Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1963, p. 8

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In hll mum nl mum NHHIII Hm will an 1mm nli Ml mun Hun HAW uulm mmm uh im 1m Ihunldun Ml mmmh and mu hm ti ovqume ll Ihn Ind min llll uni rlrnly Imn nlmul In Nlck nun Iflld For rmc lluinu nmr 1mm In url mmlnrlnhlu nvrr pull mml lime Aml ulnnd lhul nml ntvrr lrel rum IIIM un hur Iflmrhmly lho mum Inyln why Imul In Ilml and III wnnl lh hull unlll Im ready lln llnhhrnl hm ntrnku nvrr Dnvl mm nml hm mrr llmru lrnmnlnn ml Duw lIn Iluwnhl Nu Canadian um mleml wnl wnnltrl nlmul MI um Nlrklnul lhc nlmnlnlm Mn hmvywrlnm can Ill FAII by unmnz cnllenuuu um Ilullnn llllNvIImlrrpnr bunllny rumml lly llllrwln nlnfl JOHN Man pull on lhl HUI hale TWO WHOM ll Nlrklnul lnsl yrnr wnl the Irwlnu mumy Mnnlr In Kn uhllu wlmfln Hm 118 Orrn Thll yrar hm lnkrn ha MM lerl and flu IGA mul Ix Irmml nmnnl Ihv nmnty wlnnrn with $151 Only Mnnlll lnlxnrr Mm hut nnl wnn anor Murnnmrnl lhln year lrml In ulnnlnu DALLAS AP Mm lwa yran nn he pinkssionnl ml 23ytarold JDLk Nlrklnu hm loinul Rn lmmmlnh Hm 911m 3cm Snrmm mud lly mu Ntlslm as Mnnrr us Mam Umlrtl 5mm Opln ml Us Irnlmiunnl Gollm Agsurlnllnn Hllm And nllrr MI slclory in WIM hrrc Sunday lhc 0M0 Ilrnnnhny MM he tunlitlcnl lhll lnnlrlimn mm 14 will add Hm lnnnh rmvm In DHI xrnml Ilnm lho llrlmh 0mm FROM HERE THERE Stewarts Garage has been accepted by the Ontario Amateur Softball As aoelatlon tor Intermediate piaydowns with itch er Butch Boyd The Meatord team that payed here yesterday against Barrie Plaza is not registered in Intermediate but Intermediate piaydowns Saturdays scheduled senior game between Trueinvo and Eimvaie was rained out Toni ht Trueiove and Stewarts meet at Queens and it ouid be another tight contest Barrie Golf and Country Club pro Frank Vyse and Ron Stewart of hockey tame were stated to participate in the roam tournament at Go Haven Country Club in Oil ord today 42INNING game played at Kenusha Wls on Aug 14 1042 is the longest on record The Italian Am erican Club with its star pitcher Corky Cor raelni going the distance won by to These are few highlights from the histo of the game and with softball at its peak here thoug Home of this background was quite interesting The game was givun various names It was cchd playground ball rccreallon baseball kitten ball because girls played it ladies baseball soft base ball and so on Walter Hakanson of the Denver Col orado YMCA gave the game its present name Among the ladies Bertha Ragan is the outstand ing woman pitcher In the 1050 world touranment her record shows five shutouts 143 consecutive scoreless innings 77 strikeouts and an earned run average of Robor had little difficult in supplying sufficient balls to meet the demand dur ng the first two or three ears but after that the game became so popular that no longer was able to keep with requests Rober worked hard to perfect the all Tho first softball league was organized in Min neapolis in 1900 and the first rules covering the sport were published in that city in 1906 From ts start in the nneapolis Fire Department the game spread in the western metropolis and recreational leaders there recognized its value in 1913 by introducing it in the city playgrounds The followingayear it was ntroduced in the St Paul playgrounds an softball was on the way to becoming the popular sport it is today Canadians took up the sport in the 1920s and it Foined immediate favor It spread swiftly in the Dom nion thereafter PGA Golf Tourney Won By Nicklaus Lewis Rober member of the Minneapolis Fire De artment is credited with originatlni1 the game of go then in mils while devptixng 11th of is spye time to encouragingsports of all kinds among the fire fighters He made the first kitten ball or softball by hand and firemen amused themselves with it during their unoccupied time With time on their hands in the early 1930s unl employed persons easily took to the game and then later when they became emplo ed again they retained their interest The worlds far in Chicago staged tournament that Eroved to be success Thereafter softball gained ad erents by the thousands and it has retained its popularity daily sports column can be difficult at times Material isnt always available and when it isnt theres always the Encyclopedia of Sports to read Thats where the history of golf material came from and looking through it lnsi night there was an interesting Mo on iheibackground oi softball So with apologies to is book heres howsoiiball received its begin ning An economic depression and worlds ah started softball on its meteoric rlse to place as onevof the blggest partlclpant sports in the country IIIIE DARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JULY 1m SPORT AT GLANCE Soitball History Is Interesting Hum his narmnl pullan pm or luumnmcnl It could have mnda 65 or 66 on the um mund nbou that or bill on nml roundI wu pluylng lhnl Mcl he Anld Although lubApnr no Iurncd up wilh more lrcqucnty In lho lhlni nnd lounh rnundl only Nlcklnux Hagan and Lrnmplon nnd Finllerwlld um under Mr or llvl luurnn mrnl By RICK FRASER THIS SYMBOL MEANS CASH WHEN YOU NEED IT You thin nymbol reproach cnah up to $3000 nvun more for my wnrlhwhllo purpom Nlngnrn lmn over 215 ofllccfl from canal to Cnnul nml llmmn one near you Remember Niagarar tho dependable mum of crush on wlpcd out twohula ddltlt Ixul Gnll cll hchlnd nunln mu mh hm Aha Imnkcd hrr mom that Into wok and han lo 1m oul lur Ifinvnlrnko pmnny Thu nncrnnan mund xlnrml nnno no nuwlclnully Inr Mur Irnc nnd cvcn lcz so or can Mm nqu her mm Inr only Call an own par for lhc ll holes mlsslng par halo and £0an lwo nvcr nl nnolhcr Her blnue counwn mm nw Toronlo girl lull solid 14$ oumlcr made her urcnl cs lld la gel In Iron wilh hurlo In buck hlrdlu at tho Hill and 15m holes She snnk pull of 15 1ch ml Ivo ch Marlene was nonr unrso lhnn par For lho days lnur that ended the 3151 on um 0an Ottawa course she nmnsscd clnhl birdlcs Thrcn huhs wen halved In blrdla nun Mia Harvey 20ycnrnld Unl Versin ol Tomnln xludcnl and nlm ycnu younger than hvr np poncncl ought back gnmcly la mum lhe mulch wlcc but finally succumhrd to the bar rm blrdics and pars lnsscd at hon WORSE THAN IM hIancne didnt nncd II nur did aha wnrry nbnul II Thcro was studied precIsIon In cvcry shol nnd wIIh Im rcmnrkabla Irons and MCUIDIO puller Mar Icnn pulled snIcIy In Iron after Ilghl onLLup load In morning round of the ashnlo Iinnl She was never bchlnd In lhn mnlch it was her seventh 0pm ehampianship Winner he wamcns dose ilile or the eighth lime iha previous wcck Marlene played perhaps her iintsi gnii oi the two iuumn mnnis Saturday in dcicallng Gnii ilnrvcy oi Torunio and in the open iinai The Inspound liulc champ had everylhlnn except the abil ity lo nutvdisluncl Gails pnw uful drlvu wilh any lulling rcqutpcy By VHEATLEY OTTAWA CF The ma Canadlan Womens Open go champlnnship rcsl lnday whcm most people expected it would lne capable hands of Mar lune Stewart Slrcit of Fomhill Ont Heavywelgh champion Sam ny Llslon signals or vlc ury which he hopes for to Marlene Captures 7th Open Crown mom AILCMMII Canluml Lem Comm limb ll all rm IA mu mum can llml KnL nuns Illnull lb lienum mm on my NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMIIED The Sum used INFIer lIuwnrd Dymcnl Hughes and Gordon nmrntonn nco rIxhlImndcr Don Jnlmnlun nlnrlnd but prom more eflec IIvn lhn plnln lhnn on the mound Hr WIII rcllevtd by WnnIIa In lhn Imrlh nnd IInw mnn Int on In no nnvnnlh Johnslon Iman mu pnIr nI doubIcI In Ill first lwu rips Io Iho plnle 111a 8an tnIlrchd InInl of hit while Ihornlan fllocknd In wiIh elnhl An error prarrd cnslly In Thornlon ln Um ninth as In Stun converted ll lnln run nnd Ms provrd to be lhn dccld In actor as Thornton cnme up wim run in tho bollom hnl the mum and chl lwo mcn funded nlkr Ihn In two hal In the Innan muck oul Tho SUIT quick Jump with Ihrce rum In he first InnIng and Inn In the around lhcn hnd lo ImId on Thorn lun cnmu hack strongly wIlh two runs In lhclr ha Ihn mend and no mm In he lhIrdI The Allstm carved aul close 65 vlclory nvcr Thornton In the lhlrd nnnunl Soth Sim me Baseball League AllSlur gnmo yesterday allcrnwn the Barrie Fair Grounds FOR VICTORY From lhv 2th on Marlene slarled to take charge She put logcthcr doclslvc parbirdle blrdle scqucnco fur who laid Jhnl never lessened dldn worry Mamie So what she said Her lhe wqgflonly ongrhnj 150 yards at he parlive 465 ynrd 19111 Bu Gail powerc or way tn the men with two more shots and roiled down ulna pull or blrdiu four against Mar lcnus live The mulch wa squfiyed rthe second lime pgwagzp 10 cnsan Stars Defeat Thornton By 65 Margin nigh in La Vegan when he meets former champion Floyd Patterson The above pictura was taken after Liston check Gallwcnt hm down ha lzslh where her drive landed In deep ahway gully She got out nicely to the edge or the green but lhrewultcd mm 35 can the 27lh Gills second shot was lar all In the right and behind bunker She overshol the man down slope lnla light rough with her nnxt and Marlene won hole with conceded blrdle luur tn make the Hnalylum our up ed out alter physicai exam lnallan yesterday left gainer Willie Reddish AP erngiimlo WERE sorry if we are causing you any inconvenience at the same time we would like to think you for your enthusiastic response to our new beer Gold ch Unfortunately your enthusiasm has left us in the awkward position of finding ourselves in limited supply in some areas During our 13 years of brewing we luve never sacrificed quality for quantity and we will never do so So we ask or your patience And we hope that you continue to ask for Gold ch beer We will gel it to you in quantity as soon as we can 029 We MW nuN LIAM ueIumnmr Mum BHVIIIIH Message from John labatt SORRY WERE Barrie Plaza TOps Meaiord In Exhibition Barrie Plaza the local Sen Inr Sonbnll League started and finished with flurry to score bl viclory over Mealord Mis klc in an exhlhillon game yes terday afternoon at Queens Park Plaza scored palr 01 runs In each or he Iirsl lwn inning and wound up with two In Ihe eighth Meafards lone mn cnme on home run by short imp Lavnrne Hawes In the mm inning The winners received solid pilchlng Job from Jack Valr nnd Wan Downey Vnir shined and gave up nnly two singles and Hawcs homer In the live ln Smithl Dairy lost the land In the Intermediate Softball Leagua over Iha weekendbu had back In um more than 24 hours Bob Christie came In In re IIeva Jacobson and wall In atop Consumers from taking Consumera Gas tralllng Smith by one point going Into he weekend acllon aged men comeback to nlp Lake View Dairy 65 Saturday nlgh and take over he lend Bu Smiths afler blowing 50 lead poured across olght runs In the sixth Inning to alnk Clark son Hole 135 last nlghl Both games were played at Qumran Smiths Lose Reaain Top SpotOn Weekend Jz nlng he wnrked Dawney came on In the leIII and tossed Imo ball over 1h final four frames Eluin Cubbcl went the dis lnncc or the visitors and was lagged fur nine Mu Second baseman Laurie Baron was the games nnly bancr wllh Iwo hits He collected double nnd single in our trips Longest clout by Plaza was Win Down eys home yun with one on In theeimlh Inning Plaza lurned lwn error And two singles lnlo lwo run ln he first lnnlng ln lhe second Adams plus single by Valr doubles by Barron and Adams gave Plaza 40 Thats the way the score stood nnlil llawaa connected on Valr pllch with one away ln llle llllh WIn DownLyx clrcul blast In the elghlh 20 ha run hackv along with an added lnsuranca markar uhn nrlxlis drew walk and hen came the big play Don Coulson hlt grounder lo Graeme Wllsan lhlrd WHA nan fielded the ballyflrcd Io ww in get Christie on Ihe Roycenu but Jacobson who went lo second base after being relieved by Bub Chrlsllc dldnz chance 01 me double play as John Uhrislie knocked oh halaEce Ancuy mum am with fine liqbreqklng mp mound or the winner but Gard Madge mm on In Ihe omh an was adgos wln Ihe 1qu In the sixth Bu In tha seventh Roger Lacey led all with nlngle took secnvl on wlldpllch and advanced lo thlni when Ken Rnbcrkon grounded ouL BIG PLAY Cnnsumé look load In the first Inning but Jlm Quinlan homemi In he second or Lake View on the way In fourrun lnging and lead In IasI nIghI Smllhs Ahmed on wIIII two runs In the Ira and three In the second or 54 lead Then Clarksan cnmo hackwllh no In Ihl thlrd and two In thc MIth Io even lhe count Thats Ihe way it was unlll Smiths turned 11 he heat 11 he slxth or clnhl run on four hits our walks and on Clark son error George MacDonald named or Smhhx and was relieved by Wayne Russell the wlnner In the fourth Luke hlmbull was ha Clarkv son starter but he Wu chased In the second 1min and Bill Walker look uvgr Walker workt ed well unlll hls control 12 hIm In the sixth The pair gave up total of II hm Including home Ian by Wnyng Eusygll WINE 1N WALK SEAiilJi MP1 Bob Bow man oi the Southern Cailhrnil Siridm wan the us National Amateur Athiciic Uninn 25441 nmeire wniking championship Saturday in lhreo hours 23 min vies and 36 seconds Valdemar Grundy oi Vancouver Bic was second in 33445 Clarksan managed 11 hit all Ihc wo Smllha hurlerl Gnvl Dock II Bufleld El Phon PA WI luur Raul Avnlllhla Far Chum SCENIC BOAT TOURS or KEMPENFELT BAY lIotms DAILY mo DELANEY BOAT LINES $555 it

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