le uyrnrrnld hnlnmlk hid lmn In mkm romllllnn ulna aumriul hurluml null lebrn In hr um Illlml nuInn Ollm He in hm an flnlvqunvlkr my him In dlvrd lo In blwk In In me mm Jnhnmn he unnlh ooh lull Mum In me mlu Hula NII um hr Irl In prvmllnnI mm mm mmuliulluv Ilnlnour pmw Inuxly phynlrlnn uld II nal Ih flu ul dulh nun Mm nlncnnnl um hll Mun Ialnl In nu tunuy le uvIlrrl Mood Im In Inn nugrry Milli Ihlu nu VIFIIITA Kan MPISlnnl Jnhmnm pmmIlng mom or meu in Nux Um Amer ican lelull Minn Ind mu II or he llnllrd Slnlu In lhl 1960 Olympia Illd Sundly nlnht brulrn wk nullmd In an Mhlhlllnn lmlhlll um MM day nan An Allrmmu phynlrlan AIM lmlul xlulh lo nurture nl II llflh trnlrll urlrhru of lho Imk Iplnal rnnl Imus COREY WHO MISSED the first two games has been quite sparkplug in the last three games Its not hard to see why he won the most valuable player award the past two seasons Ive never seen one player hit whole team so much as this fellow Hea oetry in motion on the field and tough batter to guts out at the plate The blond bomber is due to register at college on Thursday This could mean something If Plaza can gull out win Wednesday night they may not have is services for the seventh and deciding game The series has turned out to be what the fans ex pected of final series No one was imlpressed after the first two games But Plazas reversa of arm has ï¬mrde it fine series and the fans are turning out in great numbers Last nights game must have seen the largest crowd of the season except of course that ex ibition game between Stewarts and the Calls ornla Cuties Vlwrlm rlnlu Ihm mm ToHenhnm lh hm win and corn or 41 WII rlnk lHprd by Kcrhy whn hid Mn Ellll Iml Mu MD hlnnnn on lho nnk llndawnl rlnk with tour plus look hlxh honnu with lwo wlnn Ind laurth yrlu wrnl lo Cllrldnl lrlo win out whl And mm of O7 Rookie Grid Player Dies Cox piloted hll rink la vie lury In mixni trthlu laurm men hrld Saturday Al the Allan dln Lwn anHnl Cluh WM Mn Fisher mu Mu llmdman Cox plltd up 51 plus €an in lake um prln wllh lhlplr wins scrles iii thesecond game Consumers Gas and hkeview Dairy clash In the Intermediate finals Itl bestMseven series Ind it should be good one Cox Pilots Rink To Win TONIGHT the Intermediate Soiibnii league iinai eerie en and this will be followed by the third game the Iiilicrest Monarchs Newmarkei Ladies Suiibeii League final series It should be another nothing new for Plaza to theyve come through hetero rlller tomorrow nlght Its be under pressure and We decided to give him one hlgh and inside It didnt work That ball shot out there like base ball In said Corby Adams twoout twdrun homer tn the sixth inning which gave Plaza 20 lead the time was beauty He caught hold of dandy and 5611 long drive to right ï¬eld Pitcher Butch Boyd whn served up the pitch said after the game he had been throw ing low and away to Corby Both teams played brilliantly Usually writer covenng game he as for one incident mm which he can plck lead ast nights me had enough for half dozen reporters It was at type of game nu wnu urneu out iasl saw greatunetowin toughto iose game they saw it last night When FredCutting drilled shot to right fieldin the botiam oi the 12m to drive in the winning run the Plaza players seem ed to sag in unison 0n the otherhandysiewaris came pohring off their bench in delight Its hard to say what the verdict wlll do or the series Plaza had Stewarts on the run Stewarts toqk the ï¬rst two games wlth ease Plaza stormed back to win the next two and were well on their way to taking last nights tlll Bï¬t Stewarts just wouldnt surrender and thelr efforts ï¬nally paid off IF THE HUNDRE fahswhoturped out last Mam Ann he um um mu man LA rnlrrrd TWO IIIMIIIJJ WINNHEG 1UP Wlmlml Nun nomhm nl Hue Wullm Fnolhlll onhrfmt nmwmud Homily My Mum llnr hark Gm llvullnln Inrl Imam nnn LalouuHI an Ill dluhled Illl Lnlmmllv him had bout ll mamnmlmln hm Dnumnn Ind In Arm mm In an pnccmflpr wllh hp Mau vllu ll Manlml Sunday In hlrh flu Dumbo at NI bullnl sponr AT Mum ï¬rm at unlumr um um ml 153 Lhnirw Dulry Comnmm Su 100 pm 5ch l7 qm nu um Follnwlnl ha Imam Inr flul bellnlIeven lnlermedlnla Snub Leuue lull mlu All umu Ill be pluyed nl Qumr Im Sept 10 Laiovllw Dulry Al Commm In no nm Commm In no Plkhlu Cur Simmanx Cardinll pllchcd livnhlller or sou nhuloul 01 career blmklnl Chlcuo Cuba 60 and movlnx Icmndlplnu 5L Loul In wllhln lhrce gamu Nl Mann Lulu Ilfllllfll Lo An In uluuJlmmlu Nlm Ml am And am Imma mm In 70 lrlumph aver Cleveland ly In Ted WHIInmx Umrlcnn Luxuu record or mm homm by mile In 1m minAmmng Tilt Hf Queens Intermediate Playoff Dates THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BALI STARS nnzmln mu ll mmnu nutu Ilunm nwml lho mm um pmwrplny nu la nukl the I74 but My mull In Mlle IIIMK hurl Vluuh hmu In up 1111 dll all or lm WM nml ind KII HI mklml Hu other 11w mu whlu om um he lmulh polled wllm mm lrll lulu lklflllhvlhl uln hl Ngulnr plum mm In no ulml lhry muld llll rm Umuzh Im II nlluuml In plrk up our plnyrrl Tlm nulxlnmllnz pluyrr In he game lmnswr wan lllll Mun voe rnplnln Illa Mnmnrku Munnm Mum lvur goal In lmlng num Mul mulll lu pmlu Irm hvr flu mm In lulu mu lmluh nlno md Ilma nulux Mulhmalnl lrom hm nrnmh Tuhullhl Ibo on rv plnrmlem uml by men Conch Hm Hum wnnml In 1hr hi ngulnr plum mm In no ulml lhry muld llu II nlluum lnln Anlln Mlll llrnmplnn Arnuuwx whqn lhry loll In Hm Caulku mm lml rnr ll Vlrlmln mu Mirmnl hcul wllh Hurray mull Jvhn mm nmml Wu and Dun IAIUIUI Hrw Vlrlrr Jim Illnkum HI mer Tum ml lmd MamImam mred one apiece IXnyln Iwcfml In full houm In LW Mal Whitby Allml the GMII wm hchlnxl only on whrn Vklnrln Imrod Um 0an lnx Konl Oxhnwn In 2I nllrr Hm period hall llmn and hrld also going 1qu Um lmmh period CON FORM TllllliE Nlnml Dillml mvrvjd lwo Tn wln however wés mnll lylnz lo ho GMII who hum nine pluyrn In Ihrlr llnoup MM an In Ihcir lint your 01 Junior Incruue Hm Inflow dhlnl deep the flu lwo nlgma laid Doug Halchcr manager or he do lrndlnx clunmplnn Shamrock And hey didnt have llinévlo on More he unme Thcy look ho owner 107 Munday night but their oppon enu nrrlvnd only luovhouu be Inro unmo mo nfler lhrue dny lrnLn rldo 1mm lho West Canal Thu Gaels who play lha hardwunnlnu last break 1on ol llcmsse popullr In lho Wcsl are emm to have their hand full In the hostelwen urle or lho Cnnndlnn junior Incmsso champlomhip WHITBY Ont CWOshawa Green Gaels whipped Vlclofln Shlmmcks at their own me Monday nlght but his still hasnt bmslcd lhvm Into the lavorilon min In Um Mintn Cup uriu Kemp oalwork was the clincher In pr other 110 win and has ropelkd Mm Into ï¬rst place 11 individual scoring with SF palnlL Linn gained 113 yards pas Ind 135 rushan but were mm mm xans lug victory number llx In sevenoulings Lion muvcd lwo points In front of Calgary Stampede and mu nhtad of Raughrldm and Win nipeg Blue Enmhm lied or third plan Oshawa Lacrosse REGINA cv Canadxm rookie Peter Kemp kicked Brit ish Calumhla Linn Into sale passesslon 01 ï¬rst place In the Western Fooan Conference Mandaynlght The 23er native of North Burnaby 110 accounted or all he points as he 1mm Lions over tough Saskatche wan noughrlders delence for an vlclnry bola 15364 fans In 44 Lions Take First Position Mannger Punch Imlnch high he Tomnla Maple Leah talks to two Swedish candldatgs it Oh Leah rain PUNCH MEETS SWEDES up uuud 13 th win In Into scoring um I01 plldmr In carnal mn um VnnL mull Mnnllrll wlmu lnlhrr Jimmy plnyul lmrkly fur Um old thlrrnl Mnmnn lrmh llm hum In hlll th IMV Hr In mm In dmllllrs wlih III 29 1lequ nwrnuu II In mcmh Mum Ha ha MI 20 hnmm Ind drhrn In Tu runs 1110 only up uniml hlm In MI lnmmlxlrnl pmlnvm mm Al lhlnl lmw whm lu 1m no Inlm his home run anI ll lik ely In Hm hr AL would or llulycnr plnyrrll IR MONTIIHA NATIVE Mm Vlml Mm lm nppmrctl In MI Chlcuuu 145 mum drum mou romMrrnllnu Inn Mm walks omy mum dny1 Monk tho 1nd NEW YORK AP Thlrrl hnwmnn PM Ward Ind pilrhcr Gary ltll Chicago While 50 mud nullleldcr JImmla Hull 01 Mlnncsoln have put an extra huran ml Um mm who will It 10d 01 rlc Manna rmklmllheyrnr lhls Mflsnn Each LI hnvlnu nuch nn nul Mnmlim ycnr pmlmhly Mlll IK Ilium or lhu ulrrl No Inmrlmll Mum 1mm much rlrruill ll CHIN lo Mpar nlo lhrm Second game of he mlen will be played hm Wednesday nlghl Um thlrd gnme lrlduy and the ourth Monday Oshawa outsth lhu Woslcm or 636 but Illshop felt his goal Merv MmhuH made Ihe diflercm lcrcnco Hambch want of or slashlng with mm mm lhan wo mlmuc oil in the game and 10an scored while he was Selectors Have Difficult Chore Kemp stepped In to klck nn IByard ï¬eld goal In the In mInule of the second quarter award threepalm In the third frame and two sIngIcs In the Iinn 15 mlnutu on wIde Icld gnu allempu Saskatchewan poInu cams on yard single by end Man lIn Fab and single on wide ï¬eld goal attempt by lackIe Res WhIIehousa In the lhlrd Secondranking EC star was qumerhack Joe Knpp Ha car rind Lions Into Kcmpf range WM 64 yards on carrlc and 11 pass completions In 20 al Icmpls or 113 yards Ilalfback By Eallny canlribulcd wIIh two pass Interception in the ï¬nal qunrlcr that srluxclchedmuddm SMItMrMuIn inskarlihewwan Erlves thrown back when they throat ened Io crass Saskatchewans gual line In 107 Victory and rim Jn Ovér well an mu bmlmhly Ml Jim No lgmn much Pnlcfbgqugh 1110 Ind Ihnl Ward nml Im In Are Mme lrnm may cause will vole IIvlch would be mlvrmulml lo uMmm mm It mm mum All wllh ll homers hu led lho 1mm mord lnr rookiu by Ted William Danton In 1910 The Twins Idey oul Ilclder hm mam home rum than any nlhcr Mlhlfldfl Ml lrr In Ihu Amerlun Lemma 1th ll uhu ho mom In Hanonl Curl Ylulrnmskl among oullltlden II In mum wllh 71 mm buled IHh 195 own ha mike nlll lend Al 179 He hu wan gums and last only II with complete xnmu Includan tour lhul In Ihrlm Lm Banney turned In IIx hII pitching performance In hur ling the Ihntou whlla hII male banned out 17 hit ex pen of Terry IIodzsnn ShAnIy IIay npcncd wIIh Ihreo run In lhl er InnInl and II was clear 11an ha rest Ihc way They Iddm mm In the next Ihm trim and IInIsh Inclr Icorlnz wllh Iwo mm In each thc VlnIlh and 1th Inmu MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES PHD PROGRESSIVE INSURANCI ORGANIZATION ALI CMSSES OF INSURANCE Undclcalcd Shanly Bay moved in wilhln one vlclary of hi Bar rie Ind Dumcz Church Softball League championshlp In night at Queens Park when hay thumped Cralghum 100 Shanty Bay In Shutout Ball Victory double to muiu St wu ball limo vw nu cancr drilled double lo let ï¬eld lo Slewnn were not hath much success against Downey They nunaead four hits over the seven bmlnzl Jlm Bu trm look free pass to open Iggy on second awn on End pitch Joe Mark grounded out $30119 if MN 11 SAMEANT INSURANCE AGENCY HON came out of tight spot In the seventh when Plaza left the bases loaded And Ln EIhlh when two Plan runner wglje stranded mu qu um um high inslde pllch sexearning down Iha right ï¬eld line and was Mater Plan hag 520 lead um Hertramrerlayed he lhmw lo Hrs but Pm was safe 011 very close can hen quby A4 mm mm In rounder lo Culling base Culling fired Bamprxd Hill at third second to fo liarl Boyd only bunt single over he Hrsbflve frames HugotGaxylflnaxmlapop up lo start all the sixth lauds Barron draw walk and Prat mumm VWen Downey and Bulch Boyd hoo In light pllchlnl duel for the first live Imus canny nouns mu nights battle the Ion esl in the league thin sewn Mme down to battle oHeliel huflm and Jim Annslmnl who lch th mm 33 with pinch hlt humer in the ninth won Jnck 4311103001 over In 1h mu Wen Downey mi Arn Slxth mad the Ierlea Md forQueenrwednesdgy 11 J1 sgunï¬clock lines with Tm out Ihe tap the ninth bounczd drive StaWMl cgme from behind Mae and Fred Cultinzl lIne ddva down the ï¬rst base Uneln the beam of the 12th Inning ï¬nally ended the thrlUmlnning Brno man In ulelr bestoneven Senior Soflhall Leanne ï¬nal series lo day by virtue of their vlc tory last night at Queens Park In one of lhe mos neflnmpackcd flamesteen here all season Stewarts Game Ilium that wouldxn 11v hold 8416M nx Ifl 1211111 wu tho llulnv mmu In 1qu nwzumrummxr tn sorvlcnl Io 11mm and lrnlnndammod by TcA wlm BOAC your agent or mum TCA IJO floor Toronlo JET TBAIIEL 10 BRITAIN an EURflPE IIIIID lET TCAS QIDAVTIIIIES SAVE YOU UP 10 $151 son or just because hemdlénl take to kindly to Dunlap Bmwer did this with Kusln In nlght and or his chart was disqualiï¬ed One wonder he went aller Bunny Dunlap LONDON $39570 $3970 In $1607 DUSSELDDHF lumen 3200 $49oo rm $l956 WIIAT KEEPS ll FAMILY 01055 Miss the little family jokes and loving laughter that letters cant convey lethomelo them all by TCAand save happily on TCAs new 21Day let Economy Excursion Fares Youll have up to whole weeks to spend in Britain or Europelime to slip back into that warm family feeling too good to lose Go this yearwhile its easy If y0u like use TCAs convenient Fly NowPay Lalcr Plan See your travel agent or TCA about it now Id man mi IN wwm 1er townoimniém um no or the dog Brewer lper Wauan main evant wresl lug match It Harrie Arena Ind DUNLOF They threw out most of lhe mg lor HI lldagflflmwer mu Bertram was tha Hrs Stewmu hatter In the bottom the ninth and got Md wood on the ball but Gian Adams In left 1911 hauledjlt in lot the lintout Coach mu Raycrau called in Jim Amntronl to or Boydo mu dmye Hymn to left Adam came in too In and the ball went over his head and mum clrcled the base or humor to flu the were at Amsuvnx then took overlhe mound chore He retired Plaza Brewer Disqualiï¬ed By In Match With Bill Watson 50W field warm Mun219d to mm Humplo TCA 2I TRAVEl SERVICE QHEEEH Eiï¬iï¬im For Ycur Rmmuom Call Now DAV Jut Economy ExamIon Faro from Next weeks main evani is lag match pairing Brown with The Beast against Lee Kenning and Seaman Art Thomas2 The Maskad Destroyer whos one an amazingly Ion me without beating kept his un dclcalcd string by thumplnz Tony Farm In the opener min Whale and Mike Valentino hauled 10 draw crqu happy the even ended did with Whippers arm the on raised strike um Plan Ind great chum In the lop of Die 12m Blmm led of and picked up his lhlrd bl of the game He look leoond an wlld puch uni no one was Armstronz came thmuahm He not Prï¬tt on anysmoxa mm ln order1n the lap olvlhe lolh In the bouom hall Stewartl had nmner on with oneoul 11nd lulled to upre Armstrong go by the nth all right and hen Jack VnIr came on In pltch lnr Plaza In the bot tom hall he inning He walk ed Blll Bertram to lead of lha nnlnx but clma out withqu run mmauumu®m wan crowd was Tau mu It being mu lhlxbmught up Cutting He caught hold of Valr in witch Ind lent Ilner Inio right field He rounded first took amnd then walked ll Edwards had crossed Ihe plate with the win nlng run and the game was over George Falconer was he lira Stewarts ballet In Ihe bolmm the Inning He hit lawerinz drlve In centre whluh Prat gloved anr gave walk to Jim Edwards and wlrdl mov ed 10 second on wild pltch Art Martin allowed and bounced single of anrs lava lo put mnnens lm Andilhird éorby Adams grounded outnOn the plyy Barron moved to lhlrd but Wm Downey grounded out In and lhe lnnlnx mu Toronlo YOU ARE om no ADS