Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 15

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Says Canadians Wise Are Good Credit RiSks We didnt see or hear norm ol them or yam but once the war was over we vnble ho Mumed to the cost of living Whv do pwplo buy on cred Ono mason Mr Germ laid In um wllh mdn p10 can have thlngn wlmouk tum manual uvlnu Mr Gentcln snld consumer cred In high It must be nlucd to hole econgmlp picture Almo str livery Index mi Mahm mm govtlumen spend nzuand Grog onnl Pmducfi Me réafm that many people take pride In budgotlnl 9nd to my In Insulmcnn lvu Credfl Is Involved at every level oi economlc activity he laid You wuldnl dig mine or 11mm tncwry without gnu REASONS WI acmtnbla the pri mnry and Imndnry levels why shouldnt be accepted at the dlstribullun and mnsumpflon Ievoh Mr Gerstdn graduate 01 the University of Thmnto In po litical lclenca and economist djsamqydm critics cl cumu to in lhflirraoécums mini of sum law elry mum slotgs Rd exampleo the ham people came during and we Swami World War mm were men bought eunuchLem rings or other ar tide on credit and then had to no overseas More they could llnls than Payments he said1 Tho interesting thlng about mm mundan In am most Mk me good Iudgment in their audit pmhamfl 1d Mn German an lnlerleW new are no more abuse In this are 1mm you find for ex ample In file use of tobacco or uoohol most ple werent hon eat We won be In minus EH Mower MONTREAL CWCanadians eneralLy are good credit risks lays RemAnd Genstein presi den¢ firm Whose 25 store new Camdrdo 90 per cent of their business on cmdlt By REEORD MIcDDUGALL Haw3m estimates thin mindliming am of all will yield 150 bushel As you watch faclbgll on TV take five for fifty ale ma Enloy Canadian Pro Foolbnll MTV and tho nln lhal brings In you Tha plot la dllcradlt ul In not only unlmt our overn Suulh Viol Nam the nld hut bccama an ulm of perlldluua blackmnlllng allnckl but wu will nuvtr yield More lhh cum Sic told deleznm demo cratic mvolullon has liken place In South Vle Nam and charged The affair of the Buddhhu has been explalted by Mellon arles and counter nvolullm Aries Mrl Nhu Md world preu Wu and her country Delegate lo the Interpaxlla mcmary Union gave thunder out ovation lo the powerful controvenhl lint lady at South Viet Nam who aariier had told reporter oi an aiiezed pint aha aaid wal directed not only against her iamily but also aiainst US Praaldcnt Kennedy Mrs Nhu prelly in pink was ha 1m weaker at the dont opening meeting lefled to 10 minutes Ihe lpoke In French Io erld that IL wLu dillicul to allow her words Wednesday nhe called Ken nedy an nppum lryInz In Had cnmpmmlu mlullnn In he South Vltlnamesa crisis By BORIS BOSKOVIC BELGRADE AP Mn Dlnh Nhu black ayes flashing swore today um President N50 Dlnh Dleml lovemment In South We Nam would never yield lo what Iha called lIdJnus blackmailan lune than the Mug being organ de Beam nuwihicmdif Whntevcr the mason WI amazing that more than 50 per cent our customer could puy caih they nglgai Wont Yield To Blackmail Says Viet Nam First Lady am Mr Buchnan My ha ha never mu anythlnl Ilka it In MA at yam wefia M111 some fimm lhgu like to feel their credit ITS WHOPPEB reporter ha unlulr la her Mr and Mm Franck OIlnl 10an have taken an Ipnnmcm in tho vfllulv Mr Ind Mrs George Bunch of 3131mm visited Mr and Mg IogngBurjpp last week éuencllo pulling In Add 111ng 197M stare wish myscll to know do not know why they dislike me knew could do Inmelhing about II the replled In whlspcr mo separate school and No school npcncd Inst wmk with record nllcndance buslnad of Catholic Women LenKuo mcmbcr landed com venuon In Oshawa last week Mr andMrs Eldon Councnny and Mr and Mrs Murphy enJOylnu trip in the way tfn pmvllgpu men but nlm unlml Presldcnt Kennedy he said but refused to elaborate CLAIMS PLOT the mull of plot only Ill men In Saigon She refused to llama the six reporter asked her to ex glam why the press In alum er Askei whyshe believes press to be unfair to her Writing She tnsmed the press has been unlalr and absolutely frlbie to her and hu coun Keri In facinocrauc society where the individual decides what 11er prpdnce Only in completely man aged economy do ya eliminate thednngm of Individual deck Ions the loss ol personal freedom in such an economy too high price on pay tanning In the Picture Buns Alta district He says hll other amps an yielding well am bushell an act for Mrs bwn Johnston hurolur PHELPSTON aha The United States and France each spend some four per cent their national income on nu clear rcscnrch minims Jack Shannhan spent few day in Toronto and attended the exhlhiuon This drive mother big push Wednesday mm President Kennedy and Republican Min odty lander Everett Dirksen ned homeafler Pending the lummcr pl Cochvlle Only three days ago an As minted Press survey found 73 senators Were for It two thlrds mulorlty is needed for rauficallonM all 100 Iona on vote In lamr Kmmiy gave the Senate unquallflad and mu vocal Assurances that there will be no leiup In the us do fence bldldup he treaty put Into wed WASHINGTON AP 11 Senate drive for ratification of he llmlled nuclear test ban treaty appeared Thursday to nve plcekd up mare support Democratic and Republican leaders working logemer to steer he nmement through Senate shoals counted almost no Votes in favor of he treaIy to prohibit all except un magnum Feel Senate Will Pass Ban Treaty mm wiqu andAso huh eLs at am or aoflflwhgi 215mg Hype 15 miles mm Qumiidga c9 Wlmphow human MISS OML AAA NAL 0AA Rlplln in All Mlku mamcn EXPENSWE HAROLD JORY MOTORS Aulhnmrd Duler For BNSIGN TRIUMPH VANGUARD spams mus HMO SERVICE Cnnadoa huloal groWlng nloLnbnlli 50 Ala 150 VESPRA STREET Tha descendants head slaves who settled lncammunl Mes around Halllax occasionally complain being rgfused huhn cuts and being turned away by landlord However they shop HALIFAX CF More than century ago Negroel came to Nan Scotia mixing sanctu freedom and equality alter life at slavery in th United Statu In some respect Liieiritducendnnu stlil min few anonymous hnmwwn an in Haliiax whurb thin week unduiined simmering racial fact that Negro lenders hmseo as more subtle but just as real as more dramatic probi terns in the nauthem US Not only ls White Rose the cleanest burning fuel oil you can buyit Is also the most efficient the most economical Let us assure you of complete home comfort Call now and arrange for the most dependable home heating service available White Rose Make lachange for the better mm nos the cleanest 333 burning Fuel Oil you can buy Aulomlllo dellvary Round lho clock burnar Iorvloo any budge lorml MHYESMHRTIN LTD Halifax Negroés Séek Equality PHONE PA 85027 mm Negro po ulatlon 01 any Cam dlnn prov nce with must the 9000 Negmesllvlng in Halifax Coungy Hdmcownnrs meeting this week In Fanview drew healed Lawnsg CANADA In the biggest slum lake seal ln huge and drink beer in tha tavern willloul raising ayr brawn on V41 foreheads But say Negro clergymeli and olher leaders integration In hopslng Elflerenlmnuer Their point seems to came home In Falrvlow residentlal suburb jusl across the western baundzuy of this city whose Ne gm population estimnled at ghoul 1300 han the 13532 BARRIE om BARBIE PllBLlC mums protests against prnposed low rental housing develovment In the area and the racial matter came out from anonymous lips Ilyflold One man demanded In thln going to he place 01 dlxpllced people Ira um colored nettle mant the are going in clear out The place rclerred In by ha FBIIVIEW homeowner Afric vllle an unclanl shanty town nestled between rallway tracks and the city dump In Halllax n0rh end my mum Emma mun The same volume healed by nnolhcr melhod could coal over $1300 per month YOU CAN us ovm lell GALLONS or PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY Matchless elcclrlc walcr healing Is provcn lo be over 00 efficient other methods may only he much as 85 efficient Independent surveys prove thal more water can bu healed lower cost with flat rule electric water healing than any other way Electricity Is Safe lean Flameless More Efficient too FOR FULL DETAILS CALL STEVENSON INSUEZNEE AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PER MONTH TO HEAT IT Why Pay More ELECTRICALLY BEST FOR LESS Tumor ST HOT WATER COMMISSION WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE You Need all Ilia my EXAMINER wm Ans PHONE PA mu RC Foxcal Products Ltd has announced plans for $13590000 cxfianslon Its Cromm pulp mlll an Vancouver Island Com pany President Benupra slfld Wednesday that when the expanslnn In completed ln 1965 the mlll wlll have clpaclly of 950 ton ol kralt pulp and 350 ion 01 newsprlnt dally 200 PA 6180 53mm 15631 nu EXPAND PLAN PA um wu as v3

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