Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1963, p. 4

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In In Amfnm noh Ibo hell yumM4 In Amwm um um um rm mm mm cm AM mm In mm lunam mm mum mm um um mun um me an It mmon um Mvuu In AnnIll nun mun umm mun Imuan cum lumllvllon an uulu mm Inn mm em null In nmm nu non mo mnnlm mu Unlnll mum mumum lonln um mm umuuf II Illu luaun HI mount limb1 In In Dilly 0mm AlmlllIM TM am rug In IMII amen Cumman Tum Ill CH Wu mom um um um llu cl Ill Borrle Exnmlner Aug 23 1923 Ed gar won 0m Football Lea uo ehamplon rhlp heatan Guthrlo 10 tlnal gnme Gama played at Alex Campbells lleld nay Slcasnrglnslde lett scored wlnnln goal Jack Roberts narrlo Golf Clu pro was In Toronto llnlnf up our blg name players or benetl match here proceeds to old Vtctorlnn Order at Nurs es Fred Foyrton ol llllneslng wrote nrllclo or paper eompnrln weather con dltlons past and present thls dlrtrlct hlln ldn Creswlcke won Ree Cup at Bnrrto Golt Club Mn Alex Lesllo won club champlonahlp and Mlu Inbel Lntd lnw won mldlron compellllon Robert Cralg ol Crnlghurnl Ippolntctl cnrelnker ol ounty Court House at 3050 or In num Seven oceupnnts 01 Au drlv on by Emnnnuel Smllh ot llmmerl clunr store empcd Injury when lt wenl of mud near Orlllll and rolled over llnrrlol tlm community Iln song wlll he on lrldny nlghl at Queenl nrk upon norcd by htwnnll Cluh wllh Edmund llnrdy dlrector ot murlc Ind Ernle llynn In song lender Allan llutchln non ngrlcullurll ropreaentnllvo for 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Campaign plans call or an nrpcil to Industry then to business and fully to citizens generally on doortodoor basis Many firms have consented to lnstltuln 1th payroll system under which In em ployee can nuthorllu deduction on vhltlrerdficvihcre neEcsvanrylvlélrlzlée minimum objective to reasonable tig mm ure In 1063 juctlve 15 $79650 This is up slightly over the previous years target due to various factors Including tho coat Index Basically however there are no rill Tkle budge c9191 nu This is an annual drive in which hun dreds of men and women participate It is directed to business and industry and citizens generallyi And it is care uiiy planned to raise sideliniie sum of money to finance operations of vlriaus Banie orgnplzations The United Appeal one of tha great Barrie community eiiorts will he inunch ethI tire end of this month no wumur lee i115 ruin many hours scrutinizing the estimated expendilures of the var lous rou mHNFnA United Appeal Is Worthy Of Full Support Of Public The Barrie Examiner If Had Kept Following That Sign Wouldnt Be Ppllowing This One Walk Publisher 112 martin DOWN MEMORY LANE Pubflshéd by Camdlln Nevispipm Umlted 4Q Bayfleld Skeet Barrie OflLuio Brynn shim Genénl Minuet MoNnAv figmmzn In Fm Furl Wllllnm llmcaJuurnnl Amunu mun mnny things whlch Unll 0d anlunl Ie orcu no luchln the Congolm Al can of 3000 ll lhu of chnnalnu dlnper Lon my on would run away wllh lbs 1ch Nut lhe need or such taming mum lho Conro backward country we Ihould rem nd oumlm lhul lcnl of thnunnda mth In Canaan cant do It ullher uauuuuuln Gossllng busy dcvcloplng muskrat tnrm Just outstdo town lcConkcy lamlltcs held rcunlon at St Vincent Park Oldest present was Mrs Clap sattlo Niagara Falls NY and youngv est Donald McConkcy ot Barrle 21 months It Goodlcllow who oper ated grocery More on Owen Street open td shoe store on Dunlop ln uloclatlon Walter Cooper formerly ot Nellla McCutchcon was manager Bar rlo On Cam our wlth oltlcu and show room In Wol ock Accompaniment or movies ever nlght at New Dream land was by are calradlrocted by Wln tor Myer vlollnlst Boavor llobekuhu beat the tolrphnno com anya Blun Rolls 3817 In ladlcs bal It Quoonl lark ltlaglslralo Jolt nlckod tlvo apecdm or drlvlng thclr autos at more than 25 mph on Hallway ll south Damn Tho Voods tho old Oercn homestead It Shanl Day was destroyed by tlro Wt son roporl od Ion at men than 0000 on lnal lnfl almclura bull colonel onrlnii iiViimfifiin1fi3£3finf1 WIN lmprovemvnu wm Added by Mr lDfl OTHER EDITORS VIEWS 10 Ilmclura bulllr rhyVCéIanelflizua film In 1832 Rohulllg bxgqlonol Ann umnyyulllllll Charles sngloy 20 Em Road dlcg In Port Arthur hospital from In urlcs lualllncd when he accldenlally cl lnlo holdyi lllfo alglmexflGlcnmouhl North Simcoo reported some rust when Ind crop might pardrlsnppqlngm Pknrln n4 The Appeal or Lets give our full support and mute adequllo backing for the nlno or nnizatlons whch could not any on out our help uncuurngc more generous lvlng With onlf one major pen an scrib er can in hls glvlng nslcad of Ippor tlonlng his nvnllable funds or great number of ogggnizallqns gummy The imp such an appeal is sci evident cancentrates campaign work within comparatively short period it takes advantage of the brains and ener glen at top man and women in various organizations and hold public attention much bolter than frequent drives for funds PErhapx must imporiant all it encourages mpra geneiaus giving Imn unueu Appeal has many advantages to contributing agencies and to the pub lic it does away with multiplicin of major campai and concentrates Iofti oi partic pating agencies weekly semimonthly or monthly basis This dJJwldgly Iavorep an LI mm Aavuluu un able sup otter to contribute more generously ban would be possible un der lum sum donation Unlte Appeal haxshmrany pdygntagg In Annunu qugygmo DIAPERS Bur Dr Molnen What about eye lunspllmn flawly xnlnl bllnd My eye medulla my noman can be done and um the trouble hardenlnl ol tho luluMR8 BW Your Ipeclnllst L1 correct It not pouiblt tramplant Ill Thu rumphnu which But unless these complch llaru mulling or nitrogen was tn the hlood In pre sent in rluht dlul ll balanced one Meal need not be lam but hey Ihould bu Illu Thul Important Om rule decrease In Iha mount 01 pmtcln may be necessary Your doctor will tell you about thistor most In the risk In usually loo mus rather than 100 much protein In idvancéd cases with chl ll of the body and tissues an lay hava In bemlrlclcd mm uu munuw nitrogen wastes Increase In lhe blood imam meunlng that my 13¢ elm dlspharged bnlunced diet at pmlcln cnrbohydrnle Ind la plus coursewveaehhles Imila milk and wmelimel vitamin sup plement In correct Ind ll very helplul vet good and and you may very well In clude you like II but there Isnt any lpcclll vnlue In It or cirrhosis Nuulheleu there proper diet Many clrrhasls alien from to may hns re used to allow simple medical lnslrucuons on diet and has sub lured In consequence Some In deed have Just on on drink lng Ind enunx lrrezularly and lhe result was that they than and their Live by many yea Eating bu of Hm too simple In answer you hm log hand or loot you cant grow now am by callnl plxs knuckles example nor row naw nomach an ulccraled stomach has been re moved surgically by calms tripeflnlal Just 1m lhu way things work fmbnbly didnt on properly moot quflllon In how much damage Ilcahol does Ind haw munh damn results from lmpmper eating hum whan drinking too much Some rifle you knnw hive clrr the llver aven they hnva myer consumed Myrn coho all Der Dr Mulder Ia Lherl uythlnl 116m at or do to helplmy liver which his been dadund nlcaho Soma new not on vldvlu ul lrlou ol HunIMF W911 161 face the Ilver has been damuad by alcohol than isnt much Ihnl can be done Howmr yan my Itlll IHVU Ind klcklnzor might bet yap lull lllVl boiler lay you are null nllva m4 mwgwmwu the 1m ltoo Amuch apd By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Vote Progressive Conservative in Ontarlo Togwougadooninmm chitn with Find uvlna dliflcull Than P5P can lulu you Alt any mambo our Ila aboul P5P In llloInumd pmonal Invlnal plan Diet 5va Ilfiportgnt In Livér Trouble runIn mum untilVI unvgnvnm MAM up cu IVANI An 3mm OWEIi iéérm An improved mum of ducallonll mints Complm cquliulion of xcvenun for Ill clcmentlry mhooll Axrccmcnu wilh lhe chcrll Government to encourlge technical Ind vocalioml Inininl Phyllul filnnAlmosl $70 million in grant or univmiticl Nudcd DONE Good Government Alemma support BEIIER CHANCE for YOUR CHILDREN mu In LEATIIVNY Llul éqJZJBHNK Mr WInlermeyzr In Int comet much beller on lhe husllnn than ha doe In the Home Formnr remit Leslie Front mm In uppmch And was no or himha wu won derful handmaker But It iaqu he in wrong can or 016 pmcnl lender In comm lo UM premier leeral Leader John Whaler meyer In looking much belle on mglpln Hll meellngs being ornn Izod rccepllons Then princlpnlly Ire hand fluklnl main with Mr Robam mk Ing law remark wgmxzmavzn nmsm FlnIlI hm ll lha quesllan the lype ol umpllxn In hes been planned or On pm mar from llmn to llmu In made righting hard awlnzlng speeches But Ihey have bean lhe exccpllan Most his ad dresses hnva been cnlm Ind de llbgrnlefl pitstntglloqa There also at course Ihe actor Mr Rubens hlmsell Inclined to be cool un rxrlnlinnnllawyzr II appeared than could be and reason for NHL Thu It was plannud And Iha the PC sirnlegy wal was In lb Mrly fluxes and put up lhelr his light In lhu flnll slam lbs campglzn 1W1 rucllon which miny people thared There wu lo comment on the luck lab being nhnwn by Premier Rm barn NEONToEicciiun min Fim reaction to Ihu clm4 paixn lrlil Iu th ilck oi spirit in ihu luvcmmeni cam najsn It means um um Induher nltmgen wustu products not being Idequnlely Maxad out by HI kldneyl In 0le wordl kidney tumblea Den Dr Mulnor 11M qrymlu Why trBA only via Imnll part th eye po on the cornea or ouler covarlnz The corml alomllmel be eomurcbuded or mmd mm disease nr Injury Ind nav onocan muna Ilzht Jun Malaan mnnd IIII win flow with cIea iius 731° $3 see through It For the come transpllnl to be ulectlvg Illa madlhuyamuubclngood wudlunn QUEENS PARK Notes Qualities 01 The Leaders By DON OHEARN an mu ulnl Bul does have both are And vllar He becomes lled up in hi IHMECI And can leave me Im presslnn belnz no Ierlous tonlllelextem ol beinl uni line has Em fan It that heer no amounnnl Nlii Luger DUKE MacDun lid In accomplished weaker And his Ippllu bumln Ind out olflle House He also beller thin coun try hand In the handshaking lauue M55 orgAu ABLE Heusfifl has the tendency tn Ko inln on much detallqhe Ilyytr Iahlt rah in fiery peel nlds up In good can luv his glghljnz mood yr Bdlfiwhcn hel an the with pain In emerge Ilggn fonfldenl Trhlsrzalild be becaIIse he has dislike for being regarded nag Yet he ftels thalulu do lcadcr of Ihe oppusllfon In the chamber 15 Liberal lender ollfln appear unsure HAD FIRST SUBWAY In 1m the worlds Hm Iuh wly was bull under Londonl River IllInes roan MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST CAKE MIXES MARGARINE WHILE THEY LAST DUNCAN HINES BUEHLERS PORK BEANS 35100 SOLO CANT KEEP mans AWAY POTATOES an 356 ch STEAKS 69° LIBBY no puzzled pigeon pro prietor told the town coun cil all no In mint Theym alter Ill 0min 11118003 ol hemA lien heramlly numed Homer Ind 1m nine fledzllnup Gan has tried Irmlnl Ihem out at the home of relum hm miles my but they he relumlnz to hit own bl 1rd CANADA NO TABLE PORK CHOPS LEAN MEATY Or so Gore in leller Monday the citylalhen vwho hnv ordmd him la ma brda out on mu nlgpnllyowned house UPHOLLAND England Am mum Gmn pa pigeons hep comlnr hams in most and lherel no Vfllyll hedan do ghoul Il FRESH CUT CHICK was 55100 LEAN LOIN llmilORT fPROMATUJK Thls year however lhure wm olher phae hands from dlmnt wunlries The pipe and drum the famous Gurkha from Mal ya were there And plpa ban from Ih Jordan Arab ll my In dlstlncllve Arab uniforms allowed lb Ind been wall Inlnrd in the pinyin hazplpcs As an added lulu llnnl with the Jordan Anb Ar The military tattoo premtcd glittering spectacle tram the moment at the snundhu at trumpet lanttml rpm the cast ramparts to the labutou grand finale Themusefi pipe band at famous Scnltlsh reglmenls in their wartcolored tartanl with the ribbon flying from thelr ptpes presented feast at color as they marched llld cnunler marchgd and not the feet the specular lapping they played rtrnlhspeys and reels Thus massed plpe bands in always Ihe most popular nature at the program and their ap pclrance bmuzht heartstirring applnusa On in evening when allehd ed and Wu lhilllcd by very moment of It there were hun Hred or Canadians in thallud Ience Tim was evidenced when lhe Announcer or the thaw ask ed ha Vlaiiarn mm vnrlau countries io show their presencl by their applause When he cali ed or contingent mm Cu ada ihu nmi mar of applause and churn Indicated that there had been mind an Invasion of Edinburgh hy peapiu ram Cun uria Only visitors from the Uni lcd States seemed to send larth greater valume of snund at the mention oi their muniry Military mm which is one oi the crowning tenure oi the iulivnl period 1L peclecie which people mm mm Iii part at the world In savor Ind eniox Idouh ii anywhere else in ma world there is anything in come rm with iL For three weeks packathe Itands built an the cutie espinnlde wiih between 6000 Ind 7000 people end all lilo min or Irenald many weeks in Idvnnce ny McINIYRE noon EDINBURGH Mumm Fesffigl Iteiiyxés Militaryu Taitoo 59c IKGS Wu Ivek not pleulnx mu hut Goa whch mach our hum ThenJenna 24 LBS Eternal lrulh mnxl be judged on thlnxeless eternal lllndlnh no lublec In popullrily contest The grand finale embodying the retreat lhe sounding oi the all post end the playing of liihis nut by lane piper nvi chcd on the highest paint the castle was impressive And then in the strain oi Scotland the Brave played by the massed pipe band and mlssod military hands the whole company at hundreds oi participants march ed oil the esplanade Ind the Ipeclacle was over The crowd spilled down from the castle dawn the hill inwards historic St Giles Cathedral and it was crowd which had lelt Ill the thrill oi wha tmiy believe tn be lhe wmld grutest Ind most spectacular event or It kind staged In the grandest etage that could be iound for it Ii contingent ni the Gurkha nrgscnlod realistic demonsirn lion clearing out Mllnyan jungle oi Communist ierrorisls Royal Army Medical Corp showed the technique oi hand ling cunnillu lmm jungle light ing unlll they were loaded on helicopter to be transported to hospllnl Popular Ind coloflul was dis play Highland dancan by flu klllad soldlm of our Scottish regiments In addition in the appearance the massed pipe and military hands then were some spedi ieaium ni Ihe pmxmm An in ovniion this year was demon stration oi firefightan Ind ras cut work by Illa Edinburgh iin hriande including lpeciuculnl rescue oi woman from human building high up on Ihu wile rampant ualnl lwieet high iade BIBLE THOUGHT plpcrl hero Ippeand com menlflam tho Desert Patrol maunled on camels wllh plumb esqua unilorms and accoulre mznu agacmynnuns BARRIE 00 00

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