Them ls an old lamlllar In that he been proved to betrue me and lime again Even in Ihle homeless 35 most people can understnnd who you mean when you say tho You can lend some to Water but you cant make hlm This expréssion is called to mlnd by the recent news that Harry Price of Ton onto has resigned mm the redomlmnt ly FrenchCanndlan 1987 ontrul worlds fair hoax310i tillpew Appnr resigned be cause the meetings were mostly in French Like most Torontoninns he speaks only English One of the main reasons or his resignation was that he couldnt keeP track of the roceedings Hm Anni Hum Mr Dr mm hit We dont blame Mr Prlce one bit comments The Hamllton Spectator We had occasion recently to attend some meetlngs ln Quebec and were ulte startled when blllngual FrenchCam ans refused to eak ln En llsh even though they knew at It was only language most of the other Canadlans present un derstood Bad manners lndubltably But Bad Mgnners Will Not Make People Bilingual Every day incommon usage are the terms Eastern Standard Time East ern Daylight Saving Time Huwever it is quite possible that many peoplI have not very clear idea about the origin and nieaning these terms nu nuu Most people are aware tha Daylight time involves moving the clock Ahead one hour during lhe spring summer and early iall as matter of convenience to pyovide morn daylight hours for rectal tion The origin of Standard Time we re called recently by Herb Pike wrltln In the Corner Brook Newfoundland est am Star Mr Plke was commenting on the absurdity Newfoundland hlvlng 30 mlnute varlatlon from Atlantic Stand ard Time He wnles that Standard Time my bu slmply defined as Railway Time or In th1moderrage as T599590 T1 Origin Of Standard Time Where thee ls ltttle communication and settlement ls isolated there ls no need for Standard llme In tact In such locations the local mean time la ob served the writer gontlnpca ornuu lln mm umu in the beginning the railways in Eng land were run by tho Greenwich Time and the Railways in France by Paris time In America the expanse of territory covered by railwa was so extended ihat it was impossib to nm by Washing ton time Hence each railway had it own time and the longer lines had even their own diiierent time zones ID that there arose much confusion at overlap ping points Wllu Publllher recomiin war cnnoo race and liver Cameron was second in mens nln lea Principal Morrison oi Cen lra School had 34 oi 35 candidates ass in Enirance class exams Slmcoe or eslerr 35lh nallnlion were attending mllilla earn at Niagara 340 alrenx eon rldered bes rural regimeni Freseni The sham hallle was called oi l3 General Coiion when members oi ihe onk lien gcrs diaobered orders and the cavalry was inle so it was discovered rome riilemen were carrying live ammunition by mleiake insich oi blanks iiarrie erlckel ieem hea Orillla 03 lo 40 Payne made 20 or ilnrrie Vylel 13 iirookdale Stable headed llsi oi hom race winner ai iiamillon wllh $2335 iown Council eui lax rnle io ii milla reduciion oi one Mire Kalharino Campbell oi ilnrrle polnled arrlalnni an erlnlendenl oi ilu inlo General lion pi nl Rev Dr Oekley ioid hi1 eon gregaiion that during the ho eummer moniha hie germane wouldbe alien 55 YEARS AGO IN qwu namu Examiner july Ii 1908 At the Carthcw Bay rcgnlla Barrie Aqunllc Club Inllcd to win apyl rats but My local llankm bent Allnndnlo lmeblll ml Ens Emlvll be lho CMhnllc Youn Menl Club No nmnll chlldren Ill Id In 0m lnwmhlp when unlck Huh nlnu nm Muir Two Ion boy mm It mm mu rm 0m Darn mu nymnl mm lundlyl m1 lllulan Helmy urole mm ml mummt mm unn nnlv mmm mm mum Iv rmII I1 mm In INN ury III mum nonlhn ll mnnln nu 14 In yumluv Int IA Ind hm II in mum nu mml lmi 0mm limo Vlmouuh HIM Munllllw 111 And lumu unIIuIm hm mlm Ihfl INHI 41 uhllnllan ma In mm nu mu local The Barrie Examiner ht 18mm Examiner Published by Cimdinn Newspabés Limited 16 Bnyfleld Strut Barrie Onpflo DOWN MEMORY LANE Brim slum Genml Munm MONDAY JULY 1m Plul more nbvtously tt the FrenchCaanttan VII of drumming tnto the heads of non bl ngual Canadian the tact that French in otttclal tun use In thtn country English Whit ey aeektng in In tnte atton gzlusmumugltha whntn nnnrnnch is so morcourae the whole approach so chtIdteh that it wont work no matter how just the FrenchCanadian cause la To expect pereon over the age of 40 or 46 to learn another Ian almost over nlght In to expect mposalble In like trying to ut two pits tn anoltve Yet that seem ngly 15 what these bad mannered blltn a1 FrenchCanadians extract of peo 1e he Mr Price who tn cl egtally his sixties In any event you cant get people who live In democracy to accept our point of View by badgerln or luau ting mam Bad mannersbeget nd manners and stubbornness digs mom that up antes one house from nether Actually one need oni ask oneseii how in the FrenchCans Ian cause ad vanced when Harry Price distinguished EnsignQangdiaq resigned from the Worldi filiflhoardvl To overcomsthe confusion Scotchv Canadian introduced about 1878 plan whereby starting irom Greenwich at zero degree the standard meridians It Mean degrees apart would constitute the cent res of twentyfour time tones and the time in each would be unilorm The me rits of this system were ion debated when the railway managers of United States and anadshdopted this system The standard time zones are now al most unlversnll adopted Ind comply wlth the orlglne plan Holland whlch Is not partlculerly rIllle country dld not adopt Standard Ilme whlle few countries llke Venezuela have compm mlse differences of hell In hour for the stmple reason It would appear that these countrles He or the most part between the ltandlrd merldlnns Then there Ira countrleswhere Urge zones do not follow the alralxht llne dlvlslon of the merldlnn but follow the Irregular con tours of thelr boundirles or obvloul rea sons Now in mimpe exce Holland there Ire three time zones serving respec tively Greenwich time midEuropean time one hour inst and east European time two hours inst In the United States and Canada except Newiound land there are iive time zones namely Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain and Pnciilc being respectively iour five six seven and eight hours slow on Greenwich time and reckoned It the 80th 75th 90m 195mm 120m meridians west oi Greenwlch drowned in bay when canoe upset oii Bear Point East Simcoe Farmers ln atltute passed resolution against indisc criminate use oi the road by automobil es and that petition be presented to fav ernment asking that they be prohib ted from mnning on Wednesdays Saturday and Sundays The shower bath at Al landala YMCA is becoming very po ular with the young men it we used tim es in two days Constable Sweeney il cracking down on the drtvers who apeed their horses too that on the streets ltailwaymen welcomed arrival of the my car Walter Urry installed new lawn mower finder in his aholv Mil en got out 4000 boxer grade Itrnw berries irom acre plot cut end of town Di ltit Stewart and It Boy travelled to Iiuiielo and won some ten nla games Harrie baseball team se lected to contest Ontario honors Cum ming Scott Archie Burton Mor ren lb Lennox 2b Joe Ramsay Is Gamble 3b in outtield ot Lawr joitpyhltrtn leoAand Flesh Collier Slinfllhodlit Church Varrrln odi pith ml oydnyn pxgugpq to 511115 Vllh rellromcnl of Edwin Luck um cor huxlnm will he carried on by John Vlmlom and Jamel Hrunlon Am nm Burrlu Laundry lmllllod Improved nlcnm mnnglo In llnl Darrin Drow Inu 10 was ofler ng aplendld ale and oncr mndo own plum on Dunlap Onllnullon Inrvlcc In Rammed EJvllcopnl Church mic or Arlhur flack rccanlly lrrlved from En llnd condumd by llllhop FIUOWI Ch ago AUTOMATID FISHING OlanI inlun Aulomnllon II Iboul lo Invade lho 1an indunlry Cumnl uxperlmanln In he UnIlod Stale Include rocket pro ml alnn to In MI around Ichooln Ah drlvlnl herring by huge bubble cur mm of com mm Air remotecontrol nnrlnu or llklnx Ind procmtng plan lnggrowifm lfldlll Ilng nm and menhm iuihiuiubh conlrnl So long the mg or gum muted perhlpl Ill um can In burnt OTHER EDITORS VIEWS flinch By JOSEPH MOLNERy MD mu Dr Molnar Mun can unua uklnn lmunn when mar hn cleared upl mean unlm ell mum wlh lunr Ilka Ice mum cooklel eIcIMJ TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Yu lnlulln Ilmofl alwnyl has to mmlnued The palm IIID lhuuld min on dlll althoth not lulnlenl or un pleasant one Lela explnln why MI Iv when sugar hu cleared can wrung with the ablllly lbs body In my mar prapuly The pancrul may no Intel much lnsulln ll nteded Thu delm vnlu real deal In lndlvldunl cam Insulin may be ucrelcd but It ucllan In tho lluuea thwarted In mme manner Thu llvinT lnsulln by Injec tion up nmonu whnt over Imnnnl lha pnncreu providel and help the body use the lunar ll no qulru lrnm amt The lmulln does not reflect lhe hnlc detect In lhl pln mu When urine 1cm no longer Ihow lugnr ll mum lhul enough lmulln belnu Idded In bnhnco the lunar In he nyl km wllh nnnu It In lplll over lnlu lho urlne IPA I41 Wan you flopped lnklnz lnsulln many would begin In bulld up min Kttp In mind Inc You derlvc luau mm mm olhu than take cook or olhtr mnimlnm mu more lhnn hull Iho pmleln you all cunvrrled lnln sugar ihu placem ol dlxtv Iinn umth can canluln mm lhrce lo per cent Ilucmu in arm mum do prndlnl on Ihe klnd Frqu ummqnly run mm In In 20 par renl andJome llllle murr Drlcd will will run 1qu no la per mm mm alum ptr cenL Ilcnce you cnnllnua In quulru lunar nm body nu nlnnz per only well no ordinary nxznr In menum or NH mullm dllbellc mnuld never lnka mm In In arm mm In candy or um In roaklnl II munlly in It lho Burp lor lbl Hal lulllchnllyllbml ll lrul mu Iller InIulln hu hum um or llma ll mnr he MMIMI In rrducu tho dul dun Iml II II Illll needed Diabeln Is dlbrdnr inv Insulin Balances Sugar In System THOSE ENGLISH SUMMERS Only lnrara use can ha dlscunllnuedlhes usually are mlld or even borderline ones In whlch dlztplus the dlnhem rlllln can kccp lhlng under con AI rule when case has required rezulnr use lmulln you should expect ln continue with Dur Dr HumanWhat nmcnnrrhca whal causes It Mll LC ll lhe ceslallan menstru nllpn ar mme nan other jun nbimal nosMaw pause ur rexnun Nmafl glandular Murders Ind emo tional dlaturbnncu rare pcsniblu emu LONDON Another contex ence bnulu on Lnbor pnrly pol Icy ll Ioomlnu up an 1hr hurl xon Thh wzu mndn clear at lho annual antenna mm Mng trade unlnn the 1170 000 member Trampon Ind Gm HI nkcn Univ Thr unlrr enu look hull with pntly pol It on No major pulnu Each thrm hnd cnulcd grcvloul up in lhn my rank whrn Hugh GnlhkclY wm lend Thay lhroalcn to come un or hillm1 discuulon whtll mo partys nn nuul walmucu II huld in tuber The Trunspflfl and Gmtrnl Worm Unlnn by un nlmml unmlmoul vqu or III dolcgalu dcmnndcd llml Hrllnln allow 11 pnllry al unllnlcrnl mlcltnr 1H nrmnmcnl Ind wllhdrnw mm nmnln Ihu lolnrll luhmnrlm hum And nlhcr nuclear weapon but In Ilnlnln um luy ha Unllrd sum an mved clcnr nollcu hul lhll cnnlcnllnul wt 1ch MI Iznln ha mujur In Iuo Il lha Labor pnrlyl cm lmnu with lhc poulhnlly at In alllclal policy Innln bring vemd REPORT FROM UK WARNING ON IM Thu umnd Innlarch whlrh Iha mu cunletonrc clmllrnged lhu Labor To Ponder Political Tactics MMIK16IWIMEL Hva All ORMIAJZ Mumnu Maul 3287353 mu mums IV Arrummmvmoul van MWII FINANCE JOOF CANADA loam up In $5000 Vauv Imn an be muan month unlvull on Iolnl Ir moo mane the minute you wantit BENEFICIAL the ONE place to call for VISICIII madamehuh 1mm nullan lov Iny uood mm on Inlunl InnIICndl dlnmlhuhlinlnmflclll him My lull all up Ind ml 91 olllclnl llno VIII tlul VIII rcslrnlnl Thu dele Ilel IVI wnmlnl that II Lo ovum manl cnmu lnla pow thI un lnn would not he wllllnl co opcrnle WIUI It on um quelllon The warnlnl mm from Mo Labar parllImenury und dale or Burton an Trenl llI dtclartd lhnl no ovemmlnl could hope In mopmllon 1n lha Held mm mlnlnl un leu ll wnl prcpuod lo control he prlvnle InlemlI mun lry mll wu Ilmrly all lnr nulnndoul Iaclnl nllon prenqulllla In In wnu nr Irnlnl policy Mr mm Illd TlIII cunlmnce Ihoud Iell llm uomnment llu ll wlll not Ill pan any brah on VIIer HI Ilngo July 22 II Napoleonl mu won lhn Ballle Fyrlmldx agalnsl he llameluke ln Egypl 165 yenu ago lodly ln lmbul hlx victory wll man to be sound by new of the delta his lleel In the Enllla the Nile WhllI anoleun was marching lnln Egypt Nelson wllh the Dr lxh llcel came on lhe French flu ln Abouklr Bay Incl do almycd IL Napoleon hen lulled to lluhl hlx my out overland through Syd and cvcnlunlly wu forced lo abandon III nrmy In Egypt whlla ha relumtd tn Fume The Jlmar Younxer lung carried out lhe Hm Imln robbery ln In 115 Wisll WILSONH VIEWS umc In who at pin by Ilamld wllwn lhc Lnlmr puny lender or Wh llhm lmm lhc unlom on my mlrnlnl an nl Mr IhIrI Inromu policy mm ov rrnmcnl relurned up ui or In lrllnl an Income but whul It lnmmu mun III In comes ml of mm Ind ulu but rm Ill upcdlll mm opoly pmflll dlmibul 11M nmwn11nm Lynn Mac krnxla Klnx armor Cum djnq Liberal yrlmu mlanler TODAY IN HISTORY CANADIAN PRESS Pllrlck Muholma mt col lmnlul MI ll Min Plnllnl Jun uberll MP or Nnnh Imbulud 0mm MTAWAMy trnnnut 1m pmtlon of tho Home 02m monl ll one that could hm been lined without Ictuny becomlna member the Bonn luall Indeed It on hm bid or tome tlme but which ll parhnpl All the mount now thntl Im mem ber It In amply this Thnt tho Home of Commmu It not the mt mun or debRe that one much ll to be and um lurer mm to he OTIRWK REPORT Ccrtllnly in the two month Inn hm bun member oi the Home time hu bgen my little mlly thou Mini penum in or lniome dilcuulon oi the 11m and important issue lint taco Cuudl why home Ind llama From rudinz the debnlu oi uriier Ieulunl in the lite iliilu and early slxiles Ind ilvm nccasianlily lllieninl to time debates In the public gallery wu Ilrudy becom ing mm of their auperiiclniiiy and dill Impression has been nubaunlinlly reiniarced in re cenl meiu Mos memben oi tin Hausa oven lending mem ben mm unwilling or unable to dlmm in depth the great LsLuen oi thuday are issues exist connot denied Tha most Important ol them in indoubtediy tha churn that has been opening in recent yam between French and Eniliah Ignition Cana dinnar relate flue la the whoia am oi Marniprovincial relations Then there are tha many economic probiems Ihat confront an and have conirontad ua ior lome timeunemploy ment automation liow 2cm nomic growth balance oi par menu diiiicultlea problem 11 international trader Underlying aociai disorder are no 1m im portant am thinkinl or ample oi the migration lrom arm to city and oi the maniioid diiiiculiiel and dlbtresm that rapid urbanization lovoi dcnds and rents Ha asked that lhu union um impose 1141+ clnnol ward mlrlcllve pracum or nuLaIdm method on either llda of Industry We unnot ward unomclnl Ilrlkes any more thin we can Alford Hnlndll mlnaeuvrlnl Willi nick proï¬ts or capllal ualn at In tmmtlkeover hlds and prop erty ipeculallnn put abova the nnllnnal intern Obviously the unlon vleWI ex pressed were quite ll Vlrlance will then expounded by Mr Wfllon hence the ponlbillly um ml Iuhject mly vmduce one the bluerest debllu when ma labor party conkrence in The mr Duncln Sandyl Commnnwenlu lecr 1n uu menqu then dnyl th llama mm Knnyn when In hid the loundnllnnl or new commutlon lnr Kenyas ln dependence In Jnnulry ht plum ed Itrll lnlo Innlher mm eonnltu onnl canlmnce Ind produced mm lumen 321 nnflnnl unprgccdenlgd 13111 with delenm ran Milan mun In mi bh Criticizes Debate in The commons In Innounu um wmpleln nemen hnd been ruched and lhnl mu Mnlnymn PederIon wll cum Into lulu on Aulun 40 mm Miuuï¬mmmm SAVE SAVE SAVE Ml leu ham Ilock will In any window Jumqnml decomlor tolou campllmlm van ham ou wlll mm you Mm ohm owulngn all way round Awning 0ny$219 The Inn of national dalencr In moth flu hu melved only luperflclnl attention In rem cm yam though ï¬ll mum llon In now being remedied by tha establishment of meall delence commllua the Ham it cenbe argued oi comm tint the burning lune oi the any have never been given the kind oi Icrutlny they delerve by memberl oi Pnrliernentu that the Home iteeii he never been the trend inquilitnr ol the nelion I0 revered hietari Inn There is some tru in lhll But it does mm to me that there have been numeml om slam in Cenedlen history when our Periinmentthe Home of Common in particularhaga been at the very centre oi Cej nedien Lite am thinking ioru exempie oi the early postwet year when members oi all pm lie enmed in Intelligent end irequenily iervent debate eon cemlnx lhe direction they ieit Cayman eqciety should take Penna the I950 spoiled up all In that decade or much at It her did not mm to be great abundance of Issue and an we have today Perhaps In that decade at relatlva calm and consensus we lost our abll lty and laclllty to deal wlth camplcx problemal 01 It may be that the lane at today am Just too compllcated or any MP no matter how talented to understand thoroughly let alone debate intelligently The fact that we have still not pro vided research tacltlttea or our MPI particularly or than in npposltlan llal undoubtedly added to the problem The Imnhle may also Us In the he that It ha been dim cull or any puny to let clear majority 11 recent yearly any the tendency has therelnre been for the House ol Common to become not Drum rent lilies Inilghum and Jockey ng or position In such circum stances governments oi Ill 90 lilical stripe lend In remav controversial problem ram Um pnrlisan arena Parlia ment lnqunnlly handlnl them over in mynl commission or oiher outside bodies or exam imlinn and debale One cerv lainiy leis the Impression lhnl when anything ll loo dlilicnit or too hot Io handle rnynl commission is It up to den with it God lmh Im culled In uncltnnnen but unlo hollnnl Ila lherelora that duplulh a2 Iplmh nol nun hm Godl Tlltullflnllnl The mural lnw um mnk mam1e mrcd was not arm Iflaled by men mm It nut Inb jecl la amendment BIBLE THOUGHT BA CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Beluu1ul Simple Pm Ewmllu FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA 570 EARRIE Uphahlcflnl II Out Inn Ieu Nd lull llne BRADFORD IT mind new