Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1963, p. 12

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Don filmmnm wlm nlmml lulllhlllllfll mlmmrnu mmn wllh Johnny flower ur rlvrxl In fnmp inlupiny nl Twn mim at mu ml ml Tlm Nullnm luv prdmfl hm Mundny paym unl lrndcr Kjell Human nml lrfl wlnurr Ml kinu did ml look uul nl plan In Illa urnrlkc lu llflnl Kcnl Dnuglns lnsl Icmnl moklo nu ycnr wlll MI Ian part In mlmmngu lur nl Inn lwn Mela wu oporalnl on lul Jmc ln camcl rhmnlc Ihuuhlrr Injury and hu not re roverrd mu nu wnl prclrd Annlhcr ddrllco ma wul IUII lell nprn by lhu Mummy Tan nrcwrr ml mnmlnl 1mm bwkrn mtlml In hut mum Sun Cup nlll mum ugly flu Mm detmnn Cnnnlo Mndlxnn tucked hll nnklo and mu Col llnl anurcd bl Iaol nnd hm lo have Incnull rnmnvcd Dunc MchnnId mcmhcr lull unannn Toronhv Marlborough Juulor club was nldellnrd with In tlbow Injury Jolncd pair regular mm the Na llonnl Hockey League chumplnn Ihlp um an lhc nldrllnu be cause injurlu after hurd hlulnu wmkoul Salurdny Rod Selling junor Im In mm with Neil Mchil Humans IuHcrtd charle hnnc whrn checked by Cnpln Gcnme Armstrong Goaltender Marv Edward cmhrd henvlly mm In hoard Injurlnl Ml mouldcr PETERBOHOUGH CP nnnklu nl he Tmnlo Mn 10 Len hockey club all trnln nu camp hm lhls year are finding prncllcu hltlounh in him zamu Steva Barber lallcd in bid or his Wilder as 39th Baltimore Oriole Cleveland dumped Washington 62 and Reuse City Alhlcflcx delealcd Log Angelo podzcrs Ynnkees newest let handed star pitcher Al Downing won his men of the year and min In row Sunday with win aver Delrolt Tiger hnt gava Yankees sweep hell Inm jugg wILh Tigers cage over second place ahead Minnwxa Win by sweeping doubleheader lromlwlm and 54 Yan kees lead White Sex by 1W1 camel BARBER BEATEN It will be Ihnir mirth consec utive lath In 15 years and um lines 1921 when they won their am he year afler purchaslng lefthanded Pikher Babe Ruth mm anm Red Sox AssadEd Vlrreu Sport Writer The magic number now Is our Any comblnallon at New York Yankee wins and Chicago White Sox 10550 totallan our give New York another American League pennant Rookies Find Camp Tough Gordle Howe 35 lell le tlma Nallonal 1lockey ABEHO most valuable player and six Ilme snorlnl Champlan poses with Eddie Joynl and Parker Yanks Magic Number Is Reduced To Four Cull am Mummy Ill DUNLOP IA Saturflay New in bom LEASE 1964 51A 91 35ng COMPETITIVE RAT mmmn lNlUflANCI ALI HEIAIM AND LICENCE NEW RED WINGS PRODUCTION LINE CARS Ind IRUCKS AVIS Quulrvhnrh Joe KIN muted In Llnn Inuchrlnwnm Fullback Nuh llumrr now Mr unth duwn ml Flrmlul plrIud up Hm nlhm mm runklr lrlcr Krmpl hanlul Ir IvId null and our umvnu Clutch mittenIva play and exploslvn mnnlnl hull hnrk Wlllo Fltmlnl tnuitd pHICIKMy The drlcnllve unlt mm up wlih HI lullllmc Irnd nnd Flrmlnl mlll mnrkllnz Inl lnpu and v1 ylnll In uwll hq Wmnu In lhu mum 1hr Inlznry mumrl In Irmlurcd only ylrlll Qunvl ulmck Huh Day nl nlmuy made 15 nlllnlpfl lnpd lnr nluhl whlle Wlnnlpck Blue nombm mm pair Mek rnd rnxnzcmcnll wllh Enslcm funlnunru lcnml Ihndlnl Toronto Argonnun mo Frldny nluhl hrlom Ian bullcrcd 301 byMonlnul Mqucllu Sunday ThLLlonl Ihool far IOIO pmmlon oi llrll pm when Hwy mm Iha nouxhrldcrl 1n Helium onlam Man HAM Tho Linn Ind nmpl no two polnll ahead Snsknldv wan nouxhridm Ind Wlnnlpu nlue Homborl Ind In lhlrd up wllh cluht pylnl tnch nd seventy ncu cumIn he Weslern Footba Camr cnco lnSLlhey won only 38 lcnzue UMCSIS and had only one wlnnlnl amnnLlon nnw Ihnro llrsl place with we Vlglyrics and one chonl ry came on Snlurdny nlght bcInm 36659 lnnslhn blues crowd In Cn nndlan Fnolbull Lennuu hlxlory nl tho Llam lrlmpltd Calgary Slnmpcdm 3721 In Vunwu Eplmlre Sindhi Brlllsh Columbia Lions have lumud an he laur team that Ioimsnlnd lhem 101 Mm ycqu By THE CANADIAN PRESS Downing who film with hitter Blnws every lime out gava up his first hit In the mu against Tigers Yankee quickly jumped lo 50 lead and held on Joe Papiwne Lard homrr Ind Racer Marl his md to back up the younz len hand He pitched In only to major league Innings In 1961 and 1961 pasLinz 01 record but spend In enough time on Ihe Yankee bench to lose hln mokle stand DOWN FOUR RUNS thn 501 overcame an herded Deimil 1H Minnesota defeated Chicago +2 Cleveland deienied Washingmn Kim sas City deicaled Lon Angela 51 Ind Boston dcléaied Balu mm Dowrung 22 la not legally mokle although ha pitched his first game this Season June after being called up mm Blah mond of the lntemnuonal Lemme Hnd 1an Mlnnlnl wha Record Turnout Sees Lions Win MacDonald right at Olympln Detroit Red Wings opened lralnlnx Howc mlarms hls lath seasonl wlll be shoalan or the NHL nllllma goal unuun PA 6401 Heed dld Ill flu mull or finuknlchewnno and loud down Inklnl cum um horn Lnnmm nml rambllnl ymll Edmanlnn one lmm whm ho dlvorl Imr our play Imrflmmluldm at In ulu try lnr Ill lidmonlon oll Ill Hllcly not llrrk nnldud II llnnl Hnlkalclwwnn lnurhdnwn whrn lm Internpm pm on ma Eklmn Inln In the inullh qunrlu Hxlmnnllm look Hum nlr In rumdmk bld llnulhrldru nlhlr polnll tum un lhm munm by India Whllchnuu Ind Ilngla by end Mmln FAhl Gm and Hon hrldm Irl lnudunwn by 1min onla an Ilynnl mm mm Lnncultr He had up lho nlxpolnlcr by nabblnl lwa nlhrr rum or 25 ynrdl dullnl Wyard mnrth The pnnlnu ol quarterback Ron Lnncnam and he runnlnx of hnHlmrk fill or and lull bnrk Georn nua noun rldm ta vlrlnry nflcr EIHmaI had hull up margin in Iho Hm lulu on two field tank by unlrn fllll Mllrhell Inalu by mud Aubrcy Llnnu And gnlrly lmK lhercd In 10 al 11 panel thrown to hlm Icnrcd one Calgary tnuchdown and lullbnck annll Coleman lhn nlherl Larry Rob lnwn kicked two llnld finals mum and Ilngle Ann llm lIgrllonz boglcd Jingle Llons cullmed lulul first dawn wuh ylrds High In and yard on eight pan complcllons by Knpp Calgary compllcd 29 um dowm GET CROWD RECORD no an lurnnul ecliplcd he cxlsllng CFL mard 3127 an Aug 1m when Edmon Emplrp sgudlum noughrldcrl who have won only 26 on mm In he lul nix unwnl cxplodnd or 21 Eam In the Inn mlnuu to Esklmnl who now Ire In In lho WFC Bobby Del Grew made namesaving catch or Alhlellca as Orlando Pen IIIIII and Iau Pan at 1101 vlmry lmeaduwim mud help 1mm Jnhn Wyatt Five straight Boston hlL chased Badm In the mth Fe lb Mantllln Iddcd lwtrmn home or Red Sex In th eighth John Orslm homered or Orloles Jack Krullck defeated Wuh Ington for the mm time this season once or Mlnnesom and our firm or Clevelnnd and also had Ihrce ol Clevelandl 15 hits Minnie Minoso mlnnd the 3qu with twwnm ham the eighth deficit 1n the second game with four runs 1n the eighth Innlnl and one In lha nlnlh The list two were the mull of Mle 501a errors Sundny hlller Char ley Maxwell hit double and single and killed Mlnnewu rally wlth treat HamI ma plate Inlhe Hm game nearing record In law weeks And thLI trio plcked by same to be the Red Wnlga new produotlan line AP erepholnh DANGEIFIELD MOTORS amlnl rmlun or youll not will IHQMIWI YOURE QUlTfl SWIMMING WINNIPEG CF Clludn McPherou ol ntlxhbarlnl Jlmll uld Friday nluhl uh qu unmanned long dlmnca lwlmmlu In Ivor nurllnl rnmr hnnqufl wan add It 5L 1an to honor lha 11year nld lrl who monlh no he mmn lhc yum lemmer lo mnuuer ho Enlllnh llnod WIND HICIIFM ACE CHICAGO MP Mury Fllherl Goldm Hula NM NM luvmlll flood of ullrrlnl mulch thnllcnn by Chlrlllln Ind Dunno In ca um um wmldn rlchml nu cram Mllnnm Wuhlnnnn lulur aidn1 fluulnl II In Club but In It third HEHNSKY lfl HACK Lox ANGELBS AHAfl hnndcr Bo Hollnlky txllcd briefly In ha minor leuuu re Joined Lon Angelou Mlltll SM urdmy And prombe wll um mudny nlzhl mind Joon 1le SM PLAYER OUT 01 JAIL MOSCOW neulcrllEdunrd StrzlLsov lormzr chlld prodlry of Russlan IDCCM who wn un enocd In 11 yen in III at rape In ma II luck In Ioolblll Slreluov the most brllllanl powaar nuulul centre lor gud plnylnz 0rhll cngb leam Lu lulan Hows carried the Red Wing fourthpl 1mm andlhlflflnlsol lhu slun ley Cup pllynfll Ha Wll 1h norm champion Ind won mom lelh Hm Trophy that use to the NIH mall valuable pymu NoElha mark he wants mall just1 Hva goal Ha Mn lvahgdl asapwhy on How 1mm rlvalrn plnyer in lho posher period Mauran Rocket flleho The Red Wing opened clmp Snmrday with NHL Ind arm lynem player lakinl casual Ikutu Around the Olymplc Slu dlum rink It Wu lhe 20m lme Howe Ind Italted lralnlng clmp Ind lhls wIll bu hit 19 mm in 9h NHL had pretty good umn 1m year you know And my leg Irenl bothering me yet cuum lm bit tired Inex the fin day but MI lhu nma wgy when 16 Howe hold most ll 1m porunl record except one auer lI xenon with the De lroll Red Winn And that one lb NHLI allllma Koal scorer will be HI law weeks lller the openingvol mum nelson genrrmomh My cal II 1111 to play 70 lemm uld the wym old nixMme NHL molt vuluablo player Ind Ixmm lcorlnx champlon LEG Au OKAY DETROIT Amm huh peppered with my and Lheral mm Ian it Otherwlu Gor dle Howe Isnt chnnged much from Iho buhlul 15yearold kld who mended his nm National Hockey Leuuo training ump before ha and of the Second Wyld Wu Thu big change hm been mida infilg rtcord book Now lndlnnapalh whlch heat Atlanta 14 or the mthem dl vhton title Int week host tn Crleell for the first game of the Hun mics Cracker de lendlnl chlmplons the cup Indianlpolls wan the leaguel pennant deflating noflhem vision champion Syracuse 65 In 11 Inning Sunday Ind llklnl lha aerial 41Mhnln won ha bank of he secondplace clubl defeating Toronto Maple Leah 14 or 40 sweep of lheir le el Eiturday Symme wan In In am with +3 wIn over Indllnnpalla and Allnu downed quonlnr pyf THE ASsocmEu pm Indllmpolll Indians mm llnla Crackm the turn that build In onegame playofl or 1th mtemllonnl League Iouthern dlvlnlon championship meet main tqnilhtln the first me Ihnsloheven oerln the Gmgrnnru 1h IfllIBARRE EXAMINER MONDAY SEPTEMBER ll IndiansCrackers AdVance To Intierxiational League Finals Buumm MATEBIMS 249 STEEL 31¢an PA 8972 Howe Ready For 18th NHL Season THORNLEA €25M€grrv WEST PRICES FASTEST SERVICE SCISSORED SPORT CLARK NP DRIVE MON llnly lCPnwlom flfllnlnl Jim Clrk wm he llullnn Grnd rm Eundy And with he world rndnl drv rhlnlplnnhlp or CIMIL drhlnl mun look flu clinchm1 In In lwo hon mlnum second ll an IV ernu lpfld ol 1217 mllu An hour BREAK TWO flECOllDll TRAIL CPDM lho llC luck and lleld thamplomhlpl Saturday Bob Yard lnll bd leml lln Cnnndlnn poln null ln man by onwumer Inch when he clch lb led lnchcl lho leap bellmd bolh lhn Cannrllnn and the llrlllnh Ergplra and Conmmwullh fly at Arlington Pnrk Salurdly much Dunlco nfldwly In the match and wun by thru qulrlm lenfith over the lnnlHnlahlnz ChMlnln 11 um beaten Golden Ruler look lhb lop money 0112500 DEDICATE HALL CANTON Ohio AP US rrolmlnnnl loolbnll dmlcnlcd Hall Fame hero Salurdly with 0000 dimllnrlel tanner Icahn mm and an looklnl on Severuch charter memberl ol lha all Flma were no judod nun door the bpcried Dennll Illuln who held the ncand golllu job he It In non dld not rc rl Ind Abel upecu hlm lo mm no hope to find another it fencemnn hlvinx flnnlly be cama ed up with Howie Younzl badboy mm on and all the Ice Yuunz was traded to CM ugo nr Mlle Roger leer Ind delencemln Ron lnmm lmzrlm II In likely candidate ll lha llm la replaca Young and be lha lflh delenceman And Crozler ha chance lo Illck wllh lha club htlper In mm Terry Snwchuk who hnd an hll hettgr Imam Abel Inln plum la keep lwa DyiEIVngl his Rex angg otherwjn Ahel doesnt expect make many changes with MI team that wu the Mum tur prlso jn UM lax plum courle people uy llI no good to bruk up good cornbl nallon But may player Ilka an malnan um um Ilong Thlll the reason for having training camp Anyway findlng lhlnu ouL figure wnre In to be manner It cenler In with the plnyera we drafted Abel uld The first thing any do If our naw cenltrl coma lhraulh 19 lo lelch Delvecchio lo lull wlnl Hal played balm Abel new centre In Hank Clem An Slrntlon and Ted Hampmn all with some upm any wlth nlhgr NHL clgbl Syracuse down Innea game In one lava Indiana bntlla In the Hnll nma going mm In the 1th on Purnal Goldyn lhrcerun homer Alter Deacan Jam hit tworun homer for lndlnns 1n the uvenlh CMMI lied main at Gena Sle Ellfl 11th inning slnllu drove lhe winning run homer by Don Clemens in the leth provided Alllnlnl via my margin llm Coker hit twom hamer In the am for he anlu Leaf lying he More Tommo outMl Atlanta but let seven men minded nrd cl Ihe Manlrul Cnnadlem rented law yam no wk 91 Mannercoach Sid libel nid he considering tampering little bit with Howel line Last year Howe pinynd duh win with Alex Deivecchio at cenlu Illid Plrker MacDonaid at lei MAX MAKE CHANGE wznt on lnwln the Junk World mm In year from Loullvlllo In the now dunner Amerlun Anoclnllon Atlanta 11 Harry Wnlker Inn nomlnued hll Ice Johnny Kucks to pllcll lha llral name Rollin Hemsley lndlnn minim likely wlll go wllh MI Aclgleyl xqgu NAMED mum 10 Angel 0n the final game of lhe aon Inn yearn Cardinal dumped Dodneu Inlo Ue wllh Glanll or the Imus pennant Aubu quemly won by Glam Jn playafl Orlanda Cepcdn belted Ihreerun leventhdnnln home run Sundayhis zamt car ried sun Franclxcn 54 win over Lax Angela and lulled Dodgen ace rallever Ran Per nnankl with outh Ion He he won 11 Snlurdny Juan Merlchnl won his 1m game tho season or Glam In win om Dudl Wlllla May hu hII am homer 11 season or Giants Cepcda 111 ml and Vlllle Mc Covey hh 31th cqymyg sunam DeEon aunhlng ma Ind Regan ll7 Wuhlnmn 94095641 And BINmo minim Glanuknackcd nvzr Lou An Ielol Dodger lece durlnu he weekend whllo Cmunlll won their twaalmes and cloud to within amen he NI Uonal Leann lendlnlfiodzen New York Chicago Minnesota Baltimore Detroit Cleveland Bosion Klnsal City La Angela Washington flunlll Enlnniu Delmll Naw York 11 Minnesota Chlcazo Cleveland Washington Kansas City box Angelo Boston 17 Ellllrmro Emits Bundny iiiimuou 14 Chicago 55 Detroit Naw York Ciaveinnd Wuhinglon Km City Lo Amie Boston Baiumora Pnblbie Piichen 1hdly Bouon Wilson 913 at Anxeiea nuance llll New York Bouton Mi Kansas City Norman Citvelnnd Gram no1 Minnesou Kn lolo Baltimore Roberta 1311 Chicano hymn THE Assocxllmn ram look nlmon mr but Snn Francine Gllnu Ilnully re paid Loull Cardinals orx My Mennwiufie he xccondplm Cardinals leven lumen behlnd By THE ASSOCIATED 1385 Ametlcln Lulu RADIO COLLEGE ANNOUNCES NEW COURSE IN ELECTRONICS GiafitsliClip DOdgersill Twice cardinals Gain Boston Al foo Angelou New York It Kan Clly Cleveland at Minnesota Balllrnon at Chime Damn It Wnlhlnmon Thu lwzlvn monlhn Sectmnlrl Englnrerlnu Tochnldln mum landing to Enninrlriu Trrbmtian Orai1 III or Thu nnw l8 munlh mum ludlnx to Enllnmln Tflllrmlolll which qmllflu In gradual lo MI tumor In Fl clmnlcl at hluh Ive jult below lhc Illllll unlv my lnlntd pmleulnnnl walnut leadlnl to flu Cortlflcatlon as Enzlnoerjnl Technoloxllt Thin new cnum uquIm linden nuundnncl manlh Ind will pavmiutudenll wllh On uerIl to nldunll In full Engnarrin 1khnolnllmdha hllhnl lavel ohllllllbll under ho Cortlilcnion Prcnumml of tho MoodHon cl Prufmional Englneen Ontlrlo lhuflo Cullen uudenll mm mm flulbla chain of two chlllenfilnx elmmnlu mum In uddlllon to may olhu muer lending 14 well said am mum mumum gm ml IIInun Nullonll Imgl held mn IVANI AM BASEBALL SCORE mn September can Ilnuedthelr amazing mm by edging Plunbumh Plum to their nlh wlrln unrpeg Dom have 10 game Iefl Cardlnall lQlncludlnl will limelame lulu with Lo An cm at St Louis mrunn next Mayday The remainder ol tho Ichndule mm lo favor Loull with only our mm on the road Dad lo 3pthe mad WhHe he Ipolllxhl was Ir cuacdnn Dodger and Cnrdl nnla Warren apnhn grabbed hll share My by becamlnfl 201mm winner or Ihe 1th me The tzyenrold Milwau kee Braves marvzl equallud Chrln Mnlhewxunl recur or must 2011111 sca san by deflating Phllldclphla Phillie Sunday Cardinal deflated Flratal Snlurdny whlla Cincinnati do tenlcd New Yark 42 Ihlrd lace Mllwnum donated Phladel phla In 10 Innlnn and Hou slgn nipped Chlgago 11 Randi Sunday Ncw York cincblnau lo Angola San Franckco Milwaukee Phllndelphll St mil leburxh Chicano Houston Probbl Pllchen Today Milwaukee Sadownkl Ind Hendley 58 at Cincinnati OTan 1712 Ind le 610 Unglpt Elanwhgm Naw York New rude Jae Chrlllopherl fourfor our ferlormanca to datum Clu clnnll Red MJnd Huunon Com edges Chicago Cubs 2L St Lou Mllwnuku fiquaeo Chicago Pittsburgh Houston New York Relulll 5mm 105 Angela San Francim Si bull Ffluburzh New York Clndmlll Milwaukee Phfladelphla Chicago Houston cfilcuza Koonca 10 52 In New York cma mot PhllggeEphIa Banach flap Dada mired EVE Knearned UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK auuwul Banlulu Fm Elflmulel FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phonn PA Ml BARRIE Uphohlennl ll Our Bun Iml PM Jan Eldr line 05 BRADFORD ST Only mini mam BAY cIW Wfiflnuflflfl MWN MNMNH MERIT SMRJIVCE runs In the am lnnlnz mind Glunll Sunday and bullt hclr land to 30 ninlnsl Jack Sun lord before GInnu llnrlcd In no Iojob Mlllmj lwa minim lho mm brought ml regency yho Enchgd guy McCovey opened wllh uln xle to rluhl Mnyn heal out grounder la lhlrd hm and Cb peda drove hll homer lor Ill wlnnlng lllfll Dan ann louchcd or Wally Mounu olxllllvlnnlng homer wan the wlgner ln rcllcl or rec nr Dal Maxvlll nubblnz for ha injurnd Dick Grout Ilnglud Ind Jullan Javlu lollowcd with humor dauqu by Curt Flood long fly and Km Boyerl In field hn gal the third run Icran mhm Enb Friend 1614 Hll FOR BROGUO Pirates hmkn through mind Ends Brenna 15 In the lourlh on double by Smoky Bungnu andVWflllu Simcells xlnglo and made It 31 In lhu mm on Iln am by Bill Vlrdon and Roberto Clemente and nnulhu double by Burgess Bobby Shnnlz and rum Taylor the Lenalde Onl na Ilve kept hcm from scoring the rest of the way Chrlslopher singled open the nlnlh for Man advanced on wild pitch by Joe Nuxhal and scared lhe cllnchlnn run or Jay Hank on non Hunts nlngla Vadl Finch and Gone Frau homered or 11m that 5am and nnofhcr In 111 lhbcfnre lrcnqglhl furdlnnls at the Job donh aiznlmt Plrnlcn In ha third in rim Spahn now 205 scalured nlne hm In tylnz Malhawlonl record The major league rec 0rd II held by Cy Young wllh lo mums sensans Gene 01X ver lumalled he runs Spnhn needed with mum eighth lnning humor of Della Green hat snapped 11 He Dnn De mater homered for Phillie In the nlnlh Haunonn Hal Vnoduhlck cam on In relic In the nlnlh lnnlng when Cub rallied for or their Inna run and pruervcd Caltl win Jlm Wynnl tripla drove in on Houston run and In scared the other on balk INM MAm mapJ ll Calllor Im LIGHT LOW COST IMAM In Gmnul Bowuu Alley lll Dunlap NOW OPEN Bill Snack Bar WE BPECIALIZE IN In You Soon MASSAGE BY APPOINTMENT PA 87 Blaln SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Frivnh

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