Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1963, p. 11

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to THESE FIRIlIs Can Suppl You With EVERYTHING From VATOZ AUTOMOBILES At It Vin ID you thI all Ikas andl modal ears arranged rmaav cm uoroas PA arm rs roses BEAUTY SALON it Ines use Nations our Specialty llARiE BEAUTY SALON Hum avi ea um COSMETICS Prextrlption picked up Ind delivv trod me or charge Christmas thB Whitty thl WrIy thD cusosrrs PHARMACY It Dunlap St PA is as Collier St PA seas ENTERTAINMENT lasagna Waddtnll Coavmuou THE EMBASSY HALL see Blake St PA H961 FURNITURE All use at used mrnlture eleo trig sinus retrlgIrItarI etc CARTERS USED FURNITURE Dn RoId PA Hui GGROCERIES dz MEATS rer your avIry day needs Ifludltt Feed Pun Illnd and Ira Illxterl at but Dlnatllt hi Illllk from more and om DYGIS FOOD MARKET lea Cotllar 5L was It HOBBIES GARNEIS ra Rouse ruu at Hobbies HA Kan EL PA all INSURANCE au mm at Insurance ll Collier at BENTLEY CO ra use JEWELLER hour and upsu IIrvieI LEEOEUF JEWELLERS Dunlap It PA NW bx THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA 11 LAWN FURNITURE can can lsotsnges Umbreilu JIM BIXMMOI Ind mm 0th seeanertcs FIRESIONE STORES District St PA was It MORTGAGES We hlva resdy rIIh IinlIbIo to purraa our out or second snort gage Csl our tsr IIttIIer MORTGAGE FUNDING as com mum NURSING HOME Comlombla prirIta rooms aeuuluI mane MRS ARCIIERS NURSING IIOME III IIyAIld IL IA HITS This space now available ior your iirm Coil ra szIII POLISIIER rums mar lollehll three brushes liast template on the sunset Mada by him Queen ausIIIy products FILTER QUEEN SALES AND SERVICE Maple Ave PA MI Quality Vorkmonship Chroma Chain II Choctawid and Chair rrna um NonLIND UPilOtSiEitv its Anna It um RESTAURANT LUNCH AT DOUGS INN SEPTIC TANKS llplio tInkI plinthd not by mad uu equipmento KEN WINTER lirIdtord at sorts IV is RADIO REPAIR BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS Ir at UiiiOLSIERY In In abundsnra oi samples In Ilal mumla rm utln ales No obligations SOUL or North usas VACUUMS New used all main use masts yeaIra hunts new mum rILmI QUEEN Mars Are TA IN WELLS flul Iliad Ind Mird yumpe Ia mums and my woman Indium ltreal PA CM XiIIA SAVINGS with this COUPON tiliUilEiiii uauanuu DUHIII IL YYOUNGS IIIAIIIIEl MAIIJI AVE INIII Iar WDGIIIVI llIIltl MI LINEN ZIPOUT panorcue CHICKEN LORI MOTEL miter Nana harm ltwr lt raaeur or ream This tar II In as AuroNIorIvs MOTOR CARS FORSALE ply eomar oi Imam luau AMI sass FORD lust DI laid by All Illl TL 00 or nlaohlbll 100d conditt Telpitch Dim ml VALIXIIALL Victor ior loll In nod eundliioo Price SIT Pli II lilo Tollphonl PA 50 Ir on me across convertible new no tor radio body to excellent coa dttlon Must sell uoo Telephone PA was quan PLYMOUTH load motor III tins and body Hall on oliaf Alter It pus telephona IA 1121 lor Birth information ml OLOIMOMLI runs 31 FORD Ill 500 or nil automatic tum die out Iuodlnl III Ivlry ruva mute IlnInelng Telephone PA ems BUYIR WANTED Meteor Icoaoray um lhItIlIllJ TIIIDhOIl $1311 ISSI DODOI Custom Royal Itllos mltlc Pilah button control snow tires NICI Ind clean inst ll cellent motor Needs can fill Apply AI HollIIe Strut ms DIIOTO or Illa elalls lbs IIda new Kings see battery TIII pboua PA More arm pass or Itiflbor detatll lest srunmaxln deluxe sis cylinder automItio transmission good tlm snow tires radio wind tleleld wlsiiell TeIOPhonl JV lm PONTIAC louMoor lwa tottl lreen Ind White Thin yes llcuue In martin condltlun AP ply evenings to Mr Tamper awlkl th Concession InniIItI llSl FORD Iulamlflc exfllllnl condition INS Clo DI teen It Mil lers 51 Simon IInetaog Sirel or telephone FA user altar up nss roan Customline two door in robins rsg blue with Inmates intrriar custom radio low mile In whitewall um ems wua tog down Telephone ra mil mstn one its Plymouth Savoy Va automatic transmission radio two tone beige and cocoa Excellent condition Terms avail able Telephone PA um lstv MONAREIT Lursrna VI Bo dIn rIdio malty Icceuoriu white with black Ind red interior Dicelient condition Telephone PA ItIes alter pm or runner in ionisation use rONIlIc StrIta Cater in hunt green end while with matching Interior automatic trans mission Very low mileage white wall tires IL with IUE down PA lTui PACKARD Clipper in lulu inl Duck with silver and lre tertor Power Ileerinl bnk windows and seal it new wh wall tires Elyny llIu $1 dowlrl PA ITlll mo roNrlAc IIrtslcnno vertible power siecrilrl Ind ar brskel custom radio autom tIe transmission VI motor white wall tires nrely padded dash ilrrtrd Ilse Ifl with IIII dawn PA crest lair aoooa RIgent our dear on In immacullta condit molar eomple no original coInr and with matching lntert din all new tlru completely ready tor the halidly season It thl low low prlrr oi Oil with 107 down PA Hut Wilder motor le PA Can paw lssl clievuaur lselalre Nsw tarotorso paint with bl Ind whitI mIichlng Interior StIadIrd leeylirrdrr rtaolo whitewalis windshield washers etc Also lass Chevrolet Deluxe standard VJ mechanically Al motor excellent body rough sun ma Can be mu II ronat street or all lA cello TRUCKS 8r TRAILERS mr GMC lirON Pickup law IIIage rerrect eonoltlen nest olier IA lMi or PA HIM Ilwl sso pus CARS WANTED TO BUY WANTED Top dollars paid ior WINDS clean automobiles TELEPHONE PA 111 MOBILE HOMES ndIite lar sale lt our ruIIy lumlshrd or no Burton PERSONALS rsnrrurra WIrIIld Illa and worn on bowie wan Mens and III viIIr liowi ar IA Iris WILL rlll own at the horns maria sulsm present new IeIlng the ol Xsmgserlilll lisy please en liars Klnlorh man or nr III itaIy Theatre In liars to lhI rumotlort or the at movia IT or WOMENS COLUMN liKAllT in Coldwlrll ICU by rartlnee hairdreaur to own home or hhlpltli no osmlce lust or urn Ksm It lurs elephona to HELP warTrEo FEMALE HELP Young Lolly Required ll CASHIER CLERK MY WiilZK Mltvl he uperlcnml lypist and able to handle clerical work Awa in person or call RANDALL at PA 65005 INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORP LTD II ColIlor SL Barrio rutamt lull lmWIMIIIIiy or IIIMIII um lllallag am We gimme III ilmp union aeranIrwrrn wait till lnllrlllr Asepi 7A in Ime pm shied or lost run so Dunlw ain tint rm rrwIa waTcan run or part um av aoptemhcr lspulsnrclbrr IHM mm mu traM art mu Inna will is lame sums to HELPWANTED MALE HELP ueINslb MICDANIU muimi AM Ills Apply at Rhapdlllsl MBA Mullen fl AMI diret lInta GINIRAI Elmo tllnl in mediataly Older mrgnlamd OPINION ih mi an one well evenings PA MAN WI emtah Provincial Dovroams Darrtl Please ID In IrtUa to author via Illa UCK DRIVII Med Cilia Ind lull April In to drive truth or not lllldiol KIWI rum previous lumbar as Inca aamat Vaseround Imp ant to rtsnt and only in own band mung giving as asprunes relentless Ind uiarrumlso to Box Barrio laminar MALE FEMALE noun MAN or woman ts to to run married with good some ones ior permanent position which will Iy between 175 Ind par in It not Iirlld at work eoui bl lntarut to nut in awn maltewmrbo wfiat In ou on rep Is handled In coulidenea WIN Ml Barrie Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALI WANT lull him oitlel clerics UPI with In expert can produce muses Cali Ilr II WILL LOOK alter prmschool child In my own homl Ill Alllodlll Irel Fenced back yardiwlth no4 box and glsygraund equipment ialepbons Halt TEACHERS WANTED RCSS N0 10 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Requires one Roman Catholic or Protestant teacher ior tat September Salary schedule 1310045300 Reply etailog qualiiicstioas and name oilast inspector to SECRETARYTREASURER Box lDi ANGUS ONTARIO =5 I2 TENDERS FOR SALE BY TENDER Cement brick house on south east corner at lnnisiit and Ill iln Streets The same to be either torn down and material and nibble removed from the property or the entire house moved intact Closing date ior tenders Sep tember It Apply at oiiibe oi the SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE SERVICES iiliio Street Barrie TENDERS ANGUS ONTARIO Tenders are invited ior the construction at an ADDITION to the SIMCOE PUBLIC SCHOOL In ANGUS ONTARIO The addition will have Class rooms plus an Auditorium with certain renovations to the exist ing Building Flam and Specillcstions may be obtained by General Con tractors trorn the Office oi the Architects Carsweil Ind Gites hsch 305 liume Street Coiling wood Ontario on deposit oi 00 Closing date ior Tenders mall be Friday September 6th at pm at the OIIIN oi the Arch itects Plans and Specifications will be on display It the Barrie Builders Exchange the Toronto Construction Association the liomilton Builders Exchange and the Guelph Builders Es image The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted CARSWELL AND GRILSDACII Architects 05 Home Street Coillagwood Ontario == I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday Evening August 21 530 pm or For ARCIIIDALD IAMIlISON At Lot 27 Concession Vcrprs Township right on Highway it it mile NORTH oi Dalston Store SALE at all antique household iurnilure dishes bedding lin en silverware garden tools and merry many other articles Terror Cash No rreem II the home Is sold JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer EDMONTON lCIt Aitrr hrnriII dnrcnr oi ItIIImlasiunI criticlr rig tha lighter tas struc ture ior ctroperatives the royal erllnlsalon on taxation Moro day heard the ilrst maior case on lIrhaIi al the drience the Is nellhrr legal rmr moral lustiilcntlnn ior any to crease oi taxation upon cooper ativea said the ranner lla Inn pl Alberta they represent service not business was lure and their corporate IinIc lIIrrI cant he mmpami with any other iorm oi trade Oilln lratinn in hriei that reniIIrlrd with suIIquionI tmm many other sectors oi the husinua commu rIIiy mainly the retail lradrk the FDA Iri out to itlliliy iiIn lhrctnyrar las holiday granted mops and the lost that they can deduct pairoaga rilvlrlmds irom iasnhla Income The FUA III the patronage dividends are not actually div lIiInds whirh it delinrd as ymllt will as the mall at an investment in ll case ol warmer map the money returned to member as result at his us ins his own iarlllilrl is sav IIIg oo guiihllfl so iar ll be or Inn Iu Ihwfl NATURAL GAS ARRIVS IN ORANGEVILLE The one cable loot oi natural Ont to mark the arrival oi pipeline In Albertas natural gas burned all by Mayor Harry lidemm ilcit oi Orangevilla natural gas in his town had entered the other end oi the Chinas Belligerént Attitude Follows Historical Habit Dy HAROLD MORRISON CanIdion Iress Mali Writer Communist China appears to be IoIlowirIg tho historical habit oi embracing lolly It every turn to the point oi antagonlb ing lormer sympathisers and ar Iies at time when the China mainland la in greatest need at isiends At tha current rate oi prog ress in technology and educa tion as assessed by Western vis itors China cannot hope to be come on advanced industrialized power ior decades to come This Communist regime which iavors the use at violence to spread communism through out the world is chronically short oi load and there are re curring reports at armed might being used to crush peasant up risings against government sei zure oi iarm production Yet Imld internal loitering and slow progress Chloa pcr stats in pursuing an Ideological battle with the Soviet Union that it cannot hope to win N0 NUCLEAR WEAPONS it would be diiicrent mat ter ii China had huge array oi nuclear weapons to lend iorca to its views But so ior as can be determlncd China has none it would be dli Icrcnt ii China had amassed great industrial strength to in press other Communist solel lltcs liven in lIIisiielIi OIiua ls lcogucs bchlnd Russia At one time indla boiricndcd the lino Tsotuug regime and though ladla did not have much to alter in material things this Irlrndshlp could have helped China obtain greater material support irom other quarters in stead China antagonized lndia through border skirmishee that gave the Chinese practically nothing in loud or wealth Now the Chinese ioce an armed ice on the ladion border The Soviet Union at one time gave the Chlncsa great hcip in the term oi goods machines and possibly nuclear techno ogy but gradually this help was withdrawn apparently alter it become cvidmt that Moo had no intention oi accepting Khrush Ihcvs coexistence plan with the cst IN lBOMTION More and more China iinds li scit Iii isolation in relations with other countries And yet ickiug errlsts in its cleavage with inrcow KhrualIchevI current visit to Yugoslavia Is ilkcly to let loose another Chlncrc ollcy that the Soviet leader is con sortlng with imperialist agents Farmers Defend Lighter Taxes For Western IoOperatives iiy ATEWART hiIcLEOD is concerncd or it is return an overcharge so tar as the coop is concerned FUi Irealrient Edward Nel son said the memhcrs money View belongs to the coop it belongs in the member who ras already paid lnroroe Is on Canadian Loses In Chess Finals VIINJACKA NANIA Yugo aiavln tAI InIIIt liurslaw ai Winnipeg was eliminatch Mos day hot the IIIIIII oi the Youth CItrII World Championships at We rrsort city iiIIrsluw drew with IiiIs no In at Australia in ililhrouml match In and preliminary play In lel place In his group one oi the iivr mIIIm the Hold The Canadian same one point compared with ior Bloiiotlarr lioitovic oi Yugoslavia the group leader and three by Ice fndipIaro an Arlsmsky at an the two top players in each group enter the ilhsis which Itsri Wednesday in the West The end oi this me be to drive Khrushchev into oser re lations with the West At the least the battle provides China with nothing in the arm at ma terial progress At the most it may mean Chinas policy is spiritually bankrupt and the result oi this bankruptcy may be reckless Ig gression in some part at the Asian continent that could cause danger and hardshipior the world but iinaliy may lead to the demise oi Maos regime gas iieids six days earlier GP Wiraphotol Expect Apartment Building Boom TORONTO The over supply oi most apartment types in suburban Toronto is so great that poorly maintained build ings will soon be rips ior re development Arthur Smith spokesman ior group at apart meat owners said Monday Mr Smith president oi the apartment iniormatioa and re search organisation was com menting in an interview on swing away irom apartment construction In the suburbs since late spring Boy Helps Beat Deadly Disease WASHINGTON AP One day to use It private school ior boys in Southboro line In liyeIrold named std Ed mooston irom Bethesda Md came down with what prpved to be an historic case at measles law days later while still porting crop at red spots hallmark oi measlesDavid bared his arm tor mud doctor nImed Thomas Peeblel whotook sample at his blood liespst into bottle and the doctor stoppered the vessel David made medical history that day plus years agotouch ing oil chain reaction at re search thIt ultimately may mean the saying at millions oi lives throughout the world irom measles long underrated but potentially dangerous malady From the blood and throat samples be gIve iiIrvIrd re searchers headed by Dr John Eudora Nobel Prize wio neeisolated tor the tint time strain oi the wily measles vims And irom this Edmoosion strain the basic seed tor io tensiva laboratory work that went on ior Ilrnost decade the come the iirst practical etiecliva vscclaea Igslnrt common disease TRIED IN CANADA lo the iieid trials in Canada the United States and various ioreign countries thcse vaccines ooe made oi live but toned dowa virus and the other made boy can wipe out ity oi these vaccines makes it conceivable that widespread use could virtually eradicate meat ice to the US within two years The vaccines are usetul agalast ordion measles as distinguished irom rm Ia measles tor which vaccine has not yet been developed Meanwhile public health oili ciais await results at drama tle test In West AiricI which Ihatdd establish whether the bio torle vimsce oi thauprepechool is ancient scourge irom under developed countries where measles is malor child killer COULD SAVE 175000 In the sunscorched bush country at Up Volts where measles mortalty is extremely high more than 100000 children thI been vacclnsted with th live vaccine to the iirst mash immunisation test onwhm Doctorl say that it the vaccine works the way it has in more limited iieid triall Ilt esti mated 100000 to 115000 lives trill be saved The lint iieid trial oi the Harvarddeveloped iiva vaccine was held in Massachusetts school to October twoInd within three weeks all the vac elnated children developed pro teetiva antibodies against aIt ural measles lulectioo Films Now At oi killed virushave proved up to stapercent eiiectlve in pro tecting against this most prev alent at all childhood duesses which alteets more than 4000 are children and accounts tor loo deaths year in the United States alone The live seeina becaml available to doctors throughout the country his in March The killed vaccine went on the gen eral market eIriy in May Surgeon General Luther Tony oi the vs Public Health Service says that the Ivsllsbil Deaths Retirement Make Legends Of Movie Stars wNDON CPITito movie mytlu generation apart on view in West End cinemas causing critics to ponder what it is that turns handiut oi iilm stars into legends lligh over lelcester uare the lace that launched milion rcwnr sighs is once more named in lightsGarbo StIr oi Store Just down the road in liar market another single name 11 neonMarilyn proclaims package iilm in memory at the girl Sunday paper critic calls the latest and possibly the last oi the great Hollywood logo ends Greta Garbo Ind Marilyn Monroe Both radiated star quality but In each case some thing extra hcipcd to create cult around them Monroe like Voicntiao and James Dean died tragically young Garbos re treat into seltrimpuscd obscurity at the peak oi hcr lame stimu iatcd public curiosity The iilm Industry says her old company MetroGoldwyn Moycr is still alluttcr at the thought that one day she may emcrko to make another rnavie CUT OFF AT PEAK Cut oil at the peak at pcrtccv tIoII by death or retircmcai that eccms to be the secret The most haunting art oi Marilyn an anthology of the wiggles illtrts irom 1930 to will use the shots irom the unilnishcd Some things Got to Give irom which she was tired iew dIyI beiorl her death When she died she was quite pericet says The Evening Standard critic Alexander Walker Suddenly we know what we have lost She had come long way irom the babyiaccd chorus cu tie oi the 1m musical Ticket to Tomahawk to the ethereal lineddown beauty at those last tantalising shots llcr comic talent uniaue blend oi sexy siren and wide eyad little girl began to ilowcr in her part as dumb starlet in All About Eve George Soo dcrs had an Ipt line in that movia when he told her see our career rising in the cast the the sun RARE GIFT Diiys iawell in The Sunday Times thinks one at her secrets was that she mode women as well as men icci protectiveI rare glli Sunday Telegra critic Philip Ookcs hits on uality none at her many imtItorl could match Whatever she did she did naturally Ind inno ccnce covered her like bright umbrella When it comes to sex appeal on the screen It seems the com parisons always come back to the shy Swedish actress who WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF POLICE MEET WINDSOR Ont iClI lo lice niiicera irom III parit oi Ontario met lit WIIIdor Mon day ior the opening at the on IIIIIII convention oi tho Inllcl Assoclnllnn oi OIItorlo About Lit rlclegntoa will represent tho 71000 members at the uracil nn WOMEN IIAIIIIED MONTREAL iClI Two women described by police as wallresscs estranged irom their husbands were charged Mon day wiih two armed hnhlups It motels that netted total at littl Lillian iierscuvtlrh 30 and Sylvia liuiiy to were re mnnlliti by Judge Armand Clou tar to Aug 21 ior preliminary hearing RED DUV CATTLE MONTREAL tClt The Danish ireighler Athena railed Monday with no heart at Al tIertn cattle purchased by the Russian government itTUiW SPEED RATI VICTORIA Iii IltiIIIIt Columbia eventually will tri rresar speed limits to 19 miles an hour on all ireways iiigtv ways Minister isglardi pro dicird Monday He IIIII it it ordered Alliin at the Increase In 70 iltwl look eliect MoodIr all some Washington state high ways WILL DIIRANII lAll HONOLULU iAi Ill Alomie Consult oiv ilciIl sale loads the United states will dlabaod its little hm It arttruss his as am as possible nor to It attainsqu site at United Stator nuclear testing In 1m STEAL 30000 MADIION NY iAIISilil poich said Monday night In er timatcd rmooo to cash was taken by burglars who broke the hinges oil sale in the basement oi wealthy widows home to this small central New York vllisgr Mrs Grover lilo man said som uIbII pl peu also war missing TO BUILD NEW ROAD NEW HAMBURG Oht iCPI The department at highways Iro anunced plans Friday to butt new to Us section oi illghways and linklnf the New llam burg bypass miles east oi stratiord with propon sys tern oi conirollld access roads It KitchenerWaterloo WOMAN KILLED ST THOMAS iCli lollce night were still log to lrlenil early Friday when aha struck rar driven by Gustav Trsl so oi rest iiooe lust outside the city limits Police say they believe ltIa woman may be irom the Toronto am and have asked tirire titan Tomato pea lira Io am the identities lion bill or ROCK roar it Ill it ICPt Charles bill it of Port Atr partdimr ilahing item by gave the world the catchphrase want to be alone Di iereat though they are The Times calls Marilyn Monroe the most breathtaking thlo to walk across the screen since GI bo Well was Garbo as greI Iil thsti The short Inswer the evidence oi this revival sea son seems to beycs Houu lull notices and block long queues outside the enormous cinema where her classic com edy Ninotchka kicked oil the season testin to the drawing power other home Her Initial appearance In this witty triiie about the Russian Communist who tails tor Pari sIIn count thielvyo Douglas is anything but glamorous White moumlul lace sad Inck clothes limp mos hslrdo iepvy shoulders big hands and er STAR QUALITY llut star quality asisabei Qulgly wrltcr in The Spectator has nothing to do with exter nals it is the glory oi ape ciai individual presence at soul toes smile Iii oi eiiect on other And Garbo undoubtedly Itil has gripping eiicct on Iii audience The revival season at live movies demonstrates spectac ular acting range irom the comedypnthOI oi Ninotchka to the heavy tragedy oi Camille and Anna Karenina But her unique glii says Sun day Times Critic Dilys Powell was tor the romantic cinema The Library The ioiiowing ilinls oi Barrio IIim Council are available It the Barrie Public Library during the months oi August and Sep tember Date milieu Details of data growing on some ot the large plantations Elder cttimr An organized community ior old iolks It Salt pélogl island near Vittoria illlb Tide Io NewiooodlIad icolor How the people oi Newloundlaad bsva modernised and extended their industries such as mining lumbering lid especially iishing liolidoy From Rules color childrens Iaiety iilm that shows that rules are aecessIrr in daily iiie itiIgic Envelope color study oi the skin its care and iuaciion PIper Sculpture Demon strates the basic techniques the cut bend told and score at paper sculpture Plants Msks Food In this science Iiim we learn something at the process by which pllttil make iood Railroadcn Winter roil roadiog lo the CInsdiIo Rock ies and the men who keep the lines clear IlsId To Books TliI story oi the place at the modem pub lic library in Swedish com munity Royal River The opening oi the St Lawrence Seaway by Queen ElisIbeth Ind Prui dcnt Eisenhower Batmans Struggle Far Burri ral color iiow Canadas west coast llshing authorities manage to use their rivers ior industrial and public uses and keep the waters tree iront con lamination ior the annual Ills moo migration Aberlglrm 0i The BeIcttIII color The main iealures aboriginal liia around the Iea court at Arnhem Land in Nor thern Territory Australia Animal Iiamea The Ipr at homes built by some at the com mon IIIlInIis CIaIiI 0i Eoglsod The 60 veiopment oi water trsnlpvrta tion on Englands trsod Union its importance beiora She created ior her lens the scent and blossom oi romantic love Some may have wondered it the Garbo egead would cram bio pulled into the bud light at law But it terms that it ll built to last Hold Youths Without Plea NliiGON Orri Cil Two ouths ehs with Irmrd roh try me Monday in custody to Aug tI without plea ellnl method at Id Arthur Jones ll Ind Jam Iirid rmsn II at Red Rock Id eon sought sIrIca la Nnoretion with the 5000 armed robbry oi branch at the Carlsd im ar III Bank at Comm rel led Rock to mil was at are on the north It Lska Super ior Id WAN has been lolica cover and ncalibrr pr ioi iound Two unmasked mrn entsml the bank shortly belorr tag 000 stood gusni over the live employees and tour customers in the building ah the other tilled shopping with money irom letters and the rsult ed by pm II Ilttrlurt OvenInsulin thIrrr wIItt milieu3ng Stories showing how the septa oi the Outer Hebrides the orth west Territorch oi Canada and the desert outback at Central Australia are linked by Ilrcrait with the rest at the world Fishiing Fish The struggle to is shark bit the eossi oi Queensland and New South Vslrt Australia Journey Into History color The England at liogsrth Gainsborough Robert Adams and Captain Cook portrayed out standing relics at mdlllh century IM passlgrl irom the IIIIIIIUN oi the period spoken by members oi the Old Vic Company tools Nerkim looloriThe irullan to end oi how the Icon received ls distinguished neck haml Lumberjack be slug oper Itlona in cooperat vr umber Iclamp In the province oi Que Ic Maturity Vote iilm to rovokr discussion on the ques ion at whether an elected rcp rmniativI III group may log IIimaieiy support measure whllh II disliked the union ity oi than who Kiwi her Music or tuia nIa elseL csl music at lnrils II it was aired through the gear the iilm also dlscuue eacribea and Illustrates the dliimncor between Writers music and lhli OI IMII Pat fire Thll iilm time Mac day ior an oi Marmot station number at nus which Mid man the public to the and ior vigilance An Ta trap union gay cartoon that stream use coagulate at out we lI

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