeml mum Inn mmnur Vlurn we hulll In In hr hlnmco llle rumr aruuml Um rhlmney rumn mm nml crnrkml lluw Hm max Imprrfilrk mm To cnlnr mnmlu II nccmnry In use what II known In llmepmn rcmcm co an powdrrcd cnlnr lmwcled Im lho sutlncc when lhu ton mu wrll nlnnz Inward Mn dry Manufnrlurlrl of mm pru pnmllum nrnumlly nxrnlsh dir onjho mnlninrr QUESTION want In make walk nlnnu lbs sldc our hmuu using vnrlrcnlnml cancrclu flux Ilonu thl momr way In tnl ho cnnmlo mlxlurc No pain will long wllhslnnd wnur rum tar If you want Iquer Ilnor very murh and lhere la mom or nddlllunnl htlghl you mlghl put an new topping or cnlnrcd concrete erto lorllnnd Cement Au Iaclnllon Grand Ave Chlcnzn 10 or dolnncd inslmcv Inn on new concrete floor and Inland concrcm C0 CQNCRETB MIX Whnn paste dry or dlsculor ed brush of and replace with Iresh mount lrnalment unlll all possible ruse removed Then scrub nor with strung hnl soluIIon of wushlnz soda or lriwdlnm phosphate lkncn sn Iullon away from painted sur laccs lolluwcd hv ample rhu lng or hosing uilh clear waier In move all trace of he clean IIIKV wlullon lhlck paste or nlher absorbing pawdcr and non Hammnble llquid spat remover Ind cover the all soaked urea wilh heavy Myer plncIng rhcel or Ihln plastlc an up In round cvaparallon The 5le mnver nrls when on lhe mkcd In grease and Ihe ab sorbent powder like bloller lo draw it out QUEST house prescnlly Tho garage floor concrete has gran deal of oil soaked In thI may best be used to remove lhis and clean up he flour Would ll be posslble pain lhls floor any Ing t1 SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAVS BODY SHOP Speculum In BODY WORK GARAGE FLOOR mn Ivyluv II II II nl FIRST AID FOR THE HOME By ROGER WHITMAN EXAMINI QLQRM 5gp EM 90I3C l24 IOJI nJ collected on the brick causing he adhesive on the paper to become alieclcd loosening the paper in turn The only perma nently sullsinclory chdy is to build him wall on fineinch inning xlrips using plaster board which can ho painted or papcred as desired This will provido the necessary insulnling air space between wall and mm sumy LOOK complain Stock CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS BUILDING MATERIALS TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION WEll 00K AFTER FINANCING T00 AND EVERYTHING IN Bo mm mm Ounllly mm In your Bulldor Bonram Bm Produm ANSWER Floor covering dealer generally do nut recom mend pulan dawn mm floor covering over another or the ex TILE OVER ASPHALT TILE QUESTION have an asphalt tile floor in my kitchen and wnuld like to put vinyl asbestos lla on up The old tile in light Can lhls he done and what must doi The asphalt tlla has been waxed ihla limple eaay to build home has many practical aspects in la orderly layout Substantial pmporuonlnx amplewali space and lavish window area in living dinlng room will make it my to arrange your lumliuraah lrnclively Plasiered archway leada to three bedroom aleeping wind The compartmenied bath tealnrea vanltory unit and large linen closer wlih hail amesa or added mvenience large kitchen is skillfuin coordinated for pleasing work conditions and includes table space Lava tory has excellmt location near basement stairs and amice ea traMe this will eliminate lot of unnecessary traffic De sign is or irnma but instruc tions for building in brick ve neer are aupplled Standard Buil durs Blueprinia for this Design No cost $1500 hr the first Let and $500 addiilonal aeia They are available In Canada by return mull Ontario real dents must mm per cent SALES TAX 429 BLAKE ST BARBIE 60254 BEBTRIIM BROTHERS ETD ceilent reason that if anything happen to the ndhulvu on the bottom layer Iha up layer will also be nileciedc However ii the present lilo Adhere tightly and in absoiuteiy rmooth at you any you might taka chance as many other huva done auc cmiully However Kile tile lur faca must be absolutely clean and irca at any trace ni wnx grease etc heiore applying the new floor covering Mn Prone Barrie visited on the weekend th Mr and Mg Elijah Laflmer James Zinger son Sat and Mrs Lw Zinger Coulsun Ave and Johnny Duckworlh son of Mr and Mn John Duck worth Centre St left by bus for Toronto mexday to 51m up In the army Theyvvlll be posted alCamg Bordqn Mr and Mn Arthur Gollan Sedlwlck Alberta who He visi ting umivell in Barrie vlmed Mr and Mn Thoma Buck wggth on ngsd Mr and Mn Quinn and Iamlly Banla vlslled Mr and Mn Clifford Duckwonh Sept Wellatlendea her aunt tuners Mrs Jamel Begny altnggrkda pt Congratulations CpT and Mn Robert Sparring on the blnh baby girl In the Royal Victo filial 891113 Sep Mr Roger Plants Jana St in patient Inlha Taxonto Gen eral Hnapnal Her triede wish he apqeq recgvgry Mr and Mn Duke bu Vet non SL held cum and welner roast Scpl or the Angus Junior Day Ball Tum nley heard rmrdmullc while they 519com ngg 1101510 Mr Ind Mr Duke Lee unen dcd hII nephews wedding Al bert McFadden Toronto and Min Llndn Marshall Toronto wen mggiedjegt ighmnto Mraimma Walkidxhaw Co ANGUS JNDIPINOINT fllwlll IINOI IYII MOISON EXPflRT Mn Archie WnnIess was here ten to flu September muellnl New Flo Wamenr Institute at which 21 members and three vlrlton were present Roll call Ngw nos Mr and Mn Archie Wanleu Jane and Peter and Mn Wanless visited Sunday with the former aunt Mrs 1313 who is pnllent in Beechwood Privala Hospital In Penelaug They also called on Wllllnm Rnlnford at Allenwaod Beach Ed Buia and Ann 01 Sunnldale Corners were Sunday villlarl at the home of Mn Clargnce boys The New Flo Faahlanfllea 4H Club held In um meellng on Working with Wnol at the home at lhelr Inlstanl leader Mu De Backerlllrl Sum Allen and Mrs Backer are again the lenders Olllcen elm led were president France uflua vlcepmldent Carol Lo Iusl treasurer Marlo Du Backer elnry Nellle Van Lamha Mr and Mrs John Vlney Sus an and Sharon of Harm were Sunday visitor with Mr and rga Vlyey 0n Salurday evening shower Wu held tha home Mn Geaflrey Hope or her daughter Inlnw Mr and Mn John Ble buhelmer nee Marie Hope of amen who were ricently mar Mrs Wanleu Calling wnnd ndlng wzek at tho home her son and daugh lerJnlaw Mr Ind Mu Archie Wan and lamlly Open up Maison Exportits the best idea oi tho night Maison Export in Canadas invourilc nicmom timn in million boning nm 011ch every dnyi its the goodnatural tiling to do llnmood mm Wednesdaywmi her liner Mn Duck wotBL nr MM mums Mlu Sandra Finlar Toronln ll spendan coupe weeks with her pprentl Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay and mu therx goodnatured ale NEW FLOS Mn Allen and Mn Gungo Smith were named delegates to the area convention al Cold waler Flnnl plan were made an the Institute dlsplay Elm vale all Inlr donnllan $3 to be given to the bllnd Mrs Russel McElwnIn are grealdent we there and spoh rIelly Mrs Flnluys reading Farm er John wal taken from her fathers old reader ol 1m Mlu Mary Mulroyl context on memberlna articles In box was won by Mu John Du Garter Mrl Steve Rawn conducted draw which we won by Mrs Gggmjmjrth war answered by Something will hadno purchmd Thu motto Han are Greenhouler where he Plant of Cluzemhip are alarted Wan commented on by Mn Cline Rnwn Floweu were the chic lea lura Hill muting demonr slrluon of flower making from loam rubber and from ribbon was given by Mn Sam Allan flower nhow dlnlng tabla centrepieces was held The wIn nerl were Mrs AF Vlney and Mn Wanlau PIOPLI DO READ SMALL ADS YOU ARE Mm Betty Amibmu 75 at tending Teucherl College In Toronlq Mr and Mn Ernest Knee ahnw were Sunday guests Mr Ind Mm Allen Brown and at tended anniversary services at Dalston Unlted Churph 0i Saturday av In Ihower tram relatives we held at the 71mm sturéeon mm mm Doubt spent he weekend at Maple Iflagd yam Spuntjl Thursday evening mm munlzy ahowlr was held In Ell Iard Hall In honour Mlu Mar Dal Mary recelvcd many gifts or whlch she thanked all The hall was beautllully decorated or flu occaslon bounlllul lunch brouth plenum eve gloat STEELESCORNEBS By MAID ERNEST DALEB Mm lnxcar Sutherland In Royal VmrIn Husplul Harrie where Ahe underwem nursery In Frkny We ah wish her apeedy mum to heallh and ham 161 BALL MODERNIZING Dlvhlan Ball Plum Mill Co Ltd 48 Anne St South PA DONT MOVE IMPROVE CALL PLAN ma BUILDING CNRPresldenl Donald Gor den and Arllmr Rudnlkoll pres ldent ol lermlnnl Cenlra Corp announced Wednesday plans or wstnrey bulldlng ln downtown Montreal The bulldlng wlll be constructed on INF pmpeny on Damned Boulevard West be tween the vCNRowned Queen Ellzabelh Hotel and the hater nnllonnl Avlatlon Building EXAMINER WANT Ans mom PA nzm Sunday vIpllorx with Mr 35 Mrl Emeat Dam were Mr and Mrs Harald Dlles John Ronnie and Heather Toronto John Dales Toronto was with parents larLhe weekendI home Mr and Mrs Don chg Strand lorMIu Mary Dale brlda Sept 23 Assisting lhe bride was Don Lowe her lance and her sum Miss Belly Ann Dales In opmlng the guts Mary and Dan thank for their gin2 PA 82496

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