Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1963, p. 1

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Wc1rd Goes On Trial Two Charges Dropped AI Hm hull xlmm helium In Krrlrr Ilruml Immulun fdann IIvl llnHry rmul Hml dun nrr mm In Iml wllh II wyrnrulrl Imlrly mlropnlh hut nlw lard ll wllh man lnlrmluru Ivy Wunl ml III Hm cummiflnl Id at pm INullolL 3qu Kulrrl mlImnny be low In lunrllmn mm nu mm In mnpllulnllm of drnco ul Wurdn mllvr mm mmnl anlnm hm ll In only nmmy lnr we nulmrn hiked nvly girl In nppur In public ml munliml LONDON CPIThu Crown Dr Klrphru Ward nn Irlnl odny Ivrluro jury men ml wnmnn nml nrcllml Mm nl Hm vlco clmrm Um rm vnhnl around Mn lmIlnl puny nlrln nu pen lnr um In men Ithrlnllm Krrltr wmln III um wnl llua Hnl wllnru Hr lha pwmullm 11m ml hnlml puny nlvln lrlnllnmlupl will MIMI MmI mlnlnlrr um mm rmhnuy Alda mm mar In lllpvlinl lvlmn Mlnlilrr Nntmllnnl Cumv lllve nuvnmmnl vao Priests Save yGiIlS From Water NEW ORLEANS AP just did whalxnmnbudy had to do suld flycumld Cnna dinn priest whn swam seven miles In Lake Pontchartrain lowing lbycnrold glrl to more Incl ho real ham the priest who clung to the bout nnd saved the omcr muc girl snld Rev John Savngcnu pa Ior Our Lndyol Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church and and chaplain ho New lonn pollen and he depart menu Father Snvnguuu mm more Hum suvcn hours in Lake Panl chnrlrnin Snlurdny nflcr hls 18 loo omlmni moorbonl cup dltcd nolhnr priest ncv Analqu nulllnrgnon 40 Nullck 111153 llcd hlmscli and Iron ycnrold Chrlsly Murllno In tho bout whlch was pmllmly under wnlcn They were rescued nflcr more Hum 10 hours In lho wa ter curly Sunday by the Cam Gunrd 99 Your No 170 Im so IKfll Just danl wan to Inlk about It now Inld Fnlhcr Savagch Sunday He sold his usunl Sunday mnnu and Mnrlcd nlncduy nnvcnu his clulrrh prcuching seven unnom as Iubslllulc for Father nulllnrgeon ITEFIES DULIOH docuyriém nm to my In bed or 48 hours mid lhu Elghlccnycar old Mandy RiceDnvics all in car sha heads or lnndanu 01d Halley mun today where aha In ox pcctcd lo tcslfly or the prose ullan lrlal at Dr Stephen Ward Jury lrlal on Ive vica charges nualnst tho doclur MANDY RIDES T0 WARD TRIAL For Examiner Wm Tele phone PA 81414 flle elephnna numbcr to can for the Buslness or Editorial nope PA M537 Our Telephones mlsslanan work along lho MullenUS harder below mmlnz to New Orleans he rolled up his nllcr lunch Hme nucr lmndllnz nu tractor rnm Cruwley New Town look lulm nlmml Iva houn at glldlxhullljnlhpr quageag But somebody had In prcnch and any mus today llflLl Fulhcr Balllnman L1 In mo hoipllnl LONDON AP farmer who am cvldlon because he lnslsLs an kcoplng pigs drove eron male to Bucklnghnm Iinlncn Sunday 111 the Queen Frmcr James Lee didnt we Quwl lfllzubdh but lhe pnlum gumdl ncrnplcd hls pm test and promlscd to deliver to lllo wverclln Fnlhcr Dnillnrgcu glrl wcro lnkcn lo surlcrlng uxlrnmo exposure and shock Thu approach shook up llw nnlurn pnlncc guards and lhronu at Sunday lourlm mini lo mllrs rm hour Min Krnlnr mlmlllrd she had vrlnllnn wllh Ma Irlrr llnrhmnn whoa lnml mm min Am Illa mhjrd nl Iwnlnl rnnluwmy lull IANIll aha IIM rurllnruml lhn nlul Wnnl llml an hmlllrr nml Illlln rlflllhJanfll my up Jury llllJDnM mu Ilrlenrn mum Jnmu Huruu nl urnd Curl Um In Awnk up nho hmm nnuwcrlnx qumlonl In law wire ADMIN RELATIONS hlfllllIJanu luld Ihe Jury Hull Il rrlnllnunhlp vrlmn Wnrd and mum nmwnml In be Mr ma InnI remark nhlo nllrflmlrl ll rnw In Ihllh lhm wm many luw Visits Queen On Tractor Mn Judlru III151m Imlv wIIII lump niptlfly IHer In Krrlrr look the wtlnnu ML Whrn lw allml whollwr lnrh opened loda Dr Ward la accused 01 lvinx all lhe Im mural earning frosmulcs Including Mandy canvlclcd on all five charges Dr Ward could be sentenced to much as 25 years In prison AP Wkrcphnw loll WM imilflmnt Hm mm In luklnl mm Inllwwlnu nml mdmu with lean Alt um Dnillnrgcun nnd lhn lnkcn lo the hospltnl uglrgmq nxhausllon NEW YORK AmSome 200 policemen mounted and on not moved In today on 500 pickets pratcstlnl Job dimlm inatlon Brooklyn construc tion site Mas arrest lul luwed when he plckeu unused to budge from the path con xtgucupn gqulpmcnt In the Ira wave of arm police picked up 12 male denn unslrnlorsII Names Includ Ing two clergyman and on white man Thlrlccn womenfour of them whlle were sclzed shorlly allerwards and more palm wa gon were bncklnz ln to haul away olheu Those seized lhelr bndle purposely llmy were hauled Jadlly Into the wagons Tlmy cred no resistance but Ihey chanted We Ihnll net moved other picket looklha places the seized demonflrltoflY blocking men entrance to the wnslrucllon alle the dawn slata medical contra LIGHTNING KILLS TWO PENNSAUKEN NJ MP Iwo Phllndalphla physI chm worn klled when nmck by llghlnxnl Sunday whila play lng null 11 vIctlmx wen Dr Irwln Rasenbaum Ind Dr Jqu AboIaII bolII 51 lhn mcucd lo worn picked up by lhm MILboat pul out by Ilaonngh llud Ihnrlly nflcr ha collllion QUEBEC CF Quebec duy launched an Inquiry Into the blunt Mnrlllme disaster on lhc SL Lawrenca River ainco 1914 All Ihe deadll hodlel have been nund and 15 men an missingwere lrom lhu 11661 lun oru can Ihnl mm mm mnum mm callllian wllh lhc 60004an British freighter Roomuh Head at 155 am Saturday cvroncn lnqucsl Wfll ex pcdtd lo mumo Thunday In an Inn dclnllx ll Idjoumcd Sunday nllnr idenllflcnllon Hm bodlu 17 211nm unllorl Among he mlnlnl mu Ar mand Larhnnce 60 Quebec CHy vrlcrnq riycr pm The 17 lunhorl HI Irclghlcr Tr nnlcm rammed and sunk In the leggy rlvor Sat rudny mumlng ruled In hol llnl Thirtyhm crew mem crs nearly all Chlnm wen bellcvcd llllnd bring mulled back by me mnl lull hy pullcrmnn when ha tmml mm the dock Inwnl hll lnwyrn Tim dunrm concun lMlIl wlmlly or In purl on Mu urn Inn nl pmullullon Ind ul Irmpln pmcuu ur mm pm cum lnr Illm ulrln under 11 hr ll mum of hnvlnl mun lnlorrnurln wllh hlm nr lhlnl wron Two nlhrr rhmm which Wan wu mmmlllul at hll Kennedy To Conicl Over Rail Strike WASHINGTON Ml WIIII lump quirk ulllmwnl hm lnm Ilrnlrlrnl Kpmmly mnlm lmlay wllh mm mm and union lurkr nn lhm mun mmmmdnllml Com ml or lulnlnllon lo am unmlnvwlde mlny mm Cwarmlmnl kdm no um ullnl Io he wmu Home or mmm mmlnl mm the pmhknl lollInna ayvogml lh mly In Iale 3mg Béiieved T6 figfifi In St Lawrence River Tragedy I5 lnurynnhiu dllfiuh walk Pidkets Seized In NY JFK Exempts Canada Proms2MainiTax Blow The eclipse Saturday played hideandpeek with apally cloudy cover lmxlraflng the manual observer but dolnz little to bumper aludlea by leama of acdlmuau gathered acroai Can eciipsavilnéu 1954 mid lhe Ins until um Cupl Willlnm Haddock said none lhe cm Iboul and the 11 paucnnrl lle of Ihcm chlldrcnwu hun Capt Swanson mulled uclng lho Roannzh lmdl llghlx 1n the dark Ind mm mm to veer Ihcn laundan the nlnnn the IND mm In elhcr In crash but could bu curd ashore The shriek ho Ilnrmn In Hm durknuu mlnulnd with com um am In Enzllsh Chlnm and French Most 01 lhn mun whu per Inhod worn laund lunllnu Mar Inn llfejnckdl They Ippnrcnlly Iwallowrd dnmlly mlxluro In Water and dlucl ucl mm Trllnnicnl broken unkl The fuel quickly spread lround Um Ilnklnz Ihlp nnd lho lur vhorl and dead Wm black wllh ll Researchers rcxuled flung wmllewldu palh to lullty reported generally good mull up an emu new and Richard Boyle North Shlclds England the hitch ca uecqqg Cflflnctr Meanwhile hm mg were trying la tree the onnrlcd dlflrl ol the crippled floonnlh Head or how was chlscflcd duply by cams prcllmlnnry hmrlnl rmHEr MI mnnlh wlll he hum unllzr upnrnlo lmllclmml In Mgr lrInl 11m cdurlroam mu Inmmul will Ipednlarl who ml Ilnrhd Mn Ufi ll dm or nn 4m mm II mTuan mm In jury Wm not ml lrnm lhu Im mnul min at Klllll ll erllyn lMumly lllw Dnvllv III and nlhrr Im who mlvl lhrmmlm In wrnllhy IMI am 11w llrmrcuklr In Unlu In paler wI cumulmly dumklnlrd In wmu curlnuu my munr Hm Inllurnru or Wnnl and Mn uml by hlnl no unly man ma null lmm Inm tnum nlv wn huvlnl 1mm llml lime wllh mm wlm vll Ilrd hll llnl lml alto In prim 1le lnr llll own ullnlullxm DOMlNATlill HY WM Nun ml bunkr Ilmp In dun We make mun Ogrcn Ellqh¢h mun lho mm 0mm nus SEQUENCE of photos show the moon moving in 1an and then may mm the sun during Selmdayl Cola By THE CANADIAN PRESS ScientiSts Viechilipse But Public Sees Cloud was Canadas first loll Barrio Onhrlb CInIdfi Monday July 22 1963 HERES ONE bzlore lhey probed the mm 1e of tho sum Data pertaining In Ipace lrl vcl wuthcr communications and the general behavior comic bodln warn collected as the band of dnrlmess wept across Canada mm the Yukon luighp Maglglmex Flying laboratories rockets with unxlllva equipment radio beams spectrograph Ind olher ulnmomy Instruments were used In mans Intensive inves ulalfan of the cosmic pharm Dlrecrulevmon mverm by the CBC wurpoulhle only when break nuclde append In thick overcIIL Grandmera Qua le mlnulcs lmr he moon hld mm to move he lwccn the Inn and earth The ullpxorfinide Ilnmdnrly lnnusplclaux entry Into Cnnndn Residents or Snug 1n the Yu MOSCOW 1APth Chlnn and he Sovlel Union Iny hey mvc amcd to moclwmu lulcrnnd mnku anolhcr lry ul acllllnu lhclr blllcr dcolazb cal dllpulo Dlplumnh In Mop cow dld not ex cl he meal lnxiwould bu had man The nnnaunccman made Almullnncnualy Sunday in Pc king and Mumw coincldcd wllh new Chlnm attack on lhu Sovch Communlll puny Pekan named 11 at rylnz In lncllo Hm Chlncle pwplo and sunny nxlinll Mno lelung Tho Sovlel Chlnm lnlkl bmko all Bulurdny Prcmltr Khmlhchov look MI llru ub llc notice of lho Chlnm elo gann xivlng It 1mm din of Thu mmmunlquu Inued Sun dly laid lhu null commil Ice pom Communlu mm would ul the Inca and me Um next meclnfi re ned lnl durlng Hm mm mm Ald npounded lhrlr own vlown Ind and on min lmporlnn quenlmnl mlndplo toncamlnn cumm nury world davrlopmenln tho Mnrnlllnnnl Communlll mm mm and sineSoviet nlnllnnl mlZ 111 HARMONY Wulcm qunnm Inlirptmd lhll lo mum Chlnm walnu mnn Trnl limping IM 60 MIAMI EACH HA MP Mlu Unl rm my lIyumld lnln Man Vmu ol um lml hrr ml Illa or human nnnllrm hulln wanna lnrmnl nuulr with In tappth 11 11 MN n1 er rmvm Ind whlls flmrlmllh bull mm the black halted Mlu nluru Ickmlalnd LOW wrlllllhm Bum mm lllh pom flunk you mum km Ilor ml duel In lieIn my whole 11 it In wllh actor Dun Main la Ill bowl WI Mmem 5M In um In mar eclipse The photo were taken from aboard National iconMule Society Donzlne Alrcnn Company SEE YOU LATER Shy Brazilian Miss Universe China Russia Will Try Again knn Ira papulalcd area of Canada In the path of tho moons shadow IBW nothing the event came Ind wen herlnd blanket cloud and llnwmr cloud wm no problem or CanadianBrim team working In normm Al berta 11m scIcnlllu mnda their xludlos mm an RCAP aircraft at 30000 feet well Ibava 1h clgud covet Thu purpose lhu mam wu inlaidto ensure good view inrcnudmufis IndWk the clmusu to record ma blgckgxlllor lgnzer perjodx 1n um Area the moon Iha dow was travelling over earth at mud 1700 mllcl In hour 0n 1h zmund the tale ecllpsn lasted or II mandn but In lho flying lnbornlory Iclcn thls lust Eh of thu Iun or 125 lecnnds vlel lhcorcllclun Mlkhull Suslw dld 111110 more Ilnco the mob Inga begun July lhnn lcclum each other Wnlcm nbscrvul luxgulcd he fluuknns scored on vlclory by zclllnz lhn Chinese to hold In nbcyunco hclr demand for mcclinl the worldl Com munm part1 lo dccldn uhcthcr Momwl policy ECIICHUI woxhlcnco or Ie lnzl hurdlinc Ihould be lol lowcd by tho Communlst world Thu llunlum hnvo mhlcd Audi munllni nppnrtnlly mm Ahowdown In world term would lplll he Commu nlu mnvcmcnl lulo Imooncllw bin ramps eclipse expedition D06 ju flying at 40100 he above Fm Providence NW1 550 mm north of Edmonton Hihtfinmuii Vddikhnln Hmh who hm man an Iboul 1M4 mm llI hlm of Incl MR M11600 BRINGS FRIENDTO Bflfifllfi DOG CLUB 0mm OP weekend at levelnelnuatlonl in Wash on has won the prom ho cum Um or Cllladl mm ha mun Impact Pres dent Kenned proposed new lax on Am can purchase or foreign securities The exemption expected to be an unllmlled one will be or nuts 01 new Canadian neuri llea sold on the U5 mlrkel wasjood new or prov Ims munlclplliues Ind car partitions which rnlu and Ulrauxh bond lune floated In New York banninl uncleFlesuin the II urtpm undnndrgrr filer we elm nod new or the government whluh had ml the prnspm of higher Interest rater higher unemployment and foreign exchange reserve pmblerqr thlr Iource nl Inndr Wu cut it nnca Allah Gordon In nnundnz the dell Sunday with bmad mile of rend hailed It major chma nl ammo by the LS Idmlnlflrr on CF from APvRInun MOSCOW Sovlet mum Mid lodly workinl puny put 51mm gulp gm Flory US nmllam Avmu Hunhum III oxpecled to Inl ml It today or Mdy Ind re lum lo Wuhln on Wednesday neuron In Wu Inglon nId Unlm Premier Khrulhchev come up wlIh Intmlnuu hurdlm dlplnmnll hm regaldud the lrcaly vlrlIIuy com pleled OTTAWA CF The ch ml unvunmcnl Icch deter mined lo 9th III budge Iqb lnllun 0th Plrlllmenl The Progreulvo Canmull Oppollllfln II uld um It lulu mm of lhu hudm propels Ihould bu Ildtllncd or lho mo bnlnx lrzulnx lhul lhe pm posed United Slnlu tax on new Amtdean lnmlmenl In Cnn ndu Ind 11 other countries mnlm Iuch ucllon dulnblc The IHUIUDH mlm the un Hun whrlhcr Pullamml wll be in position In men about um and lhe munlh ha been hoped Harrlman mum and llnlmmm and Fonlm Minlslcr Agldrel Grnmyko me in U1 hltcrnbon Tho Ithtdull hullnm or he wtck llnrunz today was pm EastWest Ban Almost Ready lull It at JIM Ir vlelvlumm than wllh flu II PCs Want Some Budget Ideas Shelved In View US Tax Gordon Smilingly Reports Major Change Of Course NeOMun Thin Par Copy712 Plflfl Sunny with cloudy period In dly Ind luesdny Lowlo film so Hlth tomorrow at For Iummnry turn In pm Local Weather lie uid American oiflcilil were no more anxious lhan tin Canadiln government to crank situation when an atom mic expnnslon wouldbe flowed down wilh mulling serious un employment Opposition Dieien hnker commenled that the new agreement is nap in tho tixhi direction He auld the announcement ntlll lcn unsettled some Ia perks of the proposed tax on Amaflcnn oiclan Iecurlllel purchases He laid ha hadnt understood lha tax Ihwld halve been Ippled to Clnldl It The proposed US Ix of II In 15 per cent on new Amu cnn securities lnvutmenu abroad announced Thumy by President Kemady had been aimed ll reducini huvy on flow U5 caplul whldl hm cut into gold IllVel mallc ollIcIle here 1th In week And Iona dintnee phom call to wuhlnllon mum of up omclnls new to Wuhlnp on Saturday afternoon sumup Nomnu Thay polnhd on big an plul lac US elm In Cmadl on current kanuctlnnu Includr bu Inda Ind Investment earp lnu and um or year lhll CI nadlan dellcll In dulth with In us has been llrlely nlnced by influwl ol Amerlcln upllaL John Ilalemenl allowing kha Wuhlnmn lllh laid on nLdlan omclnll had nld would need vary aubmnlhl rlsa In the entire Cl dim In leml ma Ilruclurn In keep Adequate uplul inflow com ln In over lhu pmpolcd nu llx wu recognle by both Kovemmcnu that xudu deveIA opmenl would be nndcxinblo in prmnl no drum Itnnccm blunnyy Sluts Secrclqry lllll lawmmenl liauu leader Friday nlzhl Com mnnl adjournment he lhlnk pornp can put very Ilmply hudxel malullonl and null mum budge molu lion Ind lhcn the hull WhOn hue have bun mmplclcd wlll be Iblo lo nullify cur lomy nboul olhcr buxlnem mnllcr no Opposition Ludur DIM enblkur Ind Comtmllve fl nnnclll crltlc Gem Nawll und tho propmd Amer In lo mun durlnl Fridayl do hule that In nvmmenl Ahnuld ul uldo mrluln hi budacl mruum lo Iwall cm Mlcnllon chm Mullnu mien rluy Ifletnom MLM II mm Munlubd mum Mm talk with us

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