limb1 Candun mm mmm Nb um Aummen 7m no NIH WON Mumm munn run may mum In Muslim III waneIm Pl II DIM All bl Ill lml Aunmma mum on null Tull 0m nwmmm cum mm pumun o1 mun In balm lunfllyl ma unmm noIMm eml nuntn nun rumm un Axum 0mm mrnnum mum Allul nu many munn Mum mcuuL MINILLV Innu nuh IMIM my my nnlu Mn wry 1r Hi mu noun my nu mam mum ml in run OulM mum mm mm vounnlonl lauln um 10 Avq Tonnlnl rm om mimunu lulll Ill IL lmlnlll mum PERSONAL FREEDOM Norlh L1 Nuggcl Much is being an nnd wrlllcn these dnya about lndlvldunl freedom The truth In that In aoclcly govnm cd lnw thorn in no such thlnz In total lrcctom The Inw Is the base moans men have devised for llvlnu 1010mm Vllhoul It man would be forever rump llng amid lhulrlï¬xlm nun nnJ freedom would be lost In mum ally dcnlmcllvo chm ed wounded in Sicily invasion Major VanStraubenzee Pte Donald hic Conkey and Slgnailer Murray Mackenzie apt Bruce Johnston arrived satei overseas with company at Canad ian entai Corps Lieutenant Charles Joseph Seagram 481h Highlanders of Canada arrived saier overseas Pilot Officer Maurice Pearce oi RCAF arrived saieiy overseas uadron Leader James Parker McMillin iicialiy reported missing aiter air erations ov er Germany Pilot iicer Ernest Borden iiicCuteheon missing aiter air erations overseas Simcoe West Unt was third in all Ontario for payroll sav ings oi Victory bean Viiilam iagce oi Barrie was chairman oi this section liarta gara Ken iiiciiemiea service station and Veidon Fowlers tire service received heavy losses in overnight burg WAR DAYS 10 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner August 1943 Pro essIvo ConservalIve led by George row upset the NIxon LIberal Govern ment In Ontario voting CCF made very strong showing In IIrst provincial bId un der Edward JoIIIIIe All three county seats won by TorIes George Johnston In SImeoo Centre Dr JD McPheo 01 Port McNIcolI In Slmcoe East Rev anIaco Downer oI Dunlroon In DuIIerIn SImeoo Three BarrIe men report gd vvoundedln SIcIIyInvnsIon Major Some critics of decentralization in On ario might argue that one cannot com pare the ht little island of England and Scotian with spacious Ontario Nev ertheless the very argument advanced for the British program apply closely in 11115 province The government feels that by ca lng out Its policy of decentralization settlng an example to private manufact uring and ppsinqsq to do llewse in view of these arguments it is most interesting to note what is being done in Great Britain McIntyre Hood special London England correspondent for The Examiner tells of the firm British gov ernment plan to move staffs of many government departments to various parts of England and Wales This project is now well underway Some 31000 civil servants have alread been moved An other18000 are in process of being moved and before the program is com leted the total number of civil servants volved will reach over 00000 These dispersals of staff are expected to promote efficiency because civil ser vants involved will be relieved of some of their personal problems Behind the whole scheme is an effort to relieve the traffic convestion in and around London to enable civil servants to live in areas of better housing conditions and indir ectly to relieve unemployment in the areas to which departments are being moved by securing any staff additions re quired locally Specifically it has done so with the city of Barrie and Simcoa County in mind In general sense it is convinced that decentralization in the three categ ories mentioned would take up the slack of unemployment in many communit ies cut down on the rapid concentration of business and industry in the big rne tropolltan areas and provide better liv ing conditions for people moved from the large to the smaller centres of pop ulatloni This newsgaper has contended for some time at decentralizationot Oniv aria government offices industry and higher educational facilities wou be beneficial the province as whole One such argument is this The gov The Barrie Examiner Decentralimtion Is Needed For WellBalanced ProVinCe Walls Publisher OTHER EDITORS VIEst Published by Cahndlaia Newspaï¬graumlted 10 anfleld Street Bmle Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE 183m Examim Brlan slum Genml Mum TUESDAY AUGUST 10 1958 Pllll For treednm tl not In endlessly cele hrnlerl blrthdny parly perpetual blnuc Illellmo of lontlnri on the land or ntnrlmi At lclcvlrlon or rdlug around tn car In reoponalblllly WHAT THI INTEREST Otlawn Cllleon Senator Dnvld troll the unsuccessful ltuow what Interest rate they are aylng lponsor ol Iuenaure to let run omerl on Installment purcham llmlllll be en courngcd to note lhat hls mtnrlonary Wurk tn lmvlnu results In other plnm The Manitoba legislature has Approval Allpulatu llto amount at earrytnf char ges And In Onlnrlo Promlcr tobnrtl Alter roddlng trom he or oultton lm ngreer to not up comm as to study time lulu Ict requlrln morcluntn to the queetlon Than It out In hegln ntnu Th freedoms they enjoy tend to shift nomowhnt In extent and chnrnctor do omllngt on tho needs and problems holr tanglng Ioctoty The are wlxo to ho overvigilant to keep rcodom tunctlonlnï¬ through In wtdo an ex nmo ot tholr tvc In com Hatthlo vtlt the common good Yet tn ghtlnu lhla baltlo It to not enough to lay Leave us nlonut llnv umuu nunr ntlnllon Grey and Simcoo For rs arrived homo from dn train In at Camp Niagara Mrs Ward Pr co Burrandnlo Hall rccclved lol Ier ol commendation from Drillah war ru lch clothin commlllco chnlrman for work done Burrlo group Mr and Mrs Charles Lowo enlcrlnlncd 30 at alswlrlcndr In honor of Ion Bills lath laries of tires blamed on growing boot leg ring duo to rubber rationing Canada faces an alarming shortage or coal Flynn of Red Cross urg ed large turnout at next blood donors clinic ecause of Sicilian cam at Miss Ruth Breakweii and hits at Milne of Bank of Nova Scotia Barrio branch received high marks in Banking exams VO Mothers of Stayner re ceived lull RCAF honors in burial He was one of our airman killed in training accident at Paulson Manitoba liar mony Grill won softball tournament at Everett wiih Wes Perry pitchin all 10 innings three games nginecr George Seymour retired niter 48 years service with railroad and no bad accid ent irooper William James Edward Bird has arrived saleliy in England Phili iiiarchildon oi oneiang baseball pitch ng star at Philadei hla Athletics commissioned pilot oi leer in ROM An election Ls now underway What Is the attitude of party leaders to this Im portant question This is tha time to stand up and declare themselves In the interests of wellbalpnced province But ideal conditions in the form of iav orable taxation and living conditions are not always enough Barrie will get more industry through it own efforts One need make no mistake about that Yet we could proceed much faster with the help and example of decentralization conscious government atQueenufllrark Barrie and an other communities similar in size In aggressiveness can do much to attract industry This city has already done so and the industries that have located here have grown and pros Feastu It is fact that ecentra zation must start with the government One cannot Iorco industry to accept specific area or plant location but the government has the means to persuade and also to hel these with investment capital to set the sights on smaller communities ra ther than on the big builtup areas nr Worst of all It has encouraged rather than discouraged Industry to establish in metropolitan areas In England the government has set up bureau to en courage the movement 01 business and inquguy but at the London area used to Veértranlsfl govermï¬exllt HeBag megs 1p qthgrparts of Ontarlo From uma to time tho Ontnrlo govern ment has pald lip service to decentrallz atlon but little else The truth is that the government one the bi gen ot ienders in the move to central ze facil ltles It is already sgendlng $50 mllllon on new government ulldlngs for Toron to and has turned deaf ear to nu est lons that hot thls money can he Is it not fact that many ontsrlo com muntttes are being depopulated or curb ed seriously tn growth as result of the demands of Mg areas like metropolitan Toronto for more workers The answer is post gmpltatlgnltyjn tho affirmative ernment considers that this ate wbuhl help curb the rapid growth of 0E1 Iatlon of Greater London and same tlme prevent the depopuleflon of prgvrhclel areas Tth dlxpmnll are expected In pmmolo eIIIcIcncy becnuu In cIvII Irrvnnln wIII be rdIaved uI tome 1er per Ianll prahleml DcIIImI lhn whole Icheme III mm on he an II unvtmmcnt lo HHWO tho lrnmc mnwllon In And around Landon lo NIIIbIe cIvll Icrvunll In IIvn In Men hrller haul In mndlllonl Ind IndireclIy Io rtleva unemnloymonl In In Iran to Whlth dupnnmrnll lll bclnx moved by mnrlnl any mIl IddIllonI rtqulml Ioully MEETING EXAMPLE 11m numnmcn nlw rtII llml by rnrrylnl out policy decenlullmllon telling llll unmnla prvnlo mnnulncluh In Ind buolneu concern In an llkuwlu In ncenl Innounco monk which have hem Involvtd ln he dlapeml to other arm Include he pol olllce aavlngl depart ment the mlnlnlry ur puhllc bulldlnn Ind workl lho Hoard Trade lhe department Iclenllllc Ind lnduslrlnl research Iha Ilallanery olllce the mule unnernll alllce lha mlnlllry olylnbcr llle clvll ll lco cammlaslonl lhu llama Ice the cdutnllun mlnlslry lhv houllnl mlnlllry he lnlnnd enun alllce the lomlry rum mlnlon Inn lrnmpor mlnlxlry he lreulnry and tho mlnlxlry ol pcmlonl In all Hum do parlmtnla Slr Gllhm Flcmmlnl rccammtndnd vnrlaul ucllonl lb all could curry on lhclr work lull elllclcnlly ln olhrr locnllmu =1 CANADIAN Inm rom lman Mimi mnnlc Commute on ended Gm Wlllllln th Inundrr he Balvullun Army and BI yrnrl In IanAlter mum nl Tmmm work nmmm lha pmr m1 mod durum mph In lIrlluln Hm on and hll help milked In lulnl Clnllllnnlly Inln law which llw mm but rmuhn mnld unruly lnudl The Army In IIIIII ovpmmnn In lwuln In later Inn with mu IAInuI nurrm and Inrud Ihrvulham Uw mum Inc1m nmmmn trod Dru Flu Wofld 000 In new in the proton of Mn movedand belnre lhe prrr rum ll comrleted lhc lnlnl number clvl mum involv ed In these move will tench ovur 60000 anmenu an London 10 var oul pan of Ennland and Wales II now well undu way Nearly Iii the branches ihejavem men will be aliecind by lhe diapaml program which is be ing carried out on lhe recom mcndatlan ol Sir Gilbert Flem min in the early part of ihil year he wu commissioned by the xnvammen to make com prehensive survey of ail gov emmenl depnnmenu with View of delurminln what per tonnei could work lull as cifccl lveiy ii incled ainnwhera than London ugmnmzmsr INVOLVED mun of his recommen llam some 31000 clle nerv Inll have already been moved alhcr locations Analhcr 15 LONDON Firmly committ ed to pollcy of decentraliz ntlon Ihe movan the man hezpvernment de Govt MovingManv Staffs Other Parts England Wales By MVINTYRE HOOD Spochl London lEnl Corrnwndenl For The Binlo Exlmlner TODAY IN HISTORY MORSI IS HE AFTER MY DOWRY T00 ml lhc And mmr munillnn Ivy It Emu Mmllnl Mm hum LCM rlmlnnnmlllp In lull nllnlurlnl Alum mln lmr cl nlurm lIlllllulIDlll 1hr mlnlmr anew In In mmWnl Ihnly wlulnn In III thM vldlnl nl Tumnln El Amluw Am In man In hum Mr rnumnn mu crlllrhed mun melu nun whrn ll wa xIluowml hII ulfo luld mm In Turme hullL lha llmo Mr HuhIll hndnl hlm IN IIMK IUNI HUN Thun mlnlnlrrl thnlllld Hound Aml Brynn ulhrnrh uhnu nlhrmrnl hm Ier An nuunrnl nlllclnlly mde ml Thu mum mun In rlvnnm Arenml In In In In Ilon Minn Gnunun null Invlnrumunl ll mu no lhu mm in nnrunm flukeum In lululnry fly ON OIIEMIN TORONTOIn he Inxlrlmn mo Hurry helm rnlllnu Hm olmlnn lrrmlrr llnbnm hid ublurl mkrup An Irllcla In lho mnxnzI Tawn nnd Counlry PInnnIng ollcrn mm Iaund mm or their nllllmle work In London known lhuI Inn VII And ram condlllum lhm um npynlxlnf ll II more expcn Ilvn Ia lIvu London nun else where IIouIIna In lhu Grtnler lnndon Im II Inr mm cuIIly lhnn In mall provlncInl mutu Many lhcm Indtld have been known to rcluxo promollun 11 In ed Hvlnx In London Provifxcln 5le urvanll an the other lund In favor ol hfdispcrgnl Clvll servant working In Lam don hnvo not taken loo kindly to he dimern plunl but haw been molllflcd by ha xnvtrn menll guarantee that It will accept UN ncedl or lullable ol Hca accommodation nnaonnhlo haunlnx Ichooll and rampart hrllllleL VhHa mm lho dnpnrlments mnvcd out Londan wlll he wlfllln two hours journey of the city In the new locations lev eral branch are moving Inlu lho northeast and northwcnlcrn sections he taunlry and to Wales 01 HERVANTH VIEW QUEENS PARK There have always been rntx ed vlewe on thts thorny ques tton ol dlrperlal of CM nerv Inta to the provinces The gov ernment has gone ahead wlttt It or two main reason Itretextc consideration at retlevlng the congestlnn tn London and to pro vlde usctut form or local em rloymenl tn other emu ot Enz end Ind Water It Also comlderv ed that ï¬ll rlcp would hrlp to com the raptd lrnwth ol the population of Greater Umdon and at the some ttme orevrnt deropulntlon ot pravtnctrl areal pr nclpalty tn the northeext de dlllcfll Dl meni Mr Boyd Carpenter this secretary in the lrenrury rnld there was an urgent need inr private firm also to dtcenlral in at least mm hair oiiice work outlidu London The govern men has an up bureau to en couraxe lilis Tile Milanaiitcd Industrial such as the coal el eclriclty and gun hoards imd aim asked lo consider movinz out of London as many as poi Iihiu of their Ilaiil Mgan vuzwa Cabinet ShakeUp Most Innocuous thw mumhlu and nonunion which um um MM IN public mu Ilnn Jumu Auld likely la min on better Mlnlnur Trnnl nml luhllrlly Hun no lu olklganlporg Thlq muku fur Inmculml Immva lmlrll ml In rum mint llul lhnl II he may II It nml II II Imllhly In In rhiner II II In pour lo luv HIMHY And It hu Ilw Inuit ll um ul uv htltlul um lullhlluu nmr mnmlu hllh um UNJEIUM CONTEST TM lllmlrnlu hva Ivy trnmrn man Illl In In In Ilmlnn Thln mlnhl ha namewhll rc mulo runan or mklnu um nrl rhnnuu flu In IMI elm rm mry ml ll am to DUHL Aml ynu run In Ann Hill Anyullnl can he dune In My 1ll wln Hm ummnenl will do Muld lrnd lo Ihaw Um Mr llolmrll 1m lull with In Mm Mr nnHllo mid ha work muny mlnlalriu wu arried oul mainly In brunchu or glans ch clvll mvnnll needed to In dnll cunlutl wllh mlnhlm and It service drpurtmenl would luncllnn jun anally In ouwr purl of Edwin sum prnblcml lurk he mnle men clerlcnl and Iyplnl and would ho mlvcd by movv Away mm In London llfll Slmnr support for he Lizcm Irnllul on pollcy has come mm Bullllo ol Ihu anlonal Execullva cl tha Soclaly Clv II Servants lle Icrms II Inc only lane nolullan lo rclleve over crowdlnz In Ianndnnl erllnz In CIvII Scrvlce Oylnlun Mr llnlllle wId mm dcrnflmenll had no real conneclonl wllh London nnd lha ma nu cleus oI mlnlslcrlal nldu Ilwuld IuIIIcu as tha lInka wIlh mnln novunmcnll Ila Inld IIII Lon dun already avervcrowded Ilml II II rarldly belng choked lo flonlh by lrlIIc unIIl one day II mull dml IIulI I0 Ilngdllllll The process of dixpeml II llme to go on fur lho next few years The gnvernmen Ix mk lng the help of ham aulhnmlu In areas In which IL intended la mow aomc of Ila work But llme wlll be needed acquire rim and build ar acqulro lhc nccmnry accommodation DEMON SUPPORT Thue ls another aspect of ha governments prumm tn Hm 1t II to some extant an economy measure As departments are mnved out of Damion other de narlmenu which are lo slay hers will be concentrated 1n the VI cant ofï¬ces some srs scstlered In vlrlous sections of the city and many Are In unlulksble Icased premises Mnny building which are now leased by lhe mlnlstry 01 works It Inser In In relurnod la shelr owners wllh suhslamlsl nvlnu In rents chlrxel and far mm difï¬cult In flnd And these conditions are Iteadlly growing warxe Hence the anx Iely of he gnvemmenl to live constructive and Iubxlantlal lead In popularizing the Idea dhpcrnl nulce mm to leg congested areas PEOMOTEE ECONOMY mum of Ilrull ll mo rth AM who mm our mman mm Domlnln ammu 1mm 14 lo bound mm lhI mm quartm at mum Im in mum 0m somqu my II in Um um lme wmhlen hm II Mn llvrn In the ru lmllnn mmlarlabll nml nl drlnklnl an rullumml llll wllm or nmly III rcnlun IM Imhlblnu Ilmhol hn not boon nmmled bul Im lmn mmpnlcd la in In In uncrimiorllblk and Illegal hull bar In Min alumni In lhc Itmmllutw Wm llle ll lnfllnmgnl nulldlnu mnvlnl awny lmm compuhlon mud Inwumu Idullllh lmllvld unl Itllldemmlunllnn in mnllrr of Alcohol nl menu Ollnwnl quy ml ry new Ilr lrrmhul ll won he Il rrnud la um drink la Ihou Ihluly lrnvnllm nlm wlnl wmclhlu nellhcr hol nor wfl 02qu WI mmmon lensc pul Iln laund in IhI nm In at mummy Mm HUT Frnnco USA Ind nlhlr grim nullonn flu In napalm in duccd by more mhlla llnl ha summer hlrlu wm nurnchod ll opllan wllh noma Ihlux lonlrr Irnnzlr and zmltr um Imam cupu cl ann allrrrd hy prnlnul prime mlumcr It Anolhcr mld lummfl mtplian ltw mu no Th1 wnl he In lime 014 law pm corps hid been tn mllned ll lha ofllclnl lum mar mldcnco lhc prime mlnlllcr mm on ha Ihm ol lllrrlnnlon Lakt Jun I1 mlch lrom Ihc Pullnnmm nulldlnll OTTAWAHappy dnyl Ira hm ualn wrote an ImXIII menllry canupendan descrh In mcpllm or he pm ulvon by Prime Mlnhler Ind My Peancn The warm will as New York Cfly Ihorl dlyl drha from Mammal Shubrooh in Quebecl Bantam Tawmhlpl and the Appalachian munlry wlll be 00 mlnulu away and Quebec Clty nightly more than two hour Gone wlll bu lhl old Ihm luna hlzhwayll Gun wlll bu lha conlnslnl bllinzual nigm re Ipen wt next our year build road capable ban dlan the mplorinu mllllanl qujskly Ialely mg Elcpsanlly it will be expensive but canny recognizing In the mm oi lhe lair depends mainly on how mlny iouritll in Ihe eastern Uniled Stale Ind Cnnada will be willing in driva to Monk uni Marci $500000000 will be QUEBEC 1GP To preparl for the Worldl Fnlr In 1967 Quebec provlnce hu embarked upbn program aimed at brink Inl Ihe warld closer to Man In la pouluce on Lha cheal The old laminar mus lard mulllco one pm dry my card powder or of flour and mixed Into puke In good So Ire 1h repnred paste medl falzd wit menthol or Immab CS nm lrnrwn mrrnmml in Euuer Ihe put on to piece flannel warm and apply to the client It my be an old mhloned procedure but cam lhq npgxm Amth effectlve remedy In give enough lpecac to induce vomiting The Ipecflic dome Bul come nllhlflme than the me Ill charnclcrlsllc croup AI you turn of the light nd so to bed he blby mm trouble mung hlahrenlh Ind he when appem to ha du pertely Ill Yet there may be no fever or unly temperature lightly above normal There are leveral remediu Setilnl up some sort Mike aiinir wiih Iheel or clolh and providing Gleam inhalation ea vcclnliy wlth the addition oi tinctumi cumin or aromatic and moan malerini are us By new By mm Moinan mo Bur Dr Molnm What about crguwumfla The thront Ind enlnnce to the larynx child nr lmall When Ihls are In flamed and swollen baby mm to cough and ntruula for breath OTTAWA REPORT well remember mm deep 1m night when my own young1 um Id croup might be called llrynzllla because rarely occur mar lhe an two or hm yurl During the day he may hava only mild cold or penImp cough and mini or even no ijeprnnca all ggu all Country One Big Grapevine Say Can Teacher In Moscow PATRICK NICHOLSON TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Happy Days Again At Press Reception Childs Croup In Early Bges more Iublla lIrIl lmer lhlrIlI were Il opllan wllh lama trIIrnn1Ir Ind In Imqu cum ml hy pmlnuI It Inolhcr mld mpllan ltw yeIu Cnnmllun lnmlllu ulm hndly nerd Mm home will be an lemled to ram llml llm lov rrnmwl ll huvlnx lluu hml mom pvrlalulrnlrd rlrmplflr ullh Muralqu lnuln llnn Ind Ilrrlrlunl Mill lurch lrnl cqnlpmrul fur 208 rarh The sovrmmnnl II Illa hume l7l nm lmlmmu lmmr or 500 Inch TIINI llulllnk III cnrlcxl hy Um lulvrcllnml wlm wlll lu anlnm lnnllllum llw lIr nurllL llxo xmrrnmrnl lI nluu pravhllnu llwrlnln Ionm Iclvoal nl nnallnn nnrtll Immml rommunllyl Tullnylk luk Al ï¬lm Items lln dl pmpnrllmnlu rnl nl IJZLWL COHYLV DOGIIllllMZ man mrrrnmml ll my lmm mmpulnlon d1 IdullIIII lmllvld rlumlunllnn ln ll Ilcolwl nlmllmrnll luuy lml dry new II III won he II um drlnkI la Ibo Ivnllm nlm wInl nellhcr hol nor wfl common lense pul in IN Inmc IMTUI wllh III II Lam dalhoqullo In LSA Ind nIhIr Idmllml In In mm IIllonn nup illum Imc lme wmlnlen Mn he ru mmlarlablI Iml ly IIHIIII II III tIpvl mlnlIlcr lllrltnhnlmI lo hum Nol nlltlul nl WI lIIllAmml Ionmu IIII lhlrl lar nu lull YInIdlIII ulm pul Mum Imhlblna ol Ilmhol inl II lImIII cubed eon vnvmlal bul mm hum MI III do mmle la in an In nldnl 1mm lyI llk and Illegal hIIlI elnl pllmul In In Wu mm ll llulldlnu In mlnlmr ol who hunched CIn cIIl pnmm of IIIIrtlI Ind who mmnful mm umlmu mm mm mm mm pculhly lhe Inly mm In Inm nhlrh ward lunar Il VIIIAll II mldal lumn hlunry nl human lIIhllIllnn luu bowl pnmd lo rmlIle LlxImplIln Iml III II waec by many mlllomulu Illml Mumlm olltnnIJI ullhll not urn ml ulul or Canyon when lmo our Mort ChImolIlm In no Ina1mg mm II cenan flu Sonia in unmadth gold In announcing the culllnx linden or the new drpnrlmrnt urlcullurc rlm here Puhlh Wnrkl MInMrr Dclchalclcln nnd Agriulllnrc Mlnhler Hnyn wld HID now hmd ofï¬ce will be rnllnl me nrllmz nulldlnx In honor Sir Jnhn Cnrlinu mum of Landau 0nL Mm wn mlnmer lrnm 1415 In 1391 The bulldllflt MII can about mom mu wlll war 11 Hurry nlxm the lurrnumlmu lltlvh the Dan lnlun Expcrhucmnl Fnrm In Ollnwn on cutInt In lverythlnl glu Inlnkl Ivr Illls In lho wHI of God In Chrlxl Juul tonctrnhll yaml Thellnlonlnnu 5Ill God Ls not limited and and linen cannot be kept In narrow boundsn It rclalcs In everything evcrmore wtlhoul cmuln$ Construction 90mm nur Iane automule to Sherbrockc mulheasl Mnnlrnnl has be gun The all road to cost $7 000 may be completed pliqed Iby iqggmnllgnal symbals Stirling this all the prov ince will transform Mmil twolane highway bciwccn La prairie near Montreal and tho New York State border Inio divided ourinn expressway 3wa TOLL ROADS Thus olhur diagnostic proccd urcs Men are used in addillnn lo the bland taunt 0nels last for lack sold In lhvl slam ach Analher In measure the absorption of radioactive belled BIZ The human or pcmlclaï¬s anemia ls lnleclions of vitamin Aller having had them this blood mum may appearnln be rmval or at least gdyquqte wse many multiple Vlla mln preparatlons contain 78 and the patan has been 11412 lnz them here may be enough BIZ to mask the real condition or ak least make it dlIliculHo evaluate might IndircclIy Bocnuga oI Ihe murnlngonly aspect one Hues Is that you habitually He in bed in mm painon that puts pressum an nervcin your arm nr Ihnulder Dear Dr Mnlner Are borderline case punk anemia an that csls shuw have one limo and no ncxn MRS II Yes there can be such border llnn cases 9nd diagnosis may be difï¬cult 1mm an ordina hllod count BIBLE THOUGHT will vary wllh the nlze ho yuungner Ind IILI particular re action grawn The Iendcncy la croup guard hlm against too much ex ponurc to cold and lnlccllnnsu Den Dr Mulnerx What causes numbness In lhu flngerl It only hnpï¬cns In Ihu maman when Wu up am about 15 pound nverwelghl Could 1M have anylhlng lo du with the m7 My doctor thInk lo Onca an allnck occurs there may be nnulhcr the allowlnz ghl Sp unyll child has aut lejalcg my more My wlyh Are mgr nginlcidéi win th