gymt PHONEIPA 83186 sermon szsues Challenge To Men Flay nine men gathered In Burton Avenue Unlled Church Uphomeflnl um ann lul an Jul Eldr BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MgoEgN iwonx Ottaway Avenue AlmoSt Sold Out Beuutllul Samplu Frcc Esdmntu FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phane PA Mm BARRIE as nnADriSnn Fumlhm Finllhod Klkhan Cupboard Deluxe llghv Fixlum Exvra Vlniry on Sullo This Weekend See In Completely Furnished Model The Rambler and the few remaining houses now under construction The Man Workingfpr IAllOf The People Of Simqoe Centre EVANS Arthur Tastefully Decorated 98 Blyflnlcl S9 gAvgé Our mmmhlln Ill be pmonl Ith vmlnl In mill ml 27 OTTAWAY AVENUE Open For Inspection Friday pm to pm Saturday and Sunday From I2 Noon HAROLD FORSTEB 20 Publllhtd by Slmcoo CInm Progrullvu Conurvfllvi Anoclnlon ART EVANS He said name In talk tn you not an preacher but as man lo man stand on the Word of God Indbefleve the Bibla In such The peakar was Introduced by Tom Brnlley Mr Green who 11 nreman tn the publishing and distributing department the Toronto Dally Star and mem ber or Rlverdnla United Chmh brought practical And powerful managan 51 present mum to hear home Gmm of Tomnto bring challenge in men It wai the enlng meellng ms an and wnterAsemnuRnn Mgiadden gm in the chair Exclusive Roaltor In closlnz the speak said Do you call yoursel Chris tian mm In you will humbl yourselves and pray and see my face and Inn from Hq uld 0d Alone un de me manl righteousnesx J9 nu ma Ye are my lrlzndx i1 ya do whatsoever command you Evary denamlnltlon who name the Name Chin should stand for the message proclaim ed The minimu has one ohll gallon to preach to sinners mush the Bible about 50 younawomen Inlho Dan jaIL Many ware In em they 1m eued summed mm God Yams ago was on the board church laugh Sunday School thought Wu nude until one day met Jesus beflm Md mam message and Ian mp here the Gospel in or you lhelScrl um 11 van PA 66453 YOUR PROGRESSIVE ICONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE ARI EVANS 0N SEPTEMBER Nan meeting will be Oct John Clarke Locamouve lore man from Toronto wing guest speaker your wicked Way than will hop and hell am wreIGod has spoken to 50390915 hujg tonlght Wfllurd Klnxle Earth milk distributor uld last week that me milk Industry wax not doing good ioh In paying mun to shareholder In mm the me that udequatmwazu are paid Milk Industry Profits Poor F¢r3 Shareholders 202 DUNLOP WEST WILLIAM LOWE FURNITURE MART Thll Hzmo Complonly Furnllhoa By Hi hmhu polnleduoul hi Mos arm product have gone down In prlm to lh farmer whla gnllk Mr Kinds laid the milk d1 mbuton in the 1m 10 yenI hava upericncï¬l an unwed pmducllvlly which min hu Deon passed along to the con sumer who can now rchm milk in mulllph cunt nerl or less money per quart dun the price milk 10 year IE He suggested that mllk diml bum have In product um must ba mnnullctured processed and packaged like nnny other In dustries madam and nld am notlugguung than Indul lrlaa gelling too much or they giggled prqduclg EXAMINER WANT ADP PHONE PA um the farmer nu TI cent from this or 55 cenh the consumer donnr or markup lo the dairy of only per can Mr Kinda decllred lhn dairy lnduslry does the but In the agriculturgl Held mating the farmer and the consumer Th retail price of enthull gallon milk dellverzd in the custo floor in 49 cent for Selecting wheat in mnsumer items or his argument Mrr Kin ie quoted inure mm the Dam iniau Bureau at Statistics for 1961 which indicated the price of aipound bushel at what ll 5147 He said the markup on 25mm errandMini pound iaai of Dread was 596 per cent which lha markup between what the farmer receivu ar hil raw product and what the con turnjr guys at rctlil nIe urmer zeta cenl of he 15 cent the consumer ply 0fo lhgnbread In demanelrallon to the com mlllea he am We puman heuer Job of returnlng the Inn lmnm rawproduct price to ro ducm In the anlcullurnl 121d Ind ye charge consumers 1m markup than 11 me In the use of my olher clue of Agriculture commodity Emphnslxin this point he added that campanlu man an prom um Iveru pro tu min 5331 pu cent on men which included In crelm Ind other nommllk pro ducts whlla Avenue laxMax earnings or all mnnnhclurlnl companies inCnnadA we par cent He nld we In tho dairy duslry nwm lhll our margin is quite law most mm mm of the Can adian Income Tax hammer mm that nearly onemini all dame reported Ian It wu reported In um um Mr Kinda said the Industrg was doing an excellent iob In rln In mm to Ihnrehaldmf Mr Klnlla Talented hrlel along with er milk dmrlbu lou lo the Milk In ulry Com mittee hearing lq Or to employees and Euloinen Ivan ucellen ulna CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Bedroom SaIln Fully Spoclll Vlnyl Floating Altchoc 6mg Flnllhod hndscnped Onk Floorlng PA 82463 However um Ianth old reporter alter lhu mnlermce ended Tuesday that the Win It not clear about Onmrhl poul tm and uld the Canadian poo ple mulled In an explana tion 1mm Mr Mam Monday when Mr Robldl laid he wu pmmd nmmd 0n mlol own plan to make con form to ma federal nchema MIL LaMmh had dulled lwoday demlpmvlnclnl m4 EM °n will Elm premler uld earlier Wed nuday in Lorï¬on Ont lhal Min LaMnrsh wu phyla poll with the ledernl zovem menu rowed mnlrlbulory pension pm Ha uld that mm now on ha will only deal dJrMLIy with 1than Penman My concern with will we can do lo Improve pemlom and have min to any lbw Mr Roburh remukl Ibou me WAWA CP Walla Minister Judy LaMnrsh re mnlnod omclnlly IHOIH 1m Wednesday alter her brlel ml with Ontario Premier Rnbam over pension She Issued this um nuts men to the press Camnlmnuonx no the win ner In the Hm round the 0m Worldl Fair log uwlnl comm wedmsday Ilamoon the alt mundl Mun Rohlgmn lu 1m and Fran Judy Silent flhe mam Exitinim PA 892 LOG snwmc WINNERS CONGRATULHTED Ill tourlymd In Frrnthdlmlul ConveuI School of El Jongm In Jlmw lem llnnun Cnlhnllc Ilucu boiled all Inn dom Ind tuned polka who Irrulpd mm Ihnn youlhl broh Into church Irhooll Ind Ilnpped children nunllcd pollcemln And anchor moltled Romn Cm lhnlI lrlhhllhflp Ind rnuul Iome damn whmuu want Alan wm Ink My member ha lluvcr pelllm Clrcll at Arllvltlll llon ol orthodox lllllflll FRIDAY REMEMBER ll INSll luhkal condemned Ihl rlal In Jmmlem Hum Ind Jnlln mudny In whlch more Inn 100 orljodox mu wtrn mgIltd JERUSALEM MP Proo mlar Lovl Elhlal nyl ov tmmnn wlll proleculc an rnpandbll or violent dnmon Ilrnllunl In lhm cllluby ar lhodox chllh youth Ilml Chrhum mlnlannry war In Ilml nu Wu 1le crcdlt Phlnoh apparcnll wu endowed wilh ml mm to Indus men or he lmmndlnlely mom Junphl worth Ind mm mu he Emun mw bend only when In mournlnx or In low posltlonn In Puleulno an Inn other hnnd the beard wn conaIdered ornamentI Jauph hurtlm would prnbnbly hive mm In pflaan nut named mu mm In Ihnva when zalnl before Pharaoh When Joseph Mumken 1mm prlwn And clllcd buion Pharaoh Ipeclll menllon made or um act that he mm In grub 1y btcnuu thl lienodoth ell Israel Govt To Prosecute AntiChristianDemonstrators would leern thll perhaps Poll he reallud mm Joacphx pr lumen wu hLl WUII null ulhcr Ihan JOSeThl lnr thl norml procedure ur Oriental country would have been lor lure and exuullnn nr In It lempled crlma of his nature ye Joseph II Ilmply Impri lonrd Paiiï¬har he Pharaohs upgnln oi ward It in apparent that Puiphar soon appreciated Jose hl iinu mornl uniltiu Ind minilira live phi llier or he trusmi him and put him in chum oi ovary lhinx he had Temptation cam in him through Poliphars wife but Joseph resisted hmth hi ioylliy in Paliphar his iirm knawiedu oi God which kept uppermost in hip mind the pin lulncsl her propauil and hi Ihuer phylicai removal iram mph sin Scrlplurothhll 3159 SPEEB JONES This wank we aka up chap ter SNS In the Ian lhrecweek uslznmem an Jouph We ck up he nary ln EW are Joseph hu been men by the hhmaellte caravan Ind wld la Paurhar he Pharaohs upgnln Kahae Orlllln councillor but ONI deputy mva Gordon Caldwell and rem learn Mc Kay wllh mm me conds gm pal 19a Knowledge Of God Loyalty To Friend Help Joseph Resist run 03 tennan 13 CENTRAL TAXI lull lulu Cuk MD IIMTKI EDINHUHUH Cll HII llunhll mu Inmml In hulp mm In 9le mom mm to Edwin Ull vmflyv 11 money will ho uud In pm mmmml wlln mm at 11d ll um ml bum In llnlln wllnrml laid lho demonllulorl hrnh lnm ll Ametlun Eurnvun mm MrIlnnlc mlu an rhlhlrrn Mud and school IbouUnl ml And huntmmf mm Jan and nnthwn Illrmi lhc IchpoL mm lrllhlmu rhlldrrn Md UM Ind Iml In rloldl Arrhhlnhop Omrla Hakim ludrr the men Cnlhallc community In IIml wllnmnl Hm demonlrnllnn lth 10 wnn maimed Ind lrnnly lmullnl by lhu ywlhl In Jam About loo dunon tlrnlon brnh mm Chunk Bcullnnd Ichaol School alfl tllll um um youlhu unppul mm chlldrtn lllulllltd achgrnnnd glugrq lama dum In Pollco nlwl plnrnrdb rud lnl 2nd dlurucn ml Ilom And Irmlod men dem nmlrnlon 00 demamlrnlon Inr Impnu Mu EMILE NOTE Jerulnlem pull re ulud In olher Iron lrylnl lo Imk Into lho Finn mlulnn uhaol 0m demonllnlur wu mud on chum limiting pollu mun Jacob and flu ml of Jnlephl lamlly Ira ul llcd In Ezypl wnl ms of the Mk runnan an My lrom Memphl north to ho Mzdllch mean And an to an and at he Phllllllnu Golden um But lay unln you Lav your nc mlu blah lhem that cum on do nod to lhcm that nu you And pray for mm which dupllelully un you and Uncut on In yl my ma ch dren your Father Whlch II In heaven MIlhew Izull way Like the real man that he II once the brother have had their conscience pricked Jo up duel not allow Ihem lo dwell on their nulll but turn their thought to tho Krcnlu purpoch God which lhey may halp Igrve use must hm realmd that own rlad humilia llon urllled for ho caused hll rothm dlscomfllure by replacing Ihelr money and hid In hls own cup In their lucky In order to humble lhcm so that LIV mm Joseph now Notice how he has maimed mm the lad who law hlmlell the centre whom MI bralhm would bow down and nerve to Ihe nun who spend all energies try to larva his lollaw menInclud lng Reclaim the very lamlly wh rajcqtcd him Joseph 51 when his brother come Icekinl load ha been 20 1an lInca he have mn Mm and with Ange In ral ment Ind pullllan II nut lun prmnz hal they do In retol nhy hlljl The word translated how the knee Genesis 4111 la an Egyptian word In use avca day lha agpcarnnce auch ward In lha gar Genull Indium that waa written while he Ja wer dramatically since hlm In cam mfld 0qu la himlell ï¬nal mum when the handle hmkg Kl Councillor Kehoel and Illa MW 1119 Om chumps worn Elmer Shellwell Gordon Caldwell Exam lnu Pholo gm