Barrie Examiner, 10 Sep 1963, p. 4

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in Nnum ln1mllflumcfiw ulb Audll dun In II llm an III um 2n nunammme muu llml 3Lfm in umm mum lulmllu Jud Ar ave suspended sen ence to armhnnd urged wiih stabbing his Bradford emrloyer wiih rilchlork on account of we signed pe iiion rum neighbor ukin mercy Big Bay Point Gordon elll war raved from drowning by quick Iclion ol iliurrny Lounl Large Audience Grand en llouaa Frldny night for When Lou Xl King goriraycd by Villlnm 0w on Ind lcConnell dlalingulahcd ulorl Mist lloimee will open her elm In china pllnllng drawing and dnncinf next week been reldy iii coal order Phli Lave he on hie pro mcll DUIu IMhun In mn nu 733 Ln III In Barrio Northern Advnnco Aufiuai 21 1903 lien liialkin lost one of is best cows lilondny night struck by lightning whlin pnsiuring on flat at corner Mary and So hia 515 Steamer Enicrprisn raised as week by aid of wn fire on In alier leak in stern plugged vcr ram llunlsvillo Nnvignlion Co his will bu lowed lo lnckso Point Dr rcpnlrs Iuhln Artnnh MM ma nun 7M animal ml mum at mu nun Innn IIIr7 lulu mu Innnu IllLl MIAMI IIIIN LAID 09nd mum 60YEARAGO IN TOWN These proposals constitute good sense However in limiting the benefits to high unempio ment areas the government is leaving tseii wide open to oiiticai re percussions and even to or es oi lav orilism Much more feasible would be plan to olier he benefits of tax holiday and Writeoft of machinery and depreciation in all districts in the country outside at llhe big metropolitan areas of the na on It Is fact of our Canadian economy that business and industry especially Last week the government mafiped out 35 labor market in Canada ero special tax treatment wlll he offered in bid to attract new manufacturing and processing industries Iax plum In these socalled designated areas of high unemployment and slow growth would include holiday from income tax for the first three years of opera tion There would also be Last two year writeoi of new machinery and accelerated depreciation on new bulld mg The federal government has taken first step to create jobs In areas high unemployment but it has not gone far engugl Should Not Restrict Plums HaveNot Areas Of Canada Tho Barrie Examiner DIVING MAIgill Ill uuuv my Ammu WHILE JFK LIKE ALGTaFTHe aesras us mvceurrtb 9° mu ms owu BAcKYAgo HIKITA no yuaommflm Wills Musha rrs Hummus 11 Fauna Womb DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by CanadianNéwspapen Llnjlted 16 Hayfield Streep Esme Ontario ourI1 Brian smxbfldenera Mung mun mums no us HAPPY HOLIDAYS uuml lnemmn gnmnl rmhom which won Kin Plus of Nathaniel Dyment of km hi on II to be do urayed II In In mm 11 ham mum blood whoan If the government were to broaden It plans to cover all the have and havenot areas exclusive of the metropolltan com munlttes there 15 no question that bust ness and industry would act qutckly to take vantage of tho Iconccsslons bred Scotchman born In Canada mn nlllcenl specimen of Scotch Thistle nlno act In 11 ht ntdpglltccl diameter um wuuaamm Barrie wnn ore industry and so does every town in Slmcoe County They face serious dlmcultlcs now In com el ln with the big cltlcs for risk ca tel should they face addllione ob stacles to im rave the lot of areas that do not have nduslrles and may not get them even with the plums offered by the government Wu no Avillablllty markBlsyi important but it could be secondary condition to firm whose products are sold coastlo coast To iocate elsewhere industry must have other advantages to attract them Such enticements would include low taxes available land at attractive prices and good conditions or ernpioyees nLxm industry has tended to concentrate in the big cities There have been rea sons for this insofar as business and in dustry are concerned Industries want to be near markets and have the advan ingu6 secondary industries at their donrsteps 1d Ii but Dr mm In bul Md um um ll Ihldflf twm than unamggw lllhl II II llleul In mm mm and not In othm All ml or can dc II point out um mm mm ryomlxll mm or flu com be Inch um the VI blhlu nu by um Ivm tlmu mud mm In huh MM Ind VII luv lnherilod Ilmllu m1 humml ml nuu In Ilasun In named In IL chlldrfiulln rum ml Hun poulblc but In no mo nlplgd Dnr Dr My Ian Ind my lllllrl dnulhlrr Jn lend lo be mumd nun II lulu1 my with bul bolh lhum In nl In tlllm ll ll mud or llm coullnl mum may lay It In men on In um um Wlml an do 14 ml Mm lllhl2 qu11 Mullu urn cant llvm enllrely by HM book All Ihe lulu luv la be wclxhod and your an load unmpla IIWIHOII in whlth lhe mull ndvlcorrpalr Imm uurlk cnllymly Iml b0 bul You wlll not In any nvenl be very lcllvl or under heavy phylicnl Ilrlln Iullnblu Irun run In llllcd lho hrrnll may remlln under ulhmlnry capjrq lydfllnlloly Sumry ll lensihll wn only your ue lo mnlcnd wllh my main palicnll mm day no oldcr Hum you But be hml tondlllnn add can Ildtrnhla rllk Ind that II why your Ilaclor quuu the mo of lrun llr Hnwcver In your use rcndlly um wllh yaur daclor AAlruM In the bell wlullnn which in very dlnnr nun Ind mun be mum at once hernh dou not let helm by all ll un only be como wnm one the It misery conlendinx wilh lhu hernln And as well the leg dunxcr It pmlnxdlnz through the abdominal wall and beln upped lhrfqg Ilrangulnl am no year old and hIVO Icrlaus hem Irouble um In tapicltalu me My doctor ad vlm Ihnl Illtla or nothlnl an be done at the hem except by Iurguy howevrlhll my not lucmxlul II muesli lruu at do My mirthBA Surnryrh 1H max allecllvo lrtjtmml htrnll Dear Dr Molnen hIVI d0 valopad lnzuinnl hrrnll 1n the 103m r151 swim By JOSEPH MOLNER MD there wu lur prisa or tom peoph hem out thin lgOK To DEBATE inmr TVInlemt ls cuntrlnz on the debuts Sept 17 Then 1m been only lhs one telecast with Liberal Leader John wlntmneyer and two cnb Inst minim Téievblon Also they conlider will he raluxrul jmpqfilncg mi limo wrltl In Do emy to My Just how every one may make outgon um And leader of III three parties are balding pm non lerences worneven sum to name centre just to meet the TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH And you found you wm right The um poll nhnwed the Lib era Ind better than 40 per can of the plegtontg In the early mm of tha 1951 campnlzn for instance leml Leader Walter Thomson was mnklnl In at new and nohe but you tell he wasnt gown nnywpere You might be able to mm trends But the poll AVG xou the backing to knnwrwhether Yoy ygere pally on egg trick But of hiya to the fee In electlnn It hu beg invqllgmble The poll hu bun crllléhed walkway In the pup TORONTOTm will haunt gullup Pollln lhh onllrlo 91 on And thereby on mpollllul pufldlll 1354 trlepd QUEENS PARK 1First Cousins Wish To Marry non ommm Poliiiciansasfrgggff Présé Iihfiblftanéé Advlh 09 Chlldun l3 Yum Ind Undlr Flu Fm LII Sungpmdod Open 730 Slum Dunk You probably are rplcrring to cancer the cervix and no In an Some slallsllcs Ihnw Um Jewish women apparently have In cancer hocervix Jun why In not been deter mined SHHNIY BRY PA 8439 Thibrl Iml Drlvuln BRkRIE Soulh Wm Thu ole Thu Plcium Lllllo Road In the Cliy Bflwnn Hwyl 400 and II Ihlu lrub and whyIMn run of metal sagments walling for the tunnels Inlng down under the earth But for the met art this warlr had gone on unnot ced by Londona millions of people But their curiosity was whet ted when publicatinn known as Peaca Newa came out bald iy and drew attention to tht work by claiming that very large network at deep shelters is being built and as into some detail referring to materlal which ha been classified or secret alnce l9 This material it npvean has rrow been cleared the aecreey announdlng It was broken even before it be came classified in 1951 Some newapapera published informa tion about the tunnel network before that date MUCH SPECUMIiDl Then wax mud Iapeculatlon to What was lolnz on One newapaper prior to 1961 said MtINlYRZ noon LONDON Dyer period of the last cw year an extensive netwark of deep tunnels costan mullahs of dollars has been un der constructlnn by he govern ment The tunnel extend rpm Whitehall tn BIoongshury and mm the City aflondon Lathe West End Yet law llan¢ll lInve been aware hese tun nel being dug underlhelr clly Keeneyed clllzexu might have become wrlous at the sight contracton truck carting Away and otclny mm screened bor Theleeral Iender ever ym man In his first lppenr Incan now that wonder bunny not ovmhadéw Mr Robam And Jami Mom five 191b pnrtlculnrly 1mm whg have not seen Mr Winterme mm the husllnlothnt Pram er RobIfll would ovar $vlhndawihim In It HURRY ONlYl MORE DAYSV TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY mo Hfit TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY REPORT FROM ILK III In II lumk HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE THE INTERNATIUNALLV PLACCEAIMEDLHIEh Explpdesv Myth About Tunnels OUTSTANDING ADULT HITS FIRST DRIVEoIN SHOWING l7 pmmmn ym MY II Tutlulu Illflm IARDUI JIM DOVER fiKiKRiiiiNNE So lhe myth that those tunnels were purl of the gavernmcnln prcpnrallon or nuclear war has been exploded although il ls qulle possible Ihal htre enough wave the network lhal could he uscd to give poopla Ihnllcr lhould wnr coma along Peace News dcscrihes the tunnel palhetlc prepara tlun and probably Inadequate galnst the blast and fire eftecta of an Hbomb on London All Ihls speculation however 15 wide ol the mark New the truth out The network oI tunnel Is not Intended as vast rerles bomb shelter or anyone although It mlxht he Important In the event at war It Is In Iaet merely an under graundcxIcnslen cammunlca Iona systems bclng built Inr thoGeneral Foal Dulce THEFWHA below London has became an eangesterl with drflns uwera cables lube rallwaya underground garages threevlier eellan or new oIllce blnelu trame underpasses and the rest that It now necessary tor the Poet ollico to burrow deep under the around In provide were far Its cables Another speaking In more vague terms reported lhat An underground network at alum ima fortresSta hum below Lon don to house the cahlne and othar key people In war has beLn written all as useless ngg mm Al um The Immune said Ihe tunnels were below Whitehall Halbnm Victoria and Leicester Square Haring can be scen going on in Houndsdllch an Ihe ensum Edie the city of London on Lud gate III at the end Fleet Street at Kings Cross In 30 vent Garden and even on the Mall not far from Buckinghlm Palace Mnnylhuudrbds of civil vanls are working In deep under xraund tunnel hum below Lon dqn as government atom bamb shelters now largely abandoned or this purpose as not being Hbambvprool vLalcr all this isms national newspaper reported Enmnces to these burrow can be seen In Bloomsbury Staple Inn Holhom and Jun all Chnn cery Lme Damm was formed nesull of disclosure the legmngurg bommltlee Inqulylnu Into ha coltol consumer credit Inter est rates hlgh al 31 per can lhbtkld the commutes He announced the lormallnn var threeman board which will u¢mtinhe broker and deter mlna whether their licence would be renewed or cancelled TORONTO CF Anomcy Geqeral Fred Cm said Monday Ox pmflnce will crack down on mamas brokers whn rharle mutant Jntereal rates On Lban Sharks go qracknm omwa mom muni Bill Dnnltl pumml In hem am he wnuld not deflh hlmlel with the portion 91 the Ida mall nor with the like whlrh be drunk Lharzlon he queued In prince of the Innuth thl he mm no de flle hlmuupDMIel le God use perxon who will notngienlp hlmulf with um worldl alns At 730 am on the morning alter the long hectlc Ind excit lnx election night In April the telephone predictany rang In the how of Prime Minister presumptive Pearson Calls could be expected Imm ambl Llaus own seekers Em this caller was the mum of the leerll triumph John Con Dolly lhouxhl mlzhl Id ymummddrwandensgyour TODAY ON LY WINNER CANNES FESTIVAL AWARD BEST COHEM Senalor John Connolly will be ortmost mum Lhe new up minimum to the cabinet He was one he leader 15 Liberal mm which rebuilt the puny arganizniion sitar the 1858 debacle national pm Men 01 the Pam be lined up good candidates made Ihem en emetically nurse their com siiluencieu and then pinycd prominent pan In organizing tile iwo regent cpmevback elec lion rcampalzns by me UbeKi party nu umuvll iure Parliament mmmbles on Sept 10 AGE OF THE YOUNG The pattern oi this remodel line at Mn Peamml cabinet will largely consist replacing some old war horse by younger men Longtime politi cal service to the Liberal party has been recognized by some 11an nppoirmnenls Thu men have received their thank you and will be moved oi the centre the stage taking with film lhclr lllellme title oi Homrnble life member ol the Privy Council BIBLE THOUGHT likely to be Shpr Involving other cam net mlnhten This In 4m when circles 15 upwindm fore Christmas or mm him more medically In No vomber This is surprlsa since 3pm Idnlors had coanentIy ex acted the announcement at ca 1119 dungesi Ingudxlng gnu alumnus um Em nun Gorqqn be PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Finance Minis lor wum Lockhart Gordon will continue to hold MA pment cab ileifmbudfspue aillclsmungul gel proposed at Irnble means thg dealrabls and Canadian economic nov 11m evidenuy the cumm Intent ol Pflmu Mlnlsur Pear son consistent with his refusal to up Mr Gordonl real anon when ya gllemi LML shawl 100 Ind Cgbineijswfle In Thé Making REPTILICUS In Cohr plun DANOIIOU CHAITIL in Umled Nations liberals express doubt About 015 qualifications Ind perfum nnce oi Agriculture Mlnistu Harry Hay and Veterans Min ister Roger Teillet But not much can be done lo lmpmn upon the Prairie representation Since he only other Liberal MP lmm lhal distrld ll Ilia capuble Mrs Mar Knnalz whn will shortly no doubt be shin lng an uuuwuk Ion ismcntloued another cas Blty meucqblnet shuffle And mm the West mine males discontent that Jack Davis was not given one the 30 mu In preference to Northern Wax or oiéstry Mlmstgéujack Nldlal lube given cabinet posh less likely at this stage is the Appointment of Illa widely recommended but young John hnmor PosmaastarGen era Azellus Lulut Denis now Join dean at the House of Commons with Paul Martin il expected ho be replaced Mi nliplegr Bill Henldick rV run Th would lndlcau Lha Mr FamnuJa being acknow ledged as the Quebec laderal leader and hclng zmomed la succeed Mr Pearson leader of he Llhenl parly vioua Liberal administration teams to be unhappy at being urged lnla rallremen and um willing to agree am he took tho past on caretaker buls QUEEECSWFFLES The most widespread thaner In the represean of any province will Involve Quebec lion llanel Chevrlar may be appointed Canadian ambassa dor to France post he would fill wllh grant distlnctlon HI la likely to he succeeded justice mlnimr this column has prcdlcled pmlously by lmmlzrallm Minister Guy Fav problem told you II me that dont want linle was Now however his deserved Ippolnlmml Ill Iva blue bi coming post wi Senate leader In succth lo Senator Ross Mncdnnuld Butthe 72yearold Macdonald who was given Iheume post nearly 10 yam ago tn pm vious Liberal admlnluuwm WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 20 nauuum ROUND SHARE THE WEALTH SPECIAL ROUND $240 JACKPOT lEGION HAll COLLIER ST lEGION BINGO nndp qLmaqd or

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