Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1963, p. 10

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CREEMOBE as uns PAT IllEltTT dr and Mrs Dennis Gownn Ni boys CornwallI have re turned to their home alter spend tag low days with Mr and Mrs Arthur Gawan Sgt and Mrs Alex Oitcilly Sandra and Jimmy telt this week tor Calgary iAlta where ttir DReilly has been posted with the Canadian Army Tltey have been residing tor the past two years In the Itcslip Apts Misses Mary Debbie and Joan Duilio are holidaying with their grandparents ltir and Mrs Rab ert Baxter fhirs liorst Echrlct Mark and Luke are visiting with Mr and iiirs Jack Van Ktavern First drawing at the Crccmore Community Draw took place on Tuesday and winner at the in lttal weekly prise at $5 In merr bandlse was Mrs Ernie Grant oi stayner Iter winning coupon had been otained at Gowans Grocery and was drawn irom among hundreds by Stuart Itoy al at Barrie Jtiiss Grace Lemmon postmls tress at Creemore who is on her annual threeweek vacation re turned to town this week after trip to St John NB and other points on the east coast Mr and Mrs Ed Davies lace Bette Batest have announc ed the arrival at their son Da vid at the Quecnsway General Hospital Toronto July bro ther tor Jo Anne The Annual Vacation Bible School sponsored by the Cree more Ministerial Association atartcd July 15 and will contin ue until July 25 This years school consists at our departments the pre schoolers are meeting at the ijirst Baptist Church primary gnngs so years are at St Johns Juniors an at St Lukes in Termediales i211 also at St Lukes total at 21 children are transported daily irom New Loo welt It specie closing prcgram wilt be held July 15 with the hreschoolers at pm and the other groups at am at St Lukes ital parents and inter ested friends are invited to at tcnd these closing gatherings lNuuott PICNIC Mitre aiternoon unit at St Johns United Church held its second urntual Indoor picnic at the Church Hall July to There were ti present includ ing those irom tileCongrega lion who were unable through IIl health or home duties to at tend the regular monthly meet lngs There were three visitors irom the western provinces one each tram British Columbia Al berta and Manitoba Mrs Foster unit leader weI named the guest then led in short worship service in which she was assisted by Mrs Mc Arthurund ltlrs Fergus Gross variety programme fallow ed contests vocal music readings and rccltatlons Mr and Mrs Gordon Wanner and lamlly Chstham are hol idaylng with Mr and Mrs Er ate Roberts and lamlly areas MRS DOCKWORTII Sympathy ls extended to Mrs Albert McCuIlIgh iamlly and relatives in the sudden death oi Albert McCulIigh who passed away July it irom heart attack The iunerat service was held July to by the Angus Un ited Church Pastor Rev Willis irom iennetts Funeral Home Barrie to Shelburne Cem ctery Also sympathy is extended to Sgt arld Mrs Raymond Everett Centre St on the death at Rays brother Everett tn Tor onto July 16 Congratulations to the Angus LOL 126 on winning the prize in Barries Orange celebration on July is and to the Angus Drum and Elie Band which also won prise Mr and Mrs James Andrews and inmlly are spending their holidays with relatives in Nova Scotla ititss Erma Duckworth ac companied by her lrlend Miss Joel Chaulnard returned irom Simprcsca at Midland last week Mr and Mrs Choulnard and Lois Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Ducknarth Saturday Their daughter Jual returned home with them Mr and ltlrs George Sarita nnd son London visited Mr and Mrs Lorne Ptsxton this weekend Mrs Carrie Mae Stennlng Lon don spent couple oi days Ittl her parents Rev and ltlrs AE This on the weekend Rev and TELEVISION PROGRAMS HI Iin Sallri Juli Fury tllli News tVsathrr Snort 7M Topper 1sn theeldii Iiil iianlty Thomas fitngalaill Jubilee IOI Telescope IJO Kralt Mystery Thralla insa Temps mmnt 00 TIC TV News ll Weather Sports News run Squad runaluv JULY 2s lsta Test Pattern Loo rooms rsrly News Weather annals slnrlr tillslltally ourat summuams tilt Ion Ttms Mitts uamm Tugboat Anni xu ttaather Inuit Wagon Train Car at 3333233 cavr CHANNEL BARRIE aso Perry Mason no Ghost Squad lam Country Junction llou cucirv Naws tlla Weather Sports Nawa tiJfl tlsrshm tvlzt slIAl run la in Test Pattern Loo LU Walther liter ran ntsherhtrlt son IO an Draw MrOraw sea lhraa stoma risouls up News Weatha spurts The Ytlntatonls 150 ha Stu DI Iaa My Tam Sons no mm and Cents mo lien Casey Him Nawamllalina was tarattolul rim is News ms or Sport Nm use Mavis Mm Mr Kringla CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO aloNuAv JULv too slurry llama titlh no tildeaway runnin soo Kiddo Itlatrawly The Lawman News Weather aporta Ilawaitan Wagon Trsln Mitch stlltar nr KlldarI TV News iris Marni rlnsl It llarla Berton Netti ruliattav sung ts lnra Ktutlo lash Morning llsasalna 00 Morning trndul tits Noonoay hiredWillis have returned to their cottage at MeKelIer alter attending the funeral oi Atbcrt McCuitIgh Judith andchgy Bush and Gordon Bush Barrie vlslted their grand arents Mr and Mrs Gordon ush an the weekend COOKSTOWN By asunsau snoansoN Robert Eldridge and daughter Marjorie motored to Parry Sound Tuesday to vlslt the tar mers sister Mrs Carolina Bates also Mr and Mrs Palmer Mrs Bates former resident at Cookstawa now at Rosseau underwent major operation in St Josephs ilospt tat Parry Sound in mid June Mr and Mrs Gordon Lems mon spent the weekend in Tara onto with Mr and Mrs Allan Powell Visitors during the postwar with Mrs MeMaster and trend were Mrs Hera Wallace and Mrs tiarotd Wallace ol Stroud Mrs Ivan Maw oi Thom ton and Miss GertioCooper Toronto Miss Mariorte Lowe oi Tor onto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs William bowe Mrs Guy Ilart spent the past week visiting In Ottawa Wes Stmmoa who has been patient In St Michaels Hospit al Toronto has returned to his home to town Mrs Blackman and lamin ol titchener are spending weeks vacation with her mother Mrs Leonard Ross Mr and Mrs George Gould spent the past weekend with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Earl Carr Margaret is taking summer course to primary methods in Tomato and George is taking summer course at Queens University Kingston Mr and Mrs William Curr spent the past week at Green ats Cottage at Orltlia Mlu Marjorie owe oi Barrie Is spending law days with her parents Mr and Mrs William Lowe Mrs Edith Badger and Mr AROUND stereoscoma and Mn Don Badger and girls ol Orlllta visited Sunday with Mrs Eadgera parents Mr and Mrs Frank McKaown Harry and Margaret Davla leit Sunday tor trip out west to Visit their sister and brother Mr and Mrs Waiter Korchuck and lamt oi Tomato visited Sunday wth the latters pan eats Mr and Mrs Earl Carr Miss Mariurla Eldridge oi Tor onto is spending her summer vacation with herluthur Rob ert Eldridge George Ftldey oi Cigary ts Wltirrrl Flldcy Sandra and Bonnie Cobom at Toronto spent the past week with their grandmodter Mrs Gordon Patton Thermos By AIRS JAMIESON Recent visitors with Mrs Alex Denney Included ltlr and Mrs Plait Orangevltle Mr and In titsUtopta Mr and Mrs Itl Denney and inmlly ireuton Mr and Mrs Roy Clark and Lloyd and Mrs irw Grand Valley Mr and Mrs Jackie Ellis and inmlly ttlr and Mrs David Denney and inmlly Barrie Mr and Mrs Fred Stev charm and lamlly Mrs Delaney and son Toronto ltir and Mrs John Denney and inmlly ltir and Mrs Cecil Denney and iam Iiy Falrportt Beach Mr and Mrs Denney Toronto Mr and Mrs Denney Stroud Mr and Mrs Ken Smith and daughter Aurora Mr and Mrs Itrchte Menmaid and inmlly Richmond ltllt Mr and Mrs William Denney Don Ricky and Ross llomepayaen eesslul bake sale at ianlslil Park last Saturday They will have another bake sale in August ltlr and Mrs Frank Cnshan Ottawa are visiting Mr and hira Iarls Scott Miss Elizabeth Jamieson spent part at last week with hits Elizabeth Mercer at Oro Beach CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY North dealer EastWest ulnerablc Noam utxs Oktoasu on EAST A1 OHM 0101 SOUTH OQJIOMI 0A AKJI The bidding It Pass Pass Pass Pass It Pass NT Pass Pass Opening lead three at dlns moods This hand occurred In the match between holy and Great Britain during the World Olym plad staged in Turin in loco it was played on Dridgeramn loc iore huge and demonstrative audience which hung breath ieasly on every bid and play as the match neared its conclusion ltritaln was ahead by nar row margin land eventually won the matcht when their NorthASouth pair arrived at six spades on the bidding shown The Italian Vest aitcr great thought led diamond The mixed audimre groaned or cheered depending oh Ita sym paihics as the iirltlah dcclarer BECKER got the bencttt ot the lead into his AQ South took the nine with tha own and Invert the quaen ol hearts West wan with the sea and tetarned trump taken In dummy Deetarer rolled low heart cashed thaaquecn oi shades ace of diamonds and ace at clubs and then went Into huddle from which he married by playing the king oi clubs Vest rolled and South went down one Il dectarer had led sports to dummy aitcr cashing the ace the slam by discarding club on the Itlng at heart and then Nor Ea Soulh We llacsstng the tack at clubs Actually this was the better Ilne oi play South was in position to know that West had started with exactly throa spades exactly live hearts probnhly tour dinmrnids and hence only one club Even ll West had started with only three diamonds thus giving him two clubs the Home was still very likely to succeed The British rootera in the audience were very gloomy alter the hand was over until thev learned what had hap pened at the other tohIc There the Italian Narthouth ltrltlsh iest chose trump as his naming lead and the itslian dcclnrer went down twat tireat itrllaln thus gained root so pulnls on the hand itlg tltuli Tnmorrowx Solvan president lniaw Mr and Mrs Scottie McLellaa In Edmonton spendlng his two weeks vacatlaa with his parents Mr and Mrs St Judes It held sueV at clubs he would have made pnir also arrived at six spades though on tilllerenl hlddtng The LARRY lmAraNQN Junen JONES DONALD DUCK 4W DA BLONDIE GRANDMA anssass In Mil IOOM Ma aatrrtn WHAYWU NI Fol Ml DMHW mini GEEBOSS Irs NICE Val la NV row MV LUNCH LIKE WIS NEW JUMBO DINNER PLATE suns KEA MEAL zt ALONG You As comma MVCOMPANV asour 5500a PER MINUIE mm wmmEpRmfléslffiié Mmeoua octave PAP IllranKWAY guano WWII DWI HANWIN MANMINBATWN THIN H115 WT WW1 MIMI liarIII MAM NAM as was km AND BESIDES Tatar ll vou as INCOME mt esoucrtou new or wu as vacuso COWGRKEH Bosom vau sues DEAR NO HAVING lo WAGYI YIMI AND eur DAD quch HAD cow ONE Milan Ir new our our war scour ANUITABLE PUT IN HI Your Akluw sarzrr IF WE SITREAL mo Jicinlnl Maltma rcan CLOSETDGETHER tin tur on no at nutr at To Broadway no not an no IIMeasay runnin When you molt use ll 1LWxfiar Iprsgl lain arrives it when you 1so Turaday nght Marla sutttad Chop intranla lutrudavt hvataavoryspociaiiam tiy occasion NH thoure rm ii hurtao moo tun IloJru nllmn maaaura 1y Itfltoisped Blttiar Your Vllrnma WI on mint thI In wit hall Itll and till lit rt soaocs new tvnmnnsr run it WN Imoci ttvtar sumr ratio moon Cartoons NUN latnae mitos Jaunted lasr Morning status sonwnt hur cuth mm um lltioulh me nant iiinrltv mttnu from on nit ntla vivid and lrttaineu lurtm Whn the occasion Iiiuophnm PA 66302 Its are cocoon roa ham or us DAILY caosswoaa ADIDAS LVarlsly oi eoiisa 10armm TO Mun kihl dow SJIuper Imitaan IVowsd marketpay writing at Tormit emrntsr MARKS IISJATK 10R WOULD II Wald 00ml AIOIII NIH Willi NT MIDIHRIMMN MR lONGDiSVAttfiI Ott NAIWCE YUM Will OHMT MIKE HIM ltl WAT Us MAWKALLV TN TASK FOR II NIAR OIIRAIYAR WI MOM tuva ttittl vtmlutrv AOKATIIM IT out roams mt so we rtuum To cassava Tttiitt ovarmamna or comma mu rum rIs um ttrnlttttr VD ruto lung AsaIlRS ultr ttss to My luvsmtt canny ritatvatsi mm mimmn wutma l1illra scrotum Mnrnlnl Matlnta tton lnalana ending bone III on 1ntmltll attainmu oilam IIM thsrllhl iorona mm mg mutanttr Feathered Illaawn runruna ahhr nackptm union manta itaatt dram mun1 so um WW nouns Math Nara ltolllta nus Hullmull We Night sluts mum AIRIA ltrv Pennbad um MM trial at Roped luau ilurs mm at scum ntlwa CARRIER MISS YOU 31va sums my arms on mine sy no plea phaaa Wt PA 82433 Cm Ill lo Deltarrrd To has lions THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THII RVICI VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CAI ANl TRUCK sans oous BUZ SAWYER or not oour Trtt we town at mtWAWI more to stove to cm 10 artmm his mum Met klitt ma rurL or mm moments WltlJt Mean want has we an MIT MM MK 10 WV it It tsva mentol ram no Ins mwut Will Do YOU have MN IDEA Witt utto Wilwuu IES nE MUGGS AND SKEEIEK IIIEIEE IIIH suusr unat

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