Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 11

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RENWS HOUSESJEO RENT llnllll tour bedrooms dou some two hstnroortu on Itnwly Drivo Apply Ill Rm Strut After pm IURNIBIIID LIX roflln Bungalow Icr rent Available October Jilin April II Rupflnlibll partlcslonly TIIIDROIII PA £1131 FURNISHED 0R Unfurnished two bedroom Itollte for rent Hot was let bathroom Tettpnnna NIW Awelt mt tar furtnot Informa Inn lAnhl liouslt for rent IntIdI eonvInionoe fttrnlCl II II dens CloII io hlIliwsy sod school Afiply LeonIrd leilery Aliitton room up Milt lBVlN R00 linuufur rent from DCIHMI Ilelr Churchithelloy nlIlI miles south or turns on Plvrfl road rinse to Ililthy It All conveniences Intlttdlnln Bath 55 monthly CIII Toronto BB Ell HOUSES WANTED 11th nannnoat lloutd wontrd to rant oy November liutt as IIIII Ichnol Wiii ply 70 monthly WrIII Bax II Blrrll EXImInIr arm on 1an Bedroom House or Duplex rcoulml Immediately by Army SIIff Serlrant Ind lllllit trinity ReilIble tenants Tela linens PA Mm item at APARTMENTS FOR REITI ROOM APT Largo living room and kitchen bedrooms and bath Front and back balconies Heni light and writer supplied Store and se frixerator if desired Downtown iocotlon privnto entrance re ceme redecorated Available Sept Phone PA H383 or PA W86 The Garden Terrace comer Queen and Duekliortht Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning lull basement serviced landscaped ground nrwiy decorated silo month PHONE PA 82740 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained IMO bedroom Apartment Living room kitch eriI full basement with laundry tubs Central locntion Free parking to monthly immedi ate possession Telephone PA L92 anIALL reticentinert rtment oil hestlnl llclrlsers and stove Nrsr QueenI Peril tts Tellphnnl PA 6mm ArilnlstaNr for rent downtown hot wlter Tinted piece tlled ostnrooro two hedmoml ttov an retrlIerItor Available now Is relepaono PA will Two fumbth Inrnls for rent Also MVrn rorin houto on Bradlnnl stml sis monthly Apply v9 VictorII Street or telephone PA Mm GROUND ILOOR two bedroom Inlrtmrnt sellcontained nested Ttelrilerator and stove Now sni 0n Collier Street TeIIpiIorlI PA 109 or PA Miles nuooll modern sround rlrmr Iportmcni newly duosted suture snlrsnco ntrtins Cnild weloonu Telephono PA in ITIIREB n00 hutd Ilet Iptilill mrimeoi ror lent vilahio no Vino Telephons III crremore ovrnlnss sic till no pm on non furnished lltlrtr merit en loom furnished IpIItntent for rent with piec otn hardwood rloors rernsru tor nuvy only Itnve nuumn cop oorrdt rritsonulnra nrrtlns rIllliel renlul lmntmlIII nrru pInry Apply to AsmItmnI IIIrd wm PA otIIi NM PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY lEGAl WM HINTIN BA Bhrrisicr recllor and Notory Public PA 81339 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen novS SPARETu 3t ROWE nrrsitlm Soilritort lrlnrn attics hlrnvrir Ont otrtro It must fit timi rA mu nonrqc hummqt CONDER sue flARRIHTEIlS sorirlrtirts rimAnus nurture COME DA won at Imsl ponion It Last PA fiMVT COWAN 5r COWAN nAnnisrrns In nose COWANI COLLIIn at all CHARLES cnsrtrs Wilson MA Alan Intuit lsrritlm hollrliois old owns PA amt LIVINGSTON MYERS COCKBURN nAnnlmnt ArtistIlium lit Collier St IA titlviilii Ile tr II Imanuui IIIA lln WILSON M0693 TIARIIISIIIR 5t SOIJIIIOII 17 OWIIN In IA MIT SMITH MILiiA AND OWIZN RIIIIIIIMI ole but noun or tirisn Itntrl llm ruiiur Conroymi rio GLADSTONE CURRIE QC nAllhlIIrn lttlJClTnR niiim II trllmn lliilltlinl nII Ilitnt IIIII urirlr Iinirilo rumour Parttr um APARTMENTS Iron RENT TWOIBDROOM IIImull only torso includinl sntior In Its ansstop sidoor ronooi nitpnonr PA um APAnnlzNfl tor rent to Anqu Bellonlhle rent Close to lchnoil Ind lilopplnl Apply Klnl Stu Anlttl or this not Hill for IItrtrtor interml ton AVAILABLE October hed room apartment to Ipmmont ouildlns with stove nlriurator noises and dryer Apply III Coos Street of turmoil PA Will ANDUII Nd bedroom apartment for rent Modern convenientt Ind sellronitined $55 monthly Nifty Roberton ItnIils phone It AvAILAnLIr Nuw unlurnlshsrl 1w oedmom IpIrtmcnt for rent rt VItI editnee Parklnl llctiitll II heallnl Welt and location neIr Ittirel Telephone PA lllll upnnn tiltsLax iIrpo unlurn ixlied rooms Irma the road from lite slrport llodorn conventennu Iufliylid AinlIhie Dctooor APDLV it itickiinl PA Md AVAILABLE Now Unlurnlshrd bedroom Ipsrtmeni tor rent Pri vsto cn nee yarllnl isctllllos Ital Heattnl est end location no stores Telephonl PA Illil WEEKLY 0ft Monthly Comfort able and romplately htrnlIned two bedroom spsrtment Aceptnmndl Ilpn for tour persons Tclnvttlon Very modern Strand Rt uNIIlIINISIIEII one bedmtint apartment orlsni ism rooms newly decorItcd utilities supplied In the west end TIitpltonI PA 58915 TWO BEDROOM Apsrtttlont un furnished heated selfcontained One small child weltnme Play ysrd Available now Apply Its nrsillord Street or tlibphono PA lJSJ ruansIIIID cleln trim room Ipsrtmrnl electric Ippillntes csr po own entrnsre All uIIlltu Nur nuipltll and III ll Suit businen couple PA Te Iri do do no tti cl la ea ninnanN nested rornltnod houII keeping room Ind orlvtie soiect otlnroorn every convenience lep IrIta entrIncc SuitIhle on two xlrls Telephone PA srsso Iiier pm or on weekends anncoNrAINllD rurnlshsd or uninrnlthcd three rooms Ind bs mundiiloon LItlndry Ind ion isctuiiIt Very central es ghoul PA past or IventnlI PA ton mun trillion Room ApIrtmsnt heated aelMontIlncd iIundry rt ellitie Children wrlrome Clo to st tryl no Oakley rm unooio Psrttinii rm Avsilsolo now Telephone PA onto me nanammo Room kitchenette Aim titres morn nut and orcneior trim furnished and centrl osrs ins Available now PA um emoon 0T liltllinl ArrnAcIlve two bedroom rt ment on rent Modern Iii lot of cupbolrd Iplcc hunt and hark eonm purring IrruIiIr dose lo rrnoou Telephone PA salts IIInull nUrLEx rurnbhrd hot water heIIed private rntrsncr privat into two bedrooms llvinI room dlnotte tittchen nuiitin rnnbosrdttile noontin deeti ovu Ioolihl osy nor sppotntment tIII prions PA Miss AVAILAITLI Immedlntely NII Ind mbdein tvvo oodmoro IpIrt talents In out end tIeIt not In supplied Stovr Ind retrlI tor optonai Itnllor IInIcI paved parklnr Tlepnoos uses or PA oust naunlAIJLr Apsrtmenis l1 IIIIts Strret now rrnllns bedroom still viiin lc Soundpronl Irtllnr servlc ave rrIrtIeo Itnr smpto psrkins llsnry rt sitIi shd ltflrhio uenisi Alenll Aguonen sirct Teiophona PA CI PA CLASSYFIRED ADS VILL BRING RBSUIITSI to so ill ACCOUNTANTS IIARRIS NEEDIIAM VRIGIIT on ma ArrorlntIniI Tornnln and name itarris nirloe Wilton Didl Irro omit elrrot PtinNiZ PA 83337 Nminsrncl UndlrniliCA nttioroi ruinrs ROSE It IIARRISON churned Artnuntanll Trlrsleu In mnlruplty 5lmDrI Rn IIA ts Cnirrr or Phone tA not to In sr sh MUSIC IESSENS JESSIE BRYSON Turn or run linstns rotary Pupils pro mil rm Ixamlnlliom III Ins oysi Unnllrv on or IfIlsir anhhln Ali rades snd AIILT Mottnrt mthnl Itudlot II lludlord It 1Il IItII DAVIES OF CANADA Vmcr llANo nnAlIA Ill NAtlth It nAllnlI II of PA ANGUS Amount Mono TI TIllltlt nehlaltn MAI It not at TlIthI MEDICAL MASSAGE TuiitcAleIlSiTIiFrilrnAIv IIIttrzutAt IltllNAorica II TIAIN My Diallilal hft mnrtrro Coiln nI MI nil lltsstrlt niIIiI ios rosrilrlt firlrl rA suit lIptIInlnIIllI to II It mt In OPTOMETRY Nuclfitiepittihairufit0 OMIIMKTMH tiunlo It IIII Amt Thrinl IA lIIOI In OSTEOPATHS temd Phonl noolt ncotlorlIso PA 563 ROOM AND BOARD In lull Gentlemln Telephone 81151 ROOM AND ItoAItn tor and or clots III downtown ileleI TIIIDIIOIII PA WON dart Ind lunch fixed lllIlonIbiC FURNISHED Bedroom Central rt dulai adult homo Psrkinr rpm Iclcpnons PA 51010 awo nLDnoonll or not Gentle sncn prrlerrrd Also lam bedait tlnl room close to Central Hllh Srhogl and Iranl Telephone PA em toirpnons IAntJK villa ror ilusr pnon fA Mill nzlinnoM Itllrn tar as our Violin Ii Inn is lor outril Tsiepnn tnlrl ANII hIA tInInItI Instr pin in In ems III pm notnu ANTI Ilnslo msrhlno ntril lA Ilm tttIlAI Inr IIII iiiton Iu Itlll rIIeIIts slriitr Ilnn onlr ons now armors ROOM ll BOARD HODM AND BOARD tor cotte tnIn Clot to downtown CIttilIl IophonI PA £1181 ROOM AND IDARD or atlnl ItsIn Dunlap Ind Budlorf dip ct Tliephonl PA HI MARYlTRBfl Vicinity 19 In Ilnlflwnml Gentleman Il lll pscl lunch Ito le mu AND BOARD Ivlillhil wntown IMI partial Irtiitiel prItslrod 11leth me tron to downtown trot relmo Ahstslnsr all ladies In rival hon AT horn priv 0llN BOARDBRB wsnterl cIn mudlrn homo illttt IIundfy and if TITphon DIIM ROOMS TO LET TWO LIOIIT Iloulekelpinl Room sent ftlily furnished Hydrn hut Ind wIIIl Included Centrally located Telephonl PA Hm rwo ROOAII for nnt kitchen Ind buddlittlnl mom camislely Illsn lsncd LIE interred Crntlli Io tIon Teiep or PA Hiw tn rint Grrllllmlll only ARTICLES FOR SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 22 It ideal tor lilting hen houses etc perteet insulator attics IIIazes 25c PER DOZEN Plus Tax Apply iha Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario CLEARANCE TV Sets $15 up also Vacuum eaners and up Limith quantity Repairs to all makes at TV sets and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND vAcuuzvl SERVICE PA MM it rhiulcaster Street SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern Equipment ROBERTSON Angus PHONE 4496595 ST PAULS SECONDHAND CENTRE miles south of Barrio on Highway 11 Furniture Repairing Stripping Refinishlns Free Istimaiu BUY AND SELL FINE QUALITY USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Call Stroud 106 AFTER PM CALL PA 66178 Invert nlilt tor sate orvrr used silo na also two Car Tires slss Ml Tellphonl PA Moss DTCVCLI tar IlIl lsdrs CCM ry sood rendition Telephone PA Ilm or further Inlormsllon ANTIQUI ovAl Dinlnl noon Tlhll tor IIIE walnut llitl Itll III to us Telephona PA Nut MIDI mr cost stu ll nut nsth will let ior nest oirer Teltpnono stilt atroud or Barrie lA hosts IAnu ANn Mstcnlns sis cnsirt Ilsitt mspis with hiuo leItner III Alta lrtI Cabtnrt Veh oni rrIspls Tslvpno PA um IIth ANTI CIrrylnl Cm tor llmwnlnl Iutnmatir hoidl III rlia In Irlrct rendition 75 AoIsI Ot an tr nus tl vrrsi srnsll piuI other Irtlrlu Telt my site Trumpt Ind PA Ior liable or roll to Ish lrnsir In elrellent rendition TIlemnI TA NIH linvt nusv nlors tour humor or It hm Relnod flirt ttlsi ma condition rhons urisrita units It sited snd mm It out soon IIIII III or out nllrr ll rum to oil him till nuv or the outr poutbil pIIrI out on ma Ind drumn no It Ill ltttldnl notI IIMIII nIrr Itvnt Try test It Ilsr Typumtn Ito too IA um in IIretri no III in out or monin Itrnt on In nuts or singr IIIIIIl Cant AI condo on oiri Cont mo lnr only ms or TIlrthI IIIII muan orm lid Killed Wiio IIIIIT AItTIIllII itIIA tinc fir Articles on our USED Alliwith FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY 27 METAL In NORTH LATHE Ind hiilllnl MIEII Wtih Ill tools Alto Iev II gm rliarifliy atoths lInd vale lrrl son ll lust at oIrrle IIPIIII TANK pumpeflvoy tllt most modern soutprntlli sny WhIro only 25 New Iqtll pad mittKldtmwuilon gilspflnlll nk In mu In on PA ANTIQUE ROCKIRR Stlnd Toilet 5H Ito Chair OIir cits rsl stroller Cribs lilmper IUBB II III 1placIAWIlh Antl III Otta Dln Ill Room In vrimcili oo FAQsm In It II III ITAMPB Ind NumberlnI rte titer was to order will prumt Contact tThI Imlner Com IclIi Printinl Service ll Buhld Smut Blrrtc PA C5511 wuss rutirs ior IIII sous let IhIllow not do well oniops tiarantu or out Iervtcl no tor one yesr atlr pump dIIpIIl It IIII Dlr Fat hone Ken Winter on IrrleYour tocIi pomp Bltfbll GnWN sis ltrli lull teoItls Chantilly Tm snd tulle ionl Ilelves bottlilnt Iitlrt front panel or set with Iiternat Inl tiers of Ind tulip wIlst lenItit veil shI into crown or not petlis nd pearls Telephonl PA H110 ter and wcskonds nNAceax New sod used some or nillired turnoces two oiltired noor fur sees to road oondltlo and tlnd oiIiirsd sps hea Alto onI eioi us IhItI ostnronro ilxtureI YIntI dood used Propno or us soon stoves Apoiy Norman urlstow nrlstow Plumolns and nultns Ltmttld asrrle PA to annzlr onGANs Exnio on flrmnmtrltorl It Ireatly reduced prirrs Ono Ilrnrd nIk starlet rrIuisr sols now 899 Ono walnut BC iipiidly rollullr 295 now ms Ono walnut illst Bront wood resulsr turd now suits No ttldllnl at those prices All orItns msy or financed under TAC Merit Flatt Phone lsclI IVeosIsr Sales and servtco stroud zonr tor demonltrltion or visit our show room It Aiconl Belch HOME IMPROVEMENT DONT MOVE IMPROVEI GARAGES RECREATION ROOM ALUMINUM STORMS SEE BILL BALL Our Home improvement itianrs per wtio will help you with all your planningno obligation of course We will work hand in clove with you it you do it yourself or we will do the coin pleia top for you BEAVER BUDGET SERVICE AVAILABLE BEAVER LUMBER CO LTDh 129 Bradford St PA R5541 Evenings PA Mitts BOATS MOTORS MERCURY Worlds No Outboard SALES AND sanvrca GREAVETTE BOATS BARRIE AND DISTRICT AUTHORIZED DEALER OUsed motors ttVintcr slorallo for boats and motors SANDY COVE MARINA llth Com IhnIsIII Township 0n Lillie Simeoo CALL STROUD 25m nAYAKKLhIIrri Aertut rleio with sodirt Iali nl rote oirpnons II root CrnAn tirlp B0 yrsrs old Iturtrll wheel life or or Ion ssr lrIr shirt levers up tront Now OIIm trsutr AIIssl rem CAMPING EQUIPMENT IIUNrIna CItitn TrsIlIr tor uni stunt tour stovs snii Ire twill IlrrlrIrIl nullt hltrll IrIiiurtrd off season Is Apply It tltyneld irisI GARDEN SUPPLIES TAILOI llAl lfumus for butts norm IswnsItrdrnI Aonrond Dcprtrnr or Asricuitun I17 orule torrtrlr wslsr nnldln vsiu II ountls Ill Tsoralos In Iii IAfmI ISA ha TREES AND SHRUBS cmrrLIrI nrnsntwnisi trrs Ilnilltll II Iirsrr Tm srrrir rim mil south It Barrie on It Iiishtvsy IouIit PA hvtrs or lam FRUIT VEGETABLE5 APPLE BARN IN IAINSWICK AT THE GRANGE IIAII IIIIINII OWN IINTAINIIILI Meliiti DiilIlrss irnlthy lllllly Man IIIIIiNr nvnnrnv IIIIIIIITY IIltliil Villltl lhlttl llhvhllr Ilil PI PI iir rIiiIrII unlit It rnIsInr nit Ailtr on itnltsu Ihrl Inns tirnIn no new II rnrmr nI Illt nnrrn lnnIhl No NIIrIIII ult fpltlvtirtril ilnl nirnmt D005 PETS IIIfins RSIAtthIstrnlri mt rm to st nIrI Iva nun IIli IIIIIII sin Iairt Immin rAItMsrtsIIAIIIEsr mslnroo anon arocrl Highestptiteo plld tor Id or crippled cattle Ind horses Small animals removed free Forlosioervtes PHONE BARBIE PA MN Collect or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENiTH Mm NO CHARGE st hours dry1 fly ms Till Foxmesd Ontario License No PILLII Niels Montana Prop LIVESTOCK RIGIITERBD Eulloik TtItnI tor sols rlilrlI two old Extra nod quality Telepho PA In HEAD OF Stacker Clttll Am 700 pounds Tlicphonl ifltli Strand John Bowmln Strand IfOLSTBIN IIIIILII tor IIlI due November Aprly Dnul MCKInIiI It Elbert On in or Mllihenl lvydtut Hal eidlht week old lllllfl Ind ItIrte Apply Hawlrd CIidwefI till Blunty Bu Tth phonl PA 5H FARM MACHINERY MESLEY EQUIPMENT CO at Highway at too Cookslown Istdm MeKEE HARVESTERS sellunloading ioroilo boxes NEW IDEA CORN PICKERS mowers conditioners raltts PATZ BARN CLEANERS aIIo untoadors leading sys terns VERSATILE sP Swather conditioners Nights Pliono Barrie PA H301 HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 15 taster mttklnz with now Do Laval 100 Series Milken Barrio Holly Hwy 27 PA 60333 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING Farm Supplies tr Service lose New Holland Davl Brown BcItty Farm Equipment 11a BURTON AVE PA 31 CASH TRADE TERMS DION SALES SERVICE Corn Equipment New and used torozs IIIIVEIr iers aelfunioadinp and Iclf propelled torsltd boxes Parole blowers and site unioaders Apply FRANCIS MOREAU ANTEN MILLS ONT Isms ELMVALE rAlIinANKI tlsmmtr Mitt Ind Brit or slip Bolt Iikl HIV TIII phone Ivy Inns IlAaanv llAnnlI tour foot on vrly dist for IIlI Good workinl condition Poultry Irm ShInty Ilay Tllevhtntl PA Hut Isis aIiIlInL frlztor Ile rm GM ruliy lttIrIII teed llsrrl too Tractor Limited it fly strut DI IA Mall cuzAsI IrPAItAronl Ind Mlil ert Ne turd reconditioned TAru Ind unite viillns 5r Il Ilnrs llolt It Crlllhurlt II phone TA D17 or PA um IIINVPAPnLII Holt nd Servlr owrr ploosn rotiy Itippld us Corn ttrr lnst row 11595 loit ro lisrvulerl sod Iaifunioadlnl Truck and rr tor Slrrol IA tom FEED SEED GRAIN nllxnn uuAlN Ior IIII TIIIphorII IA oust Iiitl uswn An Photo sloo mum on lfltAtV for our Apply lllrrIITI on It We Ir It runs troud POULTRY CHICKS DEKALE PULLETS More and more poultrymeo In shoutilz DII iIl PULLW Started rendy to lay and day old Illtitd Order now tor early order Iilsmunt For service or twin on vuiIr poultry problems eoil Crnltl iilmirr Illtill HUNTER POULTRY FARM LfD toTIlOUD PHONE Tl III II It LAND nod Les horn Iolitlo tor to Martin to In usuiil Trvslds Illlphpnl ilnIl Iiirnird AUTOMOTIVE onus URGENTLY NIIIIDED Iflrhmt tutti pnld for Iron AllimllttDIIM Liana patd oll Trmlo up or tIOWlI ItV HARDY MOTORS Ill IlliADIORD St ISEE US NOW MOTOR cartsTérz SALE Wdfimfi GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 llrrIIiftirII il PA 05071 All mt sAUIeMdrivat WATSONj STAY CHEVROLET Ioai With cylinder motor windshield washers clout hello color Idteme xnliisrislt BRIDAL Inuit Mdrort Hormone MOTORS if NER OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN standard transmission custom radio anti mechanically sound with attractive 1981 VOLKSWAGEN HALFTON pickup Very low mucosa and appearance like heng very serviceable eoonomy unit limo roan CONSUL SEDAN With radio sharp liit to ear finished in red 1959 CHEVROLET BEL Alli COACH With cylinder motor new whitawsllttrcs in its white finish trimmed wttl red Excellent oppearance 1958 Poumcslaoou With cylinder motor black finish clan and ILtraeiIvI in its yellow and These are only law oi the many excellent used cars you will find drop In and inspect oIIr stock You are cordially invited to TELEPHONES Main Ofticew7a1 and 138 Beach East End Sales ll Fuiertan 764 VIAU MOTORS LTD 17 GOWAN ST PA 68488 Bonnie lll BRADFORD ST PA 61771 OF THE LARGE QUANTITY OF NEW RAM BLERS THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM AMERICAN MOTORS WE NOW HAVE ONLY LIMITED NUMBER IN STOCK WITH OUR USED CAR INVENTORY AT AN ALL TIME LOW WE ARE ALLOWING HIGHER TRADE1N ALLOWAN CAR YOU OWE IT TO ON YOUR PRESENT YOURSELF TO DROP INTO CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST RAM BLER DEALER VIAU MOTORS lll BRAD FORD ST OR 17 GOWAN ST BARBIE AND TEST DRIVE THE SPARKLING NEW RAM BLER TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED 0N LOC AIIONOR YOU MAY PAY CASH IF YOU WISH FOR THE FRIENDLIEST DEAL CENTRAL see VIAU for RAMBLER WESTOWN MOTORS Home of owner riled cars 59 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE ermine CONVERTIBLE tiers is car that has power to bunt Oi course it is luiiy equipped with Iutomstie trIns power steering power brakes custom radio Finished in deep ebony black with red and white ihtcrior its condition will Etienne the most discriminating yerlike new in every way Sit down led per with will mate you tha proud owner For inlormstion csll PA 55102 93 BRADFORD 51 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy it now with lowcut iifo insured SCOTlA PLAN LOAN THE BANK or NOVA SCOTIA It rollcnl llooa Convsrtlolt AI condition rtdlo now Ar trIflI Ind will AMI All our call lA Hm lm IAMILII tour dolr IIdIn one ownv rtr as new rendition Is down Im ovrr Iylnrill of lull month To whom TA IIII IIIVIOLIT Cylinder four door Cunom noto him ptlr or snow tlnl IIIIII undttlal TIIIpnono try Inn bItItIIn sort pm rm rant Customllns two door turquoise IA roior oonlrIItiru In tIrtAr rustom rsdio Ifet ptdnrd duh whlIswsll Itm ll down Hi Im month PA lint Ius IIAvall Dodll tws Iorlr hardtop VI motor outnoutton IIIIoInIIIr tssnsrntsrlon custom radio dun ttrtI per month PA Inst IIII VAUXHILL VHO Third Wllon ll MI condition In Tint or run Ill Iior lushr tour larII In If down ur month rA Hm round vI iti cssn rude Ir tIImI Telephe TA Lust rm ooooI Eurtorl norti qu Inliil pull butlon eonllol Vii run sno stun Inrtril rlIInl motor eds litIan rm Apply llotIIto Ilmt ms VOLKIIAOIN prion with Ian onltrwttu plus In at trnrosrut Im lDltl INCMI or II Mil lel Ills tom IsliII m1 IRtlt III II no WIndIIMI Imlo Inn IIIII Krndtlidl MVIII XIII lions III in motor at todrurt to pom rA Ioiu hotm In In II IIIln cIl DtIuIIlclI III In elm ls on dvtm stintuttered hrll rover IN ONTARIO tIsI voLxIwAasN atonerd soot No Ixtru rolcpnoo PA casts CARS WANTED TO BUY cAIIl Ion your car lelss paid on We trsds II or down Aliso dIl Road Barri TRUCKS TRAILERS in none tfiION Pickup Truck privately owned in ucellent con dition loa rIIed Contact Alex It Currie BrorII Ducts RR Ellyn Trlrpltont 581M Stlynlr rm tiroN PICKUP built motor InIDe lfl dI Blrrtl True Mercury rI newly psirlisd In sum usrsrileq Contact Tllctnr Limited lslrphons PA On IALIt AI II On lm tier rury onrtrm rvlcs Insrit runs alns condiIIo nI lm GMC tori psnei Iruc wrestled stay on seen at in in IIImfarmer sisiion sod Tiflin strut Dlnte Often will on mrlved until sop Ismoar 10105 snd must as It rampantrd by certified cheque Imottntlnl to at the III alter and mailed directly to tho ontsrlo Ilydro Sturltll Sales Stip piy Control ties to Toronto II ontsrlo MOBILE HOMES osnanAL Ironlir ltaml II It and rendition rIIIon to Lived two yIIn rurolmrs Ill ron vrnirncrw Cull slsynsr In or lIrItI Bel cAnlN niAant or two vsry writ ronItrtIotrd sunIrurnlsncd Corns to lie purtnn Avrnur it not rnsas In ollrr or rIIlfA OM my PERSONALS UNWAMEI iiAlil VsnItnd with ItACA Pitta lACAIYJ tI dirrmnt it dorl noi dim tr rrmou am from in surisrr out Ineilltu and lands sroln ImWANInir IIAIrl torhm Lats tlo tire IirInvtiiI AI VInrouvrI nc IrIlIIILv rsurnrrlanrird IIItIII nur unool hors tnd suit to uornrns Illd Ilttrtiaon Tumpmiailnn Apply ttrr rnt nut noiiruns WInled Men nn worn IllvrI wsnlrd fur LIIIIII nod IIIrd lulttu Km hour TIinhonI IA lots IA Inst hurlan Intros Nttrslnl Illirna Ir aortoo Avl ntrrl tiliuvmuI to tininrpmr At nnnir hr rnlr wilmber rnrlnutrs or column and Art oils to oils or trial sins wlvuo Irorn phalill sir Iiillnlt IIlntlnu IM loss Ior rrrmiinn tntmlI to rm Int punlop III not wOMSNscoTURN BEST FOOT FORWARD rinses for children and hiiIIlisi Figure control posture vliI uo poise grooming lilltktl up personality confidence TELEPHONE AlTlTll PM PA68I62 HM LEARN IIAiIlllltIiKSthI Govsrrmisnt Charmed School lhorollsh trnlnlnI to All hurt that ol Iisytlt culture DHIIWIN IIAIIlDiIiJLSINC Eliiltmlr plr Openlnl Io HelrvvANrro FEMALE HELP INTERESTING SALES POSITION The Barrie Examinerrequill classified advertising sales woman to commence lmrnedl ateiy This position otters ax iremely interesting duties and rewarding future Applicanu should preterably have previous sales experience strongvin talent in working with people We want an intelligent mature woman who likes to sell Good spelling ability is necessity and typing is an asset Usual company benefits Ind pleasant working conditions Please apply hy letter to Wilson Ad veriistni Manager The Barrio Examiner Barrie Ontario AVON FARM WIVES Make AVON available in your community Excellen earnings possible Write Mrs F1Waiker 3o Thom son SL Barrie or phone PA 56551 WAllItIaI wanted IN 0on experienced While Towrs Moist lelItiENCElI Housekeeper send or children Good IIiIry Live In prelerrod Rllererl Tellphonl PA 60961 llOUuKEEPER wanted In to live to in uoasrlso for room and bond No ob cottons to am hiid Telephonl SMll Ifter pas IIAIRDRIBSER Wlnted IQIIIIII experienced Apply iteIlm Curl Shop Duniop street West Ill rte Telephonl PA sills mo WAlIltzssIls wanted Over of Om llrl to work the little to work pm Telephom PA 84116 per week need sprtv ureliant wIlel phonI £5041 ImuIlKllPItt to 1le In snd me this at children Ind new Item with All convertllrlcel Mull be conscientious snd fond of child rut rslzrsocu mo monthly ro iepholll Leon PA I46 or PA wANlao eaupiI or isslrttrcu er or nauslyibtl Top wtsu nd leIltlnIon For lurther Lnlatvfh tIon write to Continental Hair Stylists 70R LINh Street Budd onry courta or room mom or Min MALE FEMALE to warm in ton to and prn dsily aslsry plttI ItnIII root Inlulon iitt hookieepln up my Ite arilt uporirncrd Oldu psnorl Telephone PA sorts EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL IAKB em or thlldron in my own home wm Ind tslr phone PA Iml MAIUII ctIUPLIs drtlro potltlon st ssnttltert full or you time manicured References Itol porn Ismlnrr nILIAnLI WOMAN will ntoy ttt dsyt in my own home strrt Strut BIrrtI Telephone PA Mm MARRIED Ilrtuly mun IIIIln llnpisiymtnt ss houleluttrr sn Isrdtne Itndyniln Esparlunced Live In WrttI Box It too LAnv wnuLn tin noursluplnI nllil vitddlc Iorllrs rlnn re lain root Nn rhiid Writs nos MALE HELP SUPERVISOR INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DIZPT Wo rrnulron supervisor to third ronipitto charge of our time study methods turd rtllmnilnil department Applirhnl must have sound background in llmo study our hnvrr provlorlr supervisory experirncr lie quires flood ttnowlrilzo oi metal worltlni operntioru rind hnvo the nbtilty to work with tlftttlllte tlon deportiiicnl inrrnlrrl innit rmployro belleltili prmiuu sni ory oprn Write or apply in person to CANADIAN NAME PLATE DAY SIlllIlii MIDLAND ONIARIO PAINTING LEAD HAND lIilly ininlifieil Aiirny Iintirlrr wiih rtoii espeririire In print IIIIIlrip hull rtIIor IAILIIIVIR llI rapnlilo oi Iulrllitiz IIIIrIIInII lrI lrslnlnl new erruilnyrot nrirl planning drpnitnirht ttlrtltltlinfl Ivrmanmi rirrpinanIIII Iilh snort wristt snrl Iirwlnyee bun with Write or Apply in prison to ANADIAN NAIiilI PLATE RAY STREHI Itir lrsliitnl Thursday that rsiIllrl Arthur Frank itiirith itl Port Arthur splti lie hillui his wile Iiinurse the would not quit iwlitl prrittlltlte and won luri IrIl thrlr llrla and ii hills Ilio of prostitution ltnilltr has IintINI not Ilrtlly III aptini Vittllll III the alien Iith III his yearnirt IIIII iiillte at their ii no oil or about Aprtl hnttoy tree It cstlm dun lmlml IIIsrtI luv It In his IIUI my hltvhlnl IAII Ihl orlonlm Irrory rmti rtlllon iirrorri ior in try oilsinst Phil midI on It Inn lentil Ilrt IIIer WthllImI IN Verde Inc Iltllvmaflr sytimtu rm Itttm Vs mrnnnrri rwr paint nron IIul Int hr ps rw liutl lttmrll lllrnlut III Itltrtltalw es as Than llttlN wristm hIIA ID IIIIIIIII rt titIttiriirt IIDCTIIIIH 0i ISTIIUIATIIY TIMI trout Slitd Mr ttnlnrlo Tnlrirhiim IA um WILSle OSTICOIATIIIC FLINIC TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI lIItINH TA Ill MIDLAND ONTARIO ALES CAREER iwn ambitious fltAIflflI Inan Ilre required by Inpiilly invi lrtI contpshy II the home Im provement ticlri Guaranteed to WI Imus CALL IA 01819 OrAIp in Person Ii to HA AVE llAltml sit none IA IIITI ARTICLES WANTED ll WORSIIEY ET FR nIAInI siIItP Enid tornY all in milnro mumr In on no ItIl no IIIIN IA sets TA FUNERAL HOME TSIEERTEI ruNrRKf HOME ailrrrtliilt IIthIvI AI rIiIirnAvI Irrsr Innrrwirni Imns Wolllly AI Isvrls rA IItII ANttllA sour III in WAIIM III In IIIIv III nora IMIII nirriviriri Iliirvltnllm raring not IA ImI lOST rdiiNo rim no WEI Ihntwtd Ml rnsn rnir TM or TolnIIM IA uni Home Ilny ronrrlintlnrla nml rriors niurt he IIIanrri in heinous Ind Illn our It on mile south or Ttmrr it Titrisotto Ill

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