Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1963, p. 5

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By LC8 bylaw will be read at ha hnislii Councll marlin on Wed nesday evening selling he dale ior the nomlllnlinns and elec uon ar the comlng ycnr The elecilan wiil be huld on Sam day December Nominallonl will be held in the Community Hall Churchill on Wednesday vcmber 27 so on lhe baiiol paper will be nucsiion asking 1h rate payer ll they are in ugrcemcnl wiih the lwrrycor lerm oi Coun di and Ichoal boards which ha been in cliccl for low yrnrl lha Council does no change un til the end oi the year MOSSING PRQTECTION 13m IN FINAL WHITE HOUSE ROMP INNISIIL NOTES The matter at requesting the Department at Trnnsport to ap prove tha piaclng oi protection on lhc nil crossing on tin new rend on the west Iida at tile township was doinycd allowing nntinn of iciter imm Essa wnailip who will bur pm at lha cum and upkeep vi the road Rccvn J00 Cochrnna told Council thnt he had driven over the road to examine the crossing and it View and inund that driver could not an up the truck lmm om direction until he was out on the railway niiawuncc Sneaker front Ind Butter HY puppies Mu John Ken nedy is giving to midWes children have final romp on the while House lawn yesterday The pups are om spring Pushlukn daughter Whlll lhlx mad completed curry hnnvy ltnfllu 1mm ve Illclu rnvclHnR to Highway 213 mm Highway 21 north Thu sui gcsllan was Ullll the prolcdlon elgnnlx lhould bu requested now However Deputy mum Campbell Expressed hcsllullnn about Incurran lho expense cvw though It would bu dhldcd bo lwecn lha mind at mmspofl the Dcpnflmcn Highway and the township ol lnnlgdll any Young Canada Day Bttendance lumps Am we noln someone killed mew Coch nnu cuqulrcd campnrlwn In mndn la Hm Vupm own shlp crouan on Iho Johmlon lehwny which hnl remained un prolnclcd nnd wm Illld lo vary dungrrmu cvm Ihnugn um pmuch cnn bu um or wml 1mm mum on Um new dovclnp TORONTO CWMinn 17 I00 rhlldrrn clickrd ihrmluh Ihl lurnullrl durinn lhu Cnnndlun animml Exhihilian Ywn Can uh Day Monday The gun In about 1000 mm lml yrnrn nllrndnnu on 01 um um the end hm duyl lolll ulemlnnu nlnnda nl H000 ulrop ol nbou 21500 mm yenru lluurl during thu mm Inn Innisiil Votes On December REGULAR IHIUNDI IIIAIIE 1m WEALTH IIZCMI leNDS $2l0 JACKPOT lEGION HALL COM 51 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21 lEGION BINGO man road an lnnlsllla town llne would llkely use the John ston Highway to tench destin ations on lllxhwny thln would ennbl drlvem In bypass Hard and avald delay at tho juncllun ol 2E and The mat ter wns lclt In abeyam and will llkely mm up or vole when the correspondenct ll read and discussed Mnnynnmc recorded In Jho brie hlitnrlea which wan wt FAMILY NAMES ten and on record in he strand school mu hmfllnr In InumlL The arms the people lived on may hnvo changed hands and than may hIVI ¢n over but hmory ha len HI mark ban writer memlonl 1110 Wilson ninth WanIan Mr Conkayl mm Rabbinl Hem Lnumcrs Badgers Reynolds Dowmam Orchardl Chnnuen Mama Slbbnld HunIcr Smith Webb Peacock Cannlnz Aye Mason Cross Pnrvll Muneer Nellly Gibbons Irvinm Lnnlen back woman Johnston lha Sovlel space do Slrel kn and Charlie Vclxh rler Slrenker gm lo Mnrk Bruce Coinmbln ML and Butterfly In Knren House 10 or Westehtslnr AP wirephnlo Tho lmsleu In use wen Jamel Cum Wflllnm War him and Dobwn who wen rupemlbh or bulldan on frame uhoollwuxe whip ll Imw part the Communlly Hall The pmnnl brick school Wm built In 1911 under nuke Sulherlnnd Snmnd Brnle and Henry Pull Tho plum wm nrrnnzcd that ha bulldlnl rould be uddtd lo but lhll wn not carried out II mm Ichoal wnl bull on Sunny Hm lub division We stopped yesterday In Inlk Mlh tho occnpnnll of vthlcll which had 11mm Item the North Wu Torrilorlu nud lnund hut lho awnm hnd menuy mad In lhll am to uh up mldcnce Mr And Mrl Em Conrad hnd bmuuhl lhtlr bo Innzlngl mm Yellowknlle lhoulnnd mllu north ol Edmon lan Ia ulnblhh lhcmlclvu In In llnrrln mu Mr Conrad wrlllen IM Ontario Dcpnflmenl 10 lmvo hll paporl lrnmflrnd la lhll pmvlnu and Mn bu Ivall nblo or pollllon whrn my mml lhruulh Mm Conrad mnldnn Mme wnl Mmml Ken ny ol mum Slml 11min Alkcd why hl had dcddcd to mow Mr Conn Inld lhul hl llnd lmn ulna yarn in ha Nur Hmn Terrllo And In ell um In mould ml the bunk now lwlurc VI 00 old lo mm chnnu The mm mm moulan lo Yollawknlh nlluwn Yuknn Highway lhtn sou n5ng lo lho nihckrbllo lllhr whlch cmgcd lumgnpy by Aucan Vlhrwrlnlir lhi vrhlclnldli DVI lln 1m MMINKH DAILY AI FEATURE TONIGHT AT 710 Ind 945 TODAY and WEDNESDAY WRONTO CF Thu 01 tarlo Labor Relullnns Hoard was naked Monday to rulo that Amalgamated Eleurlc Corpora llon la lullly an illegal luck oul or laying oil 188 worker In in pendan mnvu lrnm Tor onlo to Markham 20 mllu noth an hers The Uniiui Einciricni Work 1nd lppiied Io lilo bond im ihu ruling Iilcglnz the tin company min in escape ill responsibilities undur lilo coi iiectiva Imement with the un on It accused me tompnny ol seeking new employee or Inn Markham plnnt at rum 59 can An hour and more bean the minimum ram provided or In collegtjyc Igmqmentlf Meanwhile Amnlxnmnled Elcclrlc issued ll Elm public element slncu lha union be gnn necuslnu of mm layom Iwg week ago Rule Lockout Illegal Tho company statement 1an It rezrzta the hnrdshiY for than helnl llld on Vin what help it can to these people to relocate them in new jobs and Is transferring 195 employees 1mm Toronto to Markham at the lame rate of pay huncllu and continulty service they 2va PP But Idded much Imll ler number emplnym wlll ba required lo complete 1h umpted need he Markham OTTAWA CP When mp plles in the our hlx wheatu porllnl countrieshe Unlted Suns Cnnnda Australia and Argent were about tho firms on July year ear er Overall Iupplles both on arms and In commnrnlal poxl llons were placed ll 1521500 000 buxhell by the Dnmlnlnn Bureau of 5mm an Mun day Thh compnm with 1330 700000 bushel on July 11m Although we at near rec ords Ior wheat productionnot only In Cnnadl bu alsawhue the upontin caumlrel had be gun ha New year with mailer wheat carryovor than In mm Th lawcr Itackpllo nimm olllet thl blue hir Vex Su pllel It July with the pav cu yearl figures buck Uniled sun 1135100000 bulhall 1521300900 Cnundl and Annual 13110300 500000 DBS Says Wheat At 1962 Level vulnenbnlly HM mlonlcn And of th dulloufly menu operation whln Iho Iank July toilawlnl colllxlon with lhl Roonlzh Mud wm Ivan Mon dlr It In Admlmty own In qur1 £5th Ihg din nu mlonlen went down and 33 of bar lumm died mlnulu um lhe mllhlon on am St Lawrence fllvu mllu down urum mm Quolgea Flty Iplnl hole In lha how the noon Hand but been pnlrcd In the II ex fled to lull 1m lmlmd lalgr vyeck WHHnm nullcy 11m engine of lhl 1rllonlcl Id her halchu wnn rme cloud whllo lh vmcl Inllcd 1110 St Llwrenu Ind lhll an floodlnl of number on hold when in Ihip wn by lhl Momle Head would bc mull Ilnk In on nnier John Wynn Auld lounh olfl lhc Roonnxh llcnd lhm lulle hl lhlpl mw worked quickly In try to law In Tr Ionlu unmul allnwln 0n cob Rescue Difficult On Tritonica rnylm Wm 10 In Mr mDVll Claopulrn Maudy nllhl lor lhl llul moand Inlud lo min um lIlI 5m lnok mm wllh Mr Dul Nthrd nunan Mr min on Ind Icmn wu not mum lhcm wn flu awn Ihqwn Ill 41 delayed ll 51pr cr Mn Nudlol wulhwm at up doll whm 5h Vlllthld llunon worklnl In mm mavlc mm with Ill OToolo For First Time Liz Sees Cleo LONDON MP Elllnbalh umcownJ Jam mm the DOLTOR MIM Intn PACIFIC IMMDMI Tuhnlnm lnlnl nlun HOLLYWOOD MP sur vey oi Ihe all acnsonl tclc vlslnn programming discloses ha vlewcrs will be seem more rnclal Inc¢rnllnm Mindiul ni continuing pres xurc irnm Ncgm winnin llmu producers appear in bu planning mater cmplnymcn oi Negroes viii in peakinl mic and nlmusphm players Somu shows an balm writ ten about mumn or race ccnlly lllmcd nun Casey neg menl concern Negro hnscbnll utnr gloved bySummy my Jr WFEEqIIiEEs nn opefiilldfi lo we MI sight Dr Casey Vincent Edwards came Into Rev Malcolm Boyd De lmlt recites bent poetry In coffee house In Toronlo where he annndlng he Am glIcnn World Congress Mr Buyd who also known as the espresso priest use lha calfcu houses an meeting Halon but rescue npornllnnl wm dilfleull In lfcbonu wcra lWlp away by mung pumpkin lhcy wen hunched TRY 10 SAVE TWO lebon roservn lor lho loonngh llendl 11 pnsmm zen wnl ordered launched in II vnln nllempl to new two unr vlvors neporled Icon flaming no mlnule nller llle sinking by lhl Spanlrh lrelghler Condo do Fon lnnnr whlch brushed the wreck ol lhl Trllonlen nun Shannon 30 mud en flncer ol lho Trllnnlcn told the qulry ho wm ln lhn enulnu room when ordan came In npld wccmlon lrom lho brldxo lo cul Ipcrd lrnm lhu lull knoll lhen ln llop lhen nlcrn lhen lull nrlcrn and ll nally lo Ilop THE MOVIE SCENE Shannon 1ch nhuva deck nllcr hearing mllislnn and lhn xenernl Alarm and mulled ha lrlcd In hr launch llle bonl bul coul nl bncnusn Im had to leap lulu lllo wnltr mm wnl lhu slnklnu llu wnl found Homan uncon uloul by the crew 01 no lrhh WIlluw mcun nulp PA 39 Th Ovlglml DrlvoIn BARRIE Soth WIIh The Cholco The Plcluru LlHIo Rand In Mu Cloy Dblwun Hwyl 400 Ind ll Admlulon 75a Chlldnn I3 yrl or under FREE CARTOON 0N EVERY PROGRAM HIS PULPIT IN COFFEE HOUSE WE Television Producers Plan More Integrated Programs HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE JP mmtwwfii COMING THURSDAY DARK AT THE TOP OF THI All mun zmnmmnmy TUESDAY WEDNESDAY confllcl with whflehallng neu rnsyggean whg gemq was thrilled with the script lays Dnvls 1mm anca should be attacked no matter whlch side is on CBSI historical series Great Advcnlure has filmed drama lltlcd Ga Down Moses con cerns the underground railway bclnm the American Civil War and slur Elbe Wm Ruby Dc and Brock Pelnrsr Several new uerlelhnva cnsl Negrocl in conlinuins rule hospital show Breaking Paint will icnlum diciiclun played by Virginia Cnperl Mr Novnk concernan lilo in big city high Ichool will hnve Vinco award as hlliory teacher Bab Williams will be lnclary culup in The New Phil Silver Almw ground wllh some 01 he youn ger zenerallun The priest is also freedom rder who spent 10 hours 5min on ma flour snuthcm respgurmgt Wiraphbln chk Van Dyku nn upcnmlng show In whlch he worries that my bus Men switched nl lhl hospilal When he locales the her couple In thl Iuppascd mlxup find they no Na gmcs played by Frod Mom and Mind Dfllanl hyvstander said the ds d1umhe mm TORONTO CPI Lndyl LynnDcnLcc owned by flair art ershl St Thomas Mon day won blue rlbhnn In In lwoycnwld oldan or man class at Um Cnnadlnn Nationl Exhlblllon Second prlu went lo lho un try at Dr and Mn not Inn of Hdulun nnd lhlrd Jpn was clnlmcd by Grntmu owned Mn Ransom lldeh on The broad mm wllh Ianl by thin than was won by Sporting Chance owned by Mr Slnnlw Second place won lo Sunshine owned by Grcgn OLeury Tauwhnm nnd lhrd prlxn wnl clnlmrd by Ilmh awncd by Mr Clnvkwn Wlllini mm owned by Noll Slndo ul Tornnlo cumumd lho MMch on aired by LynnDeeQLee Best Gelding Ht Exhibition Horseshow CHILDRIN UNDER run Mum tumult ADMIIMON 71a The Canadian born iarmer US ambassador to India left or Ottawa Sunday iar two day oi talks with Canadian oiiiciall Gnlbraliha report to the pres lidcbnl iI anilkely to be made pu The trip allows he Hynnnil Port Main meeting between Kennedy and Prime Minister Pearson earlier lhis year when hey agreed to initiate discus sion on the suitability oi new airtravel arranzemenu WASHINGTON CF Pm ldenl Kennedy has sent John Kenneth Galbraith In Ottawa lo exploru nlr mules between the two countries Discfigs Air Routes Thu Canadian zovemmcnl or tavern year has been trying to nblnln zrcalur than ma Nomi American air travel mur kc with more longrange 11 m3 ppgngunlllesn tha Initial US reaction was to interpret this as an attempt to penetrate dec into US air mules Oiiicin said Canada did not have many attractive new routes nvniiabie inr swap liuwevcr Galbraith rt may change the US govern mcntl views WILLIAMS Scotland CP AP Joseph Wllllam Hobbs lormtr Cnnndlan cuw boy whn made two lurluncs and lnlmduced North Amrrlcau style cattle rnnchlml to Scotland ed here Sunday at the no Hobbs was born In Hum xhlre England and rmlmtcd to Canada the an of nine 1n Saul Ste Maria 0nL ha nnld newspaper as boy lumcd ranchan ncnr Calgary more lhlm 50 man ago And In Vancouver ho built ky paper Allu servlng naval yer In the Flu World War hu mdc his first mum in thpphm and prflpufly deals Made Fortune Cowboy Dies In Scotland Ha was reported In haw last more lhnn 00000 In lhu 1929 depression Thula when Mr came to Scotland lth ule less lhnn £1000 than nbvnl 350 he started hualneus whlsky salesmnnr Belom ha llnlshed he owned seven bl dlsllllcdu Sllecn your ago hn look over the dcrcllcl lnvcrlochy Lusllo eslale when hu Ilurled cattle larmlng mm mm al the Scolllsh breeds ll developed quickly and became Scollandl llrrl lnrnmcalu cnlllo nnch ln lhu Norlh American Ilylell covered In square mller nrar Fort Wllllam Ind mlle were rounded up In WildWest arhlnn It become lllnhlund haw 111999 Hobbs told lhe Great Glen cattle ranch mm for cm 000 $369000 and mind In no 00 am In which lib ensue was nlluultd Glu Flu award by James Day of Oak nldxu wnl judged has In tho yearllnl colt or fly clan Umbo owned by Allan Clnrhon 1m Nashville was mount and Skye owned by Mr Ind Mn Jamel Walk Ruckwoad wnl mm Ilnlllon approved by the 01L and Improvement Soclcly Clan Second who wnl wan by Mr Clnrhonl Ink and third wen Wlllill Fri owned by 11mm NOW SHOWING TIE BAIHHE EXAMINER IUESDAY AUGUSI 20 1961 BRAVENHURST Ont CP The Idea lha Canndlnn souve nlu should aclunlly be mad In Canada may scam rcvnlw llnnnry but mm be ugchlnz on urv ouvcnlr shops along heavily truvellud High wny II In Onlariul Muskokn tnurls raglan show grawlnx rrefercncn fm producl mnda lhls country But some shop owners report It him been any In roplncn lha madnInannn plaster Mgunlle ns ylng For cxnmplo Mrs Jnhn Scr ru opcrnlor shap north Dracnbrldzc who nnw sell only Cnnadlnncmflcd ilcms Inys lhnl Ievcrul years ago 5h was vlsilcd by local Indium who Herod lo supply her wllh nnlivu hcndwnrk lJvcntunlly she and her hua band became nusplclnus They lnund he Indians had bought the Ilcm mm wholesaler In Tornnlo They had been made Allan MncDonaId mm are loaded with przcs alter day at In Canadian National Ex hlblllnn in downtown Toronlo ctpanese Mountie Is Top Souvenir own mm Ehrl Ml pm SHHNTY BAY HANDS FULL POCKETS EMPTY TONIGHT ANDVIED llllhny 11 It Guthrie mamm IIAIII GIANT FEATURES In Hong Knpg made muvnnlrn at Canada are still available Sum pEnnnnls with Cnnndiun mum and Mounlle 1n thu foreground came lrom Ihn United Slnlcs pocket knlIe showing Maunlla made In England Cushions showing Ca nadlan Icenel coma ram Franco nut carvings and polar bear runs made In ll country are being altered and hlun china made in polxlnzwwd 011 gobd sulfa THURSDAY AUGUST ARENA GROUNDS SHOWS pm But his pockets are light by spunk dime by dlmo In trying his luck and sklll on tho CNE mldwny CP Win phnlu nil wonLo Hum ITS TRIUMPHS nzncu BEYOND nu SEAS 50 EUROPEAN PERFORMIRS 50 ANIMAlS ElEPNANIS DIWMMINO HIPPOPMIMIJS $5 mild$15M BARRIE éii

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