Saturday Dec 24 1977 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Elio Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824I Thumbs up To the more than 800 people who donated gifts for the 17th annual Christmas gift campaign organized by Bar rie Mental Health And Merry Christmas to all of you To all the youngsters their teachers and parents who helped make Christmas little brighter with concerts To all those who donated food gifts and cash to the an nual Christmas Cheer drive Most of us do care about our fellow man To our friends up the road at radio station CKBB the prime organizers of the Christmas Cheer drive The media are more than just recorders of our lives and times and we were glad to be able to help To those and there seem to be few of them who wished others Merry Christmas To our readers who throughout the year have understood when we made mistakes helped us when we needed help allowed us to help them when they needed help and generally made putting out newspaper every day for Barrie and Simcoe County fun interesting ex citing and rewarding Phase Two fly in the ointment Dear Sir Your Examiner cartoonist gave me cause to chuckle few days ago when be depicted the Phase Two plan of the propos ed Downtown Centre as fly as too was thinking of Phase Two as Fly in the ointment that is felt and still do that the site of the old anadian Tire store serves us better oc cupied and that Phase One is great idea but with phase two if indeed it is still in the plans and believe it is the developers are taking advantage of Barrie and especially those in the ore Alderman Janice Laking and Alex Arthur are to be commended for their intelligence integrity and true interest in the city and its citizens It is my feeling that if we had more politicians like them our wonderful country would not be in the disgusting mess it is to dav do not always agree with them on certain issues but do support their insistence on dealing with the public and the publics money in democratic way also wonder would Phase Two of the downtown centre project if it is endorsed as seeder project really revitalize and re juvenate our existing dowtown core Indetd it it does become the seeder pro ject and eligible for low interest provincial funding and backing of other natures will it be at the expense and or lives of the lugtlilttgt already in existence in our core After all provincial money comes from all of Us an we support 5080 more retail siore Will the expected population in creasi really occur in time to support all of Us it says here My If Itltll Itl llSIN Did you know that Om 23 was chosen as convenient date to celebrate hrists birth because it was the traditional date of pagan festival Did you know that the exchange of gifts the use of evergreens for decorations and any number of other Christmas customs have pagan origins Do you care tiriri While few people go so far as the Jehovahs wit home ho repudiate Christmas entirely write your mp 199 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liamcnt printed below are their mailing ads dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be sunable for our Letters to the Editor columns lAftcr all if there is mat ter of concern that makrs you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors toot FEDERAL Dr Itynard MPMNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Ross Milne MPPeeIDufferinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Sinclair Stevens MP mYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 ius Milges MP7 GreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 PROVINCIAL ieorgc Taylor MPP Simcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 Gordon Smith MPP SimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 iturge McCague MPP Dufferin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 What happens to the taxes on all levels of the businesses on the fringe but included as part of the redevelopment area We need something to encourage people to come to Banie to shop something which benefits all of us and not just the developers admit do not have an answer but do know that many many more retail stores is not it Not now maybe in decade but not now A5 for land speculation occurring because of disclosure and the main thrust us ed against Ald Arthur bull roar even would see that if they were or are serious they could have bought the land or put options on it dont tell me they are that naich feel that the businesses in the downtown core are doing well they could do better if they were offered low interest loans such as are available to large corporations and developers if the small businessman was given helping hand instead of the kick they now receive more eiicourageineiit more our ticement and more incentive to do something To see the end of the longtime small iii dependenl businessman downtown or else where would mean the end of an era of free enterprise for they would iprimarilyr have to be replaced by large companies corpoiur tions developers chains financial iiistitii tions and the like this believe would be one step towards the beginning of dictatorship and the end of ltllttKlil We must consider careful what is really best for Barrie before we commit ourselves and our children to something we have to live with fora long time Sincerely concerned taxpayer liiirric Pagans first with Christmas there are many professing Christians who are embarrassed about the materialism surroun ding Christmas and long to purify the holiday of its materialist and pagan trappings Its pity because such people with all good intentions miss the whole point of Christmas Christmas is the day Almighty lod took on human flesh with all its iiiconVeniciices and consented out of love for us to share our very material lot The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and was not embarrassHl at the material world which had been created through Ilini It is fitting therefore that Christmas be very material holiday ltliough not greed fillcd one thats different matter and Im not defending that As to the pagan customs it should be remembered that Christ is the fulfillment of the unconscious hopes which motivated paganism the God greater than any whom pagans could imagine who came to earth in way as solid as any pagan idol or totem He is much greater than any pagan hope or belief he is in no way lizss And in His own person Christ embodied the fulfilment of certain threads of belief which run through pagan religion the virgin birth the dying and resurrected God the last supper Ihesc parallels to paganism are often cited in an attempt to discredit Christianity but for me they help to prove Christianity true Pagans had no such clear vision of the liv ing God as did the Old Iestaineiit Jews bill they could not escape having their beliefs and practices molded by the great tmths of the universe In sense one could say pagan customs have Christian roots rather than the other way around No wont be embarrassed about my Christmas tree or about the gifts give my children lll remember that Christ Ilinisclf was born as child and lived in world of trees and gifts and tonight will be on my knees giving thanks for what to me is the most awesome event in history the first Christmas bible thought In wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions Irovcrhs it I2 God knows everything about anything and is willing to share Ilis wisdom for the asking and believing Is this what you are looking for Are you stumped or stopped Ask the one who made it all to make it clear BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Sean Finlay managing editor Len Sevlck monaéer Marian Gouoh accountant Randy McDonald city editor SAL ESME Betty Armer Sheila McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor Dorothy Bowtand Bill McFarlane wire editor Werner Bergen sports Claudia Krause lifestyle Marina Quatlrocchi photographer POR John Bruce Paul Deleon Richard Dunstan Pat Guerois Freda shinner Scott Haskins Karen Atkinson Rudleigh Machan Peppy Chapell Sue Burke Dona Homewood The Barrie Scene By KEN WALLS IT IS hristnias Time again This is the season of the year at which earth and heaven somehow seem nearer than any other time is season of gentleness and love Han hearts are softened Even mine Old grudges are forgotten There is more unselfishncs now more consideration for others MAtllt SEASON hristmas might almost be called so splendid are the changes wrought by it Christmas itself is magic word which when spoken invites joyous thoughts and renewal of the soul What is the explanation of it all First is the hild of Bethlehem Second is the giving of gifts THERE IS third magic perhaps the most powerful of all Christmas music It too derives from the first magic for the music tells the hristmas story tells it in so many lovely ways Those who sing alid those who listen are carried to the very site of the Nativity little town of Bethlehem How still we see thee lie Above thy deep and lrcamless sleep The silent stars go by llhillips Brooks 1866 From all time children have ever wielded great influence at the season of Christmas There is ever the demonstration of the old philosophy little child shall lead them Of all the years festivals hristmas belongs peculiarly to the children Ilow for weeks The world today I4 Iiy JOIIN IIAItBItON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Canada has certainly had much better days in foreign policy formulation than the sham bles this week in Parliament about South Africa External Affairs Minister lon Jamicson announced Canada will end direct come mercial relations with South Africa by clos ing its two trade offices and recalling the trade commissioner in the Canadian embassy to South Africa In the same week catllcinaii Jack Hunter who still makes lousy minister of industry trade and commerce blurted out in Parliament that morality has nothing to do with whom we trade and do business He was joined the next lay by that once great Candian moralist the man of The Just Society Pierre Elliott Trudeau who said that murder torture abroad are no bar to trade And there you have it folks the Canadian lnterpreting the news Marx being UNITED NATIONS CP The basic tenet of Karl Marxs monumental Das Kapital written in 1867 as an extension of his earlier Communist manifesto was that the capitalist system contained the seeds of its own self destruction while Socialist system was more durable anti hence prefcrcable Modern economics appear to be proving the old lerman hiltxsopher wrong Budgetary figures placed before the Supreme SOViet in Moscow indicate that the Soviet system with the worlds second largest economic machine is just as susceptible to economic ills as those of the capitalistic West The Soviet planners announced programs for low growth rates in the key sectors of the Lyall Johnson Barb Boulton Dana Graham John Zorecky CLASSIFIED Ruth Blots supervisor Gall McFarland Vikki Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager Linda Holkes asst manager Andy Hauohton Judy Hickey Alva LaPlante Elaine Porter Gary Prinale they talk of nothing else It is for we older ones to direct this thinking and talking so that thev may have an ever growing knowledge of the true meaning of Christmas It was God our Heavenly Father who taught us the ex treme joy which comes not in getting but in giving IN ANAIAwe follow the customs of many lands British French German Ukrainian Norse Polish Italian Slovakian and others There is after all little difference in the thought that underlies the words Merry Christmas In all these countries of the world children count just as Canadian children count on the coming of Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus KRIS KHINGLE Samil Klaus in Switzerland Nigle in Lower Austria Mikulaus in Hungary all one and the same whilebearded brightly garbed jolly old chap loved of little children and for oldtyme sake loved of grown folks as well ST NICHOLAS in Belgium and Germany instead of driving Santas reindeer rides upon grey horse or white donkey On Christmas Eve children place in their shoes or stockings food for this good steedvhay carrots potato peelings apples or bread And happy the youngsters who find these eatables gone in the morning for in their places they found sweets and playthings for all who have been obedient and studious during the year In the case of naughty children the fodder is found untouched and rods are the only gift version of bloodaIloverthefloor foreign policy making What all this contradictory talk and policy formation means is that South Africa which does practice murder and torture is blacker than black if can use that metaphor while Cuba Chile arid the greatest torture expert in the business which is the Soviet Union are somehow squeaky clean where our judgment of morality is concerned Part of the reason for this dumb and con fusing announcement is that the United States may be on the verge of making the same kind of announcement visavis South Africa And Jamieson who made it loud and clear industry trade and commerce minister that USCanada trade comes first ir probably remembering that priority ISOWING It UN The open reason is that Canada at last is putting its muscle where its mouth has been relative to United Nations resolutions to boycott South Africa diplomatically and com mercially proved wrong Soviet economy including the smallest in crease in heavy industrial production since the Second World War All of this comes on the heels of difficult and disappointing year in 1976 Steel production has virtually levelled off and slowdowns in growth were forecast in output of energy and in the vital sector of con sumer goods with meat and such items as refrigerators cameras and carpets to con tinue in short supply The figures interest Western observers because they may provide clues as to what limits if any this economic stress might place on Soviet military spending and Sov1et orcign aid programs worldwide Published daily except MOTOR THROW OFF ELSEWHERE IN CANADA The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau ol Circula tions ABC Only the Canadian Press may republish news storles in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local new storles published in The Examiner Sunday and statutory holidays WEE KLY by carrier 90 cents The Examiner claims copyright on all ortqlnal news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper YEARLY by carrier $4680 BY MAIL Barrie Copyright registration number 203815 register 6t 34630 National advertising oHices as Queen St Toronto 86417l0 uo Cathcart sr SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 Montreal $39 year $3850 year Christmas is magic season and music is part of magic THE CHRISTMAS TREE which is clear to the heart of every British boy or girl originated in Germany but many of the other Christmaserkeeping nations have adopted this custom In Germany Switzerland and Sweden the Christmas tree is kept intact for some weeks usually until the 13th of January when the neighbors children are invited into plunder it To the average Swedish youngster it is matter of great pride to be invited to several plunderings SOME OF THE above information was passed on to me by dear lady of Barrie birth gacious lady who served as nurse with the Canadian Army during World War There was much more interestin about Christmas Customs in Other Lands which was written for this newspaper back in the almost forgotten days of my youth But space is not available HAVE BEEN taking brief sabbatical from writing but the publisher is as gracious as his wife is charming So have returned to some action Christmas is the day quarrels cease to be remembered and old dislikes set aside It is the day when friendship triumphs over pride the day when rights and wrongs are both forgotten the day of homecoming of cementing all those ancient ties of love and atilude ngOULD NOT this troubled world be jolly old place to live in if everyone was as happy and contented as they appear to be at Christmas time Canada has had better days in formulating foreign policy And there is certainly great gang of liberal and even brutal Third World govern ments behind these resolutions with whom we have allied ourselves even more closely and where trade is minimal compared with the aid we now give them Look at some of thin Uganda under the bloodiest black leader of modern history the Central African Empire whose meglonianiacal military president has elevated himself to emperor at cost of about $10 million Algeria under president fier cely opposed to Egypts peace moves and the paranoid president of Libya who bankrolls the worlds terrorists What crowd and what great prospects for trade and business development compared with the aggressive South Africans This columnist has been as critical of South African racism as just about all others in Canadian ournalism But was on the side of confus South African foreign minister in his revealing interview with Barbara From on the radio program As It Happens He wanted to know how Canada could all of sudden become so moral about South Af ricas social roblems when our own in digenous peopes remain stripped of their rights and their lands Mr Botha was historically correct when he said the white South Africans took no lands from anyone When they came to the Cape in the 16508 the black tribes did not live in the fertile coastal regions where the Dutch first settled SIIARI WAS SIIAIIIEI It all makes one yearn for the smmth way in which the former external affairs minister Mitchell Sharp liked to put this problemthat if we stop xi trading with all the countries in the word who have strong man governments we would be trading with the US Scandinavia Western Europe and small parts of the Commonwealth Who would have thought Mitchell Sharp we need you now The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors In advertisements beyond the amount paid far the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error ls due to the neqllgence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Queens park Premise confirmed By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Former Ontario New Democratic Party leader Don MacDonald has come out strongly and publicly for Ian Deans in the partys leadership race He did this in letter circulated to NDP supporters throughout the province which was also endorsed by 14 other members of the 33member caucus Of the balance seven members are repor ted to be backing Mike Breaugh three Michael Cassidy and the others went non committed with retiring leader Stephen Lewis and Speaker Jack Stokes having de clared that they wont formally support anyone It is generally accepted tha this confirms the premise observers have held that Deans is the man to beat in the leadership LABOR KEY This is probably true but it doesnt by any means assure that Deans is Shooin Members in all parties exert an influence at leadership conventions But this could apply less to the NDP than the other two parties One reason is that most NDP constituencies tend to be split between left and radical ele ments And the sitting member often cant deliver his delegates the way Conservative or Liberal can Then and more important the tradeunion vote is the key in the NDP It is sparsely rep resented in the NDP caucus although Bob Mackenzie of Hamilton East the most prominent laborite is Deans campaign manager MACDONALD STRENGTH There are those that feel MacDonalds per sonal support is strong asset But this can be questioned MacDonald himself wasnt that good leader as the results show For 12 years and three elections he was dismal He returned with three members in cluding himself in 1955 five in 1959 seven in 1963 and finally in 1967 when John Robarts was slipping and admitted it he came back with 20 seats All this time the Liberals were steadily gaining After 1967 the party dumped him He undoubtedly still has some influence you still hear the occasional demand that he be brought back as leader but also it robably isnt nearly as strong as some lieve Inadvertently in his letter the former leader puts finger on his own failings and those that can be identified with Deans The three favorable points he mentions about his candidate are that he has leader ship capacity the energy and resilience to cope with the job and the experience to avoid unnecessary mistakes This is profile of demagogue There is not word about policy the ability to think it and develop it Surely this is prime attribute of leader ship Yet the only thing MacDonald had to say about Deans supposed leadership capacity was that he had backgound as party house leader extensive other work in the house and boundless energy and willingness to take riding association and tradeunion meetings all over the province Canadas story War ended on Dec 24 By BOB BOWMAN Christmas Eve is the most exciting time of the year with the possible exception of Christmas Day Theres an expectancy of joy and goodwill So many people make extra ef forts to see that others have some share in the tangibles of Christmas It is the time when most people pray for peace on earth goodwill toward men There was an occasion in Canadian history that exem lified this spirit The use ess War of 1812 had dragged on for more than two years It was really between Britain and the US but Canada was the bat tleground Both Britain and the US wanted to end the war Their delegates began meeting in June 1814 and negotiations continued until Dec24 at Ghent in Belgium Agreement was reached as church bells began ringing the joyful advent of Christmas Day 1814 One of the American delegates John Quin cy Adams who later became president pro posed toast Ghent the city of peace Ma the gates of the tem le of Janus here close not be opened again or century His WISII has more than come true The War of 11112 was the last time Britain Canada and the US fought each other There were some narrow escapes during the remainder of the century but the problems were always resolved May the gates of Janus remain forever closed happy Christmas to all OTHER IIE2I EVENTS l771Samuel Ilearne discovered Great Slave Lake during his trip from Hudson Bay to mouth of Coppennine River IBMFirst smelterfurnace went into operation at Copper Cliff Ont