Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 12

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H411 lmANlNT lull lm um In Mul um um Nu In anmulL Tn In mv rd In 1mm an or mud ohln wrllu lnr venoflll ln mlu In Mr Ruwmlu John EL Am 11 Imam um loum MAN nu mlnhd wllh lam hum permmm million which MII 15am In Mr nun no ma Ia mu Inm lo mm In mm mm In human pub um All vn hnmm In any IMIM In Ilmln llnlnl ALI llilLiUNfl hnvm whim unlml ulnln the aim mmml dermal 1th the Ily Mile In Iln Yaunly Blmrm who dlrd cm nr nhuul Hun mh lay of Frhvuary In an lmrlxy mumd In lilo pmlculm llmrul wllh Ihl un onrxllunl an nr Mm ll day at Maker ma mm mm data mm will man haver mud My In chII whth noun hu bum melmfi DATED llmle Onlnvlo Ihl lmh day MIN STATIONARY Ennnm ltd lu Shln work 41 noun var me All mm hemnu nunbl in union plnn um mm mm mm rla Box v2 11ml Examiner mu umemvmymm p033 howllll Mum Will flux mm luminer mm mu lull WILL unnule nnmplnn mlnullflunr nqnlm unerlema Luv mun ml IIA Arm Mal1 nuny Splndlo Ind nsA alum Splndll Aulnmfllu cm camel rmonnel andm 11150 mump Inn unmm no land Ian ma nunmun In an Yuri Mmch vmuua bu nu nunum px othtr mnenm wm lhnl llnmlntr MI nrananv Iv lomvlny In hum mm 1h mm um lull nnhn Im It mun nu nu qmil lullml modnun Inlnlnl rm vIdd In mm run In Inlolmlflun lll nu I1 Ink Kllmlnu nun mumum llch mhuc sflmoL Addru uprl lnn lo Hr flrnrn mm nuumu Mmm lnlor run 5mm 1mm Illneld luul mm Avle on mm mm It mm mm um um wmnmy hnnn Hepumhcr Gnus sum rm nan mumUm Firm wnnllnl Incom pmema but no um flux 31 mm Dum iumfi Bummer lmr lEGAI NOTICES EARN BIG MONEY LEARN ELECTRONICS Expat luuuctlon You cm by cum Tachnololm nr an Dunn Oeflnl Technlcfln Dly Nlul llama Sludyy Eu Telmm Sen or Bunk Cl In llab lmnlc Emu RADIO COLLEGE or CANADA En ma RIM StreetAWm Tannin 13 AppIIcMIons an Invited by September 1601 1961 by the undersigned or the position of fireman for he Barrle Flu De parlmenl Salary schedule and full em ployee benefit In ofch 6166 City Manager P40 Box 400 City Hall Darrle 0mm yquo HAN whilnlr 1o lnm yang 1nd wm an no For northem areas to call on television stores elm in esub ilshed territories selling electronic parts ldenl applicants should have electronic background andsaies experience Replies confidential Io HELPWANIED rmuudmw itwBT mums om Apply in person or phone PA 89979 or PA 89761 required ixfimedlately experiqncewrelqrredl Apply toSegzlcg Manager In the Enlnle 01 LICENCED MECHANICS DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD 145 BRADFORD STREET BARRIE PERMANENT FIREMEN NOTICE TO CREDITORS wnm KEMPVIEW BOWL SALESMEN WANTED RADIO TRADE SUPPLY LTD 490 YONGE STREET TORONTO To Set Pins At BOYS or MEN ggpgnenged Weakly Salaried Poslllan In ID MN oMo TWmMy mllu mull usl t4 Culllwnl 0H mlln nu am llluhny Ilm mmly mm ml ml Mum MALE lnrm hllh qu lnrm nmmnrry mm vlu M7 Mm unln and mm Mum Imld mu 1mm mh Nu man ha owner II In Ilrnllh ml lnrm wlll ofloml or mu day uh ml Inld Irlom Jinn yummmn All persons hnvlnz dulm ngnlnst um Esme LOUISA WINGROVH Me Clly of Barrie In Um County 51m Widow who dlcd on the Ncnllem day August 1963 are rcquircd lo lo roof or sumo with the un nlzncd solicitor or Ihn Executor by tho Flnzt day October 1961 nncruhlch dale the main will bu dlxlrlblflcd Dated nl bunk Onlnrlo hL 9y rSoplgmbrcrr In Hm mm at THOMPSON MMTLAND WILEY Fnrmtr Ml pmom hnvlnu tlnlml Ignlnxl ho estate lhu nlmo mmfluncd lnlu ol the Town Ihlp lnnlnlll In all County of Simeon who MN llw Inld Town or an Tomnlo an IM 14m day of Harm 1W are ulml lo llln moo ul nnmn Mlh no underInna on or mm the HUI day Odolw IMI Mlcr Nlnl dnlo Hm lulvllc Truxlro will pronNI lo dixlrll ulc Illa MIMI having rrxnrd only In Nu clnlmn whlrh Im lhrn hlvn ml nnllm Notice is hereby given that the list of land liable to be sold or arrears of taxes in the Coun ty of Slmeae has been prepared and wan published In an adver tisement August 1963 in the Ontario Gazelle Copies of said list of lends or advertisement can be seen la my office or will be mailed upon making appll cation for same ln default oi payment of fare shown an said list on or before Tuesday Nov 1961 at the hour OK two oclock iST in the anemone shall that film in its Council Chamber new County Building Danie Onti proceed to sell by public auction he said land to pay nuch nrrcars lo gelher wlth charges thereon lf land not all sold on mesday November 196 an adioumcd sale will be held on Tuesday November ms at two oclock ST lli COLEMth Treasurer County at Simone Trensurcrl 0mm County Bullding Barrie Ont DATED July 10 1983 STEWAHE Fsrw McTunK AND MILLS Drawer 56 11min Onl Solicitor or he Exccumrl DATED at Tnmnln Ill IIHI day floplrmhrr MirJ PUBLIC TllUSTEW Quan FA wm Toronlo Admlnlllrnhr flu EXAMINER AN A0 IONS PA um l3 AUCTION SALES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS SALE OF LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES ll lEGAI NOTICES mi nlmiiv for ClAlUuNCE Me RIDE AUCTION SALE MONDAY 5mm 23 NOTICE T6 CREDITORS MALI HELP Audimm Th cull hnd been killed when ll became rnInnnIMl 1n mm ninu prolcclnr Hull lhOHM hlgh rnllnn llno In hlxh windl lluhlnlnl nmlulnr mmma Inln pmnxrn on me arm John Knclmn duh mllu ml hm A1700 pouan thk limrnwnl Hllrd Thurday whrn ll Innk Ill cclh lnln nn elcclmcutod cull 50th hnll Lot 20 Concu xlon chumscth Townlhlp 2V mllu milk Illghwuy on 71 I140 road on mile was of lllghwny 374 Turn ma 1am Connulnn ol Tecumsdh SALE Hurlord collie ply ullry Mxh class lnrm much nlry My Mum lrnln md lama humchald ollecll Tmm cnxh No mervo Um lnrm la gold Saturday October 12 12 Noon Sharp FOR ALVIN CAIRNS 21 Concession 0m Townshh 1Y4 mllcs em nl Dal ston Slam mlle south 011 mile ens nl Highway 91 and mile north SALE no head rezlslmd and rude Hereford cnllla plan high chm lnrm machlncry hay Ilrnw 3min and Mame household checm Tcrml caxh Nsrcscrvo in tho arm told AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct pm or ROY GOODFELLOW South lo 21 comm InnlsliL miles east and mile south Strand Auction 5110 of Farm Stock and Implemenu Terms Cash SPROULE Auctioneer COUGIILIN Ann monmou Auctioneerl LANEOUS Jar tractor with lrontend land er complete yrs ald good new Cockshutt 30 Tractor In good working order 2Wheel Cnr Trailer Cream Separator Cockshult Corn Binder In work ing order Quantity Scrap Iron Many smaller articles on Stove and lawman Oil Tank Chains Forks Shovels and many atheist3191c Terms cash Definitely no re servo as owner has gone lnln 13 and has no mom to stable in cattle Owner wlll not be rcsponslble or any accldenls day mle wllll hls pyoperty Nothing tn be rcifioved unlll settled tar AUCTIONEERS REMARKS Gcnflemen Mr Binncndyk has good 10 of Holstein hcllers All are vaccinated tested and are 1ch to go anywhere Any one wlshlng good hreedlng hail ers would be well advised lo at end this 5312 Frank Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN Audlanccr Phone Burris PA Hm Bear Killed HAY GRAIN AND STEAW 500 bushel 01 Rodney Oak 300 xquam Bales nr Straw 00 square Bales or Alfalfa Hay 2nd cut Of 60 head ofHoisleinCuttIe Milking Equipment Hny Sirw Grain and some Form Machin rile underaignedhu received insimctionx from max BINNENDYK to sell by public auction at the premises 101 17 CON 0110 TWP imiia north at Highway No it MONDAY SEPTEMBER II AT PM SHARP iihe ioiiowins CATTLE Holstein Cow years bred to freshen Oct at Holstein Cow years milking and open Holstein Cow years milkinl and open Hol stein Heller years out It tool Holstein Heller years flesh twin calves at iooiHnla stein Heifer your to iruhcn by male date Holstein Haiku yam bred months Hol stein Helium years bred months Hereford Hello rising year old Hereiord Sieer year old in Holstein Steers year old 15 Holstein Hellers year old Hereford Holstein Calves month old MJLKING EQUIPMENT Chore Boy Milking Machine complete with piping motor outlet or 25 cows flllTOMATIC DEIIVERIES IOIIT MITIIUR pm CF 13 AUCTION sALEs IMPLEMENIS 4ND MISCEL JERRY COUGIILIN Auclloncu AUCTION SALE Wed October 10 1230 pm Sharp FOR PAT RAMSW PA 82563 AUGTIONSALE SIMWE PETROLEUM AUCTION SALE hm lllm Indtin OHAWA CHMayor Char rlollb Whlmm said Thursday the federal ca Inc withln week will cans er lederal participa lon In an $8000000 project to hulld two bridge In 30th Iawa to relieve raffle cause on WASHINGTON MP Pres Idem Tito ol Cnmmunist Yugo alavla will make up Informal visllf to Wnshlnglun In conic with President Kennedy on ML 17 the White Hausa announced Thursday Leslie Fraser 64 Alexand rla Ont was klllcd Thursday when the car he was driving spun out of control in heavy ralnslurm 15 miles northeast here and hit tree Fragor diedon lhu way to hmpltal Thu bridge would spun lhu Rldeau River at two widely unrated point In mmh uwn Miss Whmnn said he clly In mu that the edernl and On mm gavemmenl Ahnuld sham lnlhe cost She said lhu Ontario lovemment has romlscd to give Immediate pron12y tho project lha moment federal pnr uprauon alsulcd Dies In Crash Tito To Visit CAPSULE NEWS The annuuncemeht of plans quyALL gr pénrgp det To Help Build Bridges GET GREAT AlE TASTE Snappa Cappa Red Cap THE DARLING BHEWEHIEB LIMITED Trythe ale behind this label PORT EUZABETH South rlcn ReutersiCalll or the banning nonwhite spectators fram sporlo even have been heard here In the wnke of flu iar Tilas list meeting wiih US president since EGOwhen he go together wllh former president Eisenhower in New Yorksnld iha talks willinvulva lull exchange of view on number at mailers oi inicrrst to both countries Segiégaie Sports CHARLOTTE WIImON The average yicid an acre ol winter when expected in be rmrd and yiuid of hay pm iniae and ant are expected in he the third highest since re cording began he dcpniimfint said But toiai production oi grain is expected to he beinw 1962 because oi reduced acro nm for some crops CALGARY CF 5111 Raw at Calgary nallannl vlcapprefl den or nation of lheCa nadlan Jun or Chamber Com TORONTO CmThu Onlnrio department of arrlculmra rc porled Thurwa that yiede many of he provinces impor tant craps lhls year urn or near the hlghes since the parlmem began keepan rec nrds In 1332 Erawllnl booing1 Sam tpqulng eruptedwhgn thy Squgh TORONTO cPlA total of 331 candldatu wlll run ln ln Onlarln elecllon Sept 25 tho ol Ice Rodnrlck Lawls chlel electlnn olllcer or the pravlnce announced Thursday The tom won out short the reached in Cnnadln Pm compilation alter nominations omclnily closed pm EM Wednssday Rev John Shannon who was nomlnolc Mondby nigh on Social Credl condldoto for Kennow North felled to ma formal nomlnatlon papers be ora lhe deadline Ina Int weekend during an Aus tral All African wen clearly about In wln um game and neup not rlu with Animus Wants Unity Expéct Record 337 Candidates OTTAWA CPlWllllnm Smith national president of His Canadian Bralhtrhnad of mu way Transparl and Geueyal Workers laid Thundnyjhnt PETEREOROUOH Ont CF Leonard Red Kelly amnqd 1063M contract with ha Tnmnln Maple Lenin Wednesday decid Ing mlx hockey Ind politics or the consecuflya yenr The leeral member lol Pan llamenl for York Wcsrrldlng in Melropolflnn Toronto Kelly wlll be lnylng In MI 171 National Hun cy beam campnlzn Thls was learned from up government ourco Thursday as controversy over the education or Quebec Eskimos heightened with the return of Norlhern Al fahl Mlnlslcr Lalng from Ihrwweek 700 mlle northern Bur mam uyl ho orgnnlznuon cannotand willflnol accept the concept of two mind In Can ada on English and ma French Mr Rowe said Thursday In an Intervlaw We subscflhe to the Idea two cultural maps warklnxlazether or the and onLcouniry OTTAWA CPD Quebecs claim to Jurlsdlcuan over Esklmn educallon In northern Quebec will be on the agenda for tho federalprovincial confer ence on lnlcrgovemment rela tlons In Nuvemhur Clean Up Lakes llTEE BARBIE EXAMINER Talk Education Bed Kelly Signs FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 196 The pntltlan was algncd by lhe deputy term and councillar as well as by 130 lawnshlp rate pnycrxmcmhers ol nn alsocla tlun whlch has been ending with Clerk xTrensuxer Glllel Bourzenult M1 mlth wns cummenklng on an accuxauonmnde by the AFL CIO mnrlllme trade depart ment that the CERT ls speak handing the attempt to de stroy the Scalnreu Interns flonal Unlon othnadn Ind HANMER Ont CF The deputy minister municipal ai inin in Toronto was in be pre sented todny with petitinn re qnasilng department audii oi books and financial niiaira im 19m and 1962 in Cuprcni Town ship abnut 10 miles north oi Sudrbury Ian In working closely with oth er In Canean clean up hand upglm the Gran Lnkgs Request Audit LUNcHEs LIGHT LOW COST Locum In Grzgnea liawllnx Alley Dunlap st NOW OPEN Imam Sndck Bar WE 95914qu lee Yaw Soon matns

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