DUNLOI ST EAST am under the supvmssion of Com munism Act This prevents In dividual from making public Hammond and aumding mach ings She must 1150 make Lckly mamu police PORT ELIZABETH South Mrlca lAPDLily Dldcrlchs trade unlon ofï¬cial has become the ï¬rst eqlorcd woman In the crawn cl seed pearls held he brides flour length veil of tulle Illusion She carried bouquet plnk Sweetheart rom Bridal mendnnu were Miss Wendy Boardman 1m Bar He maid of honor min Narma The bride was glvgn in man ring by her amen She chose flour length gown of white bridal satin which fell to chapel mm The bodice was en hanced by sham lace Jacket Melvine Wiley of Barrie sang the Wedding Prayer Ind The Lords Prayer The soloist was Accompanied by Miss Judy Slcssar ol Barrie Vows Exchangled At Holly United The bride Is Iha daughter of Mr and Mrs Graham ohRR Barrie The bride groom is the son of Arthur Fletchcr of Toronto and the hate him Fletcher reoepllon wa held Bay mln Lodge Mlnell Point al lowing lhe wedding of Miss Mar llyn Ann Graham and Willan Brian Fletcher Rev Warr alrlcinled llle ceremony which was held at Holly United church Slandards of plnk and while gludioli formed the background or the aflernoon ceremony UNIONIST BANNED The news Is knit new weaves new textures ncw colon wonderfully wearable wonderfully practical for your active life your leisure hour choose our knits or fashion this tall am In lxnllh smut MB AND MRS FLETCHER OF BARRIE II VI III Illlt IVIH can BM will In mum Mm anlinl Ilflill MM pan Said II II mun um gnu TREAT Plus 39ME¢CA way wn nests were pres ent from Hamillon Tannin Fleshcrmn me Lake Toner ham and Moose Jaw Sukar chnwan The couple receivzd lclcgram mm Calgary Alber la and Nanaimu British Cal umbia Wayne Sykes 01 Barrie lended the bridegroom The ushers were Roger Graham Barrie and Garry Crighlan ï¬mmlo For wedding rip the Northern United sum the bride wore silk dress gold and plnk with mulching ucceu orics while zardcnln cop nge enhargmd hu ensemble The WINE wnll uh up reiiqengg at Ivy The allendanls dresses were fashioned an the Min 01 in blue crepe Flower of match lng material and veiling were Imioned Into headdressex They carried bouquet 01 blue flowers lulu Shirley Grahnm Barrie slslcr the bride wax the flower girl Campbell TimMon and Mn Hugh Canon Hamilton brides maids PA HIM The annulment has been In nounced between Mk Nancy Gail Forbes and Gary Allan Sinclair The brideelm L1 be daughler of Mr and Mm Cecll mum Street and Nell Gnvln Grove Street 19 the cllydurlnl the weekend or Klrklnnd Lake Harold wlll mum second year nLudles It the Northern Inul lute Technology and Nell is enrolled at llm yen undenl EEGAGEMENT ucnuuuun Iii Fklmlnflf 541 reporter KIRKLAND MKE STUDENTS en 91 flqmnlo ySPEAKING DlgPEOPLEfANDi PLACES Marx took the advantages of strctrchwble Lycra with dairity nylon lace cups added new improved noncurl ltrfeloh straps The man the most comfortable bra onl ovaown Aboautifdbrawithhlovwngback and Emily boned front AALKERS l0 OUNLOF IT toxin you the am in winme Rosa The new improved stxetch bm 5110326 The club ulendl In Invita tion in anyone interested In IAwn bowling to meet at the menu Drury Lane and Sophll Street Sept 14 at 730 pm lienash menu will be Ierved alter flu games Mrl McFadden and Mn Graydon Kohl were winner of hill on or two wim with 40 polnll Followlu fumes In served by Mn Hilton Ind M55 John McCIw Onanmo winner were Min Mary McLemnn Ind Mn Flop ence Why with 29 polqu Bano hm Bowling Club tournament held Saturday wu won by Ibm Pnltendep and Mn Newton with Huh Icon at 41 point fur Lhm wins momelecl II the Ian ol ï¬r and Mrs Shel1r Inn ï¬lms SQ auu Annien Church wm In mllgl or the 11an wpddmx 8m 14 mxomo vmong 2111 Ind Mrl FM Mm of Ron sum spent Sunday In lbromo Ind vhltedMm Pony MIcPhemn ollSophln street Em who conï¬ned to Prl Me pp amp Tournament Held By Lawn Bowlers llolll om DIIIy mm In Vacuum lull um 10 ll NM mam ml mm 395 Nay Zealandl Iheeppopnlr Uon or DI 1m limo has pissed IMO 5000000 Imrk Latentrolum mud 50209 000 Ill Increase of per cent on the previous uason Thll amngnt to ma 10 sheep or every person In the country Dennll Tuscan while ln Bar celunn Spaln ended the Eur openn Trade Fulr and was guest Al cucklnll puny held by the Candim Ambasndor In Spain who was lnlnamelann or the Mr me Mndrld Den nln travelled In London E1an PM what he la now hollday nz PER PERSON rwmmcmnfm cm Mu Joseph Tusconl Connle nnq Jaeyphlvg returned Imm Wlnnlm Manitoba when they mendeï¬ Hll weddan Will lam PomIon Ind Mln Joye Hyzlrd Mr And Mm lhm Pntlenden Grave Slreel Eu wm my arm home or Mr and M111 Lioyd Bawermln Ul tovwal Sandy vm Pntlenu Pav Innerl HananL Lineman aums Toï¬xzlo Miss Mchlll an aeronautical engineerv urged member to take advantage of the new en automnllnn an demand equality or talent PHBLPSMN Mrs Quunelle Ind Mn Jmeph Min nlnn allended speclal classes or training lendm at 4H club he clams Wm held In Waverley and conducted by Mra Campbell Tna 11m meellnz the new Mlu EIsIa Mucolll or Toronto npeuklnz lo mvlnclal conler ence of tho clu hen xald It mar well be that Aulamauon wll be htkey to open door against vhlch women hava ham mud or nver half centur Ind will usher in full ua ll ygfklnz whmlnf WINNIPEG CF flu Illa llonal pmldenl I9 Canadian Federallon Bullneu Ind Pro mlnnal Womenl Club said Saturday automllou ln bullneu and Industry could mull In new deal for women PW Pres Says Automation Will Open Door SEE ADDITIONAL SOCIAL NEWS ON PAGE 10 New 4H Club Electa Oiï¬cers BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES layflold Thu lama volume belied by another method could can over $13110 per month Electricity Is Safe Clean Homeless More Efï¬cient tool FOR FULL DETAIIS CAll Indepundent surveys prov Ihnt more water can be hunted at lower cost with flat rate electric water heating than any other way YOU CAN use oven 200 GM or PIPING nor wmn EACH DAY ANb IT COSTS YOU ONLY mm ruliuu uu over 90 olilclcnt other mulhéashly only be In much 85 student ylha executlvam 10110 Pmldent Collette man vies pmldem Beverley ElUI lec remy Rosemnry ONeill nmr mil Annuv unusually Pmu oonvenm Duh Milk nln nd Lind Rutledge ly tuxmed 4H club the mum Waxken wu held It the home of Rosemary ONelu Six mum bm Wm prennt Ind the elec llonm uecullvo wan held 11 probe of the 0thde the year 14 wprklnz with we Matchless electric wafer ailing In pmvap go be mu any um PER MON 10 HEAT IT PERMANENTS numm 8mm worm um ELEGTRICALLY BEST LESS MINI Amt OPEN EVFtlflNul COMMISSION WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE You Need all the 200 mun mmmn ma TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu Aher maegmllnz Mn PI ONeill new lunch TIL Yum Mllu McFADDEN hummus and Amiga Plrk For am am Every Night PA GAltONS EM