Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1977, p. 5

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for Big Brother of the Year Its relationship of love on By RUDLEIGH MaclJIAN Examiner Staff Reporter Love respect togetherness These are the ingredients that make the Big Brothers organization says Carl Harris 37 Big Brother of the Year done lot for me as person Harris says feel very boy Harris is in his sixth year as Barrie Big Brother it was Christmas Parade in 1972 that organization first Brothers watching noticed the organization first and last time they had float in the parade Shortly afterwards went to their or fice and asked to be considered as Big Brother Just what is Big Brother Photo CATHERINE CADMAN attends ballet Red poinsettias and white mims decorated St Marys Giurch for the recent wedding Nora Gail McKee and Mat thew McNellis The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Clifton McKee of Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles McNellis of Barrie Rev John OBrien and Ar chdeacon Basil Tonks officiated at the ceremony The bride wore white satin jersey gown trimmed with seed pearls and lace She carried Cascading bouquet of white stephanotis and red roses Matronofhonor Carole Mac Being Big Brother has strongly about this volunteer organization whose purpose is to help the individual fatherless brought him in contact with the Big while Christmas Parade in the city in 1972 That was the The snowball fight was tie so big Brother arl Ilarris shake hands on it Being Big Brother has done lot for me says Harris 37 who has You not only provide warm atmosphere for young lso develop frcndship lasting for years Examiner been Big Brother for six years normal fatherlcss boy but you Wins Guild essa and how does person become one According to Stephanie Cox executive director of the Big Brothers of Barrie male adult needs only to be 18 years old and to have deep and sincere desire to develop rela tionship with healthy fatherless young boy between the ages and 16 But you dont become Bi Brother automatically firs you must meet certain established criteria You must produce three let ters of reference medical health certificate and you must undergo intensive inter views with Mrs Cox says Al Purser vicepresident of Big Brothers of Banic POLICE CHECK As well police check is done one each Big Brother can didate After Stephanie Cox has in terviewed the candidate if he is successful she will then try to Catherine adman 12 Grade student at Steele Street public school travelled to Toronto Vtxincsday to sec the National Ballet of anada per form the Nutcracker Suitc atherinc won the trip which includes lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory through contest sponsored by the Georgian Foundation iuild Students entering the contest wrote letters to the guild ex plaining why they wanted to at tend the ballet Catherine ex plained that she has been tak ing ballet lessons for eight years and the trip would be educational Organizers they would like to have received more entries but sufficient number of letters were received to make the selection difficult Mr and Mrs Matthew McNellis McNellis McKee donald of Willowdale led bridesmaids Tannis Brooker of Waterloo cousin of the bride and Julie McKee of Barrie sister of the bride Best man was Greg Mac hnald 0f Willowdale and ushers were Chris McNellis of St Catharines and Bart McNellis of Barrie utoftown guests were from Waterloo Pcterborough Toronto and Chicago Following reception at The Continental Inn the couple travelled to Nassau for their honeymoon They now Willowdale reside in lt CD wedding album make the proper match bct ween the candidate and fatherless boy in order to match their personalities and interests says Purser The emphasis of the Big Brothers organization is on the development of relationship male adult and young boy on onetoone basis My interest in this organiza tion lies in the onetoonc rela tionship develop with my Lit tle Brother Purser says This arrangement suits my personality Purser 33 who is married with two children is partner in Barrie law practice with Roger Oatley He moved to Barrie from Toronto four years ago came to Barrie because wanted to work in smaller ci ty As well wanted to live in place that was close to Toronto Ive been Big Brother almost three years nc of the advantages in moving to and Little Brother Brad Murphy smaller city is you have more time to spend on such services as the Big Brothers he says Since joining the Big Brothers Purser has been Big Brother to two young boys The Little Brother he is now working with is eightyears old FAMILY SETTING My Little Brothers name is Craig says Purser have two daughters five and eight and my relationship with Craig is such that he sees lot of me in family setting think Little Brothers need to see the working of healthy family relationship My Little Brother can participate with me in my family life involve ment Purser says For Big Brothers Harris and Purser develooing close and mutually respectful relation ships with their Little Brothers isall important In addition to participating in all types of physical activities with their Little Brothers they also emphasize the importance of provrding emotional support and encouragement for their young male buddies find it primarily satisfying in providing need to fathcrless boy and in helping him overcome problem that really wasnt of his own mak ing says Purser Weve got to be em pathetically involved with our Little Brothers And you must be honest and sincere with them Harris says he knows what it is like to be young and without male fatherfigure to identify with My lad died when was young and have always ap prcciatcd the importance of manboy relationship Not only do you provide nice at mosplacrc for young healthy fatherless boy but you also develop an emotional friend ship llns reward is far more valuable than money ENllli DAY Harris and Purser say they look very forward to seeing and being with their Little Brothers for one entire day each week According to the particular occasion they might sec their young charges more than once week Brad Murphy is Harriss Little Brothcr They were mat chcd by Mrs ox aftcr Harriss first Little Brother had turned l7 When speaking about young Brad Harris says hes beautiful bright kind and en thusiastic Harris is also on very friendly terms with Brads mother and three brothers STEPHANIE COX makes the match had quiet informal get together with Brad and his family on Thursday evening at my home But Brad and have our own special Christmas par ty together where we exchange gifts with each other Harris says Besides seeing Brad every weekend Harris also gets together with him on occasional week nights to help him with his homework or to merely counsel him help Brad with his homework Im also in touch with his teacher at school You know its very rewarding for me and it gives me great sense of selfsatisfaction in playing with and sharing Brads thoughts with him STILL VISITS In fact my first Little Brother who is now 17 still comes and sees me for chats or if hes having personal pro blcms Its all so very rewar ding Harris says The care and concem Harris has for Brad does not go by unoticed or unapprcciatui by his Little Brother love my Big Brother Brad says sincerely think Carl is neat He takes me out places all thc time Hes good guy and good friend to me Little Brothers range in age fmm to 16 The minimum age for one to be accepted as Big Brother is 18 As well according to the miles of the Big Brother uganization the length of period for Big Brothers rela tionship with Little Brother 39 examiner Friday Dec 30 1977 respect AL PURSER onetoone varies according to the two peo ple involved The organization states however that it general ly requires minimum com mitment of between one or two years by Big Brother find that time is my big gest problem in being Big Brother says Purser would like to see more of my Little Brother but my work commitments and the location of my home which is outside Barrie place restrictions on mytime Purser and Ilarris stress the importance the Big Brothers organization has in society REAL NEEI There is real need for Big Brothers not only in Barrie but also throughout Canada says Purser In Barrie we were short 32 Big Brothers in September so we put on recruiting drive and ended up with 25 new Big Brothers But we still have 12 Little Brothers waiting to be assigned Big Brothers In an attempt to raise funds for the organization the Big Brothcrs of Barrie will stage its annual bowl for Millions drive from Feb 1118 Judge Morton of Barrics Famin ourt has been appointed honorary chairman for this fund campaign week The phone number of the Bar rie Big Brothers is 7280315 There are 12 members on our board of directors They are hardworking very dedicated people who are responsible for all our fund drives and organizational policies says Mrs Cox executive director of the Barrie Big Brothers Her children mattered most MONTREAL CP Blan dine Ryan devoted her life to her children because nothing else counted but them For Mrs Ryan now in her 705 the devotion paid off Gerald Ryan 54 successful corporation lawyer was ap pointed Superior Court judge last year His brother Claude 52year old editor and publisher of the influential Montreal daily Le Devoir is respected political commentator And Yves 49 mayor of the city of Montreal North for 14 years was recently appointed chairman of the Montreal Ur ban Community public security council making him the civilian responsible for the 5200 mliccmen on Montreal Island Oh my boys were bright says Mrs Ryan she sifts through the familys yellowing photographs Born Blandine Dorion she counts among her ancestors Sir Antoine Aime Dorion coprc rnicr in preConfcdcratio Can ada At 22 she married young Irishman Henry Albert Ryan and the family live for time in the village of Dolbeau in the Lac St Jean region of Quebec MOIEl IO MONTREAL Later she separated from her husband and moved the family to her native Montreal where she did parttime secretarial work translations for lawyers and then for 12 years worked for the federal income tax department spent all my money on my boys cducaiion she said said My sons are never going to be delivery boys My mother was person with so much energy said laudc It was from her that we developed the strongest characteristics in our lives GUESTS FORGOTTEI MEDWAY England CPI Just as every year fleet of taxis was ready to take 150 un derprivileged children from this Kentish town on seaside outing More than $126 worth of food was prepared and the mayor was ready to hand out pocket money The only thing missing was the childrenthe Kent social services depart ment had forgotten to tell them Canadian family law reform legislation experienced progress By JIIHIIEIGIIION CI Family Editor Family law reform legislar tion undoubtedly the key issue for most provincial status of women councils experienced both progress and setbacks in 1977 In Ontario the provincial leg islature introduced and gave second reading to bill giving legal status to the economic Mr and Mrs Eric Stool Stoof Grosch Central United Church was the setting for the recent wed ding of Elizalxrth Anne Grosch and Eric Stool The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Grosch of Barrie and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Willem Stool of Barrie Rev Donald Jay officiated at the ceremony and the soloist was Nora Brock of llainillon The bride wore gown designed after her mothers with satin underdress and net ting skirt The jacket and train were of brocade She carried bouquet of sweetheart roses stephanotis and pink carna tions Maidofhonor Wendy Coulson led bridesmaids Margaret Grosch and Katherin Grosch all of Barrie Best man was Bob Van Der Kerff of Ilolland and ushers were William Grosch and Frank Stoof both of Barrie reception was held at Sun nidale Communitv Centre utofvtown guests were from Stratford London Burlington and Holland The couple reside in Barrie and social partnership of marriage and recognizing the contribution of the woman who works in the home That bill probably will be come law next spring because there is allparty agreement in the legislature on all aspects of the family property law bill said Lynne Gordon chairman of the Ontario status of women council The Manitoba action com mittee on the status of women headed by Carole Swan had as its main Occupation during 1977 contribution towards the former NDP governments family law legislation But in October when Sterling Lyons Progressive Con scrvativcs gained power actitm on two family law bills pro posed by the NDI was post poncd Under the bills family assets would be ually owned and spouses woud normally have equal claim on commercial as sets when marriage broke up Maintenance awards would be made on the basis of need regardless of which spouse was responsible for the failure of the marriage BILLUNIIER STUDY In Prince Edward Island family law reform bill was in troduced in the provincial legis lature last spring and is cur rently in the hands of com mittcc We hope it will be brought back to the house in the spring although there is no guarantee it will said Barbara Currie president of the PEl advisory council on the status of women In Alberta the government introduced matrimonial prop erty legislation but allowed it to die on the order paper during the fall sitting Merry Chellas chairman of the steering committee for the Alberta status of women action committee said the bill will be reintroduced next spring after public discussion but that the general feeling is that the Al berta government is rather backward in the area of womens rights Unified family court legisla tion is on the order aper in the Saskatchewan legis ature Agnes Davidson of Regina spokesman for the Saskatche wan status of women action committee said the committee hopes the Matrimonial Homes Act will be introduced in the legislature in the spring OTHER MEASIHES SOIGHT Councils advisory groups and action committees across Canada have spent the year working on other measures to improve the quality of womens and farnilylifc The latest checks in other ju risdictions show Newfoundland Barbara Rob erts chairman of the status of women council set up in 1072 said that because of complaints that no women were being ap pointed to important boards and connnissions names were submitted to Premier Frank Moorcs He had said that lll didnt know of any qualified women to appoint to boards or commis sions The council operates womens centre providing counselling and library It is also in the process of establishing rape crisis cen trc Nova Scotia The status of womens council under the chairmanship of Elizabeth Cro cker began work just two mon ths ago Its first major project wa to ply host in November to the joint council of status of womens groups from across Canada New Brunswick Although status of womens council was set up by the government of Premier Richard Hatfield in 1975 the act allowing it to be come official was only ap proved in the legislature in November Budget for the council for the fiscal year ending March 31 is $100000 QUEBEC YEAR QUIET Quebec Lorette Robillard president of the conseil du statut de la femme du Quebec said 1977 has been quiet year First of all you must realize that historically an electoral year isa slow year in any gov ernments career she said But even with the Parti Que becoiss other priorities we were fortunate in May to be given mandate by the cabinet to draft an overall policy on womens rights Another accomplishment of the group was the setting up at consulact ion support ser vices group in Montreal con centrating on health daycare nd setbacks and women in trouble Ottawa The womens advi sory counsil on the status of women established in March 1973 has representatives from all provinces and advises the federal government and in forms the public of its recom mendations President Yvette Rousseau said that since its inception the council has worked on human rights and changes in the Can ada Pension Plan lCPPl Legislation was passed in June in the House of Commons to establish human rights code EXPECT ONTARIO VETO Ms Rousseau said approval was given in May to CPP amen dments but it requires provin cial agreement Ontario will probably veto the provision allowing parent to leave the labor force for up to seven years to rear children without losing pension benefits Society has new auditor II Ward and Partners was appointed auditor for the Sim coe County Childrens Aid Society at the societys December board meeting The company already serves as auditor for the county and will now take over for the socie ty says Don Jackson local director Also at the meeting correc ting motion was passed to bring mileage rates paid to social workers down to the rate established by the province Jackson said The rate will now be flat $75 month plus nine cents mile The board concurred with the recommendation of its special committee to accept with reser vation the provision by the ministry of community and social services for the 1977 budget Jackson said the boards reservation arose because the ministry has allowed insuffi cient time to have the sup plementary budget completed However he said the board is optimistic about the ministrys provision The societys annual meeting will take place Feb 15 at Cen tral United Church in Barrie Ann Landers housewife answers letter Dear Ann Landers just read that letter from Seen It Allthat damn fool who thinks any woman who stays home and pretends it takes whole day to clean house and cook and take care of kids is freeloader and parasite am so mad can hardly see straight to write this letter Its 1120 at night just finished the ironing and waxed the floor because my inIaws are coming tomorrow from California just hope when that moron dies he comes back to earth as housewife with five kids two dogs three hamsters and 17room house Id like to hear his storyBeen There And Still Am Dear Been You and 20000 other homemakers The mail is beyond belief Im even getting letters from husban ds who are cussing him out Seen It have message for you Stay under wraps for couple of months or leave the country If anyone finds out who you are you wont be safe on the streets Dear Ann Landers Our cousrns have system of usmg the telephone longdistance to signal their safe arrival home from trip They simply dial the number of the telephone allow the bell to ringoncethen hang up The person who makes the call sets an approximate arrival time and the one being called is home and waiting My wife and think this is dishonest Our cousins maintain that the phone company loses no revenue for this type of call because their facilities are available and almost everything is done by machine these days Your comments pleaseWaiting In Waxburg Dear Waiting in Wax According to Illinois Bell your onering gimmick is equivalent to stealing This practice is not uniqueothers use it and the telephone companies are not all that dumb Prompt action is taken if and when the schemers are dis covered and it has been proven that there was intent to de fraud Telephone service could be disconnected and you could even end up in court Offenders have been fined and required to pay damages You didnt ask for any advice but Im telling you to play it straight and pay the rate Bub Dear Ann May respond to Furious who complained about the crippling highheeled shoes that the women are wearing today am 75 years old and have seen lot of changes in foot wear Invanably the stylists come back to the highheeled shoes for attractiveness disagree with Reddy Teddy who said the sexiest shoes are high heels which are backless and toeless They are all right for change but the most provocative shoe of all IS the black patentleather spike heeled pump once worked in store where lots of women were em ployed Part of my job was to let them in the store in the morning They would arrive in their low heels but as soon as they were on the job they all put on their black patent leather highheeled pumps Why To be attractive They turn men on Boots are fineif the gals want to go out and milk the cows But never should they be worn on the city streets Grandpa Dear Grandpa Highheeled black patentleather pum ps have been the standard turnon for at least 40 years But when you live in Chicago New York Detroit or Boston come February those boots make lot of sense Erma Bombeck last glance at I977 people Before turn the page on 1977 Id like to take one last glance at the people who brought me such pleasure throughout the year Most of them Ive never met but their quotes somehow sustained me in my hour of despair There was the letter asking me to address St Gerards parentteacher association St Gerard being the patron saint of motherhood with the explanation would have written sooner but my arm was in cast hit kid and missed Name withheld due to all the mothers who would push for canonization There was the 37yearold grandmother in Toledo Ohio who gave birth to quadruplets When asked if she had been taking any fertility drugs she answered wasnt taking anything but aspirin And factory worker from Clifton who was walking around hospital in satisfactory condition after car fell on his head He said The only thing hurt was my head found it will hold up car Im just glad it wasnt Greyhound bus Former vicepresident Nelson Rockefeller came up with goodie Ive joined Politics Anonymous It helps you break the habit Anytime you feel you want to run for public office you call certain number and Fanne Foxe comes over and pushes you into the Tidal Basin And while were into politics how about the quote from Texas Governor Dolph Briscoe who appointed dead man to serve threeyear term on the states health advisory com mittee It was just routine appointment he said Designer Oscar de la Renta when asked by lady whom he judged to be about size 96 why he didnt design for fat ladies answered Madam am not in the upholstery busi ness How about the man in Massachusetts who requested he be buried on the 18th green at the golf clubso he could offer friendly hand to tap the ball back toward the green There was the juror who refused to serve on prominent murder case because shed miss her water an 80 yearold woman who wanted to host the Saturday Night Live television show because want one more cheap thrill before go and the department of agriculture which sent their last two mailings by United Parcel Service because we dont want to take the risk with the US mails My favorite laugh was from schoolboy in Charlotte NC who wrote me for information on myself for paper His second letter said must regret your letter did not come in time so did report on Fidel Castro xx Pollys pointers Liquid back holds rugs DEAR POLLY do hope one of the readers can help me am crocheting rug for my kitchen with rug yarn and would like to know how to stiffen the back so it will lie flat MISS MARY DEAR MISS MARY am sure we will be hearing from readers who have crocheted such rugs Many needlework shops carry liquid that can be brushed on the backs of such rugs to form nonskid rubberlike backing use sample of carpet with rubberlike backing under my kitchen rug and the short stiff plle clings to the rug and holds It flat POLLY DEAR POLLY The reader who has trouble with the new thread spools spinning on her machine can cut off piece of soda straw put it on the spindle and then put the thread over it For even larger holes put one straw on the spindle and then several around it to fill the opening in the spool MM DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is trying to grocery shop when children are running up and down the aisles shouting misbehaving and even opening packages on the shelves like children and am all for them but think the parents who take them shopping should control them CEW DEAR POLLY Are the straps on your little ones crawlers off his or her shoulders more than they are on Try using small round or square plastic buckle without hook in the center to interlock the straps in the back Lace one strap through the buckle as you would shoe strap Slide it down to about the halfway point of the strap Then lift the strap up slightly and lace the other strap through it causing the second strap to be between the first strap and the plastic buckle You can adjust the buckle so it is on the correct place on your childs back Transfer your shampoo from the bottle it came in to an empty detergent bottle with squirt top Squirt out only the amount you need to shampoo your hair instead of using half the bottle MARY KAY

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