Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1963, p. 3

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luy If will he an diuvlny lryhl lur lulu llhlmm ad mun lhm Hm 11m Ion llwrel lh llmlwk lauuvly nly pl mm chlll ml hm mn II me nnu In InVUvderifll all Mm known Ilu rand hog And not all lhnyu IMI uh huh mm who can navor ulch up with lluu avu donl mlly ump um flu moon Thoyu on Inny puru lenl Vlholunlnc mill and mllumM rnnlrd My ll Ira Ill hnr Ihnl Imak like lhon In Hm mmlel Aml on lrlrvllltm Thryll no mm but Ilrnnu mrm pul Hmi lulklu In um Thryll Ire llw llny Illnw lvmm lcllni mm In purndu nun minivanI mflmnII nryll no he bl an paunlul walk Imm ml mu nllll ml mhnntnle on mm mm up any lap hat and Infill Mr Thu mm mm me talk mum Brnrfinno uch ml rclurncd lo earlh for discovery Hm belunxl la Um children llundrull lhamnmh amnll try lhln In Inc Ker clllu nl lmlnyn world lvrllnf lhnl all lunrm Inn in lhau mm by IM Carlwrlghu Iml MM II Mllm II lunlnvlnu Irwlom type evrnt nml ulna mo and rhdllfaycry You danl WW um Inlr llml murh unllmtnl lhu Old Tam nundl GOOD EVENING umrlhinx pboul In Col Mllroy maku oneday Inspection our mn jor tralninz hook at Cnmp Bordon today Director of mllllary lralnlnz or the Can adlnn Army slnllonnd In awu he II 11 former director or while relations or no army and commandnnl In Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School Camp Bordon ThLI marnlnz hn addressed Iho Company and Squadron As well as those ram the oak vllle Ynchl Squudmn and the Royal Hamilton Yacht Club lhcre were slx enlcrcd ram lhs Barrie Yacht Club The trophy wen mm and lalhcr team of Rama from Oakvllle The Narlh Shora Snlpe Regal held anvlle on Sunday allmcted abnut 80 mm Porter led Iha HunE Snipes FEW PEOPLE took advan tage of the line weather and Kood music In St Vincent Park yesterday afternoon How ever lhasa that did mend MNNUAL COMPETITION Oakville Yacht Crew Bests Barrie Sailors INSPECTS SCHOOLS By STEVE JONESCU 933913qu QUITESO YOUNG IVE ANTLEM FONT WILLIAM Win CPI The rhumlvor com mom Full Wllllnm out wmrnlvd Ill lawn In wnlvm Ilhllmll wllh pair at numu mum They will In LIMIng lwrm Mn Flnl lay Hmlerurlrn Id 1va lhu vmnllllly cl molllrr It hurtl worklnx Mumvlte Many Hm IrIHIrrI wmmnll Inl nuulde Du Idlml er loaded down wllh growl 77er Job tluunl ml wllh In an llvryvo gal hul mm In hmlle Ibo ynnnr mu homr ml pmmn um he lb or mrnllc AMInu Ind 01 mm Fnlhcn Cm ynu mnunhcr your llnl day at uhon dnnl hul remrmhrr Hum III my dluuh lrr dlnl wan Inn at hm and ml Hue lay Imrk whm llm INIer Inhl mr Ah yell nwron somethan haul Um lull lnlr nlltavtr ll mumH my nnu of many In Ind out lhII county SCHOOL DAM Fnll In lol 01 wnrk lur many people Fur lhe ml nl lu lhryre tnlcrlnlnlnl nnd cduclllnnnl load home cooked nnd lruh ml and vezclnhlu Thu flvrnl llplay an Iomclhlnz out of this world lhe Iumy Hwicnl fluvial centre and tho Mclhod In struction Wing Alter dinner he vlsltcd tho Annound Corp School and lho Royal Canad lnu School Inllnlry Er nmlncr Pholo Commundors Come the Armoured Corp School nnd unld an oflclnl VII la Drlz Wlllll Moaak Commandant rdcn lemspgcged It looks lhough they will need mum axpulence to be serious contending with the Oak vllle sailors In their nwn lake FlNAl SERIES Th1 the second annual Inleh cluh visit Ike Barrie sailor lo Oakvflle followed by Sarnssy Fair Man chSsl Snrjeanlfind Park Ihomughly enjoyed tho music Barrio city Concert Band Quite Interested were Mrs McBride HI and Grif mm Bo bnlh oi Barrie MANur drum IIWIIIII llllll nlmwr If BAIT llnl PA II um Talus Mlvnnlane your prunnl lmurublllly and In luwrr pmnl um rum In Illoct Al younlrr urn ml nw dln ruu Lite lu nurnnco wllh you now DON CAMPBELL run he rink 6f bang unln llllllbh 30ml htnllh can bo louwlllulnrllluumddrnnuu THAT nearly In 25 prupln who wnnl Lllu lmur unto cunnal nbluln ll bccnuxa ailmpnlmllmllhlTlmlongcr you put of buying ndoquala Lilo Innurnnco Um more you Dld yE know moci ihi nvming In nil in Ailnndnie Thu mreiinz which llilrll at eight oclock MM lo pend lama iimu dimman pramm ho work on lho ciubl Irre zuiling operation on ll property Harrie Dhlrlct Ilunlm and Angler Conscrvallnn Club will meal thin owning Ihu Ornnn 1111 In Allnndnle An oifiruhlllng also Incalcd an lrounda tum ourfllnlng In Camp Borden Ihls morning for clnl prescnlntlon and drlll la shown at he Danlo Fnlr lnspcclur John Clark of tho llnrrle OPP dlslrlcl hood unr lerl Aald those men had previous tnkcn motorcycle course Klven by lhe Conadlon Provost Corp durlnu the Iummcr Jr on will be presented he three days of Inn 311 he lwccn 30 ppm Conservation Club Meets Tonight HA motorcycle Em or 11 Is Ontario Pravlnclal Pollca olf lcm began two weeks trnlnlng In Amn mm Next Friday the club mem ber will meet or all general meeting to review mson pm gress hear plans or the annual yearend program and dis cuss Important matters In the clubl future OPP Squad On Display fit The Fair Sailing conditions were mostly the drilling type inspiring the maximum impatience vn the putt oi skippers and crewsi 1n lie Snipe class Porter led the fleet Iollawcd by Saxjam Sarosay Park Manchester and Fallx Jun Inthe open chm Brnwnu led Muanren and Brett Yacht Club was the first In the In vvnvnnl Band thrilled about 100 per sons young and old St Vincent Park yesterday Un der the direction new con llflfll at la pend 11 Drum ubl Irre am wlll Um Inlr TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA H4 pnmmm of nnlerlalnmenl has been flanged or wives of docloro attendan the meellng uhlch wlll be held at the Con llnenlal lnn Guest speaker at dinner menu In Ihe evening will be Arlhur Robertson dlrgclor olVarlely Village DinR 73 rDclunerot Bnrrlc lell be chalrman the meet IIE Dr Bull of Toronto honorary treasurer wIll speak at noun luncheon and Dr Lockwood For Crodil who reuresenls lhls area on the DNA hard or Dlroctarx will report on lhe boards ncllvllle durlnz lhe pfsl year The annual meeting of Dis lrlu Na ol the Ontario Medl cal AssaultAlon will be held here Sept 13 There are more Elan 400 member doctor In Dis trict which Includes the coun ties of Peel York inarlo and Simcoe Updh refléétiofi fheféé the distinctive flavour of cool Labatts ef Beéf Oné look In the glass reveals the clear sparkling beauty of It all Labattsl Pllsener Beer without peer OM Holds Meeting Here September 18 duclor zHume the hand played nine numbers Th sel cations included wallzeg bal LabaflhPlsener Rear first choice béer of so many peiggflewf Mhm Ilean Desnlo 75 chef who played the ma lrod In score mnvie or 25 yuan of heart attack nvunuvll lklslnkl Edwin Unkomlns 6B former Finnish premier whu served prlsan arm as Sec ond World War criminal or hqnfl nllnck Gm Onl Brycs Hyslop 7a president Tip Top Banner Limllcd Greensvllle from 1923 um Inst May and past president 01 lhe Onlnrlu Food Produceg Agoglallon Delmll aerlncr Jr 71 former managing editor of the Detroit News or 19 years utter long Illness Sainl John NJ Judge Henry Mclncrney so pm but Judge for Saint John cnunly fax 47 years ey Duck 47 former director of international nrganizntlnns and budgeu or he Edam government and spe cial economic nssislnnl In the depnrlmen finance Bruehrldn Onl Kenneth McMillan69 circulation dl rector the Toronto Star and The Star Weekly otter outlet lng hear allock mum Charles Daoust 59 columnist and former spurts ed llor Ottawas hench lan guage newspaper Le Dmlt let music loblapplnl rump et aim andvlho usual Lively marches DEATHS BELFASI CmThe blues tnnkur ever built in Brimln the 80000 Ian Rimfonn was launched here last month will b6 delivered lo Swedish llrm nuiive oi St Stephen Nqu Mr Christie nrrivad from For Churchill Mani where he had served us Garrison Sergeant lia Jnr or the past two years Prior GSM W01 Christ was pro moled lu his present rank at age 24 He Is W0 LC Christie 49 CD who also carries tha appoint ment okCamp Borden Scum Warrant officer and Camp Range Olflcer CAMP BORDEN The un Ior Canadian Provost Corp war rant officer who has held the rank 01 W0 for 19 yam ar rived Camp Borden rccankly 10 became lha new Garrison Sergeant Major Senior Officer ComesTo Borden youngsters This pretty little gtrl with thumb tn mouth appeared ready doze dur lng the Concert Hands play ing of Ballet Egyptian Thumb MUSIC SELL BIG TANKER AEWAYB naltracls anagééwaiwfi GSM W01 Christie and his wife are now residing at 176 Saskatchewan Blvd to that npfolnlménl he was the Reglmunln Sergennt Major lCanadian Provost Corp on suckingproved new with another yuungslex In the hack mund The girl besidener seems Io he stretching lEx amine Phnlnsl 10 CCIIRISTIE Ynu are vrnbabiy well aware that the purchase of an automo bile represent to the average tonalImel on investment second only to My home With over 11 years oi intensive experience in automotive retailing to pinto at your disposal will be more than plensed to assist you with the selection oi the automobile best suited to your individual requirements and provide demonstration drive at your convenience or any oi the won derful 1963 Pontiac or Buick at my disposal or in tact any toy quality goodwill used cam You may reach mo at Dean Myers Moton 145 Erndlard St1 Harrie or by dinlinu PA was STUDIED 15 Some 160 Nonvean second ary school Iludenlsvyludled at lllh school In 196263 on Amerlcnn Fleld Servlcu lnler natlonal fellowships vulum agent The son lormér premier of Dnlarlu wlll nddrys mural rally nlstlolepls nudllarlum an Ihursday evenlng 930 pr lenn MPP prcsldcn al the Ontarlo leenl Assoclnflon and son 01 Qha former gremler Harry leon will he the Nest lpcnker AJELEDHOR or Mr Tom will allow lhe meeting Campalxn headquarters fur Frank Todd leeral candldala or Centre 51mm in Illa Sept 25 provincial election havebuen set up at Collier St Del Cole has been appalmed campalzn manager wand Donald Campbell ls lh lal agem an nmnmwxnrmzu MoNnm gamma mm Lilfqercilszi Set Base JOHN FRANKS

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