Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1963, p. 12

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AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE In MGA Hurdle color uk Vilmwhhlwlll Ill Ind ndlo fluent candlllon Ihwnlhmll WU Duckwnrlh Slfllt at It um mom PA um Mu nswx Vol undxmcld wnher vlc ma lulu anhwuem duux ndlo llln Dill thryl Hu Shun Hflln Sula PA um as none indoor hump 0n Iwnet clr ln nnflnl led th mum lnmlor Deep Imd um mam IIdln MI mllnlm 3117 low low 711 PA XL IIID cu all or mums advn mun my cum rutmm In on elrcuxn um run mu co Camr nu raNflAC Ham ndnu mu Ind pink ContIIan Inkflur Cullam rldln duel Id 71 ml um Wlnflnw wunem awner Law milen Ownell nlml MI lequnl dawn 90 munm PA um VERIFIED WARRANTY USED CARS 1955 For ardlop Va sland 3rd lransmlssian and radin Im maculate Inside and out no sure la sea this earl EIErecE MQIQRS VOLKSWAGEN ESSA 1m PA 35553 IIDI Wilma mu Strand flvlnl Blrfll 130 PIIIII lllpphonl Slmnd PERSONALS ACCOMMODATION NOW AVAILABLE BOWMANS PILVATE NURSING HOME STHOUD Semi and privnle mom on the ground floor Rea enable rntcs Qualified pruclicul nurse on duly LEARN HAIRDRESSING Governmcm Chartered School Thorough tralnlng in all bran dms cl beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 VORSIEY 51 PA Haul hci um 1051 FOUND CAT LOSTTonal mm Chg en an Rum hem PA 0N PAIR cullund urrlnn km In Iron or now Bunk Dun uul on July 15 or Hndu CLASSIFIED ADVERTlSING PZNIIANI Lox Diamond pend ml necklm Ion In vcnly ol ciiu Condmscd and damned dvcr moment an Inserted II the run of do per word Insertion lnr one and Iwn times per word or mm our or Eva umu and per word or at more lnunlons 107 14111 lonal chum II no pmd wllhln 10 dnyl THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VEIITISEMENI IS 96 F011 WORDS II PAID WITHIN l0 DAYS on SIM FOR WORDS II CHARGED IEn SINGLE INSEIITION muons on connwnou Anymun In nmxndm um Il phone In nhm amm nruw nunun In nu ma durnnl Thlnlnu In Cllnt am Adumnlnl Dlplllmln uu In mm unaly mm mm rlvnuumtnl mmInIly Im nu numloa In order ml n1 mm umlb mm In vulm was um In emu Inn mm muma In In lnllnlln any human nmu nu Io unl ouI mu Tm um um nn rowonubla In will on manual prlnlud Inmunn on mmumnnl um um Inl In It mun pumnn ml Imlm mu ml vlnL mu wmm an 1le luv ulm ol nu ldv Ilurmnl hit to runmlom by In on Cmmnl Evtnu be per word lmmlmum thlll so 1th Ind Death NMIcu 150 up In 15 mm mcr 15 word 5c rr mrn wnrdl 1n Mommam oxlcol GU Ill vrm um won ulm 1m Mrllu llllnllnl mumm unlnl mm In Numb lm II I1 III nuruy um Mum mqu in mm In my Ia um mu an ll pman Clflulfled mvemmnmu AM mute lnr Hm mam num In menud by an mo udml mhllcnlmn wllh 014 Npllfln ol lllullirl DIIMI Idvetllnmrnu which Illllll ho In hy um noon mmllnu my m1 Iv muln mm lllncfl mu nu mum go muIu 49an PfibNE smoun 1mm F0 Wam Ad WOMENS COLUMN TELEPHONE PA 82414 Service Dial 10 HELP WANTED Excellent op ortunlty for ybung man 21 to 30 years of ageanplee tralnmg p1qume IorSales Gayestmind Com léte indlvl ual qualified in conduit wir ing and service Wfiie to BOX BARBIE EXAMINER We looklng or man with production experiencé whn can AupchiSE small but rapidly flowing organization Apply in with to BOX NO 99 BARRIE EXAMINER 11 AND Linoleum Meduan men In omn dmrch 51 amplnymm mm mm mwhane azum 0mm Trent noor caverlnn Brim4 0mm MLN on so 1mm Mined an mm Thuaxon Apply Hulk 10 mm to Well mu muted Elmunc pnlerred Mull over 20 you In St d1 emplny gong Apyly Endlord Emu firm HCENflD Mach mum 1m dlnmy pm by mum with anllwlun rapm Goon wnrklnl tondmonx Ind nunml rumpmy MMML Cumct Pluu Molar Ltd PA 55 IALE Human Ntwly mm Cnu Hannah llnnll corpormon in 1mm uplnlnl younl nu an mined at Incl hunch mun1m posulan run lrllnln Jinn Cn uunull To lflmn verImul Imlnw wm um 91 mm inm Iner rrummlw meNnm Emma Cllu sum mound lor Devfluent ol NIHaml Duane Am cmp Burden Onurlm AP pllunu mm In wueulm nun Second cluvsluanm kllmerl Clrlllluu pxnvln cm eqnlvllufl rm lull dIIIHI pallul on dlplny oun Imnlayment Strvlte um Pan omce Awly wore Auiun 19H In cvu sank Cn mlulcn SI CIIr Avenul Tmnlo am nu 0mm Cc pllmon No 1L Illum 0mm COOK unhd or ml nnl Good wmllnl condl Harm No In noun Ttltyham PA Mm or mum Inlamuunn mum um mulnd or Ian umlnm Ml nqulh ad empluynnm Wm uox mm zumlnu mm hr mum um ll yu yumlon Hood In Mn unnl mun sunud rwu mm man mu Dlul Immu monl Alummum hoduru to MIDI Avuuu Telnpnan PA Hm Mman Aaln um mm In Ionk All rhlldnn In my hum wnuu mom worn um noun hold dun wuny 1dr phum IA Mu WOMEN In an llwhonl unnu Inl lnun own home Illnl mum hour dIly N1 Illnl haul Mun hm wvn mm llrpmm number In mm Inmlmr vet qny Ihmnnndfund Elnmnrd pnxo lhnll why ylou mm In nun cl qulck lun PLANT MANAGER For Small Stainless Steel Manufacturer ELECTRICIAN REQUIRED DOES AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE CALL ON YOU my nocd somcone In your neighbourhood Nn oblizalion Write Mrs Wulkcr 33 Thomson SL Darrin PA 66551 AVON CALLING mix unapfiom FEMALE HELP SALES CORRESPONDENT DEVILBISS CANADA LIMITED Barrie0n1aii0 WATCH IxAMINlu WEDNESbAY rou run omms lhhlq wh Apply DllBWAIIIBl film 1101 lucll Iml nlllurlnt NI flymanL Lem RI III or IIITAUEANT couxl um IN or modorder Apply non only Lhmw Super mu Ell Dllnlop EL hm YOUNG Mlhltfl Cowl In lnuodudnl luv oduulloml unl man on your pm law Iolnl Lu Ivlnlnlv won cm hl cully hlnd ltd plnvuml bull Illhfl hlllblnd or wlle or both Ind will Inttun with your mun du um Implu It you cln um mumu you un um to um 31000 in mm mm cumin Send mu Inlmnnlon number mum ynu would bl IVIlllhll ll vruem nmhymlnl Ind IXevh numbzr Bull 03 Birth um qultlu mm ma mlde rwo my nn sag 3117 31 or unilnd tor mu 1mm PA um ol MALE ITIJDINT 11 ye lechmnlly In ILMeucllly lhled deflru Iumlner unplu meut Expullnced ln llmxnl Ind wlndow Inlllulnl Relenncu Telephom PA ma EMPLOYMENT WANTED PAINTING All Inns pllnlln an odenlo run llflcllnt devandlble Mu Inllrlor or nor CIII nu PA 88757 OPP FOR MEN WOMEN mum ron mum on 3m JOB ALL 30015 AND urn0N ron AS Low as my wux LARGEST mun SCHOOL IN CANADA wnm ron rm noon AMERICAN SCHOOL Dept 01 QUEEN AND DALHOUSIE ST BOX 1081 BRANTFORD ONT Name flddXLSA Phone No Lth lnta oi the Township oi lnnisiji in the County at Simcoe who died on the nth din of April 1963 must tile their ciulms with the underslgncd before August It 1963 attcr whlch date assets of the mate will be distributed CANADA PERMANENT TOR ONTO GENERAL TRUST COM PANY Exncutars by their Soil cilnrs hmin Smlth Mchnn und Owen Owen Street Bar rie Ontario T1 LEGAL NOTICES my mnsn HIGHSCHOOL AT HOME 1N SPARE TIME dem will be rccelved lnr he opcrmlon of he lollowlnz llux Baum or School Arm Na Medonlc unlll Noon Jqu 60mm no eflcclive llll new lchmls In opcrnlimL Lawn or any cndcr not nec mnrily urnMed Rouln 112 milln 15 pupils noulc 111 mllu 35 mm Raule 31 mun mm mm 423 mlkx 21 Duplll Busu or cum one wm Ihrca musl muons nnulc No persons For urlhnr dclnll apply MACDONALD Eccy I2 TENDERS THY EXAMINER WANT Mm PHONE PA lHIO Crcdflar FRANCES ADE MALE FEMALE MALI HELP TENDERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Vnuy 0m IS COMING THIS THURS JULY 25 SAVE ON FURNITURE APPLIANCES HARDWARE HOUSEWARES SPORTING EQUIPMENT 13 AUCTION SALES Horses Holstein Cnllle Pm Poukry Farm Machinery and mellow Eflecu The undenlmd has mcivec instrucuomlram CHARLIE WILLIAMSON cou1o Essa One Ind Onehal Milu West at momma Villain Mm South Commencing 1230 pm All the Iallnwlnz namely HORSES AND PONIE glen Gcldinn 12 yam ol 1300 lbs both homes are broken single or double Tenm of registered chestnut Shellnnd ponlen silver man and tail your old well matched land mare born Oct 1358 harness pony Show ham yur 11m baya barn 1958 Ind 1m sets or bruwnwnted breech lng harness Lula hand humus all in good condition Set of singla lumen Set him blankets CAHLEHoistein cow yrs old call At loot open Hol stein cow ya fresh call at loot Holstein cow mi full flow bred nunln Holstein cow yrs iresh call at loot Guern sey helier yrxi iull flow bred again While Holatein cow yrs ircsil open Holstein cow yrs to reshen by date oi sale Holgiein cow yrs fresh open Holstein cow yrs iuii flow bred again Holstein holler yrs iull now bred again Holstein cow6 yrs ircsh call at foot Holstoln heiier yrn iresh call at iool HolsteinJenny cow iresh millet loot Holstein heiier yrr to imhen by date oi sale Holstein heifer 2yrr to resh en Aug 25th Guernsey cow yrs iresh call at iool Jersey cowo iresh call at loot Hol stein cow yrs iuil flow open Holstein aw yrs lull flow bred again weeks Holstein heix montiu bred imonlii HolsteinHereiord heiler months open Holstein helier yrs bred months Blnck iiolslcln holler yrs bred manihs Jersey helier rising yrs bred in May Holstein heiim year old Guernny heiier monlhs Guernsey helich months Foiled 3mm horn bull your old All cat lle vaccinaicd ior Ti and blood tcsicd IMPLEMENTS AND MISCEL LANEOUS Internallonnl W4 tractor completely overhauledl Al MasseyFerguson rantend lander Mrll binder cut lannlnz mllt Illll Murrow tractor plow Anllque cutter MIl Iced drlll 13dlrc good condltlon Cocluhutt Aldo dellv cry rake In good conditle International manure mreader lAI Set of slots Ncw llnland bal new caravans load con dlllnn ltlll No 37 all lmth mownr lynx truck lntcrnallonal mower hnrwdrnwn Harre drawn dlsc lnternattonal Huh raw radar plow cod condl tlon Land roller atccl Ldmm Sct nach 1000 tum drag harrawl drnnbat Panllac ardan ltubbcrtlrcd wagon rack Mll rlnzlt plow Stcel tlrcd wnzon rack lnltr nntlonal hnmmtr mlIL mnnllanal tractor wll lotooth Fork lml nutty mam head raj shlr bred to arrow by duh of sale Yorkshlre sows bred months Engllsh York shire hog 13 months old 200 Leghorn hens yr In lull pro ducllon 00 mixed pullels rooslen Plymouth 10 week MILKING EQUIPMENT Woods zunll milking machine complete nullit uullct or 26 rows Wood Hun cooler in good condilian Mli clzcirlc mam nenaulor good candl iinn slralnm plunxm pailn no milk cam WEDNEsbAYL JULY PIGS AND POULTRY Yogk AUCTION SALE Ihnm WE unk pumg Anthur rubber llred batmlmhar mum l3 AUCTION SALES HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Electric Guerney +burner nnge heavy duty Oval Findlay cook in range m1 orwood Quebec coal suave several smalltahles Kitchen cabinet Anthue aleleh bells odd dishes Kitchen bu let Antique mime bells Bedroom suite bed maureu springs dresser Bed Iprlnxsy mames complete Jars Seal ers Anthue llyinz room table Klkhen able Ind chain In mnlgh Many 0her nulclu Frank Webb Herman Jenna clerks JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer PhnnevBarrle PA H449 Terms Cash Definitely no row as am jg sold owner will not be responsible far my accidents daymt Sale whllajqn hll mmy Nothing to be remoyed until leuled or Lndia WA will nerve iunch pm ForTUENIS com NJI Lam Caucasian 10 In maul SALE o1 luyinz hens hnusehold furniture and miscellaneous efl ecu Term 1992 ER mxzzmw ngmgamu Usé one lhesu lhreé cunvcnl an ways PHONE PA 52414 and say want to place MAIL The Barri Exam lnar Batik out nnmnjx gn Birth zxg Imincr olflce Hayfield StreeL REMEMBER wnn DEAD LONDON Ireland Rattlers Sailor who dial on convoy escort In the Second World War were remembered in Londcnderm the pBrt 0n Irelandl nnnhwcsl corner and haven or Ihlp which covered the North Allnnllc run Two hundred man mm alx visillnz Cnnadlnn nnllsuhmnrlne Shlpl marched Ihrnugh lha any hcnr In whlte mslgn yrhlch they glngcd in St Colomhs Cnthn SPROULE Auctlmlcer Brnl Mondgfi My 29 AUCTION Nowadnyn Iln nulurnl lnr llw Indy of he hnnu In du mm of Ilm family banking Ixcnunc its no rmlvcnicnl Io look nfltr Ilmnry mum at mt plnrc Ihc locnl llnnmd bunk Ml allrmuml lnmking servicerum In my lmnmnnkrr in on llrr wny to dqmi pm of her hunlmmlu Inlnry in lhrir wing mnnunl II rhrquc nn lhrir jninl rhrquing aucounl nml my llm mnmhly inslnlmcnl on Ill be overafter do my banking THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY through Ill41mg mulling mmmlrt lo glowing changing nmll 111112 BARN EXAMINER MONDAYV JULY 21 By KEITH CLAY Anodth Mr Roy Nrslmcae The Slmuoa County Farm Sale Councll ha ne ped up ncllvllexlar 1m Pm ect ba ln carried cull um year are Salety Scinp Book Compet luon at School Fain an Highway Safety Simcoe County Farm Council Increases 63 Safety Projects Sale Plasllc Fire Extingu ishen to arm people Oomplcllon at Fire Zone Map for SlmcoeCounly Distribution 017 Plain Mal wiping Salely Slang Setting upa Bmfil at Hall Fairs nn anm gqlely Sale of sum Flagshr Farm Mgchlngry Th Safety Scrap Hook Com peMUnn at SchoolFaln hLSlm coo County in open In pupils In Grade and whose school lake parl In the School Pub The Scrap Book would be up proxlmately 10 In iiza and he meme fur lhlx yearl contean lsun Highway 539 1y All of the School Falr Bumd In Slmcoe County were contacted about this elm In March Malina that he slmcoe EATONS Mr ParlorVKrollar will be in the Barrie area on Wed July 24 We invite youlp phone EATONS at PA 85983 for private consultation al EATONS HEARING AID CONSULTANT NO CHARGE 0R OBLIGATION County Farm Soioty Council will my prize money or this clan in the amount of 500 won receipt oi confirmation that this class would be lined in their School Fair Prize Llat Tho malarin oi School Fair Board havn acceptedthis wor thy protect and it hon been qulta necessiul to dlte FIRE EXTINGUISHERS new mum ol the Saicty Council tn your in the rule oi plastic lire extinguinherx Farm Organizations in 31mm Coun ti are Invited to nil there ex tnguishera tu farm pcoplu at mt Such organizational are lhon reimhurned in vlhe amount oi lifliicenta or every iir ex tinguisher said So iar Junior Farmer Clubs Womenl no Itltuics Agricultural Soclctiui and some 4H Clubs hnvfa under taken this Salety Project part at ihlx programme or 1963 Farm organization in Simcoe County who 11 Interuteri in thin project may obtain addt ional inlnnnntion by contacting eilh Clay Secretary Slmcoe Minty Farm Sulety Council wnonnl 1mm All his lnkcn cure of undrr one INVIKIEIICkl rnfily Iimply An lnmk nrnirc yuu me III Introduction to may ulhru And lllr rhnrlrml lmnlu Mr nlwnyu on lhr lmvkuul for nrw In be hrlpful In mom pmplr mml xrnmn why he numlmr of dqmit nuomm In doulylnl In Inillinn In ml 10 yrm and 3500 new muunln an Iring upnml entry banking dny For Ilmpn ovary iypl of honing prbblbml Do you have fullnqu ualnz lhe telephone or allqwlnl cgnvegsguqnl in la crqydeg Iroqm mm on ound um henrlilznald dialorlrrmund or an loo wcak to be help In yam If you have not yel mind behmdllwent hearlnl aid that unwary tor you Inquln Iboul th latest VIKING models They embody the multl ol ndvnnccd electronlc research and It It more than likely that an the uptodata VIKING béhlndthecnr Instrument wlll provide the unintuan you mum VIKING HEARING AID behlndtheaar rlithure BI ummu um Fire Zone Mlpl or Simeon mm helnn prepred or tree dlatrlbuflon to lnrm people The ables nl lhese map to clearly oulllne the exact Ire caverns or Iownshlpl In the count In lha even 01 mm 111 in zone In hlva Ilrendy been Ion out farm pco le In 1h Township Wu Gwlllmbury Tecumlulh and Adjala ma ruca nuns few rod wcty Flm ntlll available lor nddlllnn to arm machinery whtn travelllnx on the hlzhway These lugs Will be sold at cast red flatt tnched tn uuch machinery wlll mnke Inch equipment much eas Jer to sea by motorlltl Ind my me Illa When ygu become careless with the operatlan or farm ma chlnery lull remembzr the lllu yaulm may be ywr own Farm nrnntutlom Wllhlnl to obtain 1m place mat an Sula ty should contact Kellh City Secretary Slmcoe County Farm Safety Counc110ntarlo Depart ment at Alrlculturehflurrh theres Annualj Saler bouncu pm in to up booth ml air In make arm peopie more TEY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PLHIN E33

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