The economist dcmonslraled shortculs in cooking by using porlnblc uppllnnccs She ox nlninod that small appliances such ns ccclrlc baking dishes may also be used as serving dishes on bullet table The allowing rcclpcs would be Ideal for Sunday buich A0vIn Mull or Slx Tempcrnlure drums Time 45 Mlnultl flUIClIE LORRMNE cup grulcd Swiss cheese slicns crisp butan eggs cup lnhle cream cup mllk lunspaon suli Icuspom nuppcr lush cayenne Icliapnllll dry mustard unlmkcd llnch pic shell lnmhlno cheese and bacon und snrlnklc in baunm oi pie shell omuining lngrcdlonls lo her and pour ovcr cheesebu iixluxv Bake in own 375 llmus 45 minulcs or un til llrm and browned Cut in wedges and serve hnl mu our crowded 5hr guln lo work an he wnllu llumka to flu annully at ur uilurc ml nrcmwriu dcslan rut Fumllnru places dulunul lu Muck ml luv 01 well other ulrvr nn muting umaunl of zlnmue rwnn ll mum such plumIIIINI nunlnlnr Iurnllnremmle IhMr lhhlll mrl use llul II In luxnlim In srv how Hm Idrn 1m gum mu Null wide do Ilrv Held rover nmo nm In many nlylts and III Hullhts IIVHIIIIMD HI llxlnyl btlllu cnn Mllfl II Ihlch ill III heal with her quhr urnth Uuunll Mnrk lurvnllure ll Imulo In the Ilnmlnrd Illum nloxu um tho plrm clmmn Hy ELEANOR 053 TodayA bride can do wcullh of llmlstknoplng in mull hnmc ar npurlmunl hecumv she no new IIily hmflcd by flunr spage AIKIYUNH AWIHLH nllOCCOLI WITH LEMOXAALMOND BUTTER packages frozen broccoli cup huuur Many the new reclpes pre pared by Miss Barbara Wond all Hume Economist or the On luriu Hydra were easy to make and been In busy homemaker in lime suvin The Hydro Cooking School was presented or membm oi Trin lty Anglican Church Guild and lucid at Trinity Parish Hail Col llcr Street Ins eveplng Housekeeping In Small Homes Simpliï¬ed With Stack Furniture GUILD PRESIDENT Mrs rcmn draws lhn prim winning ticket Inllnwin he Economist Reveals Cooking Secrets ngm STYLE STRANSMANS WHEN IT COMES COATMOME T0 14 DUNLOP ST FUR FABRICS CAR COATS nuar prilcs wcrg drjwn by Mrs Gremn prcsldcnlot Trinlly Guild Vinncrs lngludcd Mrs Dullus Lee Mrs Lhnrlu IIuercse Mrs Sills Mrs John Soul Slurllng will base unit the high desk or bullet up per ducks can be added ul uill Clusld unilssuch In cubl nvls or shehu wilh dour be used to more the mnny items ha hnmcmnkcr wunll lo 1va Jul Light ycl hmn Opén shelch lnvllo urlcly nI hasslMlitILs from books and hrlbnbmc It hobby collections XTIIA GOOD xpcciul bonus nruvldcd by Ike plnsllc inlxh with which many or Hm nLwrr pleces um linlshul damp rponflu mud ullh lhlck map ur dolomnt mm In nll lhe clwnlnu hm rlvcn wlll ever nncd nnd pol nhlpu II nucmp Mm nvnllnhlo for Hm doll numll nrmy unllnlnhcd ivm lo be minimd pnlnlcd or ruurmd l0 Ila In wilh mlnr Mhunu So In All very wry may cup lonslnd sllvclcd almonds tablespoons lemon Mun Plnce brnccnll ln bnklng dlsh Mall butler and cook until 101 dcn brown Add almonds and lemon julcc Pour over broccnll Cover and bake in men nl 375 degrees 45 minules BLUEBERRY COFFEE CAKE WITH STREUSEL TOPllNG cups sllled nll purpose Hour lcnspoons hnking puwdcr lcuspoon snll 23 cup sugar L3 cup salad oil l4 cup mllk egg beaten cup welldrained blurhsnics lrcsh canned or lhnwcd lmzun Sill lwgcllwr lluur Ivuklug puw der salt and sun Combinu nll milk and vgu nnd bcul wnlL Add llunr mixlurc and bent un ll smnolll Turn lnln greased ll pun Scatter blue berries over butler Slrcrsel Topplnu cup sillcd llmlr 13 cup sugar tuaspoun cinnamon lnhluspoun mellcd butler Blmd logclhcr well and xprln kle over blueberries Bake in oven at 37 degrees 45 minulul Refrvshmcnu wvrc served by member 01 SI llildui xuuv who were in charge uLurrange mcnls or he uvcnlng Iil lnln Hm average home or aflgrlmpul canklng school held last evm ninp with Mrs Grcmo um Mls Barbara Wanda hum AWnrd of adrlco la Iluo limp Natural GAS During her lquwEuk slay In Muniloba hm are stale dinners rm rcccplinn and nu afternoon on For Prlnccss Ilennn flame nln nuw nun In the Orlhw dox Rumnnlnn Church and spent the two weeks touching religion rncchism and Ill belief and phllosophy of her people at church sponsored summer camp at Shun anlcy In wcsIcenlml purl Ihe prov lmc She are nlnrk Mark cul lun nail and who and black Mrs Ecd Kikehing wllc of lhe lnlcmallonnl leader the Salvallon Army assumed her rank when her husband hecnmnï¬ geneml the arm cus lam flameaha 0th gm promoted any cm The nubilein chairman Mrs Gable we asked In report all coming events to The Barrie Examiner or publicatinn In the Rulhmun Calendar of com eVentL Women not only are promoted with their husband but must take special training lo live up lhélr new job mqulrcmenls Mu Kilohing snld VINNIPEG CPI When royal prlnccsa lclt Winnlpcga Inlernnllonal nlrpart an light luDclIoH rbccnlly lhcn Wu no more lanlnrc than or any olhcr passenger going through lh busy lcrmlnnl per Ihuutzh belorc Ilmpplnx lur muck unit make note at he wnll spnco nvnllanonnd he lacuna doorl wlndown radlnlars and 00m henllnz equipment Incldcnlnlly some of tho plcce an oven deslxncd lo lurn mmm muklnn ll poulblc lo Ilan nnd work oul Iomo Indl vldunl and dramatic 011cm TORONTO CPI woman general of lhu Snlvmlnn Army snys Ihe armys women have higher degree of equality wllh men than women in any oï¬hcr walk 01 mg STIIE DARME EXAMIN TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 Princess Shuns Public Life To Teach Religion At Camp econnmlt and 3111 Hnll of Toronto Exnmlncr Phom Equal Bank For Women Ybu EStill Cani Beat Mls Wadland formerly of the haspltnl stall sent some hand work to be sold ln the gift shop or on the sunshine curl Mrs Judd Kelly knltling cun vcncr reported an urgent need Ifor knlllers In llll prescnl or den Wonl wlll be provldcd to any volunteers The Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary held the Hrs business meetan of the Fall sgusan at he Mchrhy mldence Sept Presldent Mu Chrlstle dIr mad he meellng whlch was attended by 41 member and um guest Mrs DuBols Mam hers absent duu lo Illness In YIlullml Mrs Hellmn and Mru Mklnwn halh cun llncd 1ohuspilal Prlnus Ileana mired ram public Illa la months ago in France but cum Canada lhe hvllalinn Rev Mnrdnn lvannvlcl lrum Vulrc the churchs North Amorlcnnhcnd quarlcu near Dctrall Asked how she cnoncd her tripand Ihe youngsters wilh wh 5h warkqd he rcpllcg Murvclln lha bestlraupï¬ ever had PROP HONORED OTTAWA CMDr Edmund Merton Wnlkcr prolcssor emer llus mo dcpnnmenl olozy he Unlvmlly Tm onm and honorary curntnr entomology the Royal 0n Inrln Museum hm been nwnnicd an honorary doctor of ulcm mm mm Corhï¬on Unhmlly ofluwn The award was made at special convo cation In connection with much lnzl mnrkinl the centennial entomology In Cmmdn lenlhcr hell While the adull haveran uhvul her know who she was her lack chlldrcn knew unly that rahrwnn the cheerful bluc eyed lady with whom they enjoyed churn camp eller wn received ram lho Ornngcville Hospllal Auxll lnry rcqucaflnz details um um shop as the unit Ls plun Mrs Mary Lenvcnsal pm sent holldnylng In Europe len dered her resignation as vlcu president on advice her duc tor All past presidents or Inn Auxllinry wlll convent to diy cuss the luck ï¬rst and second vlcepruldenls Records chairman lllrs Ray Allen repnrlea on an ariicla ap pearing in lira Down Memory Lnne column published in Illa Burrio ExnmlnerJuly which quoled Northern Advance ar ticle pertaining in mini held by the hospital auxiliary in 1903 This proves the auxiliary has been in operation two ycnrs longer Ihun members realized VICEFRESIDENT IIESIGNS New FuxnisliingsKitghen For RVH=Aï¬ziliQIYiROQIns lrn THE STARS SAY umm In February March and mid 1964 will see lurthcr Ilcpups in your advanceme and the same month will also be ex cellent lrom monetary point of view Do avoid exlrnvum under lpcculnuon In mld De camber and April howevzr Dcccmbcr will be an 11 around good month for you with Inlemsllnu development presngcd no only Alon lha aforemenlloncd huxlnm llncl but nlsn when creauva pur snlu and Icnllmcnul lnleresu mo oonccmed other good months or romance May June and July Ilnnclary aspect In June wlll nlw be extraordinar Ily onerous lo cmatlvo work llousuhold and lumlly matter should run Imoolhly or mm the year but do try la Ivold Mellon In close tinch in mid Novembbr and In March be generous ambition and El lrcmcly murum ln meeting competition of any Iype It tomorrow in your blrthday your horoscope lndlcates that It would be advisable or you to take advantage at all lvatl nhle Job or builnass opportunlo tic now even though results of your wort may not be 1m mvxltalc December will be an excellent period or you don these vllms and the lwndadon you Lunow wlll alloct progress than and In the new year Mug establish shop In the pgngcym HusplIgL Permission by lb Red Cross or ill RVH Auxiliary In use their Dunlap Street roams as headquarters during the lag dayl Sepl ls and Friday evening tagger will includu 33 nurm chovalions lo lha Mchhy residence were complaled dur ing the summer months under the guldance of Roy Tod and pald for by the Auxfllary complete kitchen and new washronm Include were Instal Pu aiinin will be mare generously influenced on Wed nesday than other activities with specinl emphasis on lamily and domestic concerns In busi ness mumrs slick lu routine and iollnw conscientiously Dont become sideirucked by nonessentials Sumo interesting new probability in tho Ion 11m BIRTIIDAY NEW KITCHEN For Tomorrow By FSlREUJIA led by Bertram Bralhm and Wallwln Elecgrlcï¬Jflle Auxlllnry Eratelul or cooperallonre celved from Mia Shannhun Cangaronand Mr Slnclnu of the hoipltal stun Thanks vo Mn Tod lorher work was extended by Mm Eplctt The lnterlor the residencehns bccmredecornled and urnlsncd tn meet lhe needs ha Auxll laxy Flowers planted at he re sldenceenlrnnce were supï¬lled by th Auxiliary The Junior Auxiliary donated chenterfleld chllr and lea wagon to the rcsldence Mn Mary Leavuu donated side knhle and Mn Roy Tod donated Mrs Eva Graham imported urns recelpts Item the Sprlm rummagg Ial were $4031 Fall mmmaze anle wlll be held It lmr dale WWW Purim FASHION WEEKS WALKERS Good Taste in Fashion Is Not Expensive and we prove it during Watch or other excillng wcnla during Mlion Week Sept 01 to 21m 50 DUNLOP STREET EAST JOINS LESTER SHOW Cu nlumn mediums lum Hyul will nppcar on an earl program the Jerry Lester Shï¬xw on the CTV network this ml ill simpmuw en Increaslng sales rIegular meetings with work mcellngs ench Tues th Wednesday and other mm In as We zed Mist To celebrate the acqulslllml In new kilclxm 4hr mncllng cancludcd with palluck supper cuvcned hv Mrs Sachnnl and her commlllee held Hm dny allernonr inernwn wwml NLO El Mws Ccvn mum wt uï¬lrzlcn In lhz Hunt11 It lhé wnrk Cg ngcjlon num mm 12 gong ngm HAIRCUTS $106 By ipï¬nmmnv nnl Bull PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone PA H51 son WATER 550 mum with TIL UL Ngfll 3w kuul Im 1e r33