Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1963, p. 5

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minimHflHuxfimim k9 Tho PAST my We hml In Ionvn Im ulmw ul hm pnrk hy len oclock II pecmnry In ho rrndy nccrpl cull Mun ilmud Oklnhnmn uml linulnnd Ouan l0 Io overland filnmd Ihm ml hnd mani rd to he rnllul nl humo lhrmllh nnvrlq lnl nrnvly ll pm Inn Hlmml Oklnlmmn mun Iml In lho meunllmn new ncr nml new nynlrm had Thu lerm llllLfrl nnd rn ltrlnincr Kama Furmrr pxuvld rd nn rnlnynhln nlgM glmw June cmwd nlnyrd unul mo 1an rank lirrwarkn dmpne Hun rhlIIy nir Not In many were an llnnll lml yrnr uhrn yth lnrrln Cullrglnlr Hmul hrmlrd the round and lho mum pnrrnl Ll The cnblc wuh he Enxllsll lwru for he mnlcsl urrived just balmc the local lllrowlMv Imk plncc nnd ll Incl mm brlck hm bum thrown dish auto or 126 last made lho local lhrnwm rcnllzu Ihnl Ihclr hes WM 11an In be secondary ln he rollln pln lhrnwlnu the limb llsh alrls hml also taken the loud wllh lhrnw lnchca an was In the AMA erlcnn Mm had In be hculcn but he llrlllsh uhn wllh Iha buckan lmnsor hml rcnlly not mm lnllznl Inlu llxclr lcnm The lmll mm and other cw enu went alum the mmu rllme he Imtrnnllnnnl mn Llrsll Every low mlnulu Ind llmnsl mmlu he Inn ha urcnsy pnlr nnly In 5le ltmll nualn unlll nnllvc nl Irnll Iylvnnln Ilnylntz in Hue pnrk Kn fln lhe up nml hmunhl lmul Iho lrnphy Mulch on hlm tn dul lnra EXIEN ENJOY llGS The parade on Saturday which look so much offer an Ihc part at lhosc parllcipnflng goUhe arsl lhc rnin Ihnt marrnd Innislila Clvlc Holiday an ar rlvnl Al the park those who marched rode nr look pan olh ar than under cover were well mlrcnchcd Tho Irish plpcr lndlcs WM hulr trimmings are sflukul They hnd lnnd Inln llIuiI hus hllcrwnrds and drive lvv erhmund Mlll bcfnrc hey rrmld not dry clohnp The men of the RCA Blind stuck il nu lunv cnnuxh tn plny lhc Nntlnnnl Anlhcm Ihcn llsporscd Fnur Luxinnnalrcs who had carrlcd lhc flags of he nallons rcprcs enlrd In the brick and rullinz pl cnnlcm had red lie hkh run in the min so they now have cnlnurnl shim lloucwr by he time lhc parmlc hull dis persed nmI bdan lhc mllhm pins wen lhrnun the rain had llackcncd but he dnwnnaur IlId knock he nllcmluncc gRain Cant Dampen Innisfil Spirits ed sheep shear mom Saturday Hermon the Smyncr Womens Curllng Club glam aucllnn mm at the arena The sale held to rnlse money or the curlingdlnk INNISFIL NOTES MM ANNE HANNAH of Slayner was one of the ma rnysmy women whn lackl STAYNER CURLERSHOLD GIANT AUCTION body MI Elml max WM mum rmly SM Ixrdny In no hallwny of mum and mmnlnl hoan man whn pom Inld hnd lvctn Icon nrllnl lupimuly In the ma Ihnfl Ilmo rnrllzr mu lalrn lnlo cuundy lot quullaulnl HOSTON 4M Annlhrr wnmnn mu und Humand ln llmlon Saturday Her kllllnl wnx unlike nine alhur nlrnnul Inn Momtn all unmhrd alum Jluno 1961 Ipcclnlly um and uncxpcrb rd ouch wu added In Ihn Field Day Mhrn ofllulnln were mm mm wilh boumnnlcm by Slmud Nururlu With all Ihnl 1m nlrcndy been In prlnl about Slrnud nnd the lnlcrnnllannl tonluu nnd wlln about when new and rnmzrn plalcuhml In nthud nnce wu nlll wrllu Finis In any mnre an In nublccl We now mire lrom nny olllrlnl purl In nnnlhcr yearl cnm palm Woman Strangled In Boston Area Duran he Judging we worn nsshlcd by Mayor Cool nur rlc and Arthur Evans MJJ whu had been Judge lwltu he am and Sal nu Ncnlhwny Hurrlu who Iublllluled or Chin chlrharl llnwevcr at alx ucIock on Sunday morning plansnnt booman raicc zrcclcd us on the phone rum England and soon we were In convcrsnllan with the secretary or the Inlemnllan nl conlcsl lhnro They wcro very lubllnnl about their suc cess and we lcnrncd that thus hm throw made by Neil lthr hcrculc hcnvcr all um ullhin our not of his bes 126 ml Hnwcvcr lhcre had been an nccldcnl when one of me hymn ucnt into ho crowd and arcclnlnr was injurcdl The Enxlsh accrrlnry remarked We ylfl be on Tanlor ncx been anxiously caIIIng Ior news when Oklahoma called we learn ed that lheIr temperature hud registered 106 degree durInx their evenan contest and the thce world chumplens had gone down to defeat wlth no score up tn hundred tool In brIeks and thelr best mlltnu pin loss tot net Inches They relayed the Australlan score to us gIv In their top brIek thrower cat Inches and the top pln thrower Ieet Inches whleh was low Inches hetnw Eng tnnd Not bclng deIIntte about call Irem England we placed all resulla In wlre to them building fund was lhe larg est une ever held in Stuyner one observer said Well over 1000 persons were on hand or In sheep shearing can lesi Taskcr Grnnl dunaicd the sheep Tbeyiwere acid by auction before the gals went to work wilh he shears Enlghv TUM We RTARTHD CHURCH Jnhn Wnlry 1m rounder Mclhodllm church grnw In 70000 number In Hill lin hrrnra hu died In 1m The hlghcnl Cunudlnn scorer was MC Jlm thnnk rccnnlly pound to Cold Lam Allu mm Olluwl who placed llllh wllh 278 Krllh Pllchcr 25yearold Ham sh dcnllll look lho hul open lrum lho Cnnndllnl whcn hn wan lho Queenl Pr lndlvldual lhoolinl honor In the Cummnnwcallh with mm 0173 out ol pol llblo 300 Canadians Outshot Bisley Meet Hy DOUG MARSHALL BISLEY England CmThe Dumlnlon or Cnnndn mm Team wound up dlmnpolnllnx nlflny larlnllh Snlurdny wflh lhclr pnvlllan xhelvu ham or mnjnr lrophlcs or In line In ycnn mm The survey docs not Includa Industrial Accidents known IIaylngs or suicides Nova Scoun hnd lwn hlghwny dcalhs and lhree parlonl drowned In New Brunswick Newloundlund and Prince Ed vliard Island reported no lnull ll The Western province had total pl 13 Intnlltlcs The break down Manitoba one trunk lwn drawnanS Saskalchewan Ive lrnnlcv une drowning and man killed by lrnln Al berta one lrnmc Drllhh Cn lumbln two lrnfllc and linen burned In dcalh Quebec recorded 11 trunk dealhs nd luur drawnlnzs Ontario and Quebec had 15 Iatalltles each Onllrlo cordcd le trafllc deaths 51 dmwnlngs and three nther deaths car all on one min tractor rolled on another and youth dlcd In tall Canadlnn Press survey from pm Friday to mldnluh Sunday heal me recorded 1e persons drawncm three killed In fire and our mm olher Incl dcnlal causes THE CANADIAN mm Accldenln look the Hm of least 51 person across Canudl during the weekend Road ml hnps accounlcd or deaths llllhway II II Eulhrlu DRIVlIN mum 145 BRADFORD STREET Through ll all chr has been appmvlnl Egypts annual budget the largest ever at just over mmmm nearly 81000000000land belng pull bu nnncammlllal to prlvnle lruql and Syrian envoys trying lo patch up the Ihrecpowcr unlly agrgement whlch started to lull art as soon as ll was 5133qu nslr March Nasser Has Ruled 11 Years Faces Army Stalemate In Yemeni set composure an um DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD MFAmum an pr lllllln anuwmu mudenu 75c 75c Adulln SIM $125 FREE LIST SUSPENDED FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT MATINEE DAILY pm ONE EVENING SHOW mums AIR CONDITIONED 53 FOR YOUR COMFORT is perplexing siluallon His nallan booming amnemh THE INTERNATlflNAlLY ACBLAIMEDHITI DARRYL ZANUCKS Now SHOWING my Mu mmmmuifcwww my me fluoqu m1 Our Mn ma mu NIIm34 unima rm n1le crmiv Chad hell All In um and flnnuL Children student Adulln ally Arnb unlly could he ms trallngly close Ycl llme could he runnlng agalnst hlm He II financially strapped He ls bi trouble In Yemen There his carefully nurlured 30000 rgy In lucked In willy stalemate ADMISSIONS Mlllnta Ennlnl 50c 50c 75 75c km mnamcmwru MY TONIGHTTUESDAY mmssJm WW it fits either wt nnd MIMffichl nbthlng but hugmfl ma Mm my gum Mum nxmninn norm JULY 22 LITTLE RD BETWEEN HWY ll AND 400 HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE sHowsTTARrs AT DUSK PA 61885 CMRUDN HESTON ANNE BAXTER GILBERT ROMND 10M TRYON rim Plus Colour Carbon

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