Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1963, p. 12

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wwz st 1351 wt 1le urdrrl In loud lulu at no nl Hun mmpnnyl lhln rlnvulnn Mumy Iml Hm Ivntnr wnrhm luml In Innd lhp marl Mum Mld nu In In Mllnulu lvlp Ind Jury llouln hm hon Town Julhu Mayer nrrullu Hu rvrlhlenl CuanrnlIl uln nnmuny ulrl lhrI ml lhl anuul Shaw mu um lo Mllunuhm WIA mm In mknml In lulr an onL Ihrn numwd hm Mayor uld In 3le lml luln Ichmd ml in Hu Mrua um 1h uvnlnr warlm an mumlmn Iho lulu filemar mGm Union MM lll Ill Inlunbllonll 14mm Amman IIICMHI Al HIMIIM unllwu nunln MOIHIRY lrluml In Inml Tmunln Krnln nutl Ml lw hrvn nl lhe Mu nl In Inlnnnllnnal lAImr dlnpma Adorn Hquily he Nrw ank Imud pcrfurmrrl unlan clnlml lhc mmo Mnyor Jmn Dunnnu mtm Mr he Lnnmrnllnn Sunday mrl nxucxcnlnllvu lhu nr ul unlun ml munmrd lhry lly In nu nl I0lnl Illml ol WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS VVa AP Mississippi Gov ernor floss Eamon on avowed segregalianisl proposed Mon day naliunnl relocation of American Negroes as resolu lion to racial problem Earncll whose Mississippi has 42pcrcen Negro popula tion mm prcs conlcrtnce lhls race problem Is prob lem or numbers He said re lnnalian or Negroes by males give each slate 10 per cent Ne gross work bl plum nmcii is alluding lha an nual conference of qulhern Ué so Baxnull hold th press cnnler ence shurlly ancr Guvernor 0r val Fnubux ol Arknmal cm urance chalrmnn had asked the rankrent to skin contro verslnl lssuu MONTREAL CF The and opening Monlreall hand new concert hall and cul ture ccnlre wn lhreatcned with cancellauon Munday The Sir Georg Clienna Cap tlcr Corpornllnn whlch run the Place do Arts Centre nnld In Ilalemcnk that If two Iclorl uninm dont mule lhcir Jurlh dicllmml dispue by Snlurdny he openlnz event will In lllld 0H Thn carparnllnn said lhnl mmin nl mcmbcr Monday dmldtd It wauld bu Impossiqu mlpnnc any H1 Ichnd uIc cmll oi lhn opening lu lnn The Union do Anlmn cm Mammalbaled union 1000 aclnrx nlngm And ulher pur lnrmvrn anrllnr lhh week clnlmrd cxtluslvl Jumdicllon our pnlormnncu nl lhe hull and lulhndc H5 mrmbm In play me unlll mnirnrl Md hrrn 515mm ammumn TUESDAY AuausT zu 1m The concur hall Place dc Art In scheduled la optn Sepl 21 um Hie apenlnx teslivnl per nrmunm nu ln run In Ocl Refuse To Load Vessel Union Squabble May Delay Opening Theatre Centre THREE or no governors al lcnding lhe 29th annual Smith cm Governurs CnnIercnce White Sulphur Springs Van engage In close alrmegy session at the end Mondays initial meeting In lhe granp Barnett Wants To Move Negroes Barnett said wilh Fabus 1in we ought to dclmlc lhese mnllers Barnett said believe In fighting it out He said Ms rclncalion plan be implemenlnd over 10year period wauld mm mm 6517000 Negroes would have to have Mluissippl 0n the other hand he snld Wmhlnglon nlc only l7pcrccnl Negro mild Med to impart 250815 Neurons Asked about Fahus remarks Gnvernor Gcnrge Wallace at Alabama said he would seek lo bring up or dchnle resolutions In condemn use or loderul Iroops wilhoul rcquul 1mm lhn governor stale and he prupnscd Negrn led civil rights march an Washington Aug 25 spcclal nzrccmcnl equily Some Frcnrh Cm belnng In both mld Ihn di llcd by Aug no point In or he open HE DISAGREES lrom Ion aré Gos Gcorge Wallace Alabama Dunnld Russell South Carolina and Orva Faubuq of Arkansas chalrman of the canlcrnnce AP erephulo See AP Wire Slam The he corporation slnicmcnl Ihn dispute must be sub by Aug 14 or there will be point In 0an on with plans he opening CW rand Prize $1000 Bonus Prize $500 plus 400 Consolation Prize DOMINION Canadian star he disagreed wiHI Artur Ontario Educailon Department To Establish Youth Branch The nnnouncemenl were made nIlor nn mmInule con Iermce between five unlon Inw ycrs and Alslslanl Labor Sec rotary Jump Reynolds Ind Francis ONelll Jr chair man of Nullonal Mcdlalkm Hoard Only 10 day remin belore an Aug 29 dendllne tel by the railways or lnlroducInn lhcir cnnlmvcrsinl new work rule to aliminala some 31000 llremml Jo Mlnlslcr Dnvl oi Onmln an nounccd Monday the eslahllsh mcnl of ynuth hunch In his department lo seek solutions to the pmblems leachlnl lrlln lnganq ho us of leisure TORONTO CF Thral youths arrested um rue with pollen at dance in au burban Sclrbnrnugh Saturday were sentenced In jall lerml Minday gr augulpn police Court was were arrcsled durlng isl swinging lmcns oulslde rock roll dance Consubles Wal lcr Melcall and Gary Hodgson were treated In hnspllal nr cut and bruises Ihny rccclvcd when knocked lo the ground kicked and punched WASHINGTON AP The Us labor department wan old that railway union lawyer wHI have ready by lhls allernoon lhclr versinn of how an Irh lrallan nxmemcn should read to settle two key Issue In lhe Iallwgy work rules dispule dcparlment p0 Monday the carricn verslon of lhe key dncumenl Ilmed ll Marlin USwde rail strike an Aug 29 Ilraady has been suhmlllcd flie department will mordlu age the elforu or voluntary llld governman agencies and wlll leach yuulh lmw Io be pub Hcly useful and privnlcly my Mr Davis said mnmmnmn Mm His announcement came ll lhs Young Canaan Day much can he anadlan Nlllonnl Exhibitlnn conference Sept nd he said will begin stud lesnofnlhn new program Four olhers aclnx c3unll of nbmucklon ware reminded on week or trial The day of the hoodlum zet ling away wilh llllngx ln Scar bnmugh over tald Max lslrale James Butler lle sen tenced Rodney Franc Du some la la 60 day and John Hall 22 and Everett Sweet 19 all at Toronto In no gay enq Th unlnns ha nld lhuy will slrike as man Iuch rule nre lnnuuumlcd the conlzrence hm lruneex school Maputo my Lawyers Will Submit Briefs Assault Police Jailed TORONTO CW Education or lnlEéduchnn lhci Linl new work rule to some 31000 llremml mentnllve parent associa tion Ind other Interested par llcjpang wnuld ypeel Mr Davii uld youth faces puullnx problems In an equally puzzling gage of devqloqmqyt Ho nld leenvngers lack lha family relatinnshlp earner day when boy learned at his Inlhers shaulderand girl he mothers elbow WASHINGTON ADA slate dlpanmem Ipokelmnn do landed Monday he recently concluded USGanedlnn atomic werh agreement mlnst Soviet presi chums it In crgam lane Pm Officer Richard Fhll llpl lald US leaders have made plain that ha United sum sllll hu lhe responsibil lly mnlnlnlnlng our de fence Ind helping malnlaln hose of nut nlllcs wen though It recently signed nuclear test nn lrenly wllh Ihe Soviet Un uuuuum Le Rassemhlcmenl pour lIn dependence Natlonale said Mom dly Confederation deprive Quebec he most Important poworl an uwn lerrilory He In alrlvlnl or malurlly but sometimes they Ire not able In accept ha consequencex ol hnlracu and decisions hey lanrn 1mm ha example of Idulls and men the answer to Ihclr question are lromwmnx sources MONTREAL CF Qua hue separatist pnrly disagmo wiih Prime Minister Pearsons Irgumcni that French Canada will soon be overwhelmed by an invasion of American culture illt breaks ayfay from Canada Wu Quebec under an MumSaxon mnss while In dependence would put lhu prov lncb on the same loollng wllh ulnar guglrlu Ike warld The statement was calm menunz on Mr Paursnns mm menu Saturday In Murray Bay Que meeting 300 Frenchlanguage weekly news paper edltors The Soviet Communist party newxpaper Pravda had trill clud the USCanadlan agrea mznl COMES FROM STATES Although residents at Tn basco Mexico season their nod with hat chill uucu lnhnsm Inuce originated In lhu Unilcd Slales US Official Defends Pact RIN Disputes PMs Statement Diliciul mshop Vlntam Glyn Itnuhcs Simon at Llandnlf suggested at the Anglican Congress that It the church cannot stand lhn stress ndnplinl Itself in global min then It breakup mnyhc pruvtdcntlnl dcsllny Dy CARL MOLLINS TORONTO An Anglican Bishop Irnm Wales Iold he world congress of Ms church here loday lhut Angllcnnism may have lived ll useful ness as worldwldc mavnment He urged lhcAnnlIum Church consider whether should Abdicate its place In England as lhe csxnhlishcd slate religion lhus restoring the church rum Pnrlln mum lhe right rclorm Il ml Church Must Adapt To World Bishop Endorse more llexble arms wnrshlp Including rccognflion mm hr hnslc book of commnn prayer Isnt nr everybody Le mcmhcr churches Jnin nlhcr Chrisllnm In unllcd churches whhnut Inslulng hm forehand lhn clergy he or xlalncd hy Mshopsrumnvinz episcopallly 11 bur uniun wan mm 21 CORNER DONALD AND ANNI Hi Its New Its Wonderlul Fried by specini process ii in mmpmbio in Old Fashioned Pan Fried Chicken PA 82251 34a gumta Its out oft11s warc1 Just Call IT HERE Ilczwcnlu Elihu NW Bishop Simon said such Indi cal ncilon in blowing away he chaii of tradition could cause wide ichisms in he chBurch But if positive policy decision caused breakup this would only prove lhnl possibly in Angilcnn communion has dune ii work or Chrisicndom Bishop Slmun spcukln on church slramny snld worldwlde nptrnllnns dcspcmlcly need In he planned and guided Ila sugnnslcd he embryn lnplcvcl plunnlng body might he the mic at Bishop Stephen nnync he ravlng American ex PRflVIIIE PROOF The Welsh blshap was one live speakers who slrcsscd In need lar Improved orgnnlznunn and duclslunmnklng In lhe 13 rhurch Anglican cnmmunlon al Ihougn all made vcrhnl hows Io wnrd tho Anglican herilnxa nl reulbnnl Independence Work In remova the stigma ulluchcd lo Anglican lsm hy ll English Western Impcrlullsllc calonlnl back ground and II present Inn mlddlcclas rcspncllnhll Fried SIDEWAlK CAFE CM ecullve ofllcer of th commu nion who lo lel elzhl Icglonal aldos hy doclslon ol londlng bishop who met before the con zrus Bishop Dayna enllrged today an lhe keynolo manlfeslo he presented Saturday suggesting that Whlla rcher sccflons lhn church would continue to not the major cost of the Anlllcan mlsslon manpower and Men should be drown rum anywhere or my place In tho communion VANCOUVER CF lith Icllon launched by broadcaster Ind newnpnper man lqu Cal llns has ndcd with an unw murt ltulemml by Readers Do nut mum of Drops Libel Action pm lo 11 pm PA ms HUIKFT NEWER UFKET II Collin clnlmcd Nizcra counl his appearance as witness In 1933 1191 was un lrue and nrzanlullon must be granny strengthened he said with special central adn mlnjslrnfive and III IV calling on Anglicans accept lhn unily nl all Chrlsfl linnl Bishnp Dayna said ii is romanticism lo suggest that the time is ripe in abandon speciiicnlly Anglican mlsslnn My work in invor ni some more diiiuscd Iinter dcnominnllonll Cnllins Iarmerly reporter wllh the Calgary Herald amch through his lawyer In dismlsul or the can In British Columhla Supreme Court chamber ManI day The uit Involved slnlemenl mndc by lop Amerlcun libel lawyer LouIs lecr In hla book My LIIe In Court Thu book was condenscd In Inc CnnndIan Ila llnn oI lha Dlml In August 1m Igflcr Angljcannnmlalloq Takeout CHICKEN 95

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