7a Speaking to about 600 persons hl largest crowd at the cam pnlgn for Ihc Sept 25 clecllnn he crlucizcd Mr Hobart Int trylng to mesh Onlarlos pm posed pension plan with the lad crnl scheme rahnr han aballsh lug Onturlon plan He suld The plnln lac ls thnl Mr Rabnrta genulncly supporls Canada Penslon Plun he should announce he wlll withdraw hls awn Scheme because la nut only not necessary ll In an lm pcdlmcnt to the opcrnllnn of Ihc Canada Fmslnn Plnn hi on larlo WOODBRIDGE on leernl Lender John Winter meyer continued his crltlcism Mnndny night Premier Rob nrls stand on pension accus Ing him of uslng weasel words at the ednrnlpr0vlnclnl conten ence on pensions CammIslnncrgcncral Pler re Dupuy Inspects tho earth mnvlng opernuans being cur Abolish Ontario Plan Liberal Boss Demands Mr VInlcrmeyer quoted Mr mm In Um mukrl Inr new chrome nulh lhcn you canl Allard ran up hm To quamy arborllu luv vinyl rrcd thale An tmnomlm my to dvru up your Illdwn 5Piece Chrome Suiii Pvlcod From McFADDEN FURNITURE and APPLIANCE PA 83288 FIIIR COMMISSIONER tGENERIII IIT SITE The Canada Pension Plan don great many thlngs Illa nnbaru scheme does not do There Is nothing the nnharl He said Mr Robnrts agreed to plan embodying themes fen lures both schemes and was prepared to amend the Ontario plan lo conInrm with the un lional system once it 15 agreed upan There is nothing In lha 0n lnria pension schema which has to be saved In order to put the Canada Pension Plan lnlo np szon In Ontario The Liberal chienlln said the two pcnslon schemes are nnt campallble econumlwlly possth Ladies and Kenuemen Ulcse are weasel words Mr Vlnlcr meyer said Hobart as saying earlier Man day the pension meeting In Ollawa that they can be made complementary rledoul on St Heicns 15 land In In St Lawrence River apposite Montreal har Get in on big big savings on Seally Sorta RodiGuard Gold Medal mattresses It is time you started get tlng good nlghts steep and no better way to do it than to rest yourself on one of these famous mnllrcsscs Sizes 30 48 and 54 39 Mr Rchurta has put an hls llltla shnw Let hlm nnw Isolate hlmsell from Ms Madlsan Ave nuo publlclsls and let lllm uns wer my questlnn last week The quesllnn is slmple one and It ls thls ll Rohurts avers the Canada Penslon Plan why will he not act out at the penslon bustnesn Mr Wlnlermeyer was speak In at chlcken barbecue sup per at llle arm of Gordon ln nls leeral member of the last leglsluture or Oxlorde Before he spoke group at urea lnrm ers cntertalncd the crowd wlth jokes and song mlmleklug electlan pmmlses scheme dues which the Canada Pension Plan does not do The ï¬lm iaci is that Mr chart an in some time been using the question ai the privaie pension plan as red herring in an effort to still agreement and confuse the issue bar In prtpamllén or the 1967 Worlds Falr Wilh Mr Dupuy are Claude Roblllnrd Mr Nichoisnn said lighting lures tires iile responsibility oi he provinces hui fires are no mspccler at boundaries and national nrznnizatlon could report on lniurmatlon that come from olhcr parts Can ada and the wurid in connec Iian with new tire ï¬ghting lech niqum He said he wanted encnur age he province work clnsely wllh the federal govern mrnt lo mako the maxlmum um 01 the armed service In light ing res Inkling Advantage 01 dlsclplinad mm He am Idea would be to have national organization that mobile perhup three or our unit scattered across Canada In the Atlantic Provinces Quebec and Ontarlo the Prairies nnd west IeSIrn Alberta and British 001m at ST JOHNS Nlld 1C Federal Forestry Minister Jack Nicholson says his department ls working on plans for amm tlon nullonnl friaplzqglon to b31210 sennul forest 1m mywhcrpjp Canada HWY 27 MILES NORTH OF HWY 400 OPEN DAILY AM TO 9PM Plan For Mobile Forest Fighters Sro Hm lnrkn mlrdlnn dtym nl lhln Inmum lnw prlm Youll um Mqu cur rylnu and hanging out dam Dry dolhu any day n1 nr nhlnr lcn chlcl Wdrlds Fair kin ner and Guy chudry mm all Information dlrectnr Prlud Modern Famous Name BRAEMORE GOLD MEDAL EDGEWDOD lend mu pnrndo of lnmmu mnko rhcsmlleld lthl that yau will In In em largo nhqwmoml Drm up ynur In room now and lcl In an the biz lnvlnp OPEN DAILY CHESTERFIELD SUITES hen past president of the United 0n nrlo Council of Senlor Citizens said the quuncll will prepare brie asking lha Ontario lexls lame to make sure that Um addluunal money goes to pan enlur cillzens wélfare and political leaders all welcomed Prime Minister Pearsons m4 nuuncemenl Monday proposing um the oldage pension would be Increased to $15 month lrom $65 The iiérease will be financed by taxadon and has yet In ha apymxcd by ngjllament By THE CANADIAN PRESS While Ontarios senla citizens wonder an when In spend their oldage pension Increase homes or the aged and nlher Instllullam are wondering hnw much £th should Increase their rates Sea the uurdlly constructed GE wrlngcr washer Percol nln tub rubber rollers nulo nmllc release mounted an eastern for easy moving Ho nun to get In on thin special buy He said The Imih is that the Lnggeu Snlety Act was passed at the last session ol the legislature to provide or regu lntlons with respect t6 Inning operations in the hush We proceeded with the drait and have discussed it in detail with the partiex concerned The acts are that they are being delayed at the request of the sawmill workers themselves at least until Sept 21 so that man representations ea he made Mr Rownlreu was hare la address he convention nfArmy Navy and Air Force Veteran lnpanadn in any gnuthe new mm lallonl will be In elfect far the cnmlng culling season an lnlerview that charge by Donald MacDonald New Dcmncrnllc Party pruvhr clal leader in Geraldlon SIm day that the code and its reg ulations have been rendylor wuks and that the labor de parlmenl will not put them Into effect lsn misrepresentation my act KITCHENER CP Labor Minister Rowntree geld Mon day that implementation new Iogzern 1er code and rcgnlnuuns have been delayed the request All Oh sawmill wqgkenlghgmclvesw Expenses Tgke PensiOn Increase Saiety code Poi LQggéxs Is DelaYed Wringer Washer pm Prlcad Leadm of 0mm three po Iltlcnl parlles campaigning or theSupt 25 provinclnl election ï¬xpressyl genefal delight with ln Wn 501 or he associa llnns annual cnnlerence In said um pensioner In most home would mu In 15 per cent of lhelr pension nr packet maney Ill Increase $1115 from $975 month lhé Vnallonal schema In the put every lime we to an Increase lhe rent has one up and pensioners havent to any bcuem at all ha said my But 7W7 Ham Halon Ont resident ol lha Association Superintendents the Home or the Aged said rules In most home would Il mnst certainly 130 up sinnersno to homes and land Innis The premlefl mm mm tram he charged merely ol Iera the majority 01 our people what many available from the prime insurance compan lo or the adder plans at price which are beyond the reach of algmwlng number of our la slgnlflcant that during the pm eight months neither chrals nor Conservallve have In an nddreuaz an election rally the NDP chief sald lhal both ha old partlen In still using medical care In elec don gimmick The best they otter vague promlm the kind that haa been kleked around uum football or more than migration He aakl that loday theplan running smoothly In Sum nhewan and that that province had bowed to opposition yaar ago medicare now would be dang lasno In pntarlo FORT WILLIAM comprehensive medical urn Aprouram at Onlnrlo will be In tlvduced within year 11 the New Democrauc Party la elected in the Sept 25 pmle ch electlnn pmvlncjnl NDP leader Donald MacDonald llld here Monday nlzhL ND Chiefsvows Full M9dicchare Program 17900 PRICED FROM 510 Auto Range Juan Jose waluhad three pounds 11 ounces Atblrth So did the fourth born Fernando They pmed their in dnnm period and healihy said Dr Robinson Sum Hem chief obsieuician at Univeniiyflw global hero Juan Jose the third had lost weight ieu than an ounce But medical buiie tin said Iii live an in accept able condition MARACMBO Venezuel lAPJwllh gun beginning lo urive the proud parents at qnlmuplet boys pondered toan how to support Iva new son then onwcdmmn home on Wm The Inlanls bah Almost two month prematurely Saturday we 9m NHLM Wlllrld Spooucr was mlonad lng the public by equivocatlng on whethu the mo report on the Emvisw scandal had been rewritten 1960 provincial Inquiry lnln Easlviowl ï¬nance and admin Islrauon the cllyl mayor council and treasurer of mismanaglng the citys main on of myth Egon olule min was the then M1570 Mr McDonald said the New Democrats have oneered both hospital and me an huunnn The vma pmmlm hive bean translated Into services um have banlshed forever the spectre ham medlcfl bills The New Demoqu will do 0mm won an they let mandate Sept 15 Fume sun MISLED Eaflier Mr Hub313k alld Mugidpal MlalnuMMue even numbed to debunk the New Democratic pmnls cent to mm tho vague chem What we have seriously under ugpagted he mu HI any minutes um medic care program 1n On tarlo v19qu coat $160000000 Mr MacDonald ch Doctorl come would higher ackngwledxe that dodan Inmmu are likely to up same when medium In estalr llshzdnnd or one dont be zrudxa doctors being the highest palqpmleuon In 1hll mun ProudyParents Ponder Support Of Quintuplets 0n $11RDay Quality tantlructlun lhu key nm In lhm General Elem lzluvhlon uu Youll spend mlny hour plemurl watch lnl your luvartla program on NI emycnhmyu nonllm 199192 23 TELEVISION This mmplddy nulomnIIc rum will am ynu hour ol cooklnl Um It ml arm Ind lhc Gcnml EIcclrIc nnu VIII do um um III III Ihl In modem dcvlc lhll um wIll IM to In lllllKHVD Mu ol your hIlLIlcn om DAILY AM PA 89288 She and hat husband have 13 other chlldren by prevloux nuns times Three 1m in their one bedroom home Wlth only one bedroom 11 going lo he little crowded 5m Vsnld put Idded Ingma The mother Mm Ines Marlo Cumo d9 Prick has let be bed or Inert spell on her Bnblnlon the first born weighed Ihrea II 155 ounces 0U second born hm pound 49 ounces and MAHO mm born out pounds three ounces mixture of modiï¬ed skimmed milk and malt In In ad to he qulnlupleu with eyedmppert He said that AttorneyGenera Fred can has the second upon an Investlgallnn into the alrn of the Northern Ontario anunl Gas Company don Lavalac also Progressive Commllve member at In legislature or Rum The NDP Ith also churned that or over nu years now the Progressive Conservative government has deliberately allempked In withhold the story of the NONG scandal mm the public 1783 Priced From Friend MICDONALD Trad wnh Trad