MONDAY IIHEMIIR no Htulnu um um Vlcluon Tlmq 10 en mm wulhu lpuru ng mm Elnnlunl Juh flmcnrk MC TV Nawl Wanner Spam Null mm nunA TUHDA IIMIIIII nu lijiAROUND SIMCOE ram and and One million nyl that pearls to bride will bring her ha Ineu Another tradlllm 110 Ihat brIde pearl represent the lam she will shod In her mm Med We But most girls are llgd at pus pgarls MONDAY MD too manmy run11m Mkhy Mann Club Kiddo Ill Hun TM lawmn le Wnlhlr hurt Illn Winn Tn By MRS WNCAMPBELL MH Club In this are me looknt Iorwnrd to the lurch the III union with the cunt mw 0M ulrlallnda onnuml Any new member are mad contact the leaders Mn and Mn Cnli Human The mm mm prove mos lnlemllnx It Includes heallh In sum Arphulnpco ind owum vaudevnuaK wen meal the man Iupersmlnus ol PGIIOIIMII They thought Some pmple claim they can read from 1000 010000 wants mlnuu But lest uhow mt Inyanu who rend aster lhan 1450 words minula L1 aclu ally aklmmlnx When read flu lul It makes my pl sore Our Notables nlera WI never yet phllow pher lhnl could enduro lho toothache plllenlly William 5ka suggnsnnous souu if you want to slay swed tnmpered dont cut down on yourucalorles too dra 1y Hangar mak ygu lnlulï¬ and nnzry By HA BOYLE NEW YORK AHThings columnist might never know he didnt open his mall Lawrence Cumming Ml Thur div tor omwn where he will uhllc hernh nuralng 01m pm ex will be making um lld THE LIGHT TOUCH um mml Or AM to Wm ll hunted in YHIRI IS NO CHAROI POI YNII IIRVICI Loquacious Pans Pen Literary Gems DRIVlYOUIIILF CAI AN6 YIUCKI IELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS vow STBOUD VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 no Much MIxIr moo Dr Kndm 00 CW Nun ll Mun TIMI mm amoa Kw wunn li ID can In lnmln In lam II Ilull Club Huhbyn can Ill Mornlnl Muulnc rm llbe Ian Nnnndl Kiddo mourn Dinah Irid nur um um Lu In an ny runTm Hum club mun Imn Mu Wmhnr lpom Mran In It In Inn 11 luqu llll An In HI 8833838383833 3838383830 Mun Hull llml Oman In wumuuu Hm hxu Hamill Ilpflfl Elul WMMMM Ii Pawnml nm hul created in the sun equal lo the energy produced by 1000000000 hydro gen bomb exploding every sec ond anm Nntu 7m gorlllu Ire onen led raw mm but In lhu wllda they Ire mmy vew lurlaxu lhn erroneous Idea Hm ashidles stupidly try In hlda their head in the and when lhmlennd probably nrlm from mu Inc that these hint when nesting oflcn mun down Induslmeh llgelr nedu out an on 7m muni Wth Mmumherlnl The has lolullon or dandmfl twaod ImtAmold Glas sow Odd Luluflan In Kentucky once was criminal ofleme In Illa nun that wum loaded It brought bad luck to thIlIa In drcnlnl room In lhmw hat on bed or at No1 lrIIn berlh Many Ilw thought WM courting dinner lo dcliVEl the last live an during rehurnl to rub an check rouge with mwdor pull Instead at rub Ws fool This correspondcnr is lorry hat hm names wen nmmed In the Ms local puplh who passed their Grade We Ippol oxlu lo them and lay Conan ulauom and Ben Wishes for lulure Itudy lo Mlss Sum and Jean Black and Paul Campbell ummenco hlI dutiesu UII Bld uu High School as tench Engllsh classes The but wishes the community no with him In omen Remember Ihd resurï¬ï¬llnn of mo mm service IkPmbyter lln Church Mr and Mrs Duncan Camp btll Attended tho tember meellnl 01 mg Pm ylerlln IlIIIMn IlV Null Mun Ilml rum Imn mm mm Mun inwmr n21 um mumm MIIIIY Yumnmn Mum Ilauu cm KIM Nun wmnu lpnru Tm mnutonu Tn Mary at hm Son hournu cram Bun cm mummun Min In Llnlxlpl rim Inï¬llu mu cum1 hmllhmull TORONTO Pollllcllub hm Mum ohm Sand Country Junctio LIICvTV NIWI 590m Ntl Thin hand was pin Id In New York In lhe mm between Gm Britain Ind lhl United bulu In 1955 happened In DC klblmnx lhl Brillsh mr Tir encu Rem North uh 0n biddinl shown unlaldcd named to ma ll lhc llmn Ihnl lhl redouble wu bold Ilnte would have pamd Hvu hum doubled with lhI North hind The and player play well but the dont plny pcrlcclly Brldxo too laugh lime or Inyone lo play wllhaul mlkinl mmnku mm llmu to llmc Ind the lap expert an judxcd largely by their Infrequency man DAILY CROSSWORD The Sterling Matron and Pllronl dlslricl No 085 held lhelr 1rd annual gel to clhtr al ham Mr and Mrs Meetlng use lh Hymn and Prayer by Prmldenl after which luclal hour was spent aver the en en wllh Mrs Hand and Mn CImpthl lugsllng he haslpss Secllunnl mcellnz ll Bauer on lhs evcnlng of Thursday Sept ember 19th with Miss Mabel Booth nnllnnal Secretary for childrens work guest speaker Ilsa Barrie Prubyleflcal Exc cullve meeting In Preshylurlan Church Ormla Wednesday SepL ll and pm with Deslxnnuon 101va for Miss Suzunne SixJean RN Mlsslnn Iry nyrsn pvep seulnn hlrlr Alec Taylor had charge of lhe progrlmme Glennlngs lrnm Glad Tldlnn and added to he lnleresl he arllclts by lelllnl snmclhlni of the wrllcrs who were permnally known to her The flu nrtlrlu Big Mur ky Waters by Mrs Jusle Gordon ave an lnleresllng look It the He of tho Chrlxliun workcrx lhe my prlmluve Ind scanty llvellhnod will only cmp ol tweet potatoes and pen huls ycl then people bull lovely Ilene church Biogra phlul Ikelch of Mrs Thomu Ewm by Mrs Jun Slewm lald ol lhlr dedluled womenl lnlluencc on lhe llle nf Presbyterlan WMS throughout Canada Ind an alarllnl ol wart gang Openlnx luqklnx halti ll MIMI IIM Ihbr II Chin mm It laulh nmi IQ r15 Mm Anvan rm Following the reading ni min uiaa by Secretary Mn Hand lamII item oi businen ware discussed among them do nation to Bessie McMIuchy mem orinl iund Ind Ipecini oiierinz ni mom or bale was decided to hold lall lea Secretn wn inscmcted lo cannon speaker at Delaber Thank altering meeting when local church women will be guests 1M 17qu wlu ma Presldént Mu John chglr ghe meet1n Cawan In Ihe chair the meeting npeded with lh openlnl Wornhlp urvlco mm the Glad Tidlnn with ncrlutur mdlnz In unison dlrcclgd praycyl Wes denier Northoulh vulnmble rppcr ll Luna plqun Imam gnuemo mm WI mull Mn ILInd Missionary Saclecy minim Amos pocket Wm an 05 KO Ignnun CONTRACT BRIDGE éuoog uqaf van mat um Mum 30 mm Ioum mum Mplul Emma pmldn Anxio luon Inn Actor mm MW Youth of Mm In By JAY clubl imp Ibh an mln3 mulch ha nun wln ll MARI Arms It will my 3mm Md rm can In mldo trump lead by Wu ll ellher lIhIe but Ihc Incl ramninl lhll ndlhrr Wm time up with lhl kiIIInl Ind TomMEI nu loo per plny um ulun lhla tabla Ilsa the opem In lend wu cluh Ind ulln Eoulh had no lmuhla garnering elevm lrlcks But the American pnlr no havlnx bun doubled Icmd only 750 pain and the net result wnl that Grclt Brit Ilncd 600 polnu on In ud have been vastly dimmu West had chnxen trump his cnlu land In thal use Sc Iplro would have norm down one ml the Amerlun learn wnuld hlv bun 550 palms hgnu om Al llicrmnnd able wllh an Amerltan palr now Illllnl NormShun lhu blddinl wml BECKER The American West led lha kin of mm Declam Sch plm won with the ace and played thu king or mm which was mvrrcd wllh the ace and rufled Schaplm now mad elevan lrlck wily since In wu Ible run mm diamond hr dummy and dlscam on un lhe ï¬ucen of spade He lust lwn iamond tricks he end but mnda llvo hcnrls rcdouhled 051a scum 1159polnu1 but the end result proved an WERE Mrs Ewen Caldwell has been vlsillnï¬ her daughter Mm Trumbley Lin Mr and Mrs Alvin Gmu Ind Sharon Goerke vlsiled In Toronto last week Mr nnd Mrs Ben Jamlcxon Mned ham for kgnd Elfnlry Lake and Al onquin Paék Mn Ind Mn Bert Jamlewn have received word at lha 171th nranddlnxhler barn In Mr and Mn Pat Jumleson Eun um vme By MRS CAMPBELL Mrs Pear CoIllnzwood hu htcn ï¬shing Mn Pllkey Mrs Gordon Sutherland and family agent lhu hulldny weekend It the me at Mr and Mrs William Sutherland and Sunday brother and slslcr DIII wllh lheir respective spouse 3111ch or 1amly plcnlc nuuuum Uly IVIIB Fnrlc spoke In Imm clntlon lo the halts the hmum cnnvenors and Mrs Jessie Maxwell who acted as secrclnry Guests were present tram Midland Stayncr Cm more Barrie arsdmrd Belle Haven Rqret was expressed that owing lo Illness or ulhar commllmcnls samu could nnt attend but wu hone whh ï¬xed date all can mjoy lhls Annual fun and umlnls canoe number from this commun Ily attended the trausseau tel for bride or last Saturday Miss Lots Black lhornton Best wlshes are extended to La Ind Don Wamphell Followlnx plcnlc dinner program of contexts and dame msz by Mrs Mac Fuller Bradford and Mn Helen Mmll New markel was enjoyed and tuned much hllnrhy short bualncu meetlnl allowed with the 1m munlon to be held In Midland wllh Mr and Mn Bruca Holt host and ms at Newmarlm wllh Mr And Mrs Tuxwell enlnz their home VII do dad to keep the 15 Wednesday of Seplornbur each year llr nlon Mrs GUTHRIE Mul In IQ It In mum ll Bramh mummy nLlpeck its rm 3mm awn MoNbAY uhmmm may wsrrraurotrciaï¬inov OVER CLIVE AND Xrnnlw MY BAKK GOTTD mo JUST CALI THlv HAK MST JU