Barrie Examiner, 10 Sep 1963, p. 14

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2011 11 mu hm om year munmini Imich Mamba whm he plum ullly lu IMHM our lonvn nl ud mm Carnal rand 0mm my Batman The um ound on mot Mn hm wn flopped Ivy voila CHANGE NAM TORONTO um Hyman lnflllulc ol Technology Ihlch mutual Nomi mm nod em mom mun dumb hm iupmfnm nu my Mn IIIZJHT Ml TOIIUNIO ll Thu Hvr nwnlwr Olinrh mm Apt pm ulmnlnwmly lumlwd nn numl Monday hy Aynnull llnny Vllmn of Tumult nunlml rnpllnl munkr rouvlnlm He hm Mm unlrncnd In In hmle 13 Wllnnn mu mqu ldnl lnll June In llw January nlnyluz ul Wllllnm Fun Younz bl Tmnuln wlmu Iwnlrn nml nrar man Indy mu mmrl mm In mmnmnrrd Inno vmy hrm flfllllill WlllK fiTOIlMilE TORONTO ICI DnPdll unrk Muwngc on lhe wnhwrsl mhwny wan nnlrrrd Monthly Iny unlnu MUM arm wnuruc Inn work wmu hlllrd by mar Mumulrr hm 211 ll Iler erre Wm nuImI In Inulh Mm UNI lvuckcl nl Hm crnxw whhlll ufllnt mme FUNDS SINGM liuulerll The Slnxnporc unvurnmvnl has lmzm the mm of three pow mm labor unions In nu nuunm In atop llmm 1mm mlng Hm money finance their Cum mnnisl dimliven In nn mm In hall Um Mnlnyuln Fulrrulhm guwmmrm lemIml Mon day mld ll would mum Hm mmvy rumnlnml In lho tmlil ol Hm unlmu SOVIEIS WILL HELP UNITED NATIONS AP 50vlut Dnlcaale Ambassador Nikolai Fodnrcnkn declared why his country would spare no alien to overcome USSo ifl differences on International tanoperation In peaceful uses oi nulcr space Dulugnlcs ex pressed appreciation for what hey called Fodcrnnkna moder nle lone but lniormed US source caulionod lhnl mnior difference on some lnmzslnnd inc issues blm rumaincd MA ET GUEST ATlill Greece Reuters Princcs Human nml the 3an ol Snowdnn were the aural King inul oi 6mm nnd Queen Fmivrlkn nl dinner he 0an Pnincc Monday nlxhl mutt ummmnique snld Later My illltmkd llmimvcn con ocn by line Vienna Philharmonic mndndbd by llcrbcrl Von Knr nJun Al 11 am there wlll be con lcsls in weed naming lree nnm ing knilling and the judging campelilion allowed by dog show at 1130 am Most homes have dag and if hr will be have and ls worth shawlng chn he should be In file conlcsL Noon is lunch lime and every one should have plenty of thls available as park is place where one gals hungry IT FOR HEAD THEFT WINDSOR hf IU yvry All schmls have he opportun lty lo lake part and the teach ers have the prize which have many clasm To run over Ihc various events we find sports at am including re lays lhreeIcnged races or boys and girls AMIwar wilh six to team hoys wheel barrow race and races or boys and girls various ages and dislanm Under field craps many items could have been grown in garden but lhe urban punlls say we did not have garden Perhaps however they dld not try to have one It garden must he started early 1n the spring and daily work ls necessary all summer to keep ll growing and producing the samples that will be shown at the fair Rules say thnt the item shown must be the product of he childs own efforts Both the anima and the pupil have In learn many lhings and perhaps the urban pupils do not have lhls opportunity START EARLY This means lhaLpuplIs omen Ing these classes must have worked or some months with their animals fitting leading and training them to have chance of making prize takes many hours long hard zflm during the summer to ring an animal to polnt where it can be to enter such contest There have been comments that the Ipir is mostly set up In give nyphriuniiies to farm children Perhaps more are some competitions 51161 as live stock that apply specialiy arm pupils The class or bee calf pure or grade which gives awards or Showmanship and the same for dairy heiim in clude painL for fit well The Township Schavi Fair which will be held Sept 19 in ilnnisiii Park offers piemy of opparlunilies or ciliidren lo wig prize iorfiheir school ltTEE BARR manTUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 INNISFIL NOTES WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF School Fair Offers Many Opportunities By RGS all Dlmdny ll nu prnhlld ln Bummln burl Mr Hohnbvehrfimalr nundlhcburduanhnM llalmhechef limited 1011 Jun mm mm 00L Mal la Wlmlm ll pan and um Hurtinm mmmfumiTAS LEAVE MEN WINNIIICH CID 11w Inlq In lulu 000m Norman Humbecltr nmmlnuu WInnL pm ml nogtbnnl Nfllil GOOD Mm WINNIIEO Iuhn lllmh rmer Illmlor 01 um MnnlMm 111mm Crnln my Ilw lkllmlhl Inr Iml an In Int Mllllrlpplnl lhu luwlr lle nunrslnl Canada In Ann In lw In Hutu nl 1mm uplonlmq luck 01 um rnll pcrlurmrrl ONIIRM AWfl HHGINA CPD 51w nl mum Hum 50 Impfdfil nlerplnl ulrknm mm mwmu Sniknl rlwwiln nllllllllfl hnvn howl mn Hrmml by lnlmmlory lull llm pmvlmlnl hmvllh Ilrpmlnlrnl nnmlmwl Mnmlny Hm mum Im Um Immmml MM Inlm nlnry lulu lmvn Ihuwll nlm ullw mxvmlnl cum AIM Inn Ilcknou wm Illnum mum by nunr vlmm FORMER MP DIES EASTMAN Que CIlIlnr nhl nlmmlh Innncr nwm her lmllnmrnt lur Verdun HM Monday In lhln vlllnxc 90 mlch mm Montreal Mr Mmflcifll lmxrmlvo Cnn Mnnllvo mrmwnlml he Mant rml whmlmn rldlnn In Hme ul Cnmlnufln mm 11 In 1062 In vrlvMu We no wm nurclmnl PLAN PLANE CONTROL OTTAWA CF An air ruf iic comm system or hlngy lng nirllncr over Canadas Far North will so nio opcmllon Sept 26 the lrnnspori depart men announced Mnmlny Its main lob will in to km the planes well upon lrom ouch other It will not nflcct lowrlcvcl aircraft min as hush planes Unfitd sane combine have came inla Saskatchewan In help humst he 1963 when cmp the provincial nnrlcullurc Ikpml mrnl snya HuIcMwn dl rector of agricultural rcpmscw lullvo services with line provln cinl depmmm sald Friday lhcre have MM 114 mm In uvd lo Alncricnn mmhlno own on in name Wednesday The school will become the nyerson Poly lechnic lnsiiiuio during aiiiciai ccrcmonlos marking lhe opening or nww athletic and Madcmlc wing Whilo an the subject airs we would remind our readers of the Worlds Fair held in On Inwnship today and inmormv Here is somelhlng Ia be seen here illnl the big exhibition did no havehurse racing This is Ihn iirsl of he local all min this Mon Prizes are being uiicred by mnny citizens and firms upart trom cash awards irnm the township and county Awards are uiicred by Denis Sheard Cl Sprouie Smith Sunnco Sta tion Watson Comtructinn Mas scngule General Store lnnisiil Farmers Credit Union The Eniun Co Limited Ciifl Lock hart iluniers Pouilry Farm Jack Hood School Supplies Dar ling School Supplies Jack Weir star Youngs 16A and The Bap rie Examiner The prize at ered by these individuals and firms will bcprcsented the night or the Trustees and Ratepay nrs Associntion Public Speaking ContesL WORLDS FAIR is the one that surfers mqst annrjudgl lng as they are hard to guard The safety scrapbook Is warm whlle ellort or any pupil in grades or with the topic Highway Sam Nail driving for boys will show who knows how to hold hammer There are 32 clams under handicmflln which any pupII pay placeA entries Then there are 01 contests which may be mlcred by most pupil whelhcr uman or turn Under weed naming mill mus name 12 weeds common to the district real or mounted specimens Buys and glrl en tering the tree naming class will he required to idenllly trees PARADE At pm schoois parade starts it your school has not been doing some drlil already then perhaps your teacher think it is too much eiiart This parade thaws ratepayers what they are supporting with their school tax Manning and achoai yeiis give Each school an opportunity In shnw what can be done with combined eliort 3n will commence Even If pupil does not have an anlmal he can learn much by watching handlers and their animals in the shawring ll WITH CHOP CPI Almost 550 TAME 33 FR At special low prlccs ADORN 70 and 202 TAME AllANDALEpRUGS ummo CALDWELL bkués ummo Pun Ilia In your hull Cundmons It groom Lam tube Iwuun WI 620 or 117 Verichromc Punchromotic for excellent black white snapshols For SMART halt grooming ulwnyll El LSON Block Jersey Milk Jersey Nut Royal Dark Burnt Almond or Virginia Reg I9 KODAK FIlM BRYLEREEM 24 ounce Liquid Rog 5319 Gunoml Elomic Inside leod 40 60 or 100 watt Reg 28c ea F20 bamr FAST with GERITOL NEILSONS Mouth Wash Gargle 22 oz 149 For effective relief of COMMON7COLD and PAIN 25s 129 Kills gums instanlrly ORICIDIN TABlHS 545 gag2 nu yZé4 ¢é 25 Wm lY alr Shuts off II On NAPKINS HUMIDIFIER FEMlNINE ymproms Hurhidifies gallon 695 value KOTEX Sunar or VAPOMASTER VAPORIZER 55153135313 15 Super BLUEBLADES LIGHT BULBS GILLETTE special FREE RAZOR will puldml 100 pkgfl 229 volul LISTERIINE ANTISEPTIG For reliefof pain fast The famous chocolated Iaxhtive Pleasant Gentle 36s 87c FACELLE 333 51séés 3ply MELOBONDED for strength wet or dry Reg 33 1005 1936 BAYER ASPIRIN ON EA DA W317 TABLETS Protect your fumily against vitamin deficiency 100s 449 value EXLAX Super or Regular Hs51c an mo ADORN 501 295 and 401 TAME 266 Multiple Vitamin IRON TONIC Sign 120 42 2mr83c 2tor49l 2mr99z 210350 2mr59t 479 119 113 Special Special 359 Spatial Special Special Special Special Special 69c Spoclal 66 DUNlOP 51 EAST PA 82903 89c 59c Special Special Special 801 mg 75c STOMAGH POWDER snccHAnm TABLETE WAX PAPER MINERAL 0ll IDASAL TABLETS MILK of MAnuesTA HALIBUTIVER OILGAPSULES AHOMAle Visit Our Store During September Sale Week For More Savings To You IOILET TISSUE 100 no LI 250 My 500 no 419 16 popular products in shopping bag Were Sorry WHITE LINIMENT 790 69 179 339 16m rug l39 ID Brand 100 ft roll reg 32c IDOLAMI SAVE 20¢ 3739 HARPERS PHARMACY Got one FREE bonlo of I00 whun ynu putchasn nno bolllu 15 regular 495 prite Own month supply VITAMIN MIIIEIIIIL CAPSULES Two For The Price of One IDA Brand Pain Tablets For Headache 300 Reg 99 126 PENETANG 51 PA 85407 LDA Heavy Grade 1601 tag 69 IDA Brand 1601 reg 57c IDA Brand reg for 29¢ DRUG STORES IDA Brand 1601 reg 249 V4 gvaln 100s 301 no 49 28o for 550 GAMPHDHATED OIL Mm veg 85c 495 GASGARA 990 value for 109 for 97¢ for 88¢ 79 219 11c 88c

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