Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1963, p. 6

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Du Robert Mich How do you determine the mount of money you Win or would get when ynure out get new job dont want to overpricc myself but neither do wnn underprlce my selL Mn Dur Mn look up the Inlary range or the jab you have In mlnd and In the classified 50 Idverflsu CONVALESCENT Following lhree weeka con lnemenl In Toronto Gancml llos pllal Henry Vnnderbeck la now convalescan at hls Tunonto Bluel residence Durlnl hl hos plulllnllan Mn Vanderbeck wu guest ll he home lnrmcr Enrrla residents Mr Ind Mrs Chlsholm AVQ lul Rand Toronlo THREE DIM ENSXONAL LOOK Dtswner Antonelll hn created Ihls tilch in an IerSkl pullover by Uni An ur Vand MK and sum Henry Peter Ind Hugh all at floum Pnlnl wen wackend Huh Ihe home Arthurs mull Mr nnd Mn Henry nnderbcck Taroqu 511ch Pr or lo er marriage In enmr Unlled Church Au Mm Norem Knccshnw woo lha Hut honor at levzrnl lenninmenls Mlu PM Linens Tornnlo was hunts of Ihowcro dlnnu pony Ind ahawer was ivcn by Mn Mor ilyn Wollln of Toronlo Fresco llllon parllu wero given by tho Homo And School Association King Gearzu School Toronto And by the mm the lam Ichool Mrl Milton llnmbly litMord cnlulnincd It mu cclllnmm shower nuldcnll Fennelll communfly held shown Ind he tonxreunllon Ebcnucr Uniled Church held pmmlnllon party NEEKENQ upgsrp BRIDE ENTERTAINFD If Qualifications Are High Aim For Top Range Salary thu flomln Cnlholl Women Lulu ol Cnnndn mull unle luau mnrn lully In communlly IllIn any Mu Harmon me vrnl of Cnlnm medml Illa mmomunhcr arznnlxm an Sh mld In an lnltrvkw Hull mums ol the luguu cnn venlon ulllthvwklnl today lo mmurm mcmhm ln velop Inltmu oulnklo our own Hull hunhc Aboul MCIPKIHI llvrl mm In pmvlnm In expected lhl Ilrdny mut lnl 11 11min II nrlunlxed In anlounjlnpd mom nu mnvenllun II mllnllullon the Catholic IocIIl orglcr Mry gum will $031M lo nhaw IIIl ho LWL Ihmlld do UN mlly Im Wm nol fipniulnl uur Hawk on many Inhjrt Inxd Ion Innnl HI not hllpln ulh In 1M tommunlly nunl wider lnleml in pmvln cIL nnllnnnl Ind IMunallunnl Allm WI loo pnorlul fix ml In pmmollou Ileur mm In llbmi lfl munm Invl Ind on uni ImIM mm Eleven IRJ the lulu will um Ill momlwu In Mn Inludenulnlunllmnl and mud mlnlnaunnal mum ulma ll Irqwnvlnl mmmuully ll CWL Convention Meeting In West By ROBERTA ROESCE cumnv cmmm 9t Phom Eileen mm or Audrey Emma PA 6631 filOPLE AND PLACES SKI FASHIONS FORECAST WARMTH mcnu you an qullily nlm lor the lap range On Interview however you may be told about Illa nilry instead of helm asked About It But knowing Ahead of Ilml what Jobs slmllnr to he one yann mun are plyinl wlll help you determine whether salary allered you In line Dné wnmlnv though Imhe question 01 Iry doesnt coma up rudily In he Interview VISIIl ATLANTIC CITY Mr and Mn Henry Vlndu beck aI Toronto Streak Ipen three wean VIEBIIDIIIIII II Ianllc City and Rousu Point FAMILY PICNIC lamlly plcnlc held Sprlnp walcr Prk Mldhunl Sunday Allernoon wan Illa blrlhdlv party lor two ol lhe Allendlnl null lam decarllnd calm complete wllh candlll mlrked Ihe blrlhdnyl ol Mn Charles llush ol Allqu mm Normnn nay cull ol mulel other plcnlc xuem Included Mn George Coulson Mr and Mn Don Bush and unndduuzhlcr Jacqueline Bush all or Axum Mr and Mn Jack Wmhull lulu Shm on thull Mr and Mn Ntll Dcmmler Blll Dempmr Min Audrey Money Mn Narmnn mycrlll Mr Ind Mn Fred Coulsn nl BMHE nlmw bhck stripe bdween the broad snowwhite binds Th pullover II mad Orlon ncryllc in An unuxunl uny Min Heather Dixon Dude holidaylnz Al the home n1 her urnndmolhzr Mn Helen Dlx on may Courll Dorval Qucbcc rnn TOMORROW nuslncu and llnnntlnl IHIIH conunue be overncd by Imnrflccnl Ch well In all plum cm loymmL In pmonnl mnllcn mum you wlll hvn to mllnlnln down In 1th made In mmlnllc and mill nlcmu Somc mlr ludlnl nllutnm an poulblr FOR THE BIRTHDAY lamormw ll your blrlhdny ynur hnrmcopo lndlclu lhnl duplln In excellent perlod bu lwnn nnw Ind Sept occu pnllonnl Ind llnnnclll mlllm will Iomvwhll an dull nldv balwcm lhen and In lul January good cycle be hawvcr wlll In my 9m Donl down or In llu dull manlhl llxonull Ilnrl but nu of your 11 Aml Inlrnll llwn could mail In reward new ym awn ruler ml yml wlll Ind your Irll ll hllh load In ml vlprtmrnl an mull lmk lvr mm pul onm In IMI new yur your loo you Ivnld mm In ml rlnIn durlnl hu 1m Oclnlm ury Iwr and nul Fehmry lhm uhm nl uur llle nhauld mm rmpllomlly pAleunnL nn wrlod he em mw md mld MQImberlncldmlnfly an nllumuml 100d Mullenwill In ucellml lot ro man1 And Mr Jlnunry Crullvu wvhr Ihould In Ilnlo In nullII on mlllnnl Men my rollllhly Mum mld Drum and Ill Murh th born on lhl wll be dnvml Illh ml lmhL lion uHmfldum and tour puma lot Ida 011nm THE STARS SAY Dy WELLITA dont bflng It up yourul be or youve talked about your Jobresponslbllllles And dont make it sound as though salary L1 your most Important thought Dur Roberta March In your opinion It Mr or huxband to agree to muster In hls 50 when Ms working who wants to stay In her present Job continua living In the home shes helped pay or on hovc him stay rightwherg he Since my husband is Inllslent nbaut ucepllnx an War fob change this problem pull ng our marriage and our hard uran splitlevel home In two 1959 in All ol our marrlod llla weve carefully plhnned our goals and derllnallons and mode lot ol pronresa toward aellllnl down to what we want But why work hard for anything ll youre go lng to have to change hlnga final when you have them madel Mn Dear Mrs Your Job marrlago problem Innl an taay one or anyona to propose to answer In the apnea nl newspaper pm umph And carlolnly no column In ahnuld be pompoul enouxh to let ahe has lha loal word In an anawor lor your hurbnnd mild you nul we do wanl lo lay umnn lives dcsplla the but lnld plans goal and mud maps never have lhn kind or chd nnchnnxo dcsllnntlan Um hu man bclngl can comrol cam plolely Ioap stltch Shawn right black and while cardilnn unusual knit texture nchlevzd by working wlth new llam Full cnum dlplamu Ind pnrl came cullllcnm wcro Iwrdtd lo pludmls 1mm unr rlo nnslnm Calltgg lhllflwgck wnl lha up nludrnl flu yrur wlnnlnz Secrclnrlul Honor Diploma wllh nn nvnmgo so no couue dlplomn wm nwlrdcd Io Iludtnu who made 70 cent holler In each mm lhclr mum ll lul luwl Secrclnrlnl Dlrlumnl Ju dklh Dun Porl Cnrlnl pct cmt Llndn llmwnmn Church 75 per cent Louln anp urndlord 77 ptr ccnl Gnll erllna In lho turnnl Inn In Clnudlnn Mullcnl Am rllllun mernll Dr Dirk Iman nml Dr runllh lmlh ol Hue dwnvlmrnl ohlclrirl and unrmlan ha llnlvrr Illy nl llrlnm olumhln uy Ihll ml one of Hm wmnrn b0 rnm prrznnnl ur Iolnl turnmm cydu The mm unnillrml Ildn Vocl obervcd wrllhl lulu mnyvnu ol womm Ind mm lhnn Ihm pound Ihllu am he pull lo nd nmw blrlh mnlrul pill on 111 Vnnroum womm uy ll npprnnrhu fiancth lhq ldrnl conlucep In lflIlIlmIIVHI lill pmvrd uh or me mrr lnnl pulndl at me Flllmv women puma In rum hlllnu lullMilly Ind pr nmlllnml lrmlnu In mum II mouth TM pill In cnmhlnallan nnrvlhlmlrnnn mumm pm mun and an Imnnlu mm pound ullod marnot nvnlllblo mlqlvtlou Award Diplomas To Graduates 0f Barrie Business College Weight Gain Is SideEfiect VANCOUVER CPINo d0c SON JOINS ARMY Thu couple and 11 children moved to Auslulln 2V yun 150 ram Scotland Their old son Jamel 75 ll nalman in lhanrillIh army might houcla yum Orion acrylic Designed by Galllzlne it worn over turtleneck pullnvu 01 um CP FIVE IN ROW ADDS UP TEN SYDNEY Australia AP Mummy has done lulu John Strum told two hll daughter Wednesday night after hh wlle ave birth to her mm Id twhu Sydney Iynaecaloglxt laid tha odd unlml that runny twlns In one llmlly In about momma to Pelhlck Mule 75 per 5an Cictk Typlnl Dlplamnlz Wayne Mundy uradlord as per ml Vrmn Mnrlln Darrin 51 per crnh Paula Moore Dlnle ccnl Arm liutchlman n10 77 par cent Elubtth McFarland Mono Mllh 7s per cent Pnul Carnar balmy per call The boy Ind It etch wellhlnl pounds bmnlht the Simmer broad ll ch11 dreg Four mlveglllnlly Ill very exciting new law Jnnallo Slnlthuu the molhen Sh and tho blhlu arg dalng well John who emu £19 Australlnn us weck hclory muhlnu grunt vtry happy lbw Pm caum mlllum war Iwnrdcd allow Mullyn Abboul Cnlllnuwood Bhlrley Armllmnl nnrrio Llndn 1er her Mllunn John Brown film In Joan Calm DrIdIord Carolina Caner Ncw Lowell Mullyn Corner Ahoy JMm Crawford mm 11 Fanny Crou mum Judy nulhmm Slmudx Inl Dennls nudlo Snndn Duvcrrll Mbvlllul Dun Evlnl llrndlard Mic lnrd umh Illll Mnmum llmlu Molll Irwin llcelnn Marilyn John Ilon Colllnuwood Dann Jory nnrrlo Cm Jolln Grimz Mary Knno Ellyn Elndrl Luchmnn lullum Ann Mll ly Colllnlwood lleuy Mmyn llnmrplym Vrrl Md Ulnpll lmntn Merrill Ednn Nay nnrrln Kmn rlnlr Nullm Lind Hmllh lrnvenhunl Jun 55mm my Ken Molhm llnnII lol wlllm Tramp mule JoImn Tmnhloy llullc Hull Mary Hubr wllum llmrmldm Juno Ann Yamll nnnlm ll bedroom hmm at Guillord Sydney suburb houm ML and Mn Strum Alex 21 Dnvld 19 Al um 16 Juhn 15 Ann and Inchlbnlm Robert Ind no he 11 um Chrlltlm and Mar III The lnlher lflld two all 01 lwlm mu Archihlld Ind Chrmlno Mararel And on other chlldl cant mnem ber whlch ourall have mo blflhdly Fab 1a Dnvldl lwln Moreen II mgrieg put hlllllp chllgren SUSSMANS mmwr ll mr jaw1mm jar joj Jadhiond Jar Jail III EMBASSY CLUB link WEDNESDAY SEPT Mk SHOWING pm pm 7711 REFRESHMENY FREE ROSES TO LADIES TICKETS NOW ON LI AT Studud cl whlu mm decorated United Church or the dune me between Noreen Ruth Knuth Ind Georle Paul Palm It In ultemooq ceremony conducted bum gable ck mm Mr and Mn WWred Knu th of Fennelll We Gwlllhn bury The bridegroom In the Ion of Mr and Mn Mlle Palm Brfiflmé nanan or the bride pruldod the arc Given In mnrrlm by he ther the bride won floor with mm of Cuhedrd white 511k hm gunned oq prllgqgu Inns mm and hort Ilmu en lunced the emper bodies of flu mm rm din of the uppllmd wllh lace Ind lead 11 mom 1nd mum at mud ml plat ha dreu um 01 hum Ind hlld the llnxenlp vell udon mile Thobride curled bou quet 11h lldloll and my IIIQ ATTENle Couple Will ResideIn Ottawa Following WeStemxHoneymoon Auendln flua bride matron of honor wu Mn Mullyn Wol lln of Toronto Mn Jenn Jink Deu Ann hndenx My Mend and aund In ldul apartment ml the are when we both work Tho rent wnnble and we low but The other nleht when planned In the elem1c Iron All the lllhll went out In the back gm of the how know had lawn use So upped on the llndlorde door and uked him he would help me out He said Id have to come down to the basement with mm and hold the numlzht whfle he re placed the me Well the old new made pm at me Can glen lmnglna such thinwith own wife lilting wmln In their llvlnl room Hold him ha ever tried Ianything unny Inln Id bran This morning then wu mm In our mlllbox uylnl the rent In In up no nu month We cm my man and hm to mow Plauu an what to do gbaut lhl rotten Illuulon WE LIKE IT HERE ANN LANDERS Dur Hm Tull the old lecher you qupec hll um um wu all In fun but that ll he wu aerlaus you wll happily dllcuu the lnmlu wllh hll wile Dur Ann Landerx Im utenompher in large ofllca bulldlnl The other evaninl was walling or mu bun In the In and nice gentleman whom had um dozen of Ilmel In the elevmr came by And lnw me Ilnndinu there Ila uked mo llved norm When nld Yu he altered lo drop me OIL told me hll nama bu II wu Iluxlercd And didnt gel Irrived hams It lhu usual llmu and my mother nw me so CALGARY CP Hrl Her man Slavena national mldem lhc Roman Calholic omena League Canada hna ncelvad papal medal Pro Ecclula Ponlulre am ma hllhul no man Calhollc honor or lay women Pruenflnl In accompanying uroll Mall nev Cmoll mth Cal Iry uld lhnl Mn Slevrnl or many yum hld Ivan her new Homl Iblllllu her limo Ind cmuy lo Ivery lcvcl ol luxuo uflvlly ln lhu dlocm Inn prnv lnco Ind lhrouzhau Cumin Tho medl wnl mmnkd to Mu Sluvenl ll mm in St eryl Cnlhednl durum he CWL national convention he The klllll mm IXmml m0 000 on eduullon In lhl In In NH llwchtr ol Inmuver educlllon convent nld Nomiy In her upon lo Mu lulul canvtnUon ll uld flu honor lohn ol Ippmllllon or mun lmm lhn Ill lopl John or her Acmmvllah menll In lhc mlm ol lht lay Ipoulolm CWL President Given High Honon Mu Wm Muhln of Wlllow 0n ccnwntr ol the cur umhlp and Imml nllon rom mlllrm um 10 ulno mem be um volunteer work dutlnl lhoyurlnuludlnl81ww mud an wellm Imrdl Ind on Manda Bargain In 3th For Basement Love Jélm omnch All ATVme MAN milder nu brlda Ind Ml Helen Semanuk were bridal maids The attendant Wm Identical owns or while or me over Ill flla Thalr her dream were am crowned lllbox mm me they carried ynqueurot deep pink men The belt mm wu Jo Zlem laka Mich Palm brother of lhn bfldemom and Chnrlu Dlntman wm when REGIPHON The reception wu held at Sum ml View Glrd In The brldol mother receive mind In mm at Royl Blue Illk com plunenlld by corms of WC was 29 The hrldurooms mother II listed wearing blue nllk hro cnde am Ind conu of pink Foliowln ha recean ly Ill hald It In BM CEMWWSWS F35 For travelllnl Lhu hrlda chm pink boucle ensemblc enhanc ed wluz cumin of whln Ill denims On return from the wedding my to Wellem Clnldl the couple will take up refinance ln 0mm when the brldumm In an engineer with the Onlulo Depaflmenl alluvial out the mans car She Isked me who he wan and hid to tell he didnt know bl hams She became urlqu and uld no decent alrl would Allow hem lu be picked on com no mggur mt urwuther Sho laid my dud nd he Ianpwlnded lecture about Iex rugum Ind In on eel they wauu blll Ind your oplnlom No Bar No Th1 mon wee not Itrnnxor You know hln no end his plug employment Nonetheless you Ihnuld luv not hie name Nut Urns listen when you In rpokzn to GlrL Deer Ann Linden me In lemted in your prodmnuon ol Borrowed Book Dry em happy 10 report the It produced three book About which had larnotlen And relurnld on book myrell Now another pro Iern permum In the lam lub ject nova lrlrnd who bob row book and oh doe morn hem but In such dlrrepuuhie condition tho hove to throw them out Sh underllne In rad pencil mm as which the likesold over pm probably nave heard book mum and come cup nlrclu nypen hers and there The book ackeu lngnrlnhlx prmnllrlu Am mulled In uklnu all rlend to repllce the boolu she mlns Ive toyed with the Ide but have never been IN to do ILCLAMSSA nur cm Book borrow en hnva In nblll ion lo relurn book In um um candltlan my mm In whun burrowed Nu lime cu lend lhh womln bank let tr know whll II IX pcclcd and min clear that miml um mm Illa owe you new book Thll will prob ably put In and lo lhl wholo humanand um Ihnuld In Just dn yAwlh you Conlldenllnl to IN Yu ynu In you both lied about your use and you wm no of lull In our pmnll nn Indeed huh mmllu Innullzd Natural GAS In mm mm TUESDAY man Thll In um than eu when J33 WI 9193 =°9MM¢°W Cant Beat Mly relmhlnz There they cm nun lucked In 01 re mzeralm in mu vnrlely ol Ivorlla nylon on HI lln ml Idvm 1m 14 lhll it donnl hm to be murnzd In the More but an bl eully aimsdud But before you atom at nm one take mother Iook It It It can Ive on helplnz hind noun the when Are you phoning cool ele Un eeld or lunch or dinner Chill In may empty bolt drink can on need Just remove one on the cane pour In the ulnd elect the can neatly 1n the remnant Ind chlll BALADI 0N When WI lime to Ierve dip the can in warm water or Take Second Look At Empty Tin Cans Thllluh9 than whey VANCOUVER CHA much unvellcd younl lady whu hu way with bar goal to Tor lo bld lor 1364 Olympic Inez mamCredo In Arche OIOIIIII dnunhler who moved hm mm Europo elm yam no In been Invited try or one cl lho lwn palannn on 1h drgmge logm BEAUTY QUEEN MAY BE MALE Dunne Involve luprema ml of ham and rider lo ll mou lmpercepllble wmmxnds the ham almost dnncea during In minute prumlullon Mlu FilmerCredo lnlendl to Wrflclpalo In Naw York Ind nhlnxlan hum Ihovu whiln ln lhu en ar Lhu Olympic lnr lh Ifllll Trys For Position 0n Dressage Team Sh in no llnnlor Inllh mllonll equellrlln cvenu onelime membrr II Ger mln Jump lum rho hu bulen twp Ufi Mm In Culi amll lo wln lhe Wellem gmHun drum dumpian BARHAM Enzlnnd AP The omnhen In annual beauty lbw decided tndny qundu do Instead Oi mum laid Mn Alice Bedlam our young indie are very lovely but they dmpiy will not come gmrd Ind mler the con Mn Balms chm mm the null balmy comm to be held nan week In thI 1m Ihm yurl ml of only men gig engeer thy Mr wlnnlnu do Will com the um Ian lBerevluualy Iwudad lo auly queens Dog both me my campus You ELEANOR I103 Still llw second nu lull bud Around ml um Ind out come the ule my an be Md 1mm make 99m mm for tho and Mun13 the Islandlé Ill no Ilium make In ldul aim cu er mm um 111 loo sand on In ther circle 01 loll Pull ha 101 hulwuy up mundtho cn and crimp um edm the Ml Bdlipcuglthn argue yangv III 1m wllh canned chlchn or whluver and Popped 1m thyroven youre looan or luldouu but my damn tho not drink cm comes to the on Illlll Pick It with ohm or plmcblo Sq emu and Irma Jun belore Iervlnl Illp nut 01 the nu wllh the lid of talk and quickly roll flu in cream 1n shredded coconut and chopped null sum and larva with chocolm uuce Dggflclaull mm rid used cooking or bacon hu dwnyl been many chm pourll lulu an empty loll drink cm Ind put In ha reeling compmmen at your mlrixmwr unul ll Ms Elma you an IIth at It dub YOU CAN Mn And balluvo or not you cm nclunny hm In your amply Ion drink um youvl been conrmnled by an rennin lull cum Ind who huntaow the lime to vnmm elmking Just hue your in In can and mu mm mm raidylor use Hut your oven to 313 do gma Pram your lust uh mix lb mJ cordial lo plchll dlrectlou Gram Ind flour le gmpgy 1m Iqllfirlnl bou Inch one Pour the bitter In tin can between mu Ind twomm lull Elke no udqu than cool or 10 minutes va run knfll mund um aka hold the can up and out lUpa the cake waxed paper In Whenever you want nun layer cukl uh on the um oulo lln lmzer thaw Ill and rem with Alternate Inym ice cream whipped mm or ml juice 1301 Around he kitchen lan cm probth Hm In unlul chore cull can do And but no vim lo dynyp In Each cm mm two or lhm MP nunIf mum Plouth IN Ila WIN HAIncuts $100 PERMANENIS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 550

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