Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1963, p. 1

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MN on Thursday ha hear In room of flu House at mentallves committee erupted ffilloi mnfiflngpuinlnx Mr gle between pence and boarded youths shrlcldng girl und col lege students CharaA tumbled over Isis CUMTIM Imll Al Flm ravulnl IM Male lnnmn Ihmlrnnl Mllhhuvlul BID hula lodny llrcmen mum to um calm and hnnlwr llrul rum mum llylnl aver he mklen m6 Ipofled mm Ilm In lb mlhul lla In Win um MNIKJN 0m llurr1 Allm 1t lrolmIn Cumul llve umnlwr In Onlula hi uro and on Inc ml mlnr mpmhorl In lhe llauu Maj mly tulip Mr Allin who rad murmulul Mlmluax Randi mllnuoull Ilnm m5 um ml mllled lo luvpun nmwlny um hull rmdlllom II lrcl Sea 75171 Formor Midqlexgx South Rep Dion lBIlro Mm conIdor 0m dranlllnu dear mm mur der mm working on norm LONDON OnL 1GP mm Who wm mn dudlm nu lnlbmm drlve lodny to murdmr Mn Cmon Weldmnn round um and In her bed nmrmny lzy Inc luv daugum and Inn nnw Repon Forest fixes Buming The ludoll witnm More the cornmmu was Barry Hollman wycnmld Boston real estalo man who won along on lho Gu bnn Mp nllcr chllnz flu Fill and Comm Imolllzmco Agency ha would be glad to mm In thorn aboul ll Hollmnn laid the mmcmbcl group which upon two month Nu no ordinary one Detectives Conduct Search For Killer London Woman me Communist party In low Ihofirqcricap Nul PW Ii 1110 only on munlsm you llllhy anl wumun cman over and ovcr the mean lummi Into lurv member ol the Audience manned around pollm xurlcd Into lha room nnd escorted lhu wouldbemnkcr and hue co holu down the min with the our Intmdcrl shpullng Thu Mn dlsturbance bloke on when an unidentified mm tried to weak at an evening mealan not up by thu Student Qommllloe for Travel to 011m and billed as mply lo thl House Invqsllgullqn 7No one Iln nrmsled nor was anyone reported seriously hurt gas SPEAK hairs tumbled over Isis flew and shrill voice shouted gulst Fascist WASHINGNN cm peaked nearHos empied Thurs day as congressional un American activities commutes investigated mu of Amer ican students who visited Cuba this summer in violation of ynjsppn nsiridions IWO CAPITOL POLICE lub due on of the demonstrate today It hearing at In Fists Break Up Senate Hearing my No2 NEWS BRI For EmmwwmtAdnMa phone PA NAN IQmequ number lo can or the Bushes Mloxill new PA um Our Telephones lulu of hemNM wrapped nmmd hwr neck poumnmm unmlnnllon today um upcdzd Indlcaln when the WM killed The yearold woman do Icribcd by neighbor II well Iliad potionwho mrely wrnt oulnl 111111an Iwnd with he clues In mluud to elabor 1th lhclr lnvfgunllou Mr Jodoln churned lhnl Mr all In lrylnz lo um hll pmlllon OTTAWA CP Pmldcnl Claude Jodoln al the Canadian Labor Confirm Ihunday culcd us Senlmn union bun Paul Hill lrylnz lo apply dlclnlarlnl methodl ho cn the North rl lnbur movement TchIy llrcnien ware healed or Injuries mnllnu ram allth bum to heal oxhnusllan spectacular lhrco alarm blaze map lumber mill and tincalmed adjoining prupmy Dnmaul we estimated mo VANCOUVER CF Tha crowded False Crcnk Induuml urea scene 500000 in hm yuan In blazed again Thursday US Trade Unionist Blasted By CLC Leader Ordinary American students do no defy their zuvemmen and do not travel to Cuba 1n vlomlon ol the law Neither do ordlnlry American student cheer Mao kalunz and ap plaud the shoot down of an American helloopCer In Vie Namwhen Lheymnlnnm vie Hellman uld FiieThreatens FalsgCreek Again Capitol Police took over an Islswinging demonslntlon started when Chairman Ed wln Willis DLa of the House 11 Hr hum delta mflllmct on in wt ol bulk mum and Shall HI llu drlvrr or not menmind um urnnunt of In the Iorvkv IIIdon Norman limi Ind lnr not landing by Mini lllllnl mu lbs mmp ur null Irllnu film Irlenly In AU kah ml llm warl Thom dllvrr wilh lhn 51ml ml Company 6m bury lay Kllmu II In Inquul lnlo lhu xlonlh nl leln Dunny It 04 why llnmncr ms lhq elm vlrlluu killed whom mnhlnod mvlcu Italian and mlauunl blew up In Aug ln Hummer Ind Inked rum hll lunk Inlck lmlh accuml nl Mgllfirnm Mid Wm mmdnl or Immry Thumlny nlzlll by mmmrl Jury Inm Hunting nn uplmlnm th look KUDHUIIY 1ClA 1776 old truck driver who ud ll volr qgvvpvd xlm qwnm Jodoln wnl commcnllnl an mavl the exncullve board ol the lnrlllme Trad Drpmmenl to woman in rclnuom holwtcn lhu AIr cm In the Unllcd Slnlu and tho CIC In Tnnadn In one 01 um Inughcsl blula evu hurled arm the hardn nl us lrndu unlonhl ho pmldcul lhu 1050000mrm hur er In cmnco told Mr Hall lo mind his own hmlnm and lliuy not Clnadlun unlon AL II II Trucker Brave Also Negligent In Hanmer Blast nruldml of he AFLCIOI Murlllma Trndu Dcpmmenl diver publlc allenllon from the Inwlen man he Senfnrcrl Inter Unngl Unlon anadn 0h hm Iodnlounhlnl And undyalom So you look but plfluln home mm the movie 1m in Yak How Ir don the UV ram lhe lhentref minim holrd wmu lhc new Vacuum wing held In conjunction with tho nub urban Both Innlvemry celebration nuu thieywuuld 1F We to Provide the Mods The Ontario zuvernment will be spending Iboul $50000000 your on education by 1987 said Mr Frost and citizen the Pqu hnuva la dq filth muomo Cmfirmer 0n Iario pmnler Leslie mu Bald Thursday nlxht education Is mnust single problem facing the provlm and all ol Canada Greatest Problem Education Frost Cummiliea on UnAmerican Activities ordered applauding spectators nu of hearing morn 5° film they Enid 11323 Provide the Mods HERES ONE lackinan ml unlm roL mum Wyurold DIV Tnylor He rum Tnmnm Tundny to WI lha cm ll wvmn dmnluod b1 Amnlco NFC it not memo wlm Norm Amrrlcln Omml Elon MCJ Thu unldcnmlcd ll rllon thuml In worklnl rlalhu um up lmkhm flu LA nndlnn In nkkrl duly nul II he duwnlawn ofllm KM Xvnml Kleclrln Company le llrd Ilrlllnh pmnl mummy he Amllllmnled Elcrlrlu Car purullovl Tnmnlo Funny nuihl Inc lonled Inhl Hod Indium firnrixl fillet mum mu nllul Elecmrnl Worler Um danl Imuw win In In wall In money LONDON CPIAn emhm rnmd Tumult unlnn nulclll nxurldny Iccwlcd lOIMlllng hole HIM rum flrllll wavhr who Ill be MM hip 1M dlnmlmd Canndlm clcclrlul employm ulu um unlhlnknhle ml Innr nnunnnl unlnm would evvn com Ildcr nrdcrlnu lhrlr Canndlnnw mamhm to win Iy wllh lha wlnlm Mr HIL nld CLC Imldenl Judoln quullnn lulurc Canndlun US unlnn relnlluns mm It Inc next AFLCIO general board meetingIncludlnz thn possibil Ily cndlnl wopernllun with ma CM and arming mm cen lrll lnbor body In Cnnndl men Intemlllonll unlam CM ll made up of About 00 lnlcrnnllunnl unJanI repre ununl lama 511000 workm pin nallonul union with mumbcnhlp ul 156000 Another 20000 unlnnllll Mon to lucnll dlrth IllShilling Note Embarrasses Emalcos flirbome Pickets Chrmhe 21 appeared nether with roommnla Pun Humilan Marshall 23 their houukeeper 01m Brooker 56 and Rudolph Fenlon West Indhn chauflour LONDON Haulers Red hamd Girhllne Kceler central llzuro In the Pmlumo unndnL made onemlnme court ap pearance today on perjury and mmplracy charges and wu or degdlo mum1 Oct Cansl Wilson uld um lquad about OPP omen wnll help to peach the are few miles wen of Wmu Beach Cnml in the dnuzhler or Mr Ind Mn Carl woodman RR Elmer Christine Makes Court Appearance She was last seen wearing blue plaid dreu with dark men awenler whlla shoes and 11110 sock Shu has brown hair and brown eyu and dark complexion Her height be lwgen Coast Glen Wilson Wang Beach detachment sold Carol has been mlslnx Irom he Mel me Ivonne homo lines 80 yes¢rdny afternoon on MRI to the OPP the dapanment had planned lngflngl alar call gtnrch Com Kirk Barflodelnch men said ward was melved from Oakvlew Bead that Cm Woodcock was found byu Ish ermnn but let him to run In th wnnds Just few mhlulu beluga magma An Ontario Provincial Police spokesman said this ailernoon that an 11yearold girl reported mining mm her home since yesterday my be pinyin garnet Barrh Onhrlo Candc Frldly Snplonibni Seérch FofGirl In Bush All mo tbnund Olapi rm mm ideth lo appear 59 nunan Vlllmeun wu mm In mu I991 MONTREAL CW anAI mull tlmuo Aim parmu rhan In median wllh lhe lmmlnl ndlvlllu cl Le anI do Imoan Ml mu mum nm In mmlnnl mun mum Iml Taylor wlll mum near fllrmlnglmm lo day In ndvluu wnrkm II HHC mm mm They mm in rllnd luy lht nhnp Ileunh mmmluw lhe willon mun They warn Erompuy Ilylod ulrlmmn pk cl Ind lnlnrm nnll MM It vml probably he nm mo unlon member luv mm mm Commanwnnllh munlrr lo rlrknl pull cum plmy llrlnln Foxmally Charge 18 PLQ Suspects lm lhlnhlng ol lha chnp who wn wnlllnf own lho Ildownlk lnll Frh ny lhu nth and Ilcppm oul cunt lnmly to avoid wnlkfnl un der ladder Junk nl lhl mnmcnt black cnl dulled Iownrd hll mm lump ed lnrlhcr on In lhe mm In nvnld rnuln It pnlh jumped lnla lhc palh OHM than mun II Jockoycd lnln pulllhm when he duunt hnvo too much chalce CARELESS CHPERS CAUSE CALHMITIES ON FRIDAY 13 Th the day when wo men drlvm come Inlo Ihelr awn No male eilhor drlv or pcdmrlnn would daub Imp Hm lulu an dny Um mun uch Ill amen Now not helm In lhu hub of balm cnmful on other dnyn when you go over board with on Frldly lha nm just loo much and you wind up vlcllm of your overonuuoumm So Ihll ll Friday the nth and Iha day you no man likely to uvo In lccldcnl Trndlllonnlly you cpn Ind probably do throw caution to the winds evary olher day hn year but on Friday he HUI you Ira uqu an pupmuuaul Till surnammuuuysgm beloviiflzb lhvuzll wnlh walkln under ladder ll bud happlly under wlnduw clun luck anytlme Ind um dolnl en ladder on Dunlap Sim on Friday thu lllh ll doubly with her uncle Donald Blelec tmuble Perrl Lynn Blelcc 01 29 Mlllnni Elleel Orlllln 105 Toronto Skeet whu duel Examlnu Pholo HARVEY BMCKETOCK ma Mb 1m vvwntrlrullmhl Mr lmll rfnnlaluumg tl Md drum nl lo IIM up wlm Jlmmy Nulll Tmmlm unlun nu 5U Mmflnl am up II Io Ilhlc bull or aim nccum hlm pro Judxlm 01 of bulnl rnnrlmlnnl and mommmd Hum m1 mnuulrul 1an vlolenly Ibminl all ma prlntlrlu Inn Inan ll 1110 document mInlnlnn lhnl Ihu Ilfllllh DlumhII Aw Conrl Jud dolilmaloly uml hullnll an Um 0m Ln nhlpplnl bull II plnlturm In Munch In nlluk an In mu Cnnudl hudul by lluuld Mill acumen ac rum North mum to lhll mla tounul lar lhn HIU whllo Ihnwlnu mle and hvurlllnm lvrwllqum nppoflql ho SIU laul Hull pruldcnl 510 North Amulrn my Ihn booklenllh MunI ol lhu Nnr Ill mum now helnu prlnlrd Ind will he dlllllhulrd Io Cnnn dlan mcmhen v1 lullnmcnl In llmo or he mud duula on uvermnem le Illauun la plus lw HU ml er mnrlllmu m1 Ian um WASHINGTON cm Senlnrm lnlornnliannl Union Canada In rcpnvlnl mnulv now nlllcnm Mr Juxllu North chnrulnl that MI lnvullunllan or 8H oprrnllonl disregarded lnlr pXIy Ind vio lngfd Alhaflrglu at him $111 To Prepare Attack On Norris so ya Ito wht Ill lhll Iovormulloumcu can land flu you llwnyl have he mnlnlallan um hum mm on Friday lllh ll wu nt your fault But who want mnwlnllom He wasnl loo lcrlausly hurt became the driver was driving rnlher Ilowly sh could do her window hopp In properly wife had but her hand when Iha hard about the accident mm hnvo been loo bad But aha lhruw cnqun In the wlndl and duhed madly In In hospllnl In no him Mennllma lwn you child ren 1m IIona It hamn not Inln he mulch and ho hum on Hrn woman drlvcr So which warn black cat or qum drivu Fwdl ucurlly yrmullunc Ir mm mm In mm vl lal film ol Iho EL Law Benny In III In Bu violence and In It wuld mean hat the US but Invented hllllom dollar In Mnalnot lJm Allan mun nnd Mlnutcmnn mlullfl whleh could be rendered harm lm by UN new Savirl devrlap meal the mngnuno say In an Article WASHING MP flu Ill may bo dcvoloplnu tun at dendlvallnu Unllnd sum missile in their IHOI 1111 he chnmmundlc enemy from explodlnl hlnhylcld Sovlrt nuclear weapons tho mnunzlno Mk and coke If Ihe government wenthen the arm 01 17mm from these quarto um um Interest mly have voice In Pm menl lllell Many MP have financial More In Inns and Imurnncc campanks Guman hm ha law oi lhum haw aver would dare oppose lhl pugllp pun mu No one an evan um hnw many hm emplnym would dmp pmorltvcn all or th1 prlvale pcmlm plans when they nm contributing to Ihe federal elated Ichemm the ml of the field with group annullles Thue coveted 469339 work rump plum 1140 PLANE Al the end of 1960 ms comgnnlu hnd threequarters prlvnle penslun hmlneu In the country nay had 1009 177 workers covered by 1110 reglrement plans Assets hothoogaup total about 0000000 Added In this $730000000 In cunts mm and agency funds belnz fmlnlsterld by rust compa cl Believe Russians Can Paralyze US Rockets If the trust and insurance companies become mildly ar rayed alalul ha federal re llremenlpnnslan proposal hey will make up financial bloc of Ilaggerlylsla Thu vlew hm In that the peak la mu to come shuplnl ur the most awerful mast nfluentlnl and Masha lobby ever lo 111 0138 Letter Ind phone calls II ready are alrenmlng Into Wel are Minister LaMnrsha 0mm Most are fromlnsurnnm and mm companies and other com Infidel lemurs men Ii Iiiulna mire mas ve Trauma against the Cnnadn Fan on Plan VBle unnlm may have luwer lovem GUMDS PATROL SEAWHY Insurance Companies Lobby Raise Protests Againstflan Not Marc Thu Par Copy16 Khan wul 11 twaxmer omqrrow bow lnhllhl 34 High tomorrow a3 Far summary turn to page two nuluu llm no nl In mm under lha wrcrvIkm of IM flCIIl palms 84 um Iml Lori at llw any It MonlmL lCI Winphvm 1110 en 30 man lowrr mmmander lhn Strnlwc Mr mndu ho polnl In his alimony Mam lho Scnnlu nmnmlnm Iulmmmluw In naming rnll llmllon ol um pnd almnx opponll ny hlzh US mHNMy ofllccra and nudenr MUM In lho limited nuclear calban may now be In dchalui by he Senate The general mm more 1an lo dclcrmino whether and pam lyzlnx mm puulhlu cannot than of mm countrywherv Thelmntlon mono In that unfortu nnlo country Buddhist Than It press nonlcrcnce In New York It cused tho Diem government abandonlng democratic pm mscs and rubslllmlng force 11 world orgnnlxallona chief exmxllvu 0mm lhu took stand In the crisis that already had Involved US President Kennedy Pope Paul VI Pm dcnt do Gaulle France and VM Nnmr ruling fumlly Local Weather 111a politicalrellllouxmlllmy angle In South Vie Nam brought lhll remark Thursday from Unlled NMIom Secretary General Typical of the campaign ax pucled here was the Winnipeg speech Inst Monday of Kllgour president Ihc Great Wen Lila Alsurnnca Company 01 he 17 only two lls hem 5elves as Conservallves The ml an either Liberals or In dependenu II 5ny cm olxls ls behind tally sumo onlclal blngruphlcs are Incum pleleshnws least 17 sena lm who are directm of Cana dian 11 Insurance and trust cumpanlu Included arc Ive company presidents compunclfons flux they am appointed for nnd need have no worries sham elcptoral support 11 pumaans Thant Lashes Diem

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