Barrie Examiner, 10 Sep 1963, p. 3

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vi Will Illuminate Not Eliminate Barrie City Hall ran stein examines runsasr mmsaioflssE Eédet squadron Barrie uadron oi the Royal Canadian ir Cad began the training season sat night with the Issuing at stores and the signing on at new members Boys in high school or oi the ages is to to are accepted tor membership In the squadron trhlc had 58 cadets at the end oi is season otllcera hope to build the squadron strength to 70 this season Alr cadet training gm on throughout the year with winter training at Barire Armoury during the school season and summer training in courses at regular Air Force camps Basic courses in navigation meteorolo theory oi ilights engines drill and range Instruction are oiiered on regular training nights while special events such as trips to sea industry In action or to watch city Council sessions help illustrate what has been taught in lectures Winter instruction is given by civilian instructors and Air Force reserve otilcera When cadets go to camp however pay an Hopes To Build they ire trained by members oi the permanent iorce The normal summer campis twoweek course at Trenton ior more advanced cadets senior leader course is altered at Camp Borden It usltiiea cadete as senior NCOs Is their home squadron For cadetsst least 17 years old old ilying training scholarship may be won This course won this year by Sgt Gary linisson nault oi IhItenham and Fit Sgt Peter Murdock so Mary st leads to qualiiicatlon to take the private pilot licence examination Also oiicred during the sum mer Is an exchange program This program took W0 WestgarttrTaylor to Britain last summ Exchanges with the US and Continental European countries are altered as well An Indication oi the impor tance and seriousness oi air cadet training is that the Air Force will give recru who have corn letcdthreegye win ter trainn two summer camps month advance in seniority Barrie Firm Is Low Tender or Sewage Treatment Plant Four tenders were opened In Council last night ior the sew age treatment plant addition on Bradford street Lowest bidder wsa Emery Engineering and Contracting Company Ltd at Barrie which submitted 39t5739 bid with clause that the work would completed within 40 weeks er contract was signed Next low bidder was Schwep ger Construction Company Ltd at Burlington which proposed to erect the addition in 51 weeks It cost oi 3910098 Highest bid was received from McNamara Construction at Ontario Ltd ibrontc st bimodal to be completed within 1s weeks oi contract signature To illuminate or eliminate City Hall that is the question But It was quickly rephrssed by Mayor Les Cooke at last nights Council meeting when he tesd part oi the Finance Com mittees report suggesting flood ilghtlng equipment to eliminate the iront and sides oi City Hall Aid Gerry Roberta shot to his loci and asked the mayor Did you mean illuminate or allminstet hisyor Cooke did doubletake and reread the portion oi the report this time ncludlng the word illuminate Aid Frank licraey presented his committees report which recommended City Manager Wal ler Glgg investigate the leasi biilty oi installing brackets on the City lllll to carry flood lighting equipment to lllumln ate the trout and sides ot ths building its said The present lighting system was outmoded and ob is When the two poles in iront oi City all were taken out our light standards wcra also removed II we install Trumpet Band Will Rehearse lit Market Building The llsrket Building will ra lound to the trumpets and ac rompanylng instruments oi ths Kempenirlt Trumpet iland this winter City Council last night gra request irom am the bands that the youths be rsclise in the secretary rmltted to ullding on ursdsys and on any Tues days when it was bis The isrllitics oi the building wrre granted irom September to April on condition hat everything he tell In the same tale as It IiIsyor LesCooke sent the lenders to the Public Works Committee AidF Ne ton acting chairman reques ed the mayor the city man ager and Ald Gerry Roberts chairman oi theICitil Develop ment Committee to present at the meeting The extension to the present sewage treatment plant will an able the city to treat and re move 05 per cent or the solids in waste water bringing the citys eiiluent to Data Water Resources Commission stand ards At resent the plant re moves any to per cent of solid material htsyor Cooke asked the Pub ic Works Committee to bring report to the next council meeting new lighting system now it might last 20 or 30 years His original report was amen ded by Aid Charles Wilson to read Front and sides Instead oi iront only People coming up itiulcsrier street can get tine view but what about those travelling along Collier strccti salted Aid Wilson To suggestion irom Ald Roberts that the money should not be spent because oi an up coming move to new court4 house Aid Hersey replicd This is City itsll dont need to say anymore The Finance Committees re port was unanimously adopted Little Damage In Accidents No youths were slightly in lured when the motorcycls they wera riding collided with car at the corner oi llsyiieid and Sophia strets tow minutes ba tore clght oclock last night According to ilsrrls police ltonald Jose Ripley re Angus driver and Is passenger Joseph Sydney times It Alliston auI irred cuts and bruises The motorbika hit ths right rear tender at car driven by Cecil George Cooke as at Letitia St Damages amounted to about Almost one hour later lira Investigated the second an Isst accident at the day at the comer oi Steel and Nelson streets car driven by Robert Charles Clliiord 40 Itt Steel tit coll Idcd with one driven by Wayne Pater llrgdonsl I7 co Newton it There were no iniurie Da mages auiicred by both cars tot alled about $150 itoih accidents are still under investigation 801 BMW BOISSONAULT Tottenhom leiti and Fit Sgt Peter Murdock oongratu The widespread issue ad popular complaint oi ws being installed and dug up installed again was labelled shocking waste ot public iunds by Aid Frank Hersey at Barrie City Council last night lie said When the curbs on Kempeniclt drive between Nel son snd Vancouver streets in taken out in raised low ered all at terrible cost In the opinion oi the people in the area MANY TIMES Relerring to another slrcct Orchard drive he said Now that the present curbs had been put in it looks attractive But one side oi the street was on titled in and dug again Ths also occurred in another where the curbs were to in one lace changed and put In ano erWhertthe curbs wcnt they were put policy report irom the Public Works Committee oi City Council on problems in volved in sidewalk rccunstrue tion will be made available soon Aid Newton said last night Speaking ior chairman Aid Fred Smith who is on holiday Aid Newton said the problem consisted oi knowln who was to make the dcclson that sidewalk needed to be rccon atnrrtcd Some walks are in so poor condition that they could raise our insurance premiums ior liability he added lie asked council members it the Public Works Committee should wait ior the this ang incers report on sidnws ks or wait until someone tripped on the sidewalks One at the licies to be Iron ed out by committee in cludes the question oi who will ay tor the sidewalks once 81s decision has been made to rebuild them Aid Newton mentioned number oi loca lions in Barrie where during ths wintcr and lows were un able to get to cm because they sank below the curb line It reicrred in particular to si ewslk on North street Aid Cherra Wilson asked council that the committee be commended Ior lta decision to bring about new policy 011 ITEMS Other items noted In the Public Works Committee rer port were that torrid chiri Inspector Air Pollution Announce New llenling Substance Shrinks liica hshhahodhgntbamemleshfl Isasubside aadnpir dauphinuh senornut rearrh Institute has bound unlrue hesitn sattame with the shitty us ahvlns hemor rhoids MpltlilVltlhin Till DIET lN Till GUI WWW ayrrrruaa WALIIR llll WHIIIV Ill walrus am Insllfimfihm Inhaled but II aaae alter nee while genin hilovilg falls arlualradursinn mirthca place Ilae baamar uI fllMsltl mm that this Immora Ise asamrsIaA one tartrd mass an anti noun tinDy ridre up an bu MHODWIDMIM Is not seamdam rem oiled littlestllflni III mflmm he were in they were reportedl late each other on the com pletion at flying training course this summer Comple tion at the course won the trio sensor cnnncrse Changing Curb Sites Wctste Of Money over two storm sewers This or is shocking waste oi public iunds He asked council to consider bringing some type at assur ance that this type at thing will not continue Ile de clnred he didnt want re organisation oi the Public lWorirs Committee but merely an assurance this wouldnt happen again Aid Charles Newton said wasnt aware about criti cism on Kempcniclt drive This is new to ma SEWERS BEFORE CURBS Replying to the part at Mr Herseys statement regarding curbs going over sewers he said in the ilrst place the sewers were In the area before the curbs Itlr Newton told council the committee had re rtcd that committee meet ng was held one night on the site in question and that 100 Committee Wants To Know Who Decides Repairs Needed Control Ontario Department at llcaiih will report soon on survey mad oi the Barrie arcs deputy city cngincer Sugg be appointed Inspector tor the city under the Construc tion Ssiety Act and that Gen Tsmblyn city engineer as the contractor to proceed with the completion oi Grova street cast extension to the new Grove Street School as soon as possible to iscilllsio comple cadets theirwings as dualiiled iiycrs They met last night at the ilrst parade night oi Barrie Air Cadet Squadron per cent oi the residents on Orchard drive came out He said he stood on the storm sewer and pointed out to the residents where the curb would pass its not as bad as it might look bioving sewer tour tent is not costly thing lm proud oi the Job we have done there Had we moved the curbs Instead oi the sewers dont think we could have done better to Aid Roberts askcdti Aid Hersey had actually observed the digging up and it so did he take any course at action or did he come here to crit icizei Ald Hersey re liedLhe had contacted the chs rman oi the committee Aid Les Joiliite member at the Public Works Commit tee id had heard oom plsints about the tots on Kemp entelt drive not being sstisisc tory and went right to tire scene SHOULD CHECK lie emphasized dont think you can listen only to what everybody says You should check it bciore you come to council Mr Joiliiie said be checked out any iniormstion he had heard and added think Aid iiersey should do the same At this point In the verbal barrage Itld Earle Wlilinms moved that the meeting be ad lourned Council did shortly aitcr 030 pm my EXAMle WANT ADS tlon oi the new schoo arrows an arm MRS WESTGARTHTAY Lott at Burtonltvsq passes out hot dogs to some oi Bar rio Air Cadet Squadrons Beautiiul Barrie Is Threatened By Ugly Weeds The role oi weeds in preven ting Barrie from living up to Its potential as beautiiul city was noted in communication to City Council last night Mrs Jean Gable oi the Barrie Horticultural Society told the at dermen that council should re view use methods oi control of weeds so that more action could be taken to ridding the city oi unsightly patches She suggested that the pro visions oi the Weed Control Act which limit public action to nox ious weeds deemed poisonous or injurious to the public interest were too confining The matter was referred to the Public Works Committee ior study and action Permits Parade llnd Tag Days The Barrie Kempenicit Trum pet Band was given permission by City Council last night to hold parade Sept so at seven oclock in the evening The par ads roqu ls irom the CNN sta tion to the Barrie Fair Grounds The Canadian Save the Child ren Fund was given permission to hold tag days Sept 27 and 28 bylaw was passed last night enabling City Council to present Private lllli to the Ontario Legislature at the next sitting to allow the City to grant the YhiYWCA building fund St 000 year ior be next 10 years It bylaw closing traiilc south oi the Yacht Club entrance on Johnson street below railway bridge was passed aIIcr little discussion REGAN IN iNDiA The Buddhist religion began In India some 2500 ycsrs ago newest recruits Leit to right Ted Piowrlyrt 213 St Vin cent St Garry Schlaht lid Rose St and Ralph Johnson till Barrie sample the wares oiiered on their ilrst night in the squadron Esl aminer Photos vnsw TEACHING Millililli new leaching manual ior the Custodian Army is View ed by Col hiiiroy DSD CD centre Director oi ltilli Iary Training Ottawa during his visit to the Camp Borden bascd Methods oi instruction Wing lie is accompanied by the new iii of Wing 0C his lor it Graves CD ion and Capt Ford CD right Second in Command of the ill oi Wing The new Church Parade Next Sunday Church Parade commem crating the listtle ot Britain will take place next Sunday morning in Barrie City Council last night grant cd permission to RCA Station Camp Bordon to march 200 men imm the Barrie Armoury st 10 oclock slnng Duniop street to the cenolsph Atler 30minute wreath lsylng ceremony the parade will match up hiulcaster street and break oii st Collier to manual written by members at the III at Wing replaces the previous manuals Pring clplcs and Prnctises oi Good instruction Ports and Ii usch as Army Icaching guides since about Col htiiroy who had previously commanded the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School Camp Borden visited several major minor lng schools during his one day tour National Dcicnce Photo proceed to Trinity Anglican Church or St hlarys Roman Catholic GrurCh Barrie Police have been con tnctcd with View to control ling trsiiic Young Socreds Change Oiiicers ii The executive oi the Young Social Crcdit party was recently changed as Ed Jennings tor2 mcr prcsidcnt accepted new position in Gravenhurst lho new executive consists oi Malcolm Gray President Bob Blnin viccprcsidcnt and Emily Gillespie secretarytreasurer We Art Evans The Ilnrrio District Con trol Collegiate addition is one oi the many projects to which through the ciioris at Art Evans and his to operation with the liar rlo District Collegiate iloard the Provincial lov ornmont has contributed subsiontlnliy lo the cost oi construction 0N SEPT 25 V01 EVANS Ari ON SEPTEMBER 25 var so neasacr ART EVANS YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE PUILIINID IV 7M IIMCO CINIRIV PRMIISSWI CONSIRVflTiVI

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